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A method of collecting gunshot residues from the skin of persons who have been injured by firearms has been developed. The method uses a commercially available, adhesive, transparent plastic film. This method is also useful for collecting gunshot residues from other objects, such as leather. The shooting distance is later estimated by ocular, microscopic or IR examination in combination with various chemographic tests.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel collection method for gunshot residues (GSR) using a sampling procedure based on ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent on moistened swabs. Detection was via a sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HRICP-MS). The proposed collection and analytical method allowed detection of antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) after .38 shot tests. at detection limits of less than 1 microg L(-1) in four different areas of the hands of volunteers. This paper includes a discussion concerning hand areas near the thumb and forefinger as being more suitable for GSR collection as well as a comparison between differences observed using 2% diluted EDTA. 2% nitric acid solution, and simple deionized water as collecting solutions, proving the superior efficiency of EDTA in GSR recoveries.  相似文献   

The most important facts and advantages of this method are as follows. 1. A simple separation and identification scheme for metals considered characteristic of gunshot residues was developed. 2. The apparatus used is inexpensive, simple, extremely versatile, and has moderate sensitivity. 3. Blanks of background ions present do not interfere with the test, but warrant consideration. 4. Few reagents are needed, and the results are preservable.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(1):63-71
The aim of this study was to compare three gunshot residue (GSR) collection methods used in conjunction with chemographic detection applied by different regional Swiss police services. The specimens were collected from the hands of a shooter with either filter paper (Filter method) or adhesive foil. The adhesive foil was then either applied against photographic paper during visualisation (AF Photo method) or coated with a layer of polyvinyl alcohol (AF PVAL method). The experiments involved two conditions of the examined hands, i.e. dry and humidified. The residues were revealed using the sodium rhodizonate test (SRT). Preliminary tests assessing the possibility of conducting a confirmatory Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) analysis after the chemographic test were performed on a number of specimens by cutting positive spots and mounting them on stubs. Obtained results were compared in terms of effectiveness - number of positive spots, time requirements, quality of subsequent SEM-EDX analysis, ease of use and cost.The Filter method generally yielded a high-quality detection with both dry and humidified hands, as well as a simple, quick and efficient confirmation by SEM/EDX. The AF Photo performed well on dry hands, but not on humidified hands. The AF PVAL method performance was lower compared to the other methods in both examined conditions of the hands. The SEM/EDX analysis showed that the Filter and AF PVAL method provided satisfactory results when a sufficient carbon coating thickness was applied to the cuttings. It was also observed that the thinner the PVAL layer, the better the quality of the spectra and obtained images in SEM/EDX. Furthermore, the surface of the photographic paper did not seem to be conductive, even after the application of a thick layer of carbon.In conclusion, the Filter method gave the best overall results, but its application required slightly more time and expertise than the two other methods.  相似文献   

We devised a simple and rapid method for detection of gunshot residue (GSR) particles, using scanning electron microscopy/wavelength dispersive X-ray (SEM/WDX) analysis. Experiments were done on samples containing GSR particles obtained from hands, hair, face, and clothing, using double-sided adhesive coated aluminum stubs (tape-lift method). SEM/WDX analyses for GSR were carried out in three steps: the first step was map analysis for barium (Ba) to search for GSR particles from lead styphnate primed ammunition, or tin (Sn) to search for GSR particles from mercury fulminate primed ammunition. The second step was determination of the location of GSR particles by X-ray imaging of Ba or Sn at a magnification of x 1000-2000 in the SEM, using data of map analysis, and the third step was identification of GSR particles, using WDX spectrometers. Analysis of samples from each primer of a stub took about 3 h. Practical applications were shown for utility of this method.  相似文献   

Alizarin red S (ARS) is a commonly used organic dye useful in the histologic identification of calcium deposits. ARS also forms colored reaction products with other metal ions, including barium and lead, which are present in primer residue. In histochemical studies, ARS is shown to identify primer residues from several manufacturers as well as primer residue deposited in tissue, either experimentally or in close-range gunshot wounds. This can be easily accomplished with routine histologic techniques. ARS does not stain gunpowder residue, tattoo pigment, melanin, graphite, india ink, or anthracotic pigment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Determination of the muzzle‐to‐target distance is often a critical factor in criminal and civil investigations involving firearms. However, seeing and recording gunshot residue patterns can be difficult if the victim's clothing is dark and/or bloodstained. Trostle reported the use of infrared film for the detection of burn patterns. However, only after the film is developed are the results visible and multiple exposures at different settings may be needed. The Video Spectral Comparator? 2000 (Foster & Freeman Ltd., Evesham, Worcestershire, U.K.) is an imaging instrument routinely used by forensic document examiners. Without use of specialized film could the VSC 2000 (at appropriate instrument settings) quickly, easily, and reliably provide instantaneous viewing, saving, and printing of gunshot residue patterns on dark and/or blood soaked clothing? At muzzle‐to‐target distances of 6, 12, and 18 in., test fires were made into five different types of dark clothing using eight different handguns of different calibers. Gunshot residues were detected for all eight calibers, and powder burn patterns were seen on dark clothing for all three target distances and calibers except 0.22 long rifle and 0.25 ACP. Bloodstains did not preclude the viewing of these patterns.  相似文献   

