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Professor Gerald Gunther famously declared strict scrutiny to be “‘strict’ in theory and fatal in fact” in 1972. Although Professor Gunther's pithy and influential slogan may have been a reasonably accurate characterization at that time, strict scrutiny in the realm of the First Amendment is now much less fatal to government regulation of expression. This article explores the beginnings of the strict scrutiny test and the underpinnings of its subsequent dilution. The article examines the multiple ways courts can avoid applying strict scrutiny and argues that compelling state interests are proliferating in a manner that is harmful to robust speech protection. It also critiques the lack of precision in narrow tailoring analysis. The article concludes that First Amendment strict scrutiny has serious weaknesses that threaten to undermine vigorous protection for expression and offers suggestions for increasing the rigor and precision of the doctrine.  相似文献   

《Law & policy》1988,10(2-3):97-166
Much research in the sociology of law seeks to play a role informing policymakers about the effects of particular policy initiatives and to participate in debates about how to use law as an instrument of public policy. The paper examines the origins of policy studies in legal realism and describes the way contemporary law and society scholars selectively appropriate aspects of the realist heritage while ignoring others. Particular attention is paid to the ways in which those scholars separate policy from politics and operate as if policy focused research were not itself political. The paper traces the pull of the policy audience and the separation of policy from politics through a close examination of several widely respected examples of sociolegal scholarship. In addition, an effort is made to assess the impact that the desire to speak to the powerful has had in shaping what constitutes acceptable scientific practice and in shaping the domain of study. The paper concludes by arguing that the sociology of law would benefit from an effort to interrogate the basic premises which inform policy debate and that such an interrogation itself requires greater distance from the policy audience.  相似文献   


Demand for mainline cultural art forms, including symphonies, opera, and jazz, is diminishing. As the arts face challenges concerning shrinking and aging audiences, reaching new consumer segments has become an imperative. The present research empirically examines how external forces related to an individual's opportunity to participate in the arts and internal variables related to motivation and ability influence audience development initiatives. In addition, the influence that these variables have on important engagement outcomes such as perceived value, loyalty, and advocacy are also evaluated. Findings offer insight for arts administrators into how consumption for live performing arts offerings can be fostered.  相似文献   

批捕听证程序初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前 ,我国刑事诉讼中批捕环节的运作并无具体程序可遵循 ,当事人的程序参与权遭漠视 ,批捕权未得到有效规制 ,因而是不公正的。基于此 ,本文提出了建立批捕事前监督程序———听证程序的设想 ,论证了其对于建立公正、高效的批捕制度的价值 ,同时提出了具体设计方案。  相似文献   

受众研究是传播研究的核心范畴。长期以来,两种完全不同的受众观左右着这一领域:即作为心理实体的受众观和作为话语实在的受众观,这两种针锋相对的受众观各有所长,但也各有所短,只是盲人摸象式的展示了一些关于受众的碎片化的观念和想象,无法解释今天发生在互联网上的受众实践。鉴于技术的偏向常常会改变受众与传播者的关系并进而影响到受众的观念和行动,因此将媒介看作是一种关系汇集和展演的空间,并就此分析技术与受众的相互建构,是更为科学的受众观。  相似文献   


The Story Slam is a trending model in participatory arts programming. This case study of the Philadelphia-based organization First Person Arts (FPA) examines the value of the Story Slam, both for individual audience members and for organizational audience development and engagement efforts. Findings explore the connection between creative agency in arts programming and audience loyalty, and between autobiographical programming and experiences of authenticity. This study ultimately examines a lack of socioeconomic and ethnic diversity in FPA's audiences, depicts how the Story Slam model naturally lends itself to the cultivation of a diverse community, and makes programming recommendations for increasing audience diversity.  相似文献   

提高司法判决的可接受性,依赖法官在判决时从独白转变为对话,佩雷尔曼、阿尔尼奥的听众理论能够提供新的研究视角。司法判决要说服听众,就必须寻找到听众认可的价值或规范作为论证起点。在司法活动中,因为现代社会价值具有多元性与不确定性等特征,所以只能以国家制定法作为听众认可的起点。在需要对法律进行阐释的领域,法官对法律的解释优先于听众对法律的理解。司法判决的结果是否具有可接受性,要看其是否符合合理性标准。合理与否需要在具体的语境与情境中探讨,为防止合理沦为主观擅断,司法判决可接受的合理性标准要受到后果主义和融贯性的双重审查。  相似文献   

In current policy debates, cities are often seen as “experience machines” in which the quantity and variety of experience possibilities are vital. The Finnish capital, Helsinki, has chosen arts festivals and other events as tools to achieve this aim. This article focuses on the way in which Helsinki's festival policy has developed and analyzes the response of metropolitan residents to the proliferation of arts festivals. The article highlights the importance of artistic quality as something both cultural policy-makers and arts audiences are looking for. Artistic excellence can thus be seen as a major contributor to the success of festivals.  相似文献   

周翔  刘东亮 《法学研究》2020,(1):171-189
文章为谁而写,是法学研究需要解决的基础性命题。从近二十年约2.5万篇法学核心期刊文章的大数据机器学习分类结果看,我国的法学研究成果呈多重目标格局,其中近三成服务于执法机关(包括行政机关和司法机关),同时也有为立法者、执政者建言献策的成果。经检验,目标受众类型的选择与论文的传播能力以及获得基金支持的机会之间有显著相关性。这一决定成果影响力大小的机制迟早会被个体习得并不断强化,成为研究者选择目标受众类型的重要因素。该机制良性运转的关键是处理好学者和实践受众的关系,保持学术研究必要的自主性,警惕学术研究在追逐发表、经济支持时被有关主体“认知俘获”。  相似文献   

电视受众的心理要求与收视习惯是复杂多变的,其变化是各种因素影响和作用的结果.要深入探讨电视受众的收视心理及其影响因素,不能单纯从观众自身及其与电视节目实际收视状况的关系来考察.应当紧密结合社会结构变迁的大背景,分析不同历史时期影响电视发展与观众收视心理的社会因素,对受众观念的变迁及受众身份的衍化趋势进行动态的把握,以揭示电视受众心理活动变化的根本动因.  相似文献   

环境问题既是一国内部亟待解决的重大问题,也是世界性难题。从普遍性与特殊性的辩证法视角切入,对中国生态文明建设的国际话语影响要素及其建构策略展开研究具有重要意义。中国生态文明的国际话语,是指中国语境下的生态文明理论话语不仅适用于本国发展,而且能够得到国际社会的理解、尊重和认同。建构一种具有国际普遍适用意义的生态文明理论话语,需要人类有足够的哲学智慧和开放的全球视野,形塑生态文明国际话语的批判性品格,强化生态文明国际话语的文化包容性,提升生态文明国际话语的实践性特色,为全球生态安全作出新贡献。  相似文献   

Pundits have recently used the term “heckler's veto” to describe instances in which vocal audiences seek to silence offensive or controversial speech by putting pressure on institutions that control the private forums that host the speech. The use of the term in these contexts, however, fails to take into account the jurisprudential nuances of the heckler's veto principle, as well as the principle's unique position within First Amendment theory. This article fills a void in mass communication law scholarship by examining the development of the heckler's veto principle in cases from the Supreme Court of the United States that discuss the persistent challenges that the heckler's veto principle presents and by analyzing the principle from the perspective of First Amendment theory. The purpose of these analyses is to distill the social values of tolerating extreme speech, and to apply those values to the governance of private forums of communication.  相似文献   

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