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有组织犯罪之比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
世界范围内的有组织犯罪令人触目惊心。我国大陆虽然还未发现大规模的黑社会组织,但是带有黑社会性质的犯罪组织已经出现并日趋严重。所谓有组织犯罪,是指三人或三人以上,按照纪律和等级永久性地结合在一起,为最大限度地获取经济利益,采用恫吓、暴力和贿赂腐蚀的方法而实施的犯罪行为。有组织犯罪与贫穷、政治腐败有着根深蒂固的联系。只有消除贫穷与腐败,才能根除有组织犯罪  相似文献   

有组织犯罪及其在我国的现状陈敏储槐植有组织犯罪,有的也称黑社会犯罪,学者对它下了各种定义,一般来说,有以下几个特征是公认的:(1)有严密的组织和帮规门约;(2)通过暴力欺诈等手段获取非法利益;(3)连续从事各种犯罪活动;(4)追求经济利益;(5)通过...  相似文献   

揭萍  熊美保 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):51-54
黑社会性质犯罪组织是一种特殊的经济组织。经济因素既是黑社会性质犯罪组织赖以生存的物质基础,也是其组织形成、存在和发展的逻辑起点。宏观上看,经济体制的缺陷是黑社会性质犯罪组织形成的直接原因。微观上看,追求最大经济利益是黑社会性质犯罪组织的内部动力。在黑社会性质犯罪组织形成的两个阶段中,使用超经济手段获取经济利益是原始积累期的主要形式,政治上的投资与经济上的洗钱则是其"漂白期"组织转型的必要手段。  相似文献   

试析有组织犯罪分子对国家工作人员的贿赂腐蚀及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贿赂腐蚀国家工作人员,是有组织犯罪分子隐瞒犯罪活动、逃避打击、继续作恶、获取巨额经济利益的有效手段.而党内存在的大量腐败现象,少数基层政权组织软弱涣散和犯罪组织雄厚的经济实力,给犯罪分子运用贿赂腐蚀手段提供了条件和可能,从而使腐败和犯罪互相利用,狼狈为奸.这在一定程度上起着犯罪催化剂的作用,直接妨碍对有组织犯罪的打击,同时也使腐败现象愈演愈烈.本文对有组织犯罪运用贿赂腐蚀手段的普遍性、客观必然性、社会危害性进行了深入分析,并提出:要从根本上防止贿赂腐蚀国家工作人员,必须有赖于我党廉政建设力度的加强和反腐败斗争成效的提高.  相似文献   

郭子贤 《政法学刊》2005,22(6):52-54
犯罪组织黑社会化,是指一般的犯罪组织与社会规范背道而驰、恶性发展成黑社会组织的过程。犯罪组织成员欲获取更大利益(尤其是经济利益)的心理需求,转变为犯罪组织的意识,推动犯罪组织去牟取最大的经济利益,即推动了犯罪组织的黑社会化,这是犯罪组织黑社会化的个体动力。犯罪组织为了生存和发展,为了满足组织成员的需要,必然追求最大的经济利益,从而推动犯罪组织的黑社会化,这是犯罪组织黑社会化的组织动力。因此,获取最大的经济利益,是犯罪组织黑社会化的根本动因。  相似文献   

“黑社会性质组织”特征及共性 “黑社会性质组织”应同时具备以下特征:(1)形成较稳定的犯罪组织,人数较多,有明确的组织者、领导者,骨干成员基本固定;(2)有组织地通过违法犯罪活动或其他手段获取经济利益,具有一定的经济实力,以支持该组织的活动;(3)以暴力、威胁或者其他手段,有组织地多次进行违法犯罪活动,为非作歹,欺压、残害群众;(4)通过实施违法犯罪活动,或者利用国家工作人员的包庇或者纵容称霸一方,在一定区域或者行业内形成非法控制或者重大影响,严重破坏经济、社会生活秩序。  相似文献   

刑事视野下的拐卖儿童犯罪分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这些年来,由于我国社会的流动人口数量越来越庞大,以及儿童的保护措施不晚上,儿童拐卖犯罪正日益猖獗。如今,拐卖犯罪又出现新的特点:犯罪的手段由简单的对儿童的诱骗方式转变为暴力抢劫或绑架等一些暴力方式来进行儿童拐卖;被拐卖的儿童大都成为犯罪人员获取利益的工具,另外,拐卖犯罪也逐渐趋于出集团化。所以如何减少这种犯罪行为已经成为社会急需研究的问题,文本就刑事视野下的拐卖儿童得犯罪行文进行分析。  相似文献   

有组织犯罪概念研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前有组织犯罪已构成对社会极为严重的威胁。何为“有组织犯罪”?国内外学者纷纷探讨、各抒己见,然而迄今在世界范围内尚无精确、统一的定义。本文在评析国内外学者对有组织犯罪概念界定的不同观点的基础上,结合我国刑事立法的有关规定和司法实践中各种有组织犯罪活动的实际情况,从动态和静态两个视角,运用耗散结构理论对有组织犯罪的概念进行了全新的界定,认为有组织犯罪是以追求经济利益为基本目标,采取暴力和贿赂为主要手段,具有组织机构的层次性、组织功能的分解协调性、组织指令的规范性和组织成员的稳定性,组织形成由低到高的有序性,实施犯罪行为的犯罪组织整体系统  相似文献   

