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父母教育期望是预测子女教育获得的重要变量,但哪些因素影响父母教育期望却较少受到关注,特别是影响父母教育期望的文化观念因素被忽视。本文研究父母社会背景因素与作为文化观念因素的父母教育价值观对其教育期望的影响。先运用定性方法探索父母教育价值观概念的维度,再用定量方法测量教育价值观,并分析父母的社会背景因素与教育价值观对其教育期望的影响。研究发现:(1)父母对孩子上大学与上名校(原211985高校)的期望普遍较高;父母社会背景和父母教育价值观都影响其教育期望;(2)父母社会背景因素中的教育水平是影响其教育期望的主要因素;(3)父母普遍重视教育和教育的各类价值,其社会背景因素对教育价值观影响较小,但存在父母社会背景越弱势越重视教育价值的总体趋势。以上表明,父母社会背景虽然限制其教育期望,但教育价值观因为不受社会背景的限制而可能促成低社会阶层父母的高教育期望。  相似文献   

教育机会差异:城乡收入差距扩大的一个原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在关注我国城乡教育机会差异现状的基础上,分析了教育机会差异对城乡收入差距的影响,发现受教育程度差异显著地影响城乡收入差距的扩大。而且,随着市场化改革的深化,教育的作用越来越重要,并通过代际传递持续地影响今后的城乡收入差距。最后,参照国外相关成功经验,提出采取相应缩小城乡教育机会差异的措施,提高农民收入,缩短城乡居民收入差距。  相似文献   

当代中国教育自觉的发生始于回归教学。素质教育的提出及其实践深化了对教育培养什么样的人的认识,逐步开启教育中人的自觉,由此而提示着当代中国教育自觉的深刻转向。基础教育课程改革从课堂教学模式的改进与综合实践活动课程的建设,再到学生学习方式的变革,再到学校文化建设,带动了我国中小学教育的整体性变革,也带来当代中国教育自觉的进一步发展。新教育实验和新基础教育实践,着力强化了基础教育改革的整体性探索,促成当代中国教育从外在整体性改进到内在整合性提质的转变。当代中国教育自觉的进一步升华,乃是要把当代中国教育置于中华民族伟大复兴的历史发展进程之中,从培养具体的人到培养具体的中国人,以深化个体成长成人之中的民族文化认同与生命自信。  相似文献   

中国法律硕士教育的创办、发展与成就:1996-2006   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法律硕士教育创办迄今,历经初步创办、探索和积累经验以及规范化、制度化和深化改革三个发展阶段,在调整法律教育结构和类型、充分发挥政法机关作用和完善法律教育管理体制、探索应用型法律人才培养模式、更新观念和开展对外交流与合作方面取得了重要成就。今后要进一步提高认识、优化布局结构、健全管理制度、突出办学特色、建立评估机制、提高培养质量、坚持政法实务部门参与培养、以司法考试为纽带密切衔接法律职业、借鉴其它专业学位教育和国外经验,以促进法律硕士教育的发展,适应社会发展和建设法治国家的需要。  相似文献   

要解决好初任教师面临的适应与专业发展问题,还须从个体内因和环境外因全面着手,将初任教师的教育观念、人格品质、知能结构、个人生活史以及学校、家庭、社会、专业组织等因素统筹考虑,“内修外养”促进初任教师健康发展。  相似文献   

亚洲法研究始于二十世纪五、六十年代的美国,其后在欧洲、亚洲国家陆续展开。存在两种主要的亚洲法研究进路,一是以"法律与发展理论"为代表的西方法律视角;一是基于亚洲法的内部立场。美国的"法律与发展理论"经历了三个阶段的发展历程,各个阶段有其自身的特征。亚洲的亚洲法研究始于日本,韩国、中国等国家也正逐步展开,但其也存在若干困难。未来的亚洲法研究需要亚洲国家加强合作以及建立起对亚洲法的身份认同。  相似文献   

