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人类目前已经进入风险社会,外空环境保护已经成为全球性风险问题之一,其严重影响到人类的生存和国际社会的安全。风险社会中的外空环境污染具有特殊性,风险社会的来临为外空环境法律保护提出了很多挑战。以空间碎片为主要污染形式的外空环境治理,最终要依赖坚实的理论基础,适应风险社会的理念和价值观才是设计良好法律制度的先决条件。只有转变既有的法律理念和价值观,才能建构起完善的外空环境法律保护制度。世界共生理念为外空环境保护立法提供了新的价值观。  相似文献   

美国金融危机的爆发,使国际金融市场受到了严重的冲击,国际经济发展形势不断恶化。金融危机又迅速影响世界各国的实体经济,失业率上升,全球性经济衰退。中国的实体经济也受到了影响,对中国的金融市场以及社会的稳定都产生了不同程度的冲击与影响。如何迅速遏制金融危机对实体经济的影响,保持社会的稳定已是当前世界各国共同面临的问题。  相似文献   

试论危害环境罪的构成及其具体罪名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保护环境与发展经济是当今国际社会普遍关注的重大问题,它关系到全人类的前途和命运。随着国际社会经济发展,由于工业化过程中处置失当,尤其是不合理地开发利用自然资源,造成了全球性的环境污染和生态破坏,对人类的生存和发展构成  相似文献   

农村经济体系的改革没有跟上农村经济转型对金融服务不断增长的需求,农村金融问题已经成为制约农村经济发展的重要因素之一。本文从宏观和微观两个角度详细分析了农村金融体系现存的主要问题。从理论的角度分析完善农村金融体系的重要性。  相似文献   

人口发展和经济发展是人类社会发展的两大主题,两者的关系历来都是人口经济学家研究的重要问题.本文拟对国内外学者在不同的经济社会背景下提出的人口与经济发展关系的理论进行梳理和回顾,为实证研究人口与经济协调发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

农村经济体系的改革没有跟上农村经济转型对金融服务不断增长的需求,农村金融问题已经成为制约农村经济发展的重要因素之一.本文从宏观和微观两个角度详细分析了农村金融体系现存的主要问题.从理论的角度分析完善农村金融体系的重要性.  相似文献   

全球性自然灾害问题日益严重对人类的生存、经济和社会的发展都构成极大威胁。近年来,国际社会应对自然灾害问题的程度不断加深,各种制度安排经历了重大的发展和演变。自然灾害需要共同应对。中国东盟合作也顺应了灾害合作这种趋势,中泰的灾害合作更是其中的典型范例。本文就中国东盟合作背景下的中国与泰国的灾害合作进行了介绍、思考和展望,并对其作用和影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

对外资“逃离”中国的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外资撤离中国的主要原因 外资从中国撤离,是近些年中国经济发展中值得重视的问题.既与全球性金融危机有关联.也与我国长期的经济政策相关,对这一经济现象进行分析.对认清中国相关领域的经济形势十分必要。  相似文献   

岳树梅 《政治与法律》2008,1(2):114-121
随着经济全球化的到来,国际能源合作已成为世界各国普遍关注的问题.但在缺乏全球能源合作统一的国际能源合作组织、法律机制的情况下,无论是现存的全球性的能源合作组织、区域性的合作组织都仅仅从自己成员的利益出发进行多边或者双边合作,存在着相应的一些法律问题.急需构建全球能源合作的法律框架,以适应国际能源合作的需要.  相似文献   

国际经济衰退的不利影响有可能从经济领域扩散到社会领域,需要各地提高社会敏感度。 2009年将是我国经济发展遇到严峻挑战的一年。自美国爆发的金融海啸逐次冲击到实体经济,对我国经济的影响继续扩散。预计2009年上半年,全球性的经济衰退对我国经济的负面效应将继续蔓延,其影响有可能从经济面扩展到社会面。  相似文献   

