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China and Africa: An Initial Analysis of the Involvement of China's State-owned Enterprises in the Construction of the Three Grand Networks in Africa
Zhi Yuchen
China's cooperation with Africa in constructing the three grand networks in Africa not only reflects China's economic and trade policies towards Africa, but also meets the needs of the social and economic development in Africa. The active participation of the Chinese state-owned enterprises in such projects on the bases of their advantages not only imply their needs of internationalization, but also facilitates the state-owned capital to make contributions to China's external economic and trade strategy. This paper, based on the facts of China's investment and achievements in the construction of communication infrastructure in Africa as well as the reality of African planning and construction of communication networks, has meticulously analyzed the major concerns of the five sub-regions in Africa and talked about the significance of Chinese stateowned enterprises' participation in the construction of the three grand networks in Africa as well as the governing principles and possible routes.  相似文献   

What impact does a shift in the global distribution of power have on the international order? According to the views of traditional realists, power transitions in the international order are usually accompanied by major wars, the best example being the two world wars of the twentieth century. China's peaceful rise is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and Pacific regions. The steady rise of China's position and its role in dealing with international and regional problems have proved China's success in "cooperative security". This paper analyzes the security order in the Asia-Pacific region1 that China wants to construct to provide important guarantees to its peaceful rise. Firstly, I review and compare key arguments about the transition of international systems and China's Asia-Pacific strategy, Secondly, I investigate the dynamics between China's peaceful rise and the "cooperative security" which I think are the collective embodiments of modem transformation and the restructuring of China's traditional strategic culture. Thirdly, I examine how to construct a mechanism of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region to guarantee China's peaceful rise on both political and economic levels. Economic cooperation and free trade in Asia-Pacific region is an important route to regional economic integrity which will guarantee China's role in maintaining the political and economic security in the region.  相似文献   

Since the reforms of 1979, the subjects of China's political science studies have seen remarkable development. The article attempts a qualitative analysis of the progress made in the main fields of China's political science studies during the last decade. It deals with theories of international relations, research into strategy and security, international political economics, theories of comparative politics, China's local governance etc. There is still a wide gap between the subjects of China's political science studies and those in the rest of the world. China's academic circles should do more to air domestic issues and questions in the international academic arena.  相似文献   

With China now the world's second-largest economy,the status and role of China's think tanks have become an increasing concem.On the whole,the international status of China' s think tanks is not commensurate with the country' s current international status.The University of Pennsylvania' s The Global Go To Think Tanks Report published in 2014 said that as of August 2013,China had 426 think tanks,second only to the U.S.with 1,828.But of the top 100 non-U.S.think tanks in the world only 5 are Chinese,and in the 150 most influential global think tanks,only 6 are from China—with the rest mostly from Europe.China' s think tanks lack professionalism and influence.1 This is why China has been pushing to improve its think tanks internationally.In April 2013,President Xi Jinping proposed building a "new think tank with Chinese characteristics".  相似文献   

This paper divides China's geocultural space into global, Asian, and neighboring spheres, explores the major challenges China's geocultural policy faces in each of them, and puts forward options for China's geocultural strategy. It also suggests that the development of China's geoculture should be based on a triple-circled geopolitical pattern, and should adopt a strategy of addressing regional issues first and global issues second. China's priorities should be the building up of its own culture, the consolidation of neighboring geocultural space, promoting the geocultural integration of Asia, becoming more involved in global geocultural interactions, and enhancing China's cultural influence and status.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a tension between Europe and China in public opinion, which began in 2006 and climaxed in 2008 when the Tibet riots and the Beijing Olympics put China under the global spotlight. Europeans and Chinese view each other more negatively than in "the good old days" and there is a growing perception gap regarding the Chinese government. The media (including the Internet) and public opinion leaders (scholars, human rights activists, dissidents, politicians and diplomats) have played a part in causing this both in Europe and in China, and this paper examines their roles. This paper also identifies three reasons behind the clash of viewpoints: First, lack of common values has exacerbated Europe's fear of a rising China; second, both Europe and China use this hostility to help redefine their self-identity; third, different development needs in China and Europe have nurtured very different mindsets. In the future, the European public's interest in China will continue to grow and Europe's and China's perceptions of each other will gradually stabilize. In the long run, whether Europe will accept a rising China depends on China's ability to develop a "Chinese thinking" which suits both China's and the world's development needs.  相似文献   

