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王程涛 《法制与社会》2013,(16):128+134
恐怖主义犯罪是一种国际性犯罪,需要世界各国刑事司法机关的通力合作。其刑事管辖在国内法和国际公约中均有规定。正确把握国际法中确认的刑事管辖原则,并充分运用国际法的基本原理去解决因恐怖主义犯罪管辖冲突引发的国家之间的法律争端,对于正确的维护国家的司法利益非常有意义。本文从国际法和国内法两个层面对恐怖主义犯罪的刑事管辖问题略作研究。  相似文献   

我国区际刑事管辖冲突是在"一国两制"原则和港澳高度自治的前提下产生的刑事管辖冲突。本文简要论述了区际刑事管辖冲突的概念,对我国区际刑事管辖冲突问题的产生原因进行了分析,提出解决我国区际刑事管辖冲突的几点建议,希望对解决我国区际刑事管辖冲突问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

网络犯罪刑事管辖权研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭隽华 《行政与法》2007,(8):114-116
网络空间的全球性、开放性、不确定性和非中心性,使存在于网络空间的网络犯罪对传统的刑事管辖提出了挑战,传统刑事管辖理论似乎难以统领各国网络犯罪管辖实践。对传统刑事管辖理论进行全方位反思,探讨和研究网络犯罪刑事管辖权对理论和实践都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国海峡两岸刑事管辖冲突在法律上体现为《刑法》和《刑事诉讼法》两个层面的分歧。互涉刑事案件引发双方管辖权冲突的情形可归纳为五大种类。冲突的产生根源于历史形成的政治分野,也有具体法律规定以及现行司法实践层面的矛盾。坚持一个中国,面对现实、有利两岸人民,便于诉讼程序合理、顺利、高效进行等原则应该成为解决争议的基本原则。化解冲突的具体途径应以犯罪行为地管辖为主,实际控制管辖为辅,法益受损严重方管辖为补充。在两岸刑事司法互助上,两岸官方可以采取事先明确授权海协会和海基会(两会)的方式提升其签署协议的法律效力;规定双方遣送涉嫌犯罪人的条件;司法互助的具体主体可由两会扩展到两岸城市之间的司法机关。  相似文献   

刑事管辖是刑事诉讼活动首先要解决的问题,尽管我国现行法律对刑事管辖作了较为详细的规定,但目前司法实践中还存在许多争议的问题,需要从制度上加以解决。  相似文献   

涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪和国际犯罪并非一个命题的三种不同表达,而是三个既相对独立又相互交错的刑事法律范畴。因此,比较分析这三种不同犯罪类型的基本特征,明确其间相互区别的界限和一般原则,对于全面贯彻执行刑法的一般原则和国际刑事司法的一般准则,都具有相当重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

论网络犯罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着网络技术的急剧发展繁衍的各种网络犯罪,无疑成为诸多社会现实众多危险中最重要的因素。所以我们应做好预防准备,加强网络道德建设和法制教育,完善立法增强自我保护意识与全人类一起来迎接这一挑战。  相似文献   

我国区际刑事管辖冲突的内涵及解决原则   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国区际刑事管辖冲突既有别于国际刑事管辖冲突, 亦有别于区域刑事管辖冲突。在解决我国区际刑事管辖法律冲突时, 可以以犯罪地原则为主, 只要行为或结果在一地区内的, 该地区即具有管辖权; 辅之以居所地身份原则, 即当犯罪地原则在适用中出现障碍时,可以考虑适用行为人居所地的身份来确认刑事管辖权的行使。在具体适用中, 应体现国家主权、各法系平等、互惠、参照国际条例或惯例、维护人权和便利诉讼等原则  相似文献   

国际刑事管辖是指在更有效打击国际犯罪、协调管辖冲突,促进国际刑事合作,通过确立世界各国对国际犯罪的管辖权而在世界范围形成的一套统一完整的管辖体系。其内容一是确立管辖原则,二是确定管辖顺序。国际刑事管辖权不等同于国际刑事法院或国际特设法庭的管辖权。  相似文献   

境内与境外的证券市场适用不同的法律监管体制,跨境证券犯罪的跨境特征可能使境内境外对相关证券犯罪均具有刑事管辖权,从而引发刑事管辖冲突。对于跨境证券交易的监管和法律适用,无论是在法律规定层面还是在司法实践层面,均应遵循“主场原则”。应明确监管职能上的分工以避免适用不同法律法规的混乱情况,应体现最大的监管效能并减少区际法律冲突。跨境证券犯罪的刑事管辖权归属应充分尊重行政监管原则和考虑前置性法律的适用,并与行政管辖权归属保持一致。跨境证券犯罪的刑事管辖权归属应考虑犯罪行为社会危害的主要发生地。以内幕交易为代表的跨境证券犯罪的主要行为是“交易”,根据区际刑事管辖冲突的解决规则,应由交易行为的发生地管辖,按照交易地的刑法对相关行为进行刑事评价。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):298-313
This study examined the correlates of distance to crime in a sample of 412 prison inmates in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. The study focused on crimes of theft and included a spatial analysis of the crime scene and the place of residence of the prison inmates. The data show a high clustering of criminals in a few neighbourhoods surrounding the old downtown area. Also, 38.8% of the sampled criminals committed their crimes in the same neighbourhood where they lived. Regression analysis revealed two independent and positive correlations of distance to crime: the monetary gain of the crime and if the prison inmates' intimate partner was also in jail. These findings suggest that, aside from the monetary rationale in the distance to crime function, the neighbourhood and family contexts deserve further research for a better understanding of criminal behaviour in Mexico.  相似文献   