黄晓辉  陈诚 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):37-41
全球化背景下,世界各国面临超国家干预经济的客观现实。超国家干预经济有霸权干预经济和国际经济机制干预两种模式。前者是传统的超国家干预模式,曾经促进过国际经济秩序的稳定和发展,但在理论和实践中均存在诸多弊端,如今已不符合国际经济发展的需要,逐渐为国际社会所抛弃;后者作为新的超国家干预经济手段,符合经济全球化发展的趋势,已被国际社会所广泛认同和接纳,理应作为未来超国家干预经济的模式。但国际经济机制干预模式仍存在诸多缺陷,应当完善其多元化设计,并推进其实现从自由化到社会化的转型,最终建立和谐世界经济环境。  相似文献   

The list of predicate crimes for the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has evolved and grown over its twenty-five year existence. The evolution of this list reflects shifting concerns among the central actors in the organisation, as well as representing a response to any ‘displacement’ activity undertaken by those seeking to avoid these forms of governance. When the scope for cooperation and compliance with the FATF Forty Recommendations was extended beyond the organisation’s membership this governance regime encountered business sectors and financial practices not readily amenable to its objectives. This paper considers the causes and consequences for the situation, as developing economy states attempt to comply with the global governance expectations of the FATF when a significant portion of the domestic economy operates ‘informally’. A frame of reference is provided, with a definition for the informal economy and the concept of displacement as used in research on criminal activity. The focus here is with the nature of the cash economy operating beyond the scope of financial surveillance with implications for the comprehensive effectiveness of the global financial governance regime. The context of informal financial practice and its separation from the regulatory structures of the state leads to a conclusion that global financial governance is limited in practice to the domain of the formal economy.  相似文献   

周珂  欧阳杉 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):66-70
绿色经济的概念为突破可持续发展机制面临的这个瓶颈在理念和方法上提供了一个新的机遇和选择,为可持续发展注入了新的活力。绿色经济体现了生态文明的理念,追求经济发展与环境保护的共赢与和谐。绿色经济的概念在当今经济全球化背景下尤其珍贵,有利于克服经济高度商品化带来的环境问题深化和危机,实现全球经济的可持续发展;绿色经济对中国等经济高速发展国家尤其重要。在中国经历了举步维艰的绿色经济目前正在获得新的发展契机。  相似文献   

Green economy aims to use economic rationality and market mechanisms to mute the most ecologically damaging effects of globalized capitalism while reviving economic growth in the global North, fostering development in the South, and decoupling economic growth from environmental decline. An archetypal application of green economy is transnational trade in ecosystem services, including reduced emissions for deforestation and degradation (REDD+). By compensating developing countries for maintaining forests as carbon sinks, this approach is meant to transcend politics and circumvent conflicts over the responsibilities of industrialized and ‘less-developed’ countries that have stymied global climate policy. However, carbon-offset trading is unlikely to result in lower greenhouse gas emissions, much less combined conservation and development gains. The troubled record of payment for environmental services and other schemes or commodification of nature illustrates that living ecosocial systems do not fit the requirements of market contracts. Disputes over proto-REDD+ projects point to the dangers that REDD+ will disadvantage or dispossess rural communities and distract attention from underlying causes of forest and livelihood loss. Two decades of all-but-futile climate negotiations have shown that global warming cannot be managed by means of technocratic expertise nor dealt with separately from the politics of inequality and the paradox of economic growth. The deceptive promise of greening with growth can blind us to these realities. Counter-hegemonic discourses to growth-centered green economy under the headings of buen vivir, mainly in the global South, and degrowth, mainly in the global North, therefore merit attention.  相似文献   