关于惩治黑社会组织犯罪的立法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
<正> “黑社会”为外来语,即英语Under—world Society,直译为“地下社会”,主要指秘密从事卖淫、盗窃等非法活动的社会集团。在国际社会中,包括联合国预防与控制犯罪机构的官方文件中,均视有组织犯罪为黑社会犯罪。……但一般的观点认为,黑社会犯罪是有组织犯罪的最为典型的一种形态。黑社会犯罪是一种犯罪现象还是一种犯罪形式或者是一个准确的法律概念,至今并未形成人们的共识。我们认为,黑社会组织是指三人以上不特定多数人,以获取非法的经济、政治利益为目的,用犯罪的手段,按照企业化或帮会等方式组成的犯罪组织。  相似文献   

有组织犯罪是当今世界许多国家面临的最为严重的犯罪活动之一。1985年联合国第七届预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会上,将有组织犯罪、恐怖犯罪和毒品犯罪列为当今人类社会的“三大灾难”。然而,对于什么是有组织犯罪,各国由于各自国情、犯罪状况、法律规定等的不同而有着不同的理解,迄今为止,无论国内还是国外对这一概念还未形成一个确切、统一的定义。从我国的实际情况出发,参照第22届国际亚裔有组织犯罪研讨会中国代表团的发言,有组织犯罪的概念是:有组织犯罪是指以谋取经济利益为主要目的,以暴力、威胁、贿赂等为手段,通过垄断获取巨额利润,为长期犯罪而形成组织,严重危害社会的一种犯罪形式。有组织犯罪包括萌芽阶段的团伙犯  相似文献   

Drug markets and violence are often presented as inextricably linked. Yet, the use of organized violence by trafficking networks against each other and against the state is not uniform. Insights into the selective use of violence lie in disputes between crime groups over control of lucrative distribution networks and market share. Insights into the use of violence against the state lie in the efforts by criminal justice personnel to curtail the drug trade and the political goals pursued by trafficking organizations. This article discusses these arguments in the context of cocaine markets and the Americas before turning more extensively to methamphetamine in the USA and especially Japan. The latter one, understudied by scholars, offers a challenging plausibility probe for arguments addressing the selective nature of organized violence in drug markets.
H. Richard FrimanEmail:

破产法立法若干重大问题的国际比较   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
中国新破产法的起草正处于一个关键的时期。在破产法起草中存在一些关键的、重大的、有争议的问题,这些问题主要可以归纳为以下九方面:为什么要制定破产法、破产法的立法结构、适用范围、破产原因、破产管理人制度、企业重整制度、破产财产清偿顺序、金融机构等特殊主体破产以及跨境破产等。就这些内容对美国、英国、澳大利亚、德国、法国、日本、俄罗斯等国的破产法律制度以及中国目前的新破产法草案进行比较研究,可以对中国新破产法的制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports a survey of workplace violence in Hong Kong. A sizable number of the 1,198 organizations that were questioned reported that they had experienced such violence over the 2 years preceding the study, but the problem was not prevalent. In both the private and government sectors, nonphysical violence happened more frequently than physical violence, and there was a reported lack of preparedness of many organizations to deal with the violence. Compared with private organizations, government organizations experienced more coworker and customer violence, but more private than government organizations believed that workplace violence caused the loss of key employees and clients. Correlation analysis found that a subculture of workplace violence appears to emerge over time, such that the more customer violence is experienced, the more is coworker violence, and the more the nonphysical violence, the more the physical violence. These findings are discussed with reference to international findings.  相似文献   

The authors find that existing models concerning police violence are not i designed to explain variation among the states in the rates of police use ‘of deadly force. This variation correlates significantly with numerous cultural attributes of the public. The strongest correlates are with the public rates of violence. Therefore, the authors propose to moody existing modeb, and explain the police use of violence as a response to community characteristics. Where public violence is neither normative nor commonly occurrent. the police will be self-restrained. Where the incidence of violence reveals a common means of conflict resolution, the police will adopt its use. Thus, the police use of violence is a culturally determined characteristic and not a police pathology.  相似文献   

中国社会组织的法定类型包括社会团体、民办非企业单位和基金会,注销、撤销和取缔是社会组织退出的三种方式。社会组织管理机关通过不定期的大规模的清理整顿,将不符合政策的社会组织淘汰出局,有违社会治理常态。美国、英国、德国和日本社会组织退出制度各有特色,对中国具有借鉴意义。同时,《公司法》和《企业破产法》关于公司解散和清算的制度经验,也为社会组织的退出机制提供了参考。健全社会组织退出机制需要:(一)贯彻自愿性公益的理念,形成以自愿为主、强制为辅的社会组织退出机制;(二)降低社会组织准入门槛,营造宽进宽出的法律环境;(三)建立社会组织评估与预警机制;(四)明确规定社会组织退出时的相关法律责任及剩余财产的处置办法。  相似文献   