We use data from a survey covering ages 15–94 to test the Hirschi/Gottfredson hypothesis that the correlates and causes of crime do not interact with age. These data reveal some nonchance interaction between age and demographic and theoretical predictors of criminal behavior that is localized in specific age categories and around particular variables and/or offenses. Overall, however, such interaction does not appear to be substantial, nor does it seem to have important consequences for generalizing from age restricted samples, particularly where generalization is of the most common type-from youth samples to adults. Therefore, despite some results contrary to a strict assertion that the causes and correlates of crime are the same for all ages, our findings support the thrust of the Hirschi/Gottfredson interaction hypothesis.  相似文献   

Criminology lacks sufficient data for many types of crime that are of great concern to society. This lack of data poses significant problems for determining whether resources are adequate for responding to these crimes or whether programmatic, legislative, or target-hardening efforts to prevent or reduce their occurrence are effective. Inadequate data about crime also produces a selective and incomplete narrative about crime that makes it easier for political and vested interests to exploit public concerns about crime for their own ends. In this address, I discuss what is needed to resolve these gaps and the ways in which criminologists can support a significant expansion of the crime data infrastructure. Such work is necessary to help ensure the future relevance of criminological research.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exposition of how the factorial survey approach may enhance empirical assessments of the complex judgment principles involved in public views of just punishments for convicted offenders. Ratings of the appropriateness of sentences given across 50 typical crimes obtained from a household sample (N=774) of the Boston SMSA and several special-interest samples in 1982 are examined in three alternative ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression equations. These analyses show there is not a one-to-one direct relationship between public perceptions of the seriousness of criminal acts and desired sanctions. Crime seriousness is modified by the characteristics of the offenders and victims and by the consequences of the crimes. Preferred punishments also vary in severity by demographic, experiential, and attitudinal characteristics of the persons who make the judgments.  相似文献   

李楠 《行政与法》2007,(10):87-88
洗钱已发展成为一个严重威胁国家经济运行、危害国家稳定发展的一大公害。鉴于洗钱行为的严重危害性,2006年6月29日出台的《刑法修正案(六)》在《刑法修正案(三)》的基础上又增加了三类洗钱罪的上游犯罪,此次修订具有重要意义。2006年10月31日出台的《反洗钱法》更加完善了我国的反洗钱制度。本文将针对洗钱罪的上游犯罪中的几个问题作简要分析。  相似文献   

“犯罪有推动社会进步的功能”并不是马克思的观点。犯罪本身是否有积极功能?通过对功能阶位与价值评价、历史与现实、本质与现象、动力成本与动力效益四个方面的分析,作者给出了否定的答案。  相似文献   

张影 《行政与法》2006,(7):112-114
刑事判例是指最高审判机关或者上级审判机关对同级或者下级审判机关在对刑事案件适用刑法过程中所形成的有效判决进行识别、整理、汇编而形成的对同级或者下级审判机关在办理同类案件时具有事实上、业务上、制度上普遍约束力的指导、借鉴、援用和解释法律作用的范例。刑事判例的产生、运用过程中所形成的系统就是刑事判例制度,包括判例的识别、适用判例的原则、规则和方法、判例集的汇编、公布以及援用等。该制度对刑法和司法解释的不足起弥补作用并且是实现罪刑法定原则的重要途径。它依托制定法,除没有法源外具有判例法的其他特点。  相似文献   

秦总根 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):115-119
网络在为人们提供方便和便捷的同时,也给网络犯罪提供了一个低成本、高效率的作案平台,利用网络实施的网络犯罪已涉及绝大部分社会犯罪现象,给互联网安全和社会稳定带来了很大冲击,成为了一个不容忽视的社会问题。应该弄清当前网络犯罪的特点、原因,公安机关提高侦查、打击网络犯罪的能力,以有效遏制网络犯罪,使互联网能更好的服务大众、服务社会发展。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):321-340
This article addresses the nature and development of the Vietnamese involvement in cannabis cultivation in the Netherlands. The findings are based on empirical data collected from national police registrations, case studies and in-depth interviews with over 30 Dutch and international respondents. The authors describe the background characteristics of Vietnamese cannabis farmers, the structure of the predominantly mono-ethnic Vietnamese criminal groups and the international context. A situational approach to organised crime is applied to illustrate the ‘emergent’ character of the Vietnamese crime groups as opposed to a ‘strategic’ context of organised crime. The Vietnamese supervisors in the Netherlands have legal citizenship and often have ‘careers’ in cannabis-related crimes. It would appear that for a Vietnamese gardener or farmer, the path into cannabis cultivation is linked to financial debt. Besides situational factors, group characteristics, such as the migrant community, seem important in understanding the Vietnamese involvement in the Dutch cannabis market.  相似文献   

Despite the profound demographic and socioeconomic changes characterizing family life in recent years, youth crime rates have remained more or less constant since 1971. This finding is of interest given the intense public concern regarding the welfare of children. It also serves as a convenient basis for projecting the future volume of youth crime.  相似文献   

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