Currently, SEM-EDS is used to detect gunshot residue (GSR) from the presence of Ba, Pb, and Sb in the sample. However, the development of new nontoxic ammunition (NTA) has prevented conventional metals from being found. In this work, we aim to determine the presence of an inorganic luminescent chemical marker based on rare earth in gunshot residues using the technique of squarewave voltammetry (SWV). After firing, the luminescent complex [(Eu2Zr)(btc)3(Hbtc)0.5.6H2O], which is used as a chemical marker, can be detected under a UV lamp. An aqueous solution with 0.1 mol L−1 KCl as supporting electrolyte can be easily collected on carbon paste electrode surfaces for SWV analysis A = 100 mV, f = 10 Hz, and step potential of 5 mV are required. The luminescent marker incorporated into the carbon paste electrode showed two anodic peak currents in the region of 0.4 V (vs Ag/AgCl) and at 0.75 V (vs Ag/AgCl) and also a cathodic one in 0.4 V (vs Ag/AgCl). SEM-EDS was able to analyze the same voltammetric results for conventional and nontoxic ammunition containing the luminescent marker. Therefore, voltammetry and SEM-EDS are valid for detecting the new residue marker in GSR. Despite this, the electrochemical method is still more advantageous because of its low cost and lack of expensive equipment and supplies in forensic laboratories.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(2):136-144
The present study investigated the organic gunshot residue (OGSR) background level of police vehicles in Switzerland. Specimens from 64 vehicles belonging to two regional police services were collected and analysed by LC-MS in positive mode. The driver’s and back seats were sampled separately to monitor potential differences between locations and to assess the risks of a suspect being contaminated by OGSR during transportation to a police station.The results showed that most of the 64 vehicles were uncontaminated (44 driver’s seats and 38 back seats respectively). Up to six of the seven targeted compounds were detected in a single sample, once on a driver’s seat and twice on back seats. The contamination frequency generally decreased as the number of compounds detected together increased. The amounts detected were in the low ng range and less than amounts generally detected just after discharge on a shooter. Our data indicated that detecting a combination of four or more compounds on a police vehicle seat appears to be a relatively rare occurrence. The background contamination observed was most probably due to secondary transfer from police officers (e.g. through recent participation in a shooting session or firearm manipulation) or from firearms stored in the vehicles. The present results might be used as a recommendation to minimize contact of a suspect with contaminated surfaces if OGSR is implemented in routine work in parallel to IGSR analysis.  相似文献   

92式手枪射击距离与射击残留物分布密度相关性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的研究92式手枪射击距离与射击残留物分布密度的相关性,为射击距离的推断提供依据。方法选择92式手枪,在带皮的猪肉上覆盖白色棉布,设计了0m,0.1m,0.2m,0.5m,1.0m,1.5m,3.0m,5.0m,10m,15.0m,20.0m,25.0m共12个距离进行射击,提取白棉布上的弹孔圆周和距弹孔2cm的圆周上的射击残留物,利用扫描电镜/能谱仪对不同射击距离遗留在白棉布上的射击残留物进行检验。结果白棉布上射击残留物分布密度与射击距离呈负相关的关系。结论根据棉布上射击残留物的分布密度,能够推断射击距离,对涉枪案件中射击距离的判断有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The exposition to heavy metal-rich airborne due to fire practicing has forced to the development of heavy metal-free environmental ammunition primers all over the world. Here we characterize the GSR elements present in the Brazilian lead-free ammunition produced by Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos (CBC) and commercialized by MagTech in the U.S. and Europe under the name CleanRange centerfire cartridges. Both first and second generations of CleanRange in calibers 9 mm Luger, .40 S&W, .380 AUTO and .38 SPL were analyzed and compared to regular Brazilian CBC ammunition by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy. Differences in composition and morphology of GSR particles from the two generations of CleanRange were observed. The first generation ammunition (found in Europe) presented spherical particles, being strontium the only unique element detected. The second generation (found in the U.S.) produced irregular particles composed mostly by potassium, aluminum, silicon and calcium. We can conclude that identification of GSR derived from CBC second generation lead-free ammunition in suspects' hands may be impossible without the addition of a distinct metallic taggant in the primer composition by the manufacturer.  相似文献   

