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美帝国主义是世界人民最兇恶的敌人,是破坏日內瓦协議的罪魁,是挑起老撾內战和阻碍越南統一的禍首。在老撾,如所週知,美国侵畧者勾結它所支持的富米——文翁叛国集团破坏老撾的和平中立,悍然挑起老撾内战。但这种違背老撾人民及世界爱好和平人民意志的行动,受到了老撾王国合法政府軍和寮国战斗部队有力的回击。叛国集团在軍事上和政治土都遭到严重挫折之后,繼續糾集它的夥伴和利用臭名昭彰的《东南亚条約組織》对老撾加紧干涉和侵畧。关于这些,甚至西方报紙也頗多异議,这可从法国的《新民主》杂誌所发表的《老撾事件和中立主义》一文中看到。在南越的情况也是一样,自从1954年关于恢复印度支那和平問題的日內瓦会議以后,美帝国主义以各种“援助”为借口,接二連三地非法大量派遣軍事顧問团,通过吳庭艳傀儡政府瘋狂地鎮压和杀害无辜的越南南方人民。但越南南方人民并沒有被吓倒,他們不断地为反对美吳集团的法西斯恐怖統治、为改善生活、爭取民族独立和民主自由而斗爭。这使得美吳集团大有惶惶不可終日之势,这甚至使得反动透頂的《美国新聞与世界报道》杂誌也不得不招認。  相似文献   

菲律宾国内民主制度仍不完善,政党间的竞争存在着"为竞争而竞争"的现象。在这样的政治生态中,外交议题经常被"污名化",对领导者个人的权力安全构成威胁,进而对菲律宾的外交政策选择形成严重干扰。菲律宾2005年与中国、越南签订《在南中国海协议区三方联合海洋地震工作协议》(JMSU),2014年与美国签订《强化防务合作协议》(EDCA),这两个案例在执行进程中都在菲律宾国内都受到"侵犯国家主权"等指责,时任领导人因此都被贴上"叛国"以及"腐败"等污名标签,在参议院遭到弹劾指控的威胁。但不同的是,JMSU被迫放弃,而EDCA最终得以实施。研究发现,其中的调节变量是领导者对受损身份的管理策略差异,尤其是能否建立起他者威胁的联系策略,这影响着领导者是否能够有效化解污名化所带来的身份受损和权力安全威胁。  相似文献   

全球环境问题的解决需要国际合作.亚太经合组织为解决亚太地区环境问题提供了重要途径.本文着重分析了亚太经合组织环境合作的模式,指出了其存在的主要问题,并提出了进一步促进其发展的建议.  相似文献   

俄罗斯国防工业体从前苏联时期的斯大林模式向市场导向的转型,经历了漫长而艰辛的历程.尤其是20世纪90年代的军转民实践,充满了曲折和困难,短期内削弱了其经济实力.但俄罗斯也逐渐明确了国防工业体进一步转型的方向,为推动其经济结构的进一步调整以及经济的持续发展奠定了基础.本文着重从理论上分析俄罗斯国防工业体转型的路径,并深入探讨其对经济发展的巨大影响.  相似文献   

德国历史学派与民国时期中国经济学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严鹏 《德国研究》2011,(2):40-45,79
德国历史学派对民国时期中国经济学的发展具有广泛的影响.民国经济学者主要关注这一学派诞生的渊源,其保护主义政策以及历史主义方法.在构建本土经济学的进程中,民国学者一方面视德国历史学派为榜样,另一方面对其进行扬弃,为中国经济学的创立开辟了广泛的空间.  相似文献   

庄国土教授在其新著<华侨华人与中国的关系>中,分别对1949年以后中国政府与台湾当局的侨务政策分阶段进行了评析,总结其经验教训,是非得失,为我国今后的侨务工作提供了有益的启示.本文为此书这部分内容的书评.  相似文献   

从2005年至今,东南亚恐怖组织伊斯兰祈祷团策划并实施了一系列恐怖活动,对东南亚各国的安全形势造成了巨大的威胁.作为一个重要首领被捕、遭受严重打击的恐怖主义组织,伊斯兰祈祷团之所以能在短期内死灰复燃,根本原因在于其严密的组织结构.伊斯兰祈祷团的人员与资金来源结构是确保其强大凝聚力的重要基础,而严密的分工结构亏灵活的网络结构则为其运行提供了强有力的支撑.  相似文献   

