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Since the 21st century has been ushered in, the rise of Asian developing countries as a whole has greatly reshaped the political and economic landscapes of the world. As an Asian country, while endeavoring to realize its dream of national rejuvenation, China has also proposed to cooperate fully with its Asian neighbors to jointly build peace, stability and prosperity in the region.  相似文献   

World Geopolitics and China's Choices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the beginning of the 21st century, international geostrategic thinking has experienced two important changes. First, the rise of the Asia Pacific region as a global economic power has shifted the world geopolitical center of gravity from the Euro-Atlantic region to the Asia Pacific region at an ever increasing speed. Second, globalization along with Asia Pacific's rise has shaken up world geopolitics. Traditionally, geopolitics centered on power struggles and preparations for war but this is now dying out. New geopolitics emphasizes global interdependence and cooperation. These changes provide a rising China with new opportunities. They are creating favorable conditions for the nation in its ascendance. China now needs to formulate a new geostrategy.  相似文献   

Is a rising China good for the stability and integration of the Asia-Pacific region? The dominant point of view in the Western world is a resounding no. However, that realist point of view, based on the very different experiences of Europe, is not appropriate in the Asia-Pacific context. Area studies are a useful tool to achieve a better understanding of the Asia-Pacific situation. This paper attempts to prove that a rising China will be good for the stability and integration of the Asia-Pacific region through the lens of historical, economic and security analyses. First, history shows that once China is strong and stable, order of the Asia-Pacific region is preserved. Second, with China's economic cooperation with neighboring countries, especially after its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's economic integration with the Asia-Pacific region has been enhanced. Third, regional security has been assured by a peaceful and strong China. Finally, the paper comes to the conclusion that a stable and strong China is beneficial for the overall stability and integration of the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

正In 2013,under the circumstance of meager recovery and continued sluggish economic growth of the whole world,China’s economy still maintained a growth rate of 7.7 per cent and the economic aggregate jumped onto a new stage-it was predicted that the share of China’s economy in the global aggregate could exceed 12 per cent compared with only 2% in 1980.The status of China as an important global economic power has been entrenched and the rise of the manufacturing  相似文献   

In the post Cold War era, the world has witnessed the gravity shifting towards the East-Asian region. Meanwhile, increasingly challenged by the emergence of China and the essential changes in the world's economic center of the American traditional status and role have been development of the national normalization of Japan,  相似文献   

What impact does a shift in the global distribution of power have on the international order? According to the views of traditional realists, power transitions in the international order are usually accompanied by major wars, the best example being the two world wars of the twentieth century. China's peaceful rise is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and Pacific regions. The steady rise of China's position and its role in dealing with international and regional problems have proved China's success in "cooperative security". This paper analyzes the security order in the Asia-Pacific region1 that China wants to construct to provide important guarantees to its peaceful rise. Firstly, I review and compare key arguments about the transition of international systems and China's Asia-Pacific strategy, Secondly, I investigate the dynamics between China's peaceful rise and the "cooperative security" which I think are the collective embodiments of modem transformation and the restructuring of China's traditional strategic culture. Thirdly, I examine how to construct a mechanism of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region to guarantee China's peaceful rise on both political and economic levels. Economic cooperation and free trade in Asia-Pacific region is an important route to regional economic integrity which will guarantee China's role in maintaining the political and economic security in the region.  相似文献   

The first decade of the 21st century has been an important period for Latin America’s modernization. In the face of rapid economic globalization and a changing global order,most countries in the region have been carefully reflecting on their development paths. After a decade of adjustments and reforms,great changes have been seen in terms of politics,economics,society,and diplomacy. Many governments in the region are also facing serious challenges. The next decade will therefore also be a key period for the...  相似文献   

India's economy scored remarkable advancement in recent years. The average annual growth rate reached 8%, peaking at 9% in 2007-2008. At this speed, the economic gross of India will surpass that of Japan by 2032, making India the third largest economy just after the United States and China. Meanwhile, India has been building up its military strength. It has an army of 1,300,000 men, the third largest in the world. It not only has deterrent nuclear weapons and a large number of advanced missiles, but also a team of aircraft carriers. Its national defense budget has grown by 30% since 2000. In 2007 this budget reached US$28 billion, an 11% increase from the previous year. The rapid growth of economic and military strengths lays a solid foundation for India's quick rise. However, its genuine rise also has to be backed up by a strong soft power.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia is an important region in China's neighboring diplomacy and the focus has been on its good neighbor policy.After China andASEAN set up a dialogue-partnership in 1991, their relations have progressed substantially.China now has a strategic partnership with ASEAN and has also taken the initiative in building good economic, trade,security and cultural ties with ASEAN member states.China is currently ASEAN's largest trading partner, while ASEAN is China's third largest trading partner.Beijing, however, has mostly ignored security ties and cultural exchanges with the region over economic cooperation.This has led to a number of security issues and perception problems that have gradually hindered bilateral ties.Most recently, China changed its Southeast Asia policy after holding the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Neighboring Diplomacy Work Conference, and recent visits by China's top leaders to regional countries.These changes will form the foundation of a grand blueprint for the future development of Sino-ASEAN relations.  相似文献   

With growing globalization, regional integration has witnessed a new round of development with a strong momentum. In recent years, in Latin America, a region that started regional integration earliest among the developing countries, regional integration has been advancing steadily. All kinds of regional and sub-regional cooperation organizations have been strengthening dialogue and exchanges in the political, economic, trade, energy, financial and other fields. Regional cooperation is further enhanced. Latin American integration is in a period of relatively sound development.  相似文献   