Efforts to promote the protection of, and support to, abused women have opened up new understandings concerning children who see, hear, or in other ways are exposed to men's violence against women and its consequences. On the basis of a redefinition of children exposed to violence into children subjected to violence, some important policy changes have recently been made in the Nordic countries as regards children's status as crime victims. To enable a better understanding of the context of such changes in policy, this article explores the extent to which Nordic women's shelter/crisis centre organizations and children's rights organizations draw upon a justice discourse in relation to the issue of children exposed to violence. The analysis is based upon a study of 10 organizations working at a national level in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):759-789

Using a sample of 125 homeless male street youth, we examine the formation of values that support violence and how these attitudes influence violence under different situational conditions. Findings indicate that abusive backgrounds, anger, violent peers, and the successful use of violence as a conflict management strategy are important in understanding the acquisition of values that support violence. These subcultural values in turn make street youths more sensitive to harm in dispute situations, and leave them more likely to demand reparation for harm and to persevere and use force to settle disputes. These youths are more likely to become immersed in disputes in which conflict is intense and which involve male harmoders. Finally, they are more likely to escalate conflict in public places. We discuss findings in terms of experiences and expectations that these youths bring to social interactions.  相似文献   

The defense of necessity, also known as the ??choice of evils,?? reflects popular moral intuitions and common sense: sometimes, breaking the rules is the right??indeed, the only??thing to do in order to avoid a greater evil. Citing a classic example, mountain climbers may break into a cabin to wait out a deadly snow storm and appropriate the owner??s provisions because their property violations are a lesser evil compared to the loss of life. At the same time, this defense contradicts the fundamental principles of criminal responsibility in that it authorizes violation of rights of innocent bystanders. By allowing the mountain climbers to override the property rights of the cabin owner, the defense effectively forbids the cabin owner to use force in response??a different rule would perpetuate violence. This outcome is at odds with the basic criminal law doctrines. There is no general duty to rescue in Anglo-American law. Yet, by forbidding the cabin owner to use force, the defense of necessity essentially imposes on him the duty to forego his interests in favor of those of the mountain climbers. The paper explores the origins and boundaries of the defense of necessity. It argues that the existing public and private theories of necessity are unsatisfactory and concludes that a viable theory of necessity should be able to explain why it is sometimes permissible to override individual rights of citizens without their consent or fault.  相似文献   

《Criminal justice ethics》2012,31(3):158-174

The institution of war is the broad framework of rules, norms, and organizations dedicated to the prevention, prosecution, and resolution of violent conflict between political entities. Important parts of that institution consist of the accountability arrangements that hold between armed forces, the political leaders who oversee and direct the use of those forces, and the people in whose name the leaders act and from whose ranks the members of the armed forces are drawn. Like other parts of the institution, these arrangements are responsive to changes in military technology and needs, to geopolitical facts, and to moral and political norms. In particular, they are sensitive to the forms that military organization takes. Since the emergence of modern states in Europe some 500 years ago, there have been three main such forms: private providers—in the form of mercenaries, in early modern Europe—then professional standing armies, which in turn developed into citizen armies. Although elements of the three organizations have coexisted in many armies, the citizen army model has dominated until recently. That model brought with it a particular conception of the accountability relations between the army, the state, and the people. The state had authority over and directed the army, which was accountable to it. In turn the state was accountable for its use of the army to the people, on whose behalf it acted.

The dominance of state authority over the military is now under strain, with the professional and private elements—in the form of private military and security companies (PMSCs)—having increasing importance. As those elements increase in power and presence, so it becomes more difficult to make the state accountable to the people for its use of the military, and more difficult for the people to act as a restraining force on the way in which the military used.

In this essay, I outline and assess these developments—with particular emphasis on the emergence of PMSCs—in the light of a liberal view of (political) violence. The essay focuses on the situation in the United States, which possesses by far the most important military force in the world today, and in which the use of PMSCs is most developed. The paper has three main sections and a brief conclusion: the first section sketches the liberal view of violence and its implications for organizations dedicated to its use; the second outlines the salient characteristics of the three historically dominant forms of armies; and the third looks at the current situation in which the three forms coexist uneasily.  相似文献   

This article develops an imbalance theory to explain physical violence against women in intimate relationships in South Africa. The theory proposes four typologies: dependence, compensation, submission, and transgression, through which imbalances in resource contribution and power distribution between spouses are hypothesized to contribute to violence. The dependence hypothesis suggests that economic dependence of the wife will lead to more violence. The compensation hypothesis argues that the husband will use force to compensate for his inability to live up to the male-provider norm. The submission hypothesis suggests that violence will increase due to the submission of women in male-dominated families. Finally, the transgression hypothesis argues that men in female-dominated families will use force to punish their wives for supposedly transgressing the gender norm of male dominance. Empirical evidence provided some support for the dependence, submission, and transgression hypotheses.  相似文献   

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