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行政主体的义务范畴研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
关保英 《法律科学》2006,24(1):62-69
行政主体的义务范畴是一个非常重要的行政法学理论问题,在现代法治政府之下政府行政系统的责任越来越突出,“责任政府”概念也成了政治学、行政法以及行政法学解释相关问题的基本概念。在责任政府这一现代理论的指导下,行政主体对公民、社会、国家承担义务就自然而然地成了行政法治以及行政法理论的核心问题,与之相对应,行政主体义务的基本范畴就成了近年来各国行政法学关注的热点问题。行政主体应具有推行宪法和法律,接受立法和司法监督,改善社会环境和促进社会发展,使国内事务与国际事务接轨等宪法义务;具有为行政相对人提供利益和保护,为行政行为说明理由和承担赔偿责任等行政法义务。  相似文献   

In considering the possible antitrust implications of a merger of two or more competing hospitals, the courts have generally found that hospitals provide a cluster of services which have significant peculiar characteristics that allow them to be considered a single product market. Spurred by changes in their environments, hospitals during the last decade have become markedly less homogeneous in their range of products and geographic markets. As a result, the impact of hospital mergers in the future may need to be assessed in multiple, more narrowly defined relevant markets, for which several possible definitional bases are suggested in this paper. The increased precision associated with such multidimensional antitrust analysis should permit a more effective consideration of the trade-offs between increases in hospitals' market power and advances in their relative operating efficiency and/or quality of services.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的不断加快和"民工潮"的涌现,农民工子女接受义务教育的问题日益突出,尽管国家已经出台了很多相关政策来保障农民工子女接受教育的权利,但从实际执行情况来看,效果并不明显.我们认为,有效推进农民工子女的义务教育政策的实际执行效果有以下一些主要的现实路径:完善教育政策,提高政策的权威性和严密性;明确政府职责,建立权力分配体制;消除城乡差别,开发新的教育资源;实现制度创新,消除执行中的梗塞;采用各种资金筹措手段,保证农民工子女教育资金的落实,让农民工子女从此可以沐浴"教育公平"的阳光.  相似文献   

关于设立“特留份”制度的立法构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张华贵 《现代法学》2004,26(4):151-156
“特留份”制度的产生源于对遗嘱自由的限制,当今世界各国不仅都在立法上对于遗嘱自由进行了一定程度的限制,而且从法律上规定被继承人应当为配偶和其他近血亲保留必要的遗产份额,已经成为世界上绝大多数国家的立法趋势。在新的社会条件下,我国立法应该怎样构建合理的遗嘱继承制度,从而保护配偶和其近血亲继承人的利益,是立法上急需解决的问题。本文对于有关这一问题的立法提出了自己的构想。  相似文献   

莫华善 《行政与法》2007,(12):92-93
在我国高等教育大众化进程中,出现高校办学规模扩大、投资渠道和资金来源多元化、基建项目增多、物资采购种类和数量增大、办学收费途径趋向灵活等现象,这些变化为高等学校的发展注入了新的活力,同时,也带来了许多新的问题,高等学校职务犯罪呈现明显的多发趋势。加强职务犯罪预防工作已成为高等教育健康发展的重要任务。  相似文献   

劳动法视角看大学生兼职“工资”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林娟 《政法学刊》2013,30(4):52-58
伴随高等教育素质化要求,规范完善兼职大学生特殊群体劳动权益的重要性日益凸显.伴随着大学生越来越强的竞争意识,体验生活、积累经验的“打工”风潮在大学校园已经蔚然成风,但大学生“工资”受损现象越愈演愈烈,这与劳雇双方市场地位失衡、大学生屈居弱势,维权途径不畅、受害人诉求无门等原因有关,参考外国法对大学生兼职的保护规定,我们应该制定规范大学生校外兼职的相关法律法规,保护大学生权益.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, criminal justice education In the United States has increased dramatically. Much of this growth has been in response to the needs of an evolving criminal justice field. However, there is some concern among professionals that the criminal justice system needs to be impacted more directly, and that institutions of higher learning need to be impetus for this change. To complete this task, curricula in higher education programs need to become more relevant to the needs of the system, while not ignoring the student of the educational system. This article examines the use of competency-based education (CBE) as a model that will serve the criminal justice student of today and the criminal justice system of tomorrow.  相似文献   

