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心理创伤一般指由天灾人祸所引发的一种强烈的情感反应,特别是危及生命的事件可导致心理创伤的发生.心理创伤可以影响整个人,包括身体、智力、情绪和行为的改变.弗洛伊德对创伤的理解包含三个成分,童年早期经历的事件的记忆,青春期后经历的事件的记忆及后期经历事件触发的对早年事件的记忆.弗洛伊德不关注创伤事件本身,而是强调创伤性记忆,他对创伤概念的理解来源于严格的线性、时序性的模型.荣格发展了一个从心理分离到形成不同情结的多元模型.荣格最初认为人格是分离的,后来他发现心理创伤是有情结的,它只是许多心理情结中的一种,而情结不仅有分离性,它也有聚合性.弗洛伊德强调人格是纵向分离,而荣格则强调人格是横向分离,横向分离形成情结.  相似文献   

组合物体分离痕迹检验认定交通事故1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在交通事故发生过程中,通常会发生车辆与车辆、车辆与其他物体之间的碰撞、刮擦等接触,由于车辆行驶速度较快,接触过程伴随着巨大的能量转换,交通事故现场常会有散落的交通运输工具零部件。由于加工过程、使用环境、分离过程等各种因素的影响,这些车辆零部件往往具有较稳定的整体分离痕迹特征,利用这些特征,可以直接认定嫌疑车辆,为事故的认定提供证据,或者提供侦查线索,缩小侦查范围。  相似文献   

目前我国法律对已公开的个人信息的合理使用规定不够明确,已公开的个人信息合理使用的内涵与外延都存在被泛化和扩大化解释的趋势,其根本原因在于个人信息的可转让属性尚未厘清。个人信息因与原权益人的关联性而具有受限制的不可转让性,原权益人对已公开的个人信息仍然享有控制权益,已公开个人信息的合理使用范围需进行限缩解释。合理使用的判断标准应由“已公开标准”到“分离性标准”,以“二阶判断”方式确定处理行为对原权益人的利益关联效果,限缩可分离性的使用,可为合理使用边界的诠释提供逻辑基础和规范模式。  相似文献   

创伤是机械性致伤因子所造成的急性损伤,为外力作用造成的组织连续性破坏和功能障碍。它不仅是一种躯体应激,同时也是一种心理应激,可造成心理上的创伤并由此引起一系列心理行为改变,这些变化又可直接或间接影响病人及其家属的身心健康,影响病人的生理、心理、社会康复及其生存质量。本文对五名创伤病人进行了SCL-90症状自评量表的测查,结果表明创伤病人得分较正常人偏高,并且创伤越严重,得分越高。同时,创伤病人一般都伴有躯体化、人际敏感、抑郁、恐怖等症状。并针对该症状,提出了危机干预的方法。  相似文献   

被伐树木形成的整体分离痕迹有其独特性,反映出特有的规律。本文介绍了在盗伐林木案件中,运用整体分离痕迹检验原理、方法,检验被伐树木分离面、分离缘的形态,检验其凸凹断茬特征、虫眼特征、裂纹特征、空心特征等特殊特征以及节子特征、年轮特征、木射线特征、树皮纹理特征等固有特征。特别是在两对应的锯断面之间木质完全缺失情况下,综合运用上述特征有针对性地检验,解决了部分被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中分离痕迹能否作为同一认定证据、分离体是否原为同一整体的问题。文中所述对被伐树木上的特殊特征和固有特征的研究和运用,拓宽了被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中特征标记的范围,为丰富被伐树木整体分离痕迹的检验方法提供了参考。  相似文献   

儿童精神分析的出现被视为是精神分析"新范式的开始".儿童精神分析学的方法主要来自并运用于临床实践与临床发现,迥异于学院心理学的方法,有其自身的特色与优势.其方法主要包括两个方面,一是研究方法,二是治疗方法.儿童精神分析学最主要的方法包括重构法、观察法、实验法、测验法以及游戏疗法.纵观儿童精神分析学的主要方法,我们会发现它们与发展心理学的研究方法有某些共同之处,但发展心理学则更多地是进行标准化研究和对发展过程的详细描绘,而儿童精神分析学者更多研究心理发展动力与潜意识的影响.二者在研究结果与研究内容方面出现了逐渐融合的趋势,越来越多的儿童精神分析学的研究主题,如母婴关系、自我功能、自我发展、分离与剥夺、受挫与攻击性等逐渐纳入发展心理学的视野.  相似文献   

