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In September 2008, Yasuo Fukuda resigned after serving for a year as prime minister, and then Taro Aso formed a new cabinet. Due to the boycott of the opposition parties in the Diet, which wielded the majority, the Fukuda cabinet had achieved little in terms of internal affair. In foreign affairs, however, it left a deep impression by improving relations with China and advancing the New Fukuda Doctrine. As for the Aso cabinet, people were once worried that troubles might erupt in China-Japan relations given Aso's past stand. But since taking office as prime minister, Aso has kept a positive attitude toward promoting China-Japan relations and Asian diplomacy. Then what are the new considerations of Japan in its Asian diplomacy and Japan-China relations? What position do China-Japan relations occupy in Japan's Asian diplomacy? What are the tendencies of Japan's Asian diplomacy and its China policy? All these issues warrant in-depth probing.  相似文献   

Japan's diplomacy in Central Asia started in the wake of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. After years of efforts, Japan's strategy on Asia was formed and its diplomacy in Central Asia entered a stage of steady growth. Though having scored some achievements, Japan still has some marked limitations as far as its Central Asia diplomacy is concerned. In the foreseeable future, Japan will still find it hard to become a main player on the stage of Central Asia diplomacy.  相似文献   

Japan’s recent warming relations with China is a demonstration of,and continuation of,the proactive foreign policy adjustments by the Abe government.It reflects Abe’s consistent pursuit of Japan’s major-power status and pragmatic diplomacy.Under new historical circumstances,it is in both sides’common interests to foster a stable and sound bilateral relationship.  相似文献   

Japan's diplomacy related to the United Nations can be traced back to 1956 when it formally joined the United Nations. After raising the goal of becoming a "political power" in the 1980s, Japan, in order to boost its international status, has spared no efforts on enforcing its diplomacy toward the United Nations. Boasting the world's second largest economy, Japan, after the end of the Cold War, openly declared its pursuance of permanent membership of the UN Security Council and competed for a permanent seat on the Council respectively during the 50th and 60th Sessions of the UN General Assembly held in 1995 and 2005. Besides, by rallying G4, Japan also aligned with Germany, India and Brazil in jointly claiming permanent seats on the UN Security Council. Though suffering repeated setbacks, Japan has never given up its attempt in this regard.  相似文献   

japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine has escalated tensions between China and Japan that were triggered by the Diaoyu Islands dispute. Changes in the balance of power between China and Japan have caused concerns and strategic restlessness in Japan. Because of public opinion and his party's control of the House of Representatives and Senate, Abe is now eager to further his aims both domestically and overseas. That is why he said: "Now is the time for Japan to take the big step in building a new state." The U.S. supports a stronger Japan because it is looking to maintain the strategic balance in the Asia-Pacific region. Its Asia-Pacific Rebalancing strategy is bound to inflame Japan's ambitions. In fact, Japan has been actively pursuing stronger ties with the U.S. and became more aggressive over the Diaoyu Islands issue.  相似文献   

Following the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party's victory in the December 2012 election, some Japanese analysts pointed out that the new Abe/Aso Govemment would introduce rightist policies, and that as such it would be more difficult for China and Japan to improve their bilateral relations. As expected, in the past six months since its coming to power, the Abe cabinet has vigorously promoted so-called "Abe economics" and implemented a quantitative easing monetary policy that has caused a drastic depreciation of the Japanese Yen. In order to revise the "Constitution of Japan", in July 2013 it has been striving to win the election of the Senate. Externally, the new cabinet members have frequently visited foreign countries, implementing a diplomatic strategy of containing and countering China. One of its aims is to completely rid itself of the shackles of World War II and to try to reconstruct powerful military forces. The Diaoyu Islands issue has been used by the Abe cabinet to serve its domestic and foreign policy objectives,  相似文献   

1.The Korean Nuclear Issue Tests Obama's Asia Diplomacy,.by Shi Yongming, Senior Researcher, China Institute of International Studies and Guest Researcher of CPDS. Obama's Asia policy has just shown an outline of its "smart diplomacy", i.e., on the premise of sticking to the basic strategy, it attaches great importance to strengthening relationship with the newly-emerging powers and seeks to extend the U.S. influence on Asia by means of dialogue and cooperation. However, the Korean nuclear issue, which is very likely to reach a complicated and even dangerous impasse, is now testing Asia policy of the U.S. new administration. The issue is not only a strategic bottleneck that is a reflection of U.S.-DPRK relationship, but also is constrained by Japan and ROK, whose interests are closely related to the changes of the situation, as well as by some political elements in the U.S.  相似文献   

After a year's perfection and evolution, the Obama Administra- tion's New Deal in foreign policy has taken shape. A distinctive feature of the Obama diplomacy is that to maintain the leadership status in the world, the United States should use its "mart power" to achieve its foreign policy goals through multilateral cooperation and in a soft and pragmatic way.  相似文献   

former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone once said that "Japan was a country without strategies." This is not entirely true.Japan has had many definite and stubborn national strategies in the various periods of its history. For instance, Japan launched the war of aggression against foreign countries, occupied China, and attacked America. Japan also has a clear present national strategy to revive Japan under the leadership of Shinzo Abe.  相似文献   

