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左媚柳 《学理论》2009,(26):13-14
在环境危机,能源日渐显出枯竭之势的当下,西方环境伦理学应运而生,以期在重新认识人与自然的关系的基础上,从改善人类自身的环境观念出发,寻求一条人与自然和谐共生的可持续发展路径。在将西方环境伦理学与中国古老传统哲学——老子哲学的对比中,可以发现在我国古老的智慧中早已蕴含现代环境伦理意识,无论是从人与自然的相对统一性、所有存在物的平等性,还是地球生态圈的整体性等角度出发,老子都一再强调人与自然间存在的共生共存的伦理关系。对老子哲学中所蕴含的环境伦理意识的挖掘,将开启运用中华传统哲学智慧解决现代环境问题的新路径。  相似文献   

康惠 《理论探索》2004,(5):19-21
在当今社会 ,互联网络在为人类创造便利的同时也撞击着传统伦理观念 ,从而引发了人类价值观念、思维方式、伦理精神的巨大变革。因此 ,我们要对互联网络造成的伦理问题进行冷静的思考 ,对网络时代面临的重大问题和挑战以及对社会产生的影响进行深入研究和剖析 ,并对此提出相应的管理办法 ,为加强网络时代的道德建设 ,还人类一个健康、清新的“网络时空”提供有力的保障  相似文献   

行政价值的变迁、公众回应性的外部压力和行政人员个人伦理自主性的内部压力 ,推进了西方行政伦理研究的兴起。西方行政伦理经历了遭受忽视、萌芽、挑战传统与正规化等四个时期 ,在每一个发展阶段 ,西方行政伦理研究的主题各不相同 ,这些研究主题共同构成了西方行政伦理研究的基石  相似文献   

中西政治思想中的伦理际遇   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中西文明史的进程中 ,政治建构对于伦理道德的依赖 ,一直是一个通贯的文化景观。为了影显儒家伦理—政治建构的特质 ,本文以早期儒家作为不变的坐标 ,将古代、近代、现代三个时段的西方伦理—政治的相关论说为对象进行动态的比较 ,从而呈现两者在理论致思的构成与走向上存在的差别 ,如何最终形成了伦理政治与道德政治的重大差异。  相似文献   

“全球伦理”与“文明冲突”   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
1993年9月在美国芝加哥世界宗教大会上发表的《走向全球伦理宣言》,希望能在不同化传统中找到某些维护世界和平的伦理原则,找到“一种最低限度的基本共识”。这是一个值得认真讨论的非常重大的课题。对此本提出四点看法:寻求伦理观念上的“最低限度的共识”很有意义,因为人类在伦理问题上必定有其共同的方面,必定存在可以为不同化传统的民族与国家共同接受的伦理准则;寻求“全球伦理”需从各个民族化传统中吸取资源,在尊重各民族化传统的伦理价值的基础上,发掘和利用有利于构建全球伦理的思想和观点:寻求“全球伦理”必须关注当今人类存在的重大问题,如“和平与发展”问题、政治问题、社会问题、经济问题、环境问题等;“和而不同”应是寻求“全球伦理”的原则,此原则不仅对消除不同国家与民族间的矛盾、冲突、战争有正面的积极意义,而且亦是推动各国家、各民族化健康发展的动力之一。  相似文献   

本文分析了西方信用制度赖以建立的三大伦理支柱 :宗教基础、哲学基础和经济伦理基础。考察西方信用制度的伦理基础 ,不仅可以使我们对西方的信用文明有更深刻的理解 ,而且对我国信用文化建设有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   

林庆 《行政论坛》2010,17(3):44-46
公共行政不仅应当追求科学化,还应该恪守道德的原则。行政伦理是对行政活动的道德审查。行政伦理的设定是受制于多种因素的。基于中国“自律诉求”传统行政文化的制度困境、西方官僚制的伦理困境分析,新时期我国行政伦理诉求的路径应包括道德的制度安排和个体德性的伦理选择。  相似文献   

当代西方责任伦理所蕴涵的人类整体责任意识、"尽己之责"伦理使命和行为后果责任担当思想,其实在中国古代早已有之。儒家历来强调责任,忧国忧民的责任意识、以名定责的权责关系与后果担当的责任追究等思想都属于责任伦理范畴。道家思想则渗透着对人类生存状态、社会良好治理的责任感,蕴含着无为、节制的责任品质。传统责任资伦理资源是当下责任伦理建设的宝贵财富,它有利于树立崇高的道德信念、铸造勇于负责的品性和培养清正廉洁的操行,这对于当前的责任伦理建设特别是政府责任伦理建设具有较大的启示意义。  相似文献   