李滢 《检察风云》2013,(21):74-75
在刚刚过去的9月,上学、入园、入托让很多父母和孩子都经历了一场分离之痛。其实,我们一生中的分离时刻还远不止这些:每一次毕业离开学校、住校离开温暖的家、跳槽离开熟悉的同事、搬家离开习惯了的地方、疾病或意外让我们失去亲人等等。分离本能地会让我们感受到丧失和痛苦。但是,正如硬币有两面,如果我们能换一个视角,就会发现分离对我们来说有着非同—般的积极意义:它带给我们力量、勇气,看到新的希望,有更多进步,变得更自由、能更好地成为我们自己!  相似文献   

刘国利  吴镝飞 《河北法学》2005,23(12):79-84
提出区分法律的调整范围与道德的调整范围的三个标准。不仅要以善良道德为标准审查法律,而且要以良法为标准审查道德。以法律手段制裁“不道德行为”缺乏法理依据。世界各个民族的古代社会都经历过法律与道德未分化的时期。西方逐步形成的法律与道德相对分离的传统促进了道德的更新和法律的进化。中国古代保持的法律与道德相混同的传统阻碍了道德的更新和法律的进化。在法学研究和法律实践上应认真吸收法律与道德相对分离这一文明成果。  相似文献   

目前"独立"一词常被拿来用作广义,指代分离或分立。民族自决原则仅适用于严格意义上的独立,目前实在国际法上还没有切实的依据表明该原则可以被适用于分离问题;民族自决原则不违背主权原则是常态,而打破"维护国家领土完整"限制的情况只能是出于特殊的原因;仅仅凭借"独立"口号的打出以及对"民族自决"原则的援引不足以证明分离行动符合国际法。若母国不反对,分离在国际法上并无障碍;但在母国反对的情况下,分离是否合法,则是一个复杂的、涉及历史与现实问题,而不是一个简单的数量或意愿问题。单方面分离需要满足相应条件(母国未提供合法善治;违反国际法、自治协议或基本人权),而不是说只要某一区域内某一民族占了多数且有相应意愿就可以实现分离。国际法院的咨询意见没有正面回答联大决议所提出的问题,不足以确认科索沃"独立"要求的合法性,反而令国际社会失去了关闭因科索沃事件而开启的"潘多拉魔盒"的一次机会,如此才有了克里米亚这样极具反讽性质事件的发生。  相似文献   

创伤性窒息致脑损害2例李群,张迪创伤性窒息致脑损害在法医学鉴定中并不多见。由于其原发伤在胸腹部,早期表现和神经系统继发性损害的症状相互交错,容易误诊和漏诊。例1,黄某,男,20岁,1991年4月6日上午10时许,在建筑施工工地,因上墙倒塌,胸腹部被挤...  相似文献   

Despite the fact that patients with mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are commonly encountered in clinical practice, there are numerous myths surrounding their diagnosis, assessment, and outcome. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the more common myths related to mild TBI including: (a) there is no Miserable Minority; (b) meta-analytic studies have proven that patients with mild TBI do not experience persistent deficits; (c) personality tests can reliably capture psychological problems in patients with a mild TBI; (d) findings from the sports concussion literature can be directly applied to clinical patients; and (e) in the absence of loss of consciousness, the diagnosis of a mild TBI is uncertain.  相似文献   


Exposure to different kinds of traumatic events is common among adolescents. This brief report study examined whether shame proneness and guilt proneness were associated with direct and indirect experience of potentially traumatic events (PTEs). We investigated the relationship between gender, PTEs, shame, and guilt among adolescents (n?=?314, age?=?15–20 years). We hypothesized that shame proneness and guilt proneness would be associated with direct experience of interpersonal and sexual PTEs, that both direct and indirect experience of potentially traumatic sexual event/s would correlate with female gender, and that potentially traumatic direct and indirect interpersonal event/s would correlate with male gender. Shame was positively associated with having experienced direct sexual trauma and with female gender. Girls had more often experienced potentially traumatic direct sexual events and boys had more often experienced potentially traumatic direct interpersonal events. Indirect experiences of traumatic events were not related to either gender or shame. We conclude that the relation between shame, PTEs, and gender is complex with both types of traumas and gender interact with shame. This study found that shame and direct experience of sexual traumatic events were associated among adolescent girls. Gender and what type of traumatic events adolescents’ direct experience is most likely related but not gender and what type of indirect experienced trauma.