目的研究常见洗手方式对92式手枪射击残留物检出率的影响,为确定犯罪嫌疑人射击与否的推断提供依据。方法实验人员使用92式手枪分别射击1枪和3枪,射击后0.5h内,射击人员的手分别用清水、肥皂和洗手液清洗3遍(对照组为未清洗),对实验人员的手部进行射击残留物的提取,利用扫描电镜和能谱仪对射击残留物进行检验。结果持枪射击后,射击人的手部会附着大量的射击残留物,用常见的洗手方式进行清洗后,仍然能检测到射击残留物,且不同的洗手方式对射击残留物的检出率的影响差异显著。结论常见洗手方式不能完全清除手部的射击残留物,对涉枪案件犯罪嫌疑人的判定有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The present paper addresses issues that affect both the separate as well as the joint evaluation of firearm evidence (i.e., marks) and gunshot residues (GSR). Mark evidence will be used as a basis to discriminate among barrels through which a bullet in question might have been shot whereas GSR will be used to draw inferences about the distance of firing. Particular attention is drawn to the coherent handling of uncertainties associated with the various parameters considered within each item of evidence. The proposed analysis relies on a probabilistic viewpoint that uses graphical models (i.e., Bayesian networks) as an aid to cope with the complexity induced by the number of variables considered. The paper discusses how an approach based on a probabilistic network environment can be used for the formal analysis and construction of arguments. Emphasis is made on the gain of insight into structural dependencies that may be uncovered when the evaluative process is extended beyond single items of scientific evidence.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for the quantitative determination of nitrites present in gunshot residues, using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer routinely employed in colorimetric procedures. The method involves the quantitative formation of a chromophoric complex between the nitrites present in the extracted gunshot residue and the analytical reagents. The procedure has been found to be sensitive enough to detect sub-microgram quantities of nitrites in gunshot residues, and has been successfully employed in the determination of muzzle-to-target distances, a question asked often in forensic science cases.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to collect gunpowder (propellant) residues from shooters' clothing by vacuum and to analyze them by gas chromatography/thermal energy analyzer (GC/TEA), ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The residues were collected on fiberglass and Teflon filters using the portable vacuum sampler, all supplied with the IMS instrument. Several solvents were examined for the extraction of the propellant components from the filters. The extracts were centrifuged and/or filtered, concentrated by evaporation, and analyzed without any additional clean-up procedure. Based on the results of the study, an operational method for analysis of gunpowder residues was introduced into casework without changing the present operational technique for gunshot (primer) residue (GSR) analysis on clothing implemented by the Israel Police. In the modified method, the clothing is first sampled by double-side adhesive-coated aluminum stubs (the tape-lift method) for GSR analysis (the existing method), followed by vacuum collection for propellant residue examination. The issue of interpretation of the analytical results is discussed.  相似文献   

Gunshot residues (GSR) are an important forensic trace in firearm-related events. Currently, routine GSR analyses focus on the detection and characterisation of the inorganic components (IGSR). The increasing prevalence of heavy metal-free ammunition challenges these current protocols and there is an increasing interest in how the organic components of GSR (OGSR) can provide complementary information. Similar to the situation with IGSR, OGSR compounds originally deposited on the shooter during the firing process may further be transferred onto another individual or surface. Hence, the aim of this study was to provide additional information regarding the risk of a secondary transfer of OGSR. Two scenarios were investigated, the first one related to the arrest process and the possibilities of a secondary transfer arising between a shooter onto a non-shooter (e.g. between a police officer and a person of interest (POI)). The second scenario concerned the transfer of OGSR onto the non-shooter after handling a firearm for few minutes without discharging it. One calibre was chosen, the .40 S&W calibre, used by several Australian State police forces. A secondary transfer was observed in all cases for the two scenarios investigated, for three compounds of interest: ethylcentralite (EC), diphenylamine (DPA), N-nitrosodiphenylamine (N-nDPA). The firearm handling scenario resulted in a larger secondary transfer to that of the arrest scenario. Overall, the amounts of OGSR detected on the non-shooter were generally lower than that detected on the shooter and controls after the arrest scenario. The results of this study provide complementary knowledge about OGSR, which can be further used to improve the current practice and the interpretation of OGSR evidence. In particular, it highlights that the secondary transfer proposition must be considered during the interpretation of forensic findings, especially when small amounts of OGSR target compounds are detected.  相似文献   

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