教育口述史是教育史与历史学结盟的产物,其作为一项学术实践的兴起与当代哲学的实践转向有关。教育口述史是运用质性研究方法,以教育实践活动中的人的记忆为主要对象,具有保存与解释教育史、形成参与教育史学、构建公共教育史学的学术功能。教育口述史在实践中饱受叙事真实性、可靠性的质疑,从虚假记忆与不可靠的叙述两方面来分析其效度问题,有助于更好地理解教育口述史作为一种研究方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This special issue of Psychological Injury and Law on disability presents state-of-the-art conceptualization and empirical research that will help psychologists and attorneys in the area of disability determination. This paper constitutes an introduction to and contextualization of the articles in the issue. It focuses on key advances in the field of disability research that are anticipated to move forward the practice of psychological injury and law. These new advances include the following: (1) a theoretical shift toward an integrative and dynamic biopsychosocial framework of health and disability, (2) development of complex multidimensional constructs of motivation, including primary, secondary, and tertiary gains and losses involved in disability claims, (3) increased emphasis on the perception of fairness and justice in disability claims from both psychological and legal perspectives, (4) increased understanding of the functional impact of psychological impairment, (5) inclusion of age-related factors in predicting disability, and (6) the interdisciplinary growth of this field.  相似文献   

我国医患间的"关系信任取向"明显,医生被赋予高角色期待,不同科室、不同等级医院及城乡医疗机构的医患信任水平差异显著。近年来我国医患信任水平持续下滑,具体表现为医患纠纷与暴力事件的发生频次上升、对医疗服务满意的患者比例减少、医患彼此的评价及信任度降低等方面。已有研究集中于患者人口统计特征、心理契约、医务工作者的人格特质等个体因素对医患信任的影响,注意到医患信任具有影响医患双方态度与行为以及临床疗效的功能,然而医患信任危机产生的社会心理机制、医患信任建立和维持的过程机制仍不明晰。同时,医患信任现状评估和测量指标构建还不够健全,医患信任关系的行为决策实验设计等方面还有待加强。  相似文献   

In recent decades, patriarchy has increasingly been posited as an explanation for gender differences in crime and victimization. While researchers frequently allude to the “patriarchal structure of society” or to “male domination” when discussing their theoretical perspective or findings, rarely do they articulate their conceptualization of the term. As a result, patriarchy has been used as an explanatory wild card that lacks specificity and is purported to both increase and decrease female crime and delinquency. In this paper we examine the conceptualization of patriarchy in criminological theory and research, discuss why the failure to clearly conceptualize this construct is problematic, and offer potential avenues for operationalizing patriarchy with the goal of facilitating future research on gender differences in crime.
Robbin S. OgleEmail:

The absence of strong zero-order associations between victimization and official crime rates for cities has been a puzzle for social scientists since the data for making such comparisons became available. Using the 26 large central cities for which data on both types of rates are available, we analyze the extent to which discrepancies between the rates can be accounted for by aspects of urban social structure that differ from city to city. After introducing such structural controls, we find a much closer correspondence between the two types of rates for motor vehicle theft, robbery, burglary, and forcible rape, but not for aggravated assault and larceny-theft. These results are explained by citing evidence that we have identified some critical "suppressor" variables for the former crimes (i.e., variables that are positively associated with one type of rate and negatively associated with the other). By contrast, the heterogeneous nature of the phenomena subsumed by the latter two crime categories may preclude identification of a similarly parsimonious list of suppressors. One implication of these conclusions is that cross-sectional analyses of intercity variation in official rates may produce results that are in reasonably close correspondence with what would be obtained with victimization rates for certain index crimes, provided that sufficient structural control variables are utilized.  相似文献   

The death certificate is mandated by civil law and serves as a medical‐scientific document useful for biostatistics and epidemiological research. For a variety of reasons, death certificates can be misclassified. We reviewed data from self‐inflicted deaths collected over an 8‐year period by the Forensic Institute of the University Sacro Cuore of Rome (Italy). Four hundred and thirty‐five of 2904 were classified as self‐inflicted deaths (15%). The comparison with death certificates processed by the local public health authority (ASL) and by the Italian National Census Bureau (Istat) and with the judicial investigation results available in the Italian Penal Court archive shows some discrepancies. One‐hundred and twenty‐four of 435 deaths were not considered to be self‐inflicted but due to a crime (29% overrecording suicide) with a higher reduction for women, suggesting that it is easier to confuse a murder for suicide in female cases. Any discrepancies between the mortality and crime data are discussed in details.  相似文献   

民事与商事:是否可分与是否能分李志刚:2019年10月13日,在中国人民大学法学院召开的民法典合同编分则草案立法研讨会上,诸多发言者认为,有必要区分民事合同与商事合同,尽可能在合同法分则中体现出商事关系的特点,解决二者的混同甚至错位问题。在某种意义上说,这可能也是决定此次民法典修订评价指数的一个核心要素。最核心的问题,是能否在具体条款上,实现民事规则与商事规则的区分。  相似文献   

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