This paper discusses the present ‘legal consciousness’ literature and seeks to identify two different conceptions of legal consciousness. Most of this literature originated in the United States, but there has also been a growing interest in issues of legal consciousness in Europe. The use of the term ‘legal consciousness ’ in these European discussions is, however, remarkably different from its use in the United States literature. It is argued that the most commonly used ‘American ’ conception of legal consciousness reflects important ideas of Roscoe Pound and asks: how do people experience (official) law? By contrast, a European conception of legal consciousness, which was first introduced by the Austrian legal theorist Eugen Ehrlich, focuses on: what do people experience as ‘law ’? After both perspectives are applied in a case‐study of a run‐down neighbourhood in the Netherlands, it is concluded that future studies of legal consciousness may benefit from an integration of the two conceptions.  相似文献   

Two cases of traumatic rupture of the basilar artery are reported. In the first case, severe basal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to a complete transverse tear of the basilar artery was observed in a 53-year-old restrained male driver who was involved in a head-on collision while intoxicated and drowsy. He lost consciousness shortly after the accident and was admitted to hospital in cardiopulmonary arrest. Intensive resuscitative therapies produced cardiac response, but he died 50 minutes after the accident. The ethanol concentration in his blood and urine was 0.35 and 0.55 mg/ml, respectively. In the second case, SAH due to a similar tear of the basilar artery was observed in a 47-year-old man who received several fist blows to the face while intoxicated. He suddenly lost consciousness after the final blow and was admitted to hospital in cardiopulmonary arrest. Intensive resuscitative therapies produced cardiac response, but he died 6 hours after the event. In these cases, the mechanism of the traumatic rupture of the basilar artery is thought to be overstretching due to hyperextension of the head, and intoxication, drowsiness, or both may have interfered with the decedents' ability to protect themselves; thus, the hyperextension of the head may have been rather forceful.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that individuals may use different means to cope with traumatic life experiences. Using data collected during in-depth interviews with exonerees, this qualitative study explores the ways in which individuals that have been wrongfully convicted cope with that traumatic experience. The findings demonstrate that exonerees use both positive and negative coping techniques. Prayer and faith appear to be the most important coping mechanism used by this sample of exonerees. Additional coping mechanisms include meeting with other exonerees to discuss their experience, helping other exonerees, reflecting on their personal experience, and withdrawing from others. Policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the increase in the number of females incarcerated, there is a paucity of research concerning female life-sentenced inmates in the United States. Using a nationally representative data set containing the largest known sample of this population, the present research examines the pre-incarceration traumatic experiences of female life-sentenced inmates. The results indicate that these women are more likely to experience traumatic events, in particular abuse, than either male life-sentenced inmates or female inmates in general. Logistic regression analyses reveal a significant association between abuse and a life sentence in both gender-specific models.  相似文献   

中国农民法律意识现状探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
农民法律意识的内部架构是,法律意识淡漠与对传统伦理和乡土规范的青睐相伴。其成因是:简单经济关系使其亲近法律缺少利益的驱动;农村家庭的生产职能滋养了具有生产组织文化特点的儒家伦理;人治传统下法律的作用使其缺少对法律的利益感受。觉醒农民法律意识有益于:构建市场经济运动之基础和市民社会之人格——心理基础;塑造崇尚权利的现代法治和民主政治运行之逻辑习惯。  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(1-2):107-126

As the number of incarcerated women increases, in-depth knowledge about women's life experiences is needed to direct treatment, pre-release planning, and supervision. This study describes the nature, scope, and socioeconomic correlates of traumatic life events in a random sample of 403 women entering a state correctional facility. Ninety-nine percent of the sample reported having experienced at least one traumatic life event; 81% experienced five or more. Reports of several experiences differed by age, race, and marital status. The most compelling findings were related to the experience of homelessness. Women who had been without a place to live for at least seven days were between 2.19 and 5.62 times more likely to have experienced 14 of 21 traumatic events. Most of these events were defined by interpersonal violence. Implications for correctional policy are discussed, particularly the potential for incarceration to replicate or ameliorate symptoms of traumatic stress through the structure and routine of the prison environment.  相似文献   

Psychological Injury and Law - Survival following traumatic brain injury (TBI) has increased following advances in medical care. However, TBI survivors often experience significant deficits in...  相似文献   

In this essay I examine the importance of social justice to my identity and the changing interpretation of my “justice consciousness” resulting from changes in my work life. Drawing on my academic experience as well as my experience as an attorney, I describe the meaning that social justice has for me. I also examine the connections that I see between social injustice and the operation of the critical justice system.  相似文献   

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