已有研究证实,伦理领导与领导有效性呈显著正相关,因而,伦理领导还将引起更多学者的兴趣.并且考虑到西方的伦理领导与中国背景下的德行领导在某些方面接近,因而,我们也需要关注西方伦理领导研究的进展.伦理领导是西方理论界近些年来刚刚兴起的一个研究课题,已引起了越来越多学者的关注.伦理领导研究从概念与结构、组织伦理氛围和组织伦理价值观、道德资本、下属的工作态度和行为等方面分析了伦理领导的作用效果.  相似文献   

佛教伦理的现代意义——全球伦理视域下的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建设全球伦理的漫长道路上,佛教伦理将起到重要作用。佛教伦理一直保持着与全球人类伦理共同拥有的价值观和道德意识与境界。佛教伦理已经具备了为全球伦理作出贡献的基础,并且可以提供重要的思想资源。当然佛教伦理思想和道德规范亦应继续保持自己的特色,而不是被全球伦理所淹没。  相似文献   

Public organizations face a multitude of challenges that force them to innovate existing processes, policies, programs, and products. Indeed, in recent years, innovation has become a core topic of study in public administration. However, the vast majority of the public sector innovation literature stems from the United States and Western Europe. The lack of Asia-Pacific studies is particularly striking given that countries like Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan consistently rank high on public sector innovation. This special issue brings together state of the art empirical research on public sector innovation in the Asia-Pacific region that examines a range of drivers and outcomes of innovation, including studies comparing Asia-Pacific countries and countries in the East and the West. The findings show that public sector employees in the studied countries all seek opportunities to innovate, whereas cultural norms and values either constrain or enable innovative behaviour and affect the extent to which employees experience leadership support for displaying such behaviour.  相似文献   

《黄帝内经》是我国最古老的医学著作,《脉经》是西晋太守五叔和撰写的我国最早的脉学专著。本文分别从卜弥格对《黄帝内经》、《脉经》、对中医中草药的介绍以及他的中医研究、中西医比较研究五个方面,对卜弥格在中医西传方面的贡献做了初步的梳理和研究。  相似文献   

经典力学中诞生的“伽利略传统”对经济学方法有很大的影响。实证主义把整个人类文化看成是以实证为基础的知识体系,把科学方法的某一方面夸大为科学理论的唯一出发点,走向了片面性。在现代经济学中,一方面模型方法发挥着越来越大的作用,体现了经济学方法的进步;另一方面,我们应该看到,经济学与物理学有本质差异,它没有典型的物理意义上的实验,同时它又包含物理学所没有的人与人的关系。因此,经济学既要合理地继承“伽利略传统”,又要注重社会历史、文化和民族心理等因素。  相似文献   

This article explores the attitudes of officials in the upper echelons in Chinese provincial and local government toward the origins of administrative reform. The authors examine the somewhat dichotomous argument that reform imitates the West or is indigenous and contend that both influences are present. Data drawn from a survey of party cadres and government officials show that cultural factors (time in government, overall knowledge of administrative reforms, together with familiarity with the move from a planned system of government to a market economy) and structural variables (upper echelon and familiarity with business management techniques) are correlated with learning from the West. Cadres and officials who spend more time managing outward and those who are familiar with performance assessment do not learn from the West. The theoretical and research implications of these findings—that learning from the West is an important influence on the adoption of administrative reforms in China—are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the selective affinities between the study of West European politics and historical institutionalism. We divide the last 30 years into four phases: the foundational ideas of the late 1970s and early 1980s; the evolution of these ideas from structuralism to institutionalism in the late 1980s and early 1990s; more radical revision under the turbulent 1990s and early 2000s; and the future outlook at the end of the first decade of the 2000s. We emphasise the ways in which the field of West European politics has shaped the direction of historical institutionalism as a distinctive approach to the study of politics, particularly historical institutionalism's focus on explaining actors' interests and behaviour. We also discuss recent debates within historical institutionalism concerning the role of history and path dependence, ideas, and institutional origins and change in the context of developments within West European politics. We conclude by discussing several challenges for both historical institutionalism and the study of West European politics: maintaining and improving analytical rigour as politics in Western Europe become even more fluid; continuing to build middle range theory; and extending our comparative analysis of Western Europe to include regions outside of Western Europe.  相似文献   