对于2008年的俄格战争,俄罗斯从法律和规范的角度,为自身的行为提出了辩解.一方面是为了证明其行动的合法性与合理性,另一方面也隐含着更大的政治动机:即俄罗斯想利用对自身有利的国际转型期和自身实力上升的机会,挑战现有的国际规范,从而为自己在未来的行动,特别是在独联体地区的行动,创造有利的条件.然而,俄罗斯的这些辩辞并不能得到广泛的共识,相反其言行反而带来了国际社会的担心,从而使得其挑战西方主导的秩序更加困难.  相似文献   

海外华文教育的历史回顾与梳理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
海外华文教育是中国语言文化教育在国外的一种延伸,是一种国际性的教育.海外华文教育自其形成至今,已有300多年的历史.海外华文教育的发展有其自身的特点和规律,本文首先界定了华文教育的概念,而后将其划分为形成、兴盛、不平衡发展、复兴、高涨五个阶段,并作系统研究.  相似文献   

战后以来,日本企业凭借其精湛的技术、优良的产品品质和周到的社会服务,为自身的可持续发展赢得了良好的发展环境.日本企业依靠其完善的经营理念体系,较好地协调了企业内部、企业与顾客群、社会、自然之间的关系,缓和或化解了可能出现的矛盾和冲突,使企业整体上呈现一种稳定、和谐的可持续发展状态.我国目前正在构建社会主义和谐社会,其关键正在于有效地协调各种利益关系.尽管国情不同,文化传统有异,但日本企业的某些做法无疑对我们有所启示.  相似文献   


Were Marx alive today he might be moved to comment on how quickly the next “revolution” materialized, that is to say, how quickly certain disciples of his, like Lenin and Stalin, substituted political organization and the power of the state for the proletariat as the agency of revolution. Perhaps Marx would recognize that the state merited more attention than he gave it, for in this century it seems clear that state power has functioned more autonomously than Marx implied in order to preserve capitalism, by ameliorating its fundamental contradictions; and to put off, even pervert, that socialist revolution which originally envisioned the proletariat assuming the central, world-historical role. In recent years Marxist critics have been filling this lacuna in Marxism with a profusion of writings on the role of the state in its absolutist, capitalist, and socialist variants. It was into this milieu that Franz Schurmann stepped with his Logic of World Power, containing within it a “theory of the state” that I find both interesting and flawed, a theory that offers much to the current debate on the role of the state, and yet one that has been largely ignored by Marxists and non-Marxists alike.  相似文献   

This article will explore and analyze the life and times of Haj Muhammad Hassan Amin al-Zarb (1834–1898) who was a self-made man who went on to become Iran's first major entrepreneur and the richest man in Iran. He started life in poverty and obscurity and ended his days in wealth and prominence. His rise to social and economic importance was so meteoric that it became the stuff of legends blending the myth and the reality of his life. He was a visionary with progressive ideas beyond his time. His world view was formed partly by his experiences in childhood and early life but beyond that by his own perspicacity. His cosmos was governed by his devotion to and responsibility for his family both nuclear and extended, by his deep religious belief, by patriotism and by the ambition to succeed in business. The article will investigate all of the above.  相似文献   


John McAlister's book is an ambitious attempt to apply current American social scientific theories of social mobilization and revolution to Vietnam. It is likely to be considered an important source since his analysis of the anti-French revolution is based on still secret and inaccessible French army files, used in conjunction with other French language sources available only in a few libraries in the U.S. It might well become popular as a college text, offering a theoretical model of revolution for those wishing to venture comparisons with other nations. It is, to my mind, a subtly and intelligently written book but an extremely biased one, and therefore worthy of careful analysis.  相似文献   

甘露 《当代韩国》2012,(2):108-114
冯玉祥作为中国近代史上著名的反帝爱国将军,对中国境内的韩国反日独立运动也给予了不少关注与支持。他在革命生涯早期就与韩国独立运动人士建立了联系,在抗战时期又大力支持韩国临时政府及各党派的工作,还积极参与中韩文化协会和韩侨基督教会的活动,为韩国独立运动和中韩友谊都作出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

