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The world situation, as always complicated and volatile, has seen some “new particles” after the war on Iraq. This is a special war that has affected the whole world. The course and consequences of the war have exemplified the fever pitch of the U.S. unilateralism and the heavy cost thus paid by the U.S. They have also resulted in the changes of relations between major powers,  相似文献   

I.AturbulentsituationinIraqhadkeptdeteri-oratingalongwithrepercussionsof″prisonerabuse″story.WhilepoliticalreconstructionmadesomeprogressdissociationappearedintheU.S.-ledallianceregardingstationingtroopsinIraq.CombatsbetweenIraqiclericmilitantsandforeigncoalitionforceswereexpandingandfiercefightingsoccurredinseveralmajorcities.MorethanonehundredAmericasoldiersdiedinAprilsettingasingle-monthrecordsinceIraqWarbrokeout.Ab-ductionofforeignhostagesroseoneafteranotheraccompaniedbyfrequentterro…  相似文献   

Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), I'd like to express my warm welcome to all of you present here at the 7th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights. In 1999, Gerhard Schroder, the German Chancellor and his then Chinese counterpart Premier Zhu Rongji reached the consensus on the comprehensive legal dialogue between the two countries.R especting and listening to each other's viewpoints and finding outthe com m on points and differences in the discussio…  相似文献   

This article provides a new theory of hot pursuit—the use of military force by a state against a nonstate actor across borders—in international relations. Drawing from the literature on civil-military relations, I argue that attitudes on limited use of force in peripheral areas will vary between civilian and military, with the latter preferring to treat hot pursuit as a policing operation, whereas the former will treat it as a military one. The logic of my argument is that militaries are oriented structurally and culturally to fight conventionally and against state near-peer adversaries. Threats emanating from nonstate actors, while at times perceived to be existential, require “pin-prick”-style targeted airstrikes, raids by commando forces, or policing operations along a state's periphery. I draw on an original dataset of “hot pursuit” (1975–2009) I collected and examine two recent case studies: India's hot pursuit of ethnic militants into Myanmar and Turkey's pursuit of Kurdish militants into Iraq and Syria.  相似文献   

人权非政府组织与联合国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡拓  刘贞晔 《国际观察》2005,16(1):40-46
在二战以来的国际人权政治发展中 ,人权非政府组织与联合国已形成了日益紧密的合作关系。一方面 ,人权非政府组织积极地借助联合国来扩大自身的影响 ,并对主权国家施加更大的压力 ;另一方面 ,联合国为拓展人权事务在资源、信息和机构运作等方面也积极地倚重人权非政府组织的活动支持。人权非政府组织与联合国的这种紧密合作 ,导致了人权非政府组织对联合国人权事务和人权机构的渗透、联合国人权机构人事上的交叉任职以及复杂的国际多边人权干预 ,从而形成了包含人权非政府组织、主权国家与联合国在内的复杂三角政治关系  相似文献   

曾强 《亚非纵横》2003,(1):40-44
11月20日,在尼日利亚北方的卡杜纳州首府卡杜纳市,穆斯林与基督徒之间爆发了大规模宗教暴力冲突。截至27日,该市已有22座教堂和8座清真寺被焚毁,250人死亡,600多人受伤,6000多个家庭无家可归。这场大规模宗教流血冲突的“导火索”虽然是《今日报》刊登的一篇有关主办“世界小姐”选美大赛的评论文章,但从更深的层次来观察,问题绝非如此简单。  相似文献   

“软权力”是国际关系理论中的一个重要概念, 对我们分析国际关系和实现国家利益 都有很大帮助。在今天的国际政治中, “软权力”变得越来越重要。国内探讨“软权力”的文章有一 些, 但还没有比较系统地探讨“软权力”的著述。如何理解关于“软权力”的理论, 它有哪些基本特 征以及怎样从国际关系现状的角度分析“软权力”理论的现实意义, 这对深化当代国际关系理论的 研究是十分重要的  相似文献   

经济的发展、文明的进步、相互依赖的加深,尤其是世界范围内新媒体推动不同文化融合与冲突,使得个人权利的主体地位进一步固化,国际社会在保护最基本人权的责任方面存在一种最低限度的连带一致性,使“保护责任”的强度和宽度不断增加。  相似文献   

The role of Great Powers in processes of secession and recognition has attracted increasing attention from scholars in recent years. This analysis examines how Britain rallied international opposition to the November 1983 unilateral declaration of independence [UDI] of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” [TRNC]. The British Government tried hard to prevent the UDI. Once it occurred, Britain led efforts to condemn the move. It resulted in United Nations Security Council Resolution 541, which declared the TRNC illegal and called on states not to recognise it. As well as exploring the diplomacy behind the counter-secession efforts, this examination also answers a long-standing question as to whether any countries aside from Turkey ever recognised the TRNC. It also challenges the widely held view amongst Greek Cypriots that Britain invariably supports the Turkish Cypriots on the Cyprus Problem.  相似文献   