The history of Europe has always been closely linked with the rise and fall of Germany during the past century or so. In Europe, the "Germany Issue" has all along been an important issue of universal significance to various countries in the region. After experiencing successive onslaughts of global financial crisis and sovereign-debt crisis in Europe, situation in Europe has been undergoing a number of major changes, among which the most striking one is Germany asserting itself as Europe' s No.1 power in the wake of the crises. Therefore the fate of the Euro Zone and the future of the European integration will invariably hinge on Germany. No other European country can play a more important role in the future development of Europe than Germany. In this sense, today's Germany is bringing forth once again the "Germany Issue" in Europe.  相似文献   

Battlefield for Strategic Rivalry
In recent years, the Asia-Pacific strategic configuration has entered a stare of in-depth readiustments. The relative decline of the United States,China's rapid rise, Russia's fast revival and Japan's quickening step toward a "normal country" have combined to turn regional multi-polarity into a reality. Not surprisingly, the world' s strategic structure has begun to focus on the region, with intensifying rivalry among major countries centered on economic competition and aggravating geopolitical game conducive to a security dilemma. As a matter of fact, U.S.-Japanese provocations have been at work in tuming regional hotspot issues into tools for such a game. As a result, escalating security threats to China in the East and South China Seas are converging into potential risks of collision and conflicts with other contenders.  相似文献   

China’s economy has soared to be world’s second largest, while its peaceful rise has been increasingly constrained by the global economic order. Regionally, directed by the U.S.’s rebalancing policy in Asia, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is changing the direction of economic cooperation in Asia.  相似文献   

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the nation has paid a great deal of attention to economic diplomacy. In particular, since the launch of the reform and opening-up policy and its accession to the World Trade Organization, China has made great achievements in economic diplomacy, which has grown and improved in terms of patterns, objectives and contents. In the 21st century, globalization offers both opportunities and challenges, and international economic cooperation and competition have played an important role in foreign relations. Economic diplomacy has been increasingly important in terms of diplomacy. As we encounter new problems and face new challenges, we urgently require new breakthroughs in economic diplomacy.  相似文献   

It has been a controversial issue in the past thirty-odd years in academic circles at home and abroad whether China’s economic rise as a unique development model sustains and supplements the world system or brings an end to it. This article makes an analysis of the basic features of the three historical stages of the world system established 500 years ago from the perspective of the relationship between the world system and the rise and fall of countries. The analysis finds that the stages of mercantilism (1500-1750/1800), liberal economy (1800/1850-1914/1945) and mixed economy (1945-2030) were mainly based respectively on “geographical discovery” and “colonialism,” “industrial revolution” and “free trade,” and “economic globalization” and “system innovation.” For the above-mentioned reasons, “geographical discovery,” “international trade and finance,” “science and technology” and “international institutions and mechanisms” are the four fundamental driving forces that the world system has depended on for its existence for 500 years. The world system provided a context for the rise and fall of each individual country in the past 500 years, while the economic success China has achieved in the past three decades mainly benefits from its constant integration into this world system still in existence today. Therefore, the challenge to China in its future development will come, to a great extent, from the world system and its impact on China’s domestic politics, economy and social structure.  相似文献   

Since the emergence of the global financial crisis, the focus of world energy consumption has been shifting eastward, the exploitation of shale gas and other unconventional oil and gas resources has been accelerating, and the westem hemisphere has unexpectedly become the location of new energy, thus diversifying the intemational energy order. This has also led to a new geopolitical landscape and has had an impact on climate negotiations. The rise in global energy consumption,  相似文献   

Economic and trade relations play a significant role of engine in driving forward the strategic partnership between China ana the European Union (EU). Although the financial crisis has given rise to global trade contraction and investment stagnation, and Europe also suffers the attacks of sovereign debt crisis, the economic and trade relations between China and Europe have shown considerable resilience thanks to the economic stimulus packages of both sides.  相似文献   

Asia’s rise has caused waves in terms of both geopolitics and the global economy in the 21st Century. Its rise is also poised to heavily influence future global growth. Many scholars are talking about the eastwards migration of global power and debating who will emerge as a leading power in Asia. While the rise has caused rifts in regional cooperation mechanisms it has also created many channels for Asia’s development path. How should we look at Asia’s rise? How can we ride these changes and how can we create a win-win situation for all Asian countries? How do we ensure that Asia has a bright future? These questions merit the careful attention of academics in political and economic fields in China, Asia and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

In the years since 9/11, there is no doubt that the emphasis of U.S. global strategy has been on counter-terrorism and the war in Iraq. During this period of time, the U.S. investment in strategic, political and military resources in the Middle East, Iraq, and the war on terror, which are the top priorities on the list of Bush's foreign policy, has been far greater than in any other fields. However, there are some in the U.S. who believe that China's rise has been much ignored by the U.S., due to the global war on terror (GWOT), and that America should, in fact, be focusing more on China, not the Middle East. However, as we see it, China has by no means been ignored by the U.S., neither has China's rise been the result of U.S. ignorance.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to analyze the rise of state power in the light of spatial economic shifts and examines the historical context of China's rise and challenges facing it. In world history, only countries that were spatial economic hubs have been able to enjoy prosperity over centuries. China is not yet such a country, despite its persistent efforts. Nor is China likely to become an economic hub in the foreseeable future. China is under mounting pressure from new economic demands posed by shifts in the geo-economic status of the U.S.. The fact that the global economy thrives along coastlines also causes problems for China, a country with a long coastline and a vast hinterland, creating rifts between northern and southern China, central and local governments, and different provinces. All these factors might well hinder China's development in the future.  相似文献   

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