It is of great significance to study the diplomacy and security strategies of the Obama administration which took office on 20th January 2009, not only because of the current global financial crisis but also because of Obama's "politics of change", a slogan raised by him in the campaign. How to lead America out of the seemingly "still deteriorating domestic financial and economic dilemma is not only the most important criterion for judging Obama's governance capability but also the biggest obstacle affecting the new Democrat administration's domestic and foreign policies. To analyze the adjustments of the Obama administration's foreign and security policies, we must focus our attention on how it will take corresponding measures to overcome the financial crisis and how to put its campaign slogan "politics of change" into practice. In retrospect of the Obama administration's first three-month performance, the "politics of change" promised by him has dramatically evolved into the "diplomacy of change" first. In the following sections, we will thoroughly analyze the trend of the new administration's diplomatic and security strategies on the basis of its first one-hundred-day performance.  相似文献   

Despite the repeated urging of senior American officials, the Abe government unleashed global concern and tension when it disavowed the "shelving" policy consensus that had formerly existed on the Diaoyu Islands dispute. "There has never been consensus achieved on shelving disputes", said Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Kan Yi-wei. "As far as our country's diplomatic records show, there is no such fact", said Japan Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida. These comments demonstrate the unprecedentedly hawkish diplomatic stance of Japan. Was there ever a consensus on shelving territorial disputes? If so, how did each LDP government respond and why would Abe's cabinet try everything possible to change this policy?  相似文献   

In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country has pursued a peace-oriented foreign policy. After the end of the Beijing Olympics in October 2008, China's foreign relations began to take on a new look. The country now participates more actively in global and regional issues, forging multilateral and bilateral relationships, and entering into discussions on maritime rights and military strategy. It could be said that China is now showing more initiative, independence, confidence, transparency and a greater sense of responsibility, and strengthening cooperation with all partners. These changes are mainly due to China's increasing comprehensive national strength and its need to integrate into the international system in a peaceful and harmonious manner with benefits to all. China has redefined its identity and reassessed its interests. These changes are ongoing, and the nation's diplomacy is still not perfect, but the general direction has now been set.  相似文献   

since China first surpassed Japan in 2010 to become the world's second largest economy, the continuing friction and tensions between China and Japan has intensified around issues such as the Diaoyu Islands and the East China Sea air defense identification zone. At the end of 2013, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, the Sino-Japanese relationship was brought to the lowest point in nearly 30 years. What are the deep-seated reasons for this? What are Japan's strategic intentions? These questions are worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

The Shinzo Abe cabinet took on some new thinking in its foreign policy when it started to function: it made some readjustments to the foreign policy of his predecessor Junichiro Koisumi. Abe tends to be more moderate and pragmatic in concept and action in diplomacy. He has made a good beginning with some initial achievements. As Abe and Koizumi are from the same Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) that is getting more and more  相似文献   

A new chapter began in Japan's political history when Yukio Hatoyama and his Democratic Party (DPJ) replaced the long-governing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), thus creating the long-contemplated structure of alternate rule by the two major political parties. Attaching more importance to independence in diplomacy, the Hatoyama Cabinet is expected to stand for a repositioning of its relations with the United States and make greater diplomatic efforts in Asia with the focus on building an East Asian Community so as to adapt to the evolving international relations in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

More than 20 years have elapsed since Japan put forth the slogan of marching toward a "political power" from an economic one in the mid-1980s. People find that not only Japan's economic bubble has burst but its "political power" strategy is also quite feeble. The mettle Japan held in those years to "lead the world together with the United States" has long become grievance at the current state of affair and reminiscence of the good old days.  相似文献   

What impact does a shift in the global distribution of power have on the international order? According to the views of traditional realists, power transitions in the international order are usually accompanied by major wars, the best example being the two world wars of the twentieth century. China's peaceful rise is conducive to the peace and stability of Asia and Pacific regions. The steady rise of China's position and its role in dealing with international and regional problems have proved China's success in "cooperative security". This paper analyzes the security order in the Asia-Pacific region1 that China wants to construct to provide important guarantees to its peaceful rise. Firstly, I review and compare key arguments about the transition of international systems and China's Asia-Pacific strategy, Secondly, I investigate the dynamics between China's peaceful rise and the "cooperative security" which I think are the collective embodiments of modem transformation and the restructuring of China's traditional strategic culture. Thirdly, I examine how to construct a mechanism of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region to guarantee China's peaceful rise on both political and economic levels. Economic cooperation and free trade in Asia-Pacific region is an important route to regional economic integrity which will guarantee China's role in maintaining the political and economic security in the region.  相似文献   

With the implementation by China of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China's diplomacy has undergone a great reform of profound significance, and has made outstanding achievements. China's development and its diplomacy supplement, enrich and promote each other. The former provides good conditions for the latter's development, while the latter safeguards China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, creates a peaceful international environment for the country's cause of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics, and makes remarkable contributions to the great undertaking of reform and opening-up and the Four Modernizations.  相似文献   

after Shinzo Abe became Japanese prime minister again, the nation -adopted a much tougher China policy. While Abe has continued hispredecessor's aim of trying to contain China, he has also injected confrontation into ties. Particularly when Sino-Japanese relations are at a deadlock because of territorial disputes, and despite opposition from various parties, Abe has visited the Yasukuni Shrine. Although this provocative act is the consequence of many factors, both domestic and foreign, one that cannot be ignored is the Japanese public's hostile view of China  相似文献   

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