徐坚 《国际问题研究》2023,(4):36-63+136
世界大变局背景下大国博弈加剧,国际政治在权力政治的道德困境与道德政治的权力困境中越陷越深。国际政治陷入思维困境的一个重要原因是人们长期以来混淆了前现代国际关系和现代国际关系的本质差异,即前者是权力政治,后者是权利政治。权利政治是现代社会的产物,是推动国际政治发生现代性转变的强劲动力,这在国际关系史和政治思想史中得到充分证明。以威斯特伐利亚和约为标志,17世纪是国际政治从前现代转向现代的历史分野。威斯特伐利亚体系将现代性价值观和权利观注入国际政治,围绕国家主权构建起一个现代国际法体系,确立了现代国家主权的合法性、权力边界和主权间平等关系,塑造了一个基于契约关系的国际权利政治社会。权利政治被注入国际政治后,权力的滥用和野蛮生长受到越来越多的制约,国际政治生态逐步从野蛮走向文明。同时,权利政治也使国际政治变得更加复杂,价值观和意识形态因素在国际关系中的影响力上升,国际冲突越来越多地表现为权利冲突,权利冲突可能转化为权力冲突,权利包装下亦可能隐藏新型强权政治。权利政治为超越当前国际政治的思维困境提供了出路,也体现了当代国际政治学科的理论突破方向。  相似文献   

美国在非洲的“人权外交”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“人权”是美国推行其价值观、维护国家利益的一个有效武器以及实现其全球战略的一项重要措施。非洲作为美国全球战略大棋局中一个不可或缺的重要依托,也是美国推行“人权外交”的重点区域之一。本文从人权与南非种族隔离制度、人权与非洲民主化、人权与非洲经济发展三个方面的联系来剖析美国对非政策中“人权因素”的两面性本质,指出美国对非“人权外交”的出发点和实质是捍卫其价值观和国家利益。  相似文献   

From July 6 to 7,2004,co-sponsored by Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU),China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany (Ebert Foundation),the 6^th Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights was held in Berlin of Germany.Mr.Liu Jingqin,head of the Chinese delegation,senior advisor of CFHRD and Vice President of Chinese People‘s Association for Peace and Disarmament,made a keynote speech at the seminar.The following is the full text of his speech.  相似文献   

一种传统的理性主义观点认为,东盟国家已经开始进行了公开坦诚的讨论,以便有效地对付诸如经济与环境等问题的挑战。构成主义者着重从那种强调了人权和民主的全球性准则转变来解释东盟发生变化的原因。 引 言 近年来东盟一直在发生变化。在东盟的年度部长会议和其它的环境中,东南亚国家都开始以一种比较公开和坦诚的态度来讨论一些共同关心的问题。如此坦诚的讨论有可能违反东盟的传统准则。东盟国家,特别是五个最早的成员国(印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国、新加坡和菲律宾),几十年来一直实行着一系列独特的外交准则——“东盟外交方式”—…  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, Mme. Herta Daeubler- Gmelin, Chairwoman of the Human Rights & Humanitarian Aid Committee of the Federal Parliament of Germany and member of parliament of SPD led a delegation to visit China from Oct. 16 to 28, and participate in the "9'h Sino-German Seminar on Human Rights" cosponsored by China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD), CAFIU and the Fredrich-Ebert Foundation of Germany. In Beijing, Mr. Huang Mengfu, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and President of CFHRD, Mr. Wang Chen, Minister of the Information Office of the State Council, Mr. Li Chengren,  相似文献   

世界正义理论均以普遍人权概念为基础,要求超越国家主权的界限.本文借助评析哈贝马斯相关理论,进而指出普遍人权概念与国家主权界限之间存在着本质性的矛盾.在评析过程中我们看到,哈贝马斯继承了霍布斯消极自由人权,也就预设了国家主权的强制性界限,但哈贝马斯却又要求去掉这一前提预设,强调人权超出国家主权,这是理论逻辑上的自相矛盾.康德对主权界限的谨慎保留,源于他正视了普遍自由权利与国家主权界限之间的矛盾,这一矛盾也是近代思想所纠合的古希腊与基督教两大传统之间尚未真正解决的深层矛盾,对它的解决恐怕要借助于西方之外的思想资源.  相似文献   

目前关于“西藏问题”有三种不同的英文译法, 表面上看来, 似乎这三种译法只是语言 的表述不同而已, 实际上, 这三种译法背后暗含着不同的立场和态度。对于这个问题, 我们要有清 楚的认识。  相似文献   

本文在对软权力内涵进行分析与梳理的基础上,对中美两国在东南亚地区的软实力状况进行了衡量与评估,同时对该评估对中国—东盟关系的启示做了简要的说明。  相似文献   

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