While Western observers typically attribute the population's nationalist anti-Americanism largely to government propaganda or manipulation, they misunderstand the roots of anti-American behavior in China. As depicted by Peter Hay Gries in China's New Nationalism and by Michael H. Hunt in The Genesis of China's Foreign Policy, a more nuanced portrayal is in order. While the two books utilize distinct socialpsychological and historical perspectives, an integrative reading of the two suggests that popular expression is in fact largely responsible for China's anti-Americanism. At first this conclusion in favor of popular expression may seem at odds with Hunt's state-centered analysis of the roots of foreign policy. Nevertheless, after a brief summary of each book and a comparative application to the issue of anti-Americanism, the authors demonstrate that applying a comparative historical reappraisal to Hunt's study suggests that both scholarly works support the predominant role of popular expression on contemporary China's nationalist anti- Americanism.  相似文献   

Since formal diplomatic relations between China and Fiji were established in 1975, China has gradually developed its bilateral and multilateral relations with the Pacific islands countries (PICs). Especially in recent years, China has deepened its involvement in the South Pacific, and its influence in the region has been growing rapidly. Today, China appears to be one of the major players in the South Pacific region. This increased Chinese engagement has drawn wide attention in academic and political circles. While some scholars and analysts take a positive view of such an engagement, others are concerned about the rising presence of China in the region. Is China's engagement with the South Pacific a new strategic threat or not? This paper will examine the major motives underlying China's engagement with the South Pacific and analyze the implications of China's engagement for the PICs and Australia.  相似文献   

For many years, major Western countries have all along held that the rapid increase of its comprehensive national strength offers china an opportunity "to make the country rich and the army strong". In their eyes, in the late 1990s, China's military expenditure kept growing by two-digit percentage, the orientation of China's military modernization was not clear, and China's intention in national defense, the scope and composition of its army, the use of military expenditure and military deployments all remained in a "non-transparent" status. They asserted that all this had constituted challenges and threat to the surrounding countries. In raising the issue of China's military transparency, these countries did not refer to bilateral or multilateral issues, but mostly requested China to become unilaterally and all-dimensionally transparent in military affairs. They are publicizing China's military transparency either out of their belated knowledge, or lack of trust in China, or for paving the way for concocting the "China threat" theory.  相似文献   

since China first surpassed Japan in 2010 to become the world's second largest economy, the continuing friction and tensions between China and Japan has intensified around issues such as the Diaoyu Islands and the East China Sea air defense identification zone. At the end of 2013, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, the Sino-Japanese relationship was brought to the lowest point in nearly 30 years. What are the deep-seated reasons for this? What are Japan's strategic intentions? These questions are worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

As China's national power has increased, the People's Liberation .Army Navy (PLAN), which constitutes China's maritime forces,has engaged in increasingly frequent exchanges with the navies of other countries while undertaking the pivotal task of safeguarding China's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, as well as advancing China's national interests overseas. Meanwhile,  相似文献   

The China studies program emerging in Brussels, the heart of European Union (EU), is the natural outcome of China's newly established prominence on the world stage. Brussels' China studies, compared with China studies in America and European countries, is unique. Knowing the history and the development of the current status of China studies in Brussels, we can do better in promoting not only China studies there, but also improve EU-China relations through Brussels' universities and institutes.  相似文献   