企业混合合并的竞争法分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙晋 《时代法学》2009,7(5):27-35
企业合并控制制度一直是各国反垄断法中的重要内容。随着我国经济逐步融入全球经济和市场经济的不断发展,企业合并的经营者集中越来越成为我国企业的普遍选择,其中混合合并因为便于企业实现多元化经营和经营战略转移形成效率抗辩,且一般不直接限制或妨碍竞争而与反垄断法无涉,从而形成市场和政府的双重偏好。然而通过非合作效应和合作效应分析可以得出混合合并在一定条件下也会产生反竞争效果。近年来,欧盟、澳大利亚的立法变革都明显提高了对混合合并反竞争效果的立法警觉。我国需要从竞争法视角重新审视企业混合合并,对其反垄断规制要坚持效率抗辩和整体权衡,反对弊大于利的合并,使混合合并在我国经济发展中避害扬善。  相似文献   

环境问题的全球化及其法律对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
环境问题的全球化是伴随全球经济一体化进程产生的 ,与人类对自然的传统观念和各国经济开发政策与法律的缺陷有着密切的联系。针对全球环境问题 ,各国和国际社会已经制定了大量的法律和对策 ,但由于各国不同的历史、政治和经济等背景使得法律和对策在实施上存在着问题。作为一个发展中国家的中国在履行全球环境保护义务和国际环境合作中已经起到了积极的作用 ,当然还需要采取切实可行的法律对策措施 ,在全球经济一体化的进程中逐步消除和解决全球环境问题。  相似文献   

Law and policymaking form a central theme of the global governance debate. In these times of an emerging global creative economy the debate is becoming increasingly complex as global governance is faced with serious challenges of a political, economic, cultural, environmental, social, technological and, last but not least, legal nature. Against the backdrop of a global food crisis, both in terms of food security and food safety for all, the present article explores some of the broader regulatory aspects of these challenges by looking at the regulation of food and notably novel food as engineered by the use of bio- and nano-technologies. It aims to show how the preservation of the integrity of law over time, and with it the objectives of providing legal predictability and legal certainty, are threatened by deficiencies in the institutional design of the current international legal framework as well as in the conceptual understanding underlying the legal instruments adopted by these institutions. The analysis at the international level is complemented by a brief look at the domestic level exemplified by the situation in the European Union and the People’s Republic of China against the backdrop of their attempts to formulate and successfully implement policies enhancing their competitive advantages in the creative economy.  相似文献   

李志强 《中国法律》2008,(6):8-10,58-61
当前,由美国次贷危机引起的金融风暴正在全球范围内不断蔓延和扩散.虽然中国并非此次金融风暴的重灾区,但其对中国经济的影响已不可忽视。本文主要从法治视角阐述中国应如何应对此次金融危机,以及提出如何防范今後类似金融危机的若干建议。  相似文献   

范湘凌 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):66-71
我国的劳动力市场尚处初级发育阶段,难以适应全球化背景之下市场经济快速发展的要求。因此,加强劳动力市场监管,促进劳动力市场机制的发育和完善,发挥其配置劳动资源的作用,成为中国劳动法制的当务之急。在开放的社会和世界性的经济环境下,以一种新的思维和观念来研究和探讨劳动力市场监管法律问题显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

China is experiencing a phenomenal expansion of platform economy fuelled by the advancement of information and communication technologies. It has become a global frontrunner in many sectors, including commerce, finance, and entertainment. A comprehensive law and policy narrative, however, is largely absent from English academic literature. This paper seeks to fill this gap by analysing the dynamic relationship of industrial development, policy engagement and regulation construction in one of the prime sectors of platform economy: Electronic Commerce (E-commerce). China's E-commerce market rose to global dominance shortly after its origination in the mid-1990s. This paper holds that such an expeditious ascendency is nourished by carefully designed public policies. To implement these policies, also to redress information asymmetries and other pertinacious market failures, a tailored regulatory paradigm has been instigated. This regulatory paradigm manifests a new mode of polycentric, participatory, and collaborative governance that strives to balance interest disparities between various stakeholders. The dynamic relationship exemplified in China's E-commerce market would provide a valuable indication for administering other sectors of platform economy not only in China but also across other jurisdictions that openly embrace commercial innovations in the context of information technological transformation.  相似文献   

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