The story of Syria's first president Mohammad Ali al-Abed is not told in Syrian history books, for a variety of reasons. One is the drama of Syrian history after 1936, when he stepped down. Another is the fact that he came to power with French blessing, making him an easy target for the National Bloc, which dominated Syrian public life from 1936 until 1958. When the Ba'athists came to power in 1963, they systematically excised entire sections of modern Syrian history; anything that came before the socialist revolution, they claimed, was capitalistic, imperialistic, elitist, backward, and ultimately wrong. Any praise of Abed, or his generation of Syrian nationalists, tended to result in harassment by the security services, or jail. As a result, four generations grew up in Ba'athist Syria knowing of no other president than Hafez al-Assad. This article tries to remedy this by shedding light on the career of a forgotten president from pre-Baath Syria.  相似文献   

北一辉是二战前日本民间法西斯运动的理论指导者,他的代表作<日本改造法案大纲>被称为日本法西斯主义理论的"圣经".北一辉早年曾参加辛亥革命,与宋教仁、谭人凤等中国革命领导人相交莫逆,他所撰写的<支那革命外史>在二战后被誉为描绘日本人参与辛亥革命的最佳代表作之一.本文以北一辉的两部著作--<支那革命外史>和<日本改造法案大纲>为主要研究对象,通过探讨五四运动对北一辉有关亚洲国际战略构想的影响,以期揭示五四运动期间北一辉思想的变化在他的法西斯主义国家改造论形成过程中所起的作用.  相似文献   

Within a short time after the Iranian revolution of 1977-79, a number of studies were published concerning the dramatic process. It was presumably the spectacular turn of events, comprehensive media coverage, and relatively long period of time over which the revolution took place that enhanced the attention it received, and still receives from academic research. Taking its point of departure in theories of revolution by Theda Skocpol, this article discusses the character of the revolution. The article problematises Skocpol's theories through a discussion of the special characteristics of the Iranian Revolution, thus adding new dimensions to the comprehensive discussions of the dramatic developments. It is the article's perspective that the revolution must be conceptualised as a complex and dynamic process involving a high degree of internal dynamism and unpredictability, which made possible a radical break from the past, the development of new constructs, and unintended consequences. The execution of a revolution resulting in a clerical dictatorship was made possible by the dialectical and creative interaction between the groups involved, an interaction that took place over the two years during which the revolution occurred.  相似文献   

曹聚仁是20世纪中国著名的作家、学者和记者,二三十年代和抗战胜利后曾两度任教暨南大学长达11年.其中二三十年代任教暨南大学9年的经历是曹聚仁人生历程中浓墨重彩的一笔.本文拟以曹聚仁任教暨南大学时的活动足迹为中心,探讨其与暨南大学的关系.  相似文献   

Isaac Bar Moshe (1927-2004) was born in Baghdad and immigrated to Israel in 1950. This article deals with his literary world, which is split between realism on the one hand and fantasy, mysticism and dreams on the other, with both these planes reflecting his perspective on various existential questions. The article focuses on the short stories in his book Behind the Wall (1973), which, like many of his other works, are largely anchored in his private life and depict a bleak reality, with dreams and fantasy offering the only hope of escape into a better, more spiritual world. The article concludes with an analysis of Bar Moshe's stories in terms of the three functions of fantasy – ‘recovery, escape and consolation’ – as formulated by writer and philologist J.R.R. Tolkien in his book Tree and Leaf.  相似文献   

McDowall relates how in 2005, contrary to the predictions of many western observers, Ahmadinejad was elected as President of Iran, reflecting popular disillusion with the reformist president, Khatami, and the rise of a new generation of politicians, whose relationships had been forged during the war with Iraq. Ahmadinejad came to power at an opportune moment: he could profile himself as an opponent of America and Israel. Wholesale changes in personnel formed the other mark of his revolution. Four years on, his populist economic policies have not proved effective, which could be significant in terms of the 2009 presidential elections. The crucial question is whether there is a suitable opposition candidate who might run against him. This is the edited text of the lecture which he gave to the Society on Wednesday 7 May 2008.  相似文献   

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