China's large-scale investment in Kazakh oil and gas resource development ushered in a new era of China-Kazakhstan bilateral trade in the late 1990s. This lifted cooperation between China and the five countries in Central Asia to a new level, opening the China-Central Asia energy channel and bringing the "Silk Road economic belt" into being. Central Asia and China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, areas which are both abundant in renewable energy, should fully utilize their geopolitical advantages as neighbors by means of Xinjiang's rapid growth. Projecting a twin-track mechanism of developing both renewable and non-renewable energy resources is of great significance to both China and Central Asia.  相似文献   

The December of 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of China's initiation of the reform and opening-up policy and the 30th anniversary of the publication of the China-U.S. Joint Communique. It is not an accidental coincidence. The normalization of China-U.S. relations enjoyed a very significant status in the general openingup blueprint painted by Mr. Deng Xiaoping. It would be beneficial to create a favorable external environment for China's modernization drive; and the U.S. would possibly become an important partner for economic cooperation with China. Over the past 30 years, it has been proved that Mr. Deng Xiaoping's consideration at that time was completely right.  相似文献   

As world consumption of energy grows fast, the proven petro- leum reserves are limited in today's world, and the oil price fluctuates and most often soars up sharply, energy has become a most crucial factor in the world economy and the energy security problem has increasingly become an important focus of attention for the international community. Owing to the big size and the fast growth-rate of China's economy, it is only too natural that China's energy situation, including its energy import, and its energy policy and strategy have been watched closely and discussed extensively by the whole world with wide-spread interest. It might be useful for this paper to give a brief account of the actual situation of China's energy production and consumption and China's relevant strategy for energy security.  相似文献   

China's new thinking about neighboring diplomacy in Asia since the end of Cold War can be analyzed theoretically from angle of international institutions. China utilizes institutionalism with great flexibility in four sub-regions-Central Asia, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, where institutional models-dominant participation, deep participation, active participation and moderate participation models have been adopted. In the four sub-regions in Asia, China has handled the presence of U.S interests well and responded reasonably to the United States' Asian diplomacy. China and the United States have therefore achieved a compatible coexistence in Asia. Compatibility and coexistence between China and the United States in Asia are the fundamental reasons that China has made progress in this new stage, and are the essence of the new thinking in China's neighboring diplomacy.  相似文献   

Asia's Golden Triangle and Golden Crescent are two of the world's largest drug-producing areas.They make about 90% of the world's opium—Afghanistan alone accounts for about 74% (2012).1 Illicit drugs production and trafficking in Asia pose a serious threat to China and the U.S..In recent years,China and the U.S.have been working closer to deal with this threat.Their cooperation,however,has not always been smooth.  相似文献   

Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean and China's Strategy Shi Chunlin The maritime routes of the Indian Ocean are of critical importance to China given perceived seurity threat in this region and China's increasing relevance of intersts. There comes to be a strategic imperative for China to step in efforts to gain a credible security reassurance in terms of substantial China's overseas energy shipments and its increasing sense of insecurity caused by the emerging conflict of interests with other powers. The author believes that China would have a better capacity to cope with any potential crisis or emergencies given defining its proactive countermeasures and taking calibrated but result--oriented operation.  相似文献   

China's Foreign Strategy: Constantly Deepening and Broadening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has been constantly deepening and broadening foreign strategy in accordance with the changes of the world situation. With the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee, the Eleventh Diplomatic Envoy Conference and the Central Economic Working Conference as opportunities, the CPC Central Committee has made a series of new explanations and judgements on China's foreign strategy in the new era. China's external work has also entered a new period of great development. China has made substantial progress in countering the international financial crisis, promoting global issues such as climate change, maintaining the steady development of relations with major global powers and solidifying its strategy of reliance on surrounding countries. China's international status and influence has scaled new heights.  相似文献   

Ibelieve that China's diplomatic strategy towards its neighbors should serve the general strategic goal of rejuvenating the Chinese nation asenvisioned in President Xi Jinping's "China Dream". It has clear precedence and should be adjusted as the situation evolves. The fundamental goals of China's diplomatic strategy, since the implementation of Reform and Opening-Up, have been economic construction and the building and maintenance of a peaceful international and regional environment.  相似文献   

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