Somma  Mark 《Publius》1994,24(2):53-62
In response to pressure from declining underground water reservesand state government demands, West Texas agriculture is organizingunder local groundwater conservation districts. The districtsuse persuasion, education, and access to low-interest loansand grants to encourage water conservation. Little regulatoryauthority is vested in district managers and, outside of statefunds to subsidize irrigation technology, the state has limitedinfluence. This article narrates the creation and operationsof West Texas groundwater districts and analyzes the reasonsfor a recent increase in district organizing as well as theirsuccess in acquiring state funds for conservation.  相似文献   


How should party preferences of voters in a multiparty system be measured, compared and aggregated? We use city block metric of distances between the pairwise comparisons of the five German parties (1995 survey data for West and East Germany). Neither in West nor in East Germany, a party gains the absolute majority of voters' preferences. We derive coalition preferences from the party rankings; the governing coalition of CDU/CSU and FDP is not the winner, compared with other feasible coalitions of the German party system. But the party rankings of the CDU/CSU-FDP coalition leaners are more homogeneous than other groups of coalition leaners. In the second part of the article, we analyze the common structure of all consistent party rankings. Do voters apply the same criteria to evaluate the political parties? Although only a slight majority of individual rankings fit the often used ideological left-right scale, there does not exist a competing one-dimensional order of the parties that would capture more voters. The joint scale of individual party rankings is interpreted as the collective order which facilitates political orientation of voters. This collective order is more pronounced in West than in East Germany where individuals are almost as consistent in their party rankings but where the rankings fit the collective order less well than in West Germany.


我国“大部门体制”的理论内涵和改革路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立职能整合、机构协调的大部门体制是我国行政管理体制改革的必然要求。我国的大部门体制是在借鉴西方成功经验的基础上,各项改革不断深化的结果,它围绕政府职能的整合与重组,贯穿决策权、执行权和监督权的分立协调,有利于政府流程再造和现阶段诸多问题的解决。由于国情不同,大部制在我国的顺利推进需要选择与西方截然不同的改革路径。  相似文献   

Suzanne Model 《Society》2008,45(6):544-548
For nearly a century, black immigrants from the West Indies have enjoyed greater economic success than African Americans. Several explanations have been proposed for this trend, but until now, none of these explanations have been subjected to systematic scrutiny. Recent efforts to adjudicate among them indicate that West Indian success can be attributed entirely to the “selectivity of migration”. This phrase refers to the tendency of people who migrate to be more talented and determined than the compatriots they leave behind. One implication of this discovery is that sympathetic observers should stop exhorting African Americans to behave more like West Indians. Such pleas are inappropriate because West Indian success is a consequence of choosing to move, not a consequence of Caribbean birth. A second implication is that persons of West Indian background remain vulnerable to racism. The new findings provide no evidence that positive selection protects West Indians from the negative stereotypes that Americans associate with black skin.
Suzanne ModelEmail:

In a recently published article in this journal, Ross Campbell argues that adherence to socialist values establishes a hitherto neglected factor when it comes to the explanation of differences in East and West German citizens’ political trust. As the results of his study indicate, adherence to socialist values impacts negatively on citizens’ political trust, this effect is more pronounced and more stable over time for East German as compared to West German citizens and is sufficiently strong to eliminate aggregate‐level differences in political trust between East and West Germany. However, this research note suggests that Campbell's article contains several substantial inconsistencies and obscurities that question the reliability and validity of the empirical findings presented. It provides a re‐analysis of Campbell's main arguments and shows to what extent his initial conclusions can be upheld after the shortcomings have been remedied. The results of this re‐analysis suggest that socialist values indeed exhibit a negative impact on German citizens’ political trust, which is relatively stronger for East as compared to West German citizens. However, contrary to Campbell's initial results, the negative effect of socialist values on political trust is robust over time for both East and West German citizens. What is more, there is no empirical evidence confirming that differences in adherence to socialist values between East and West German citizens are sufficiently strong to account for aggregate‐level differences in political trust. In light of these findings, two of Campbell's three main conclusions are dubious and call for further examination.  相似文献   

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