This case note examines the long‐standing litigation against Georgia State University in relation to the posting, by faculty and library staff, of unauthorised copies of book extracts on the University's electronic reserves and virtual learning environment. The central question in this litigation has been whether these acts of copying fall within the fair use doctrine in US copyright law. In answering this, a key question for the US courts – and one relevant to other jurisdictions with free exceptions for education, such as the UK – has been whether existing and potential licensing activity is relevant to the question of whether an exception applies. This case note discusses how market effect has been analysed in Georgia State, including the recent rejection by the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit of a strongly empirical approach to market harm.  相似文献   

彭顺克 《政法学刊》2003,20(1):88-90
公安教育经历了主要履行培训职能、培训与学历教育并重等历程,面临国家教育体制和就业制度改革的新形势,公安教育需与时俱进,发展本科公安教育,在更高的层次上为公安工作服务。发展公安本科教育,既有必要性也有可能性,其必要性是公安工作需要高学历的专门人才、公安教育具有不可替代性、发展公安本科教育有利于公安院校扩大办学规模提高办学效益,促进公安教育事业的发展。其可能性是国家教育改革的形势发展对建立公安本科院校有利、国家教育行政部门对发展公安本科教育有足够的重视、现有公安院校的办学经验和条件为建立公安本科院校提供了较好的基础性平台。  相似文献   

行政法学界对高等教育领域的行政法问题的研究起步较晚,但近几年来,关注程度渐高,研究力量渐强,学术成果渐多,已成为行政法学研究的一个新的亮点。在这一过程中,公民的维权诉求、司法审判的突破和行政法学者的直接参与无疑发挥了重大作用。在中国走向法治的背景下,高等教育改革与发展过程中政府管理和高校治理出现的新问题将更多地被提到法律的层面,行政法学研究也将面临更多的机遇和挑战。高等教育行政法学研究将呈现出由研究内部问题到研究外部问题、从局部研究到系统研究、由关注司法实践到关注立法完善、由依托一般原理到构建部门体系的趋势。  相似文献   


The late NR Madhava Menon, known widely as ‘the father of modern legal education in India’, was also a leading voice for global legal education reform by championing ‘socially relevant legal education’ through clinical legal education throughout the world. This article concentrates on his seminal role in the founding of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) and the crafting of its mission statement. Drawing on a number of key moments in Dr Menon’s lifelong dedication to the twin causes of legal education and social justice, it highlights how he brought an international perspective to his critical work on legal education reform in India by enlisting international collaborators, how he motivated international colleagues to bring similar reforms to their countries, and how he mentored new generations of legal educators in what has become a true global clinical movement. The article focuses specifically on how the guiding principles of GAJE’s inaugural conference, which Dr Menon co-chaired in 1999, reflect his vision of global clinical legal education that continues to guide GAJE and the global clinical movement today.


The eagerly awaited outcomes of the Legal Education and Training Review provide a richness of data on the nature and content of legal education which is invaluable for legal education researchers. However, it is argued here that in so far as the Review was concerned with context and with preparing providers of legal services for a more challenging future, it neglected or understated some key issues. The extent of change in terms of the growth in the unregulated sector and in the way services are delivered, along with significant change in the way legal education and training itself is provided were perhaps all underestimated. Importantly, it is argued that the regulatory framework of the EU and its current developments and controversies were barely touched on yet not only is that framework directly relevant but it also has much to offer in terms of experience and ideas.  相似文献   

近年来,朝鲜"脱北者"问题逐渐成为地区乃至国际热点问题,中国在该问题上以遣返为主的政策也日益面临来自其他国家的压力。从1951年《关于难民地位的公约》的规定和相关国际实践来看,"脱北者"是否具有难民地位不能一概而论,而是要具体问题具体分析;我国的现有政策总体上无可非议,同时可以考虑按照国际条约,给予那些确因政治原因出逃的"脱北者"们国际法上的难民地位。此外,我国还有必要建立健全处理难民及相关问题的机制。  相似文献   

中国法学教育沿革之研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
法学教育是法律的基本问题,而法律是宪政的基本问题。在中国传统历史中,“有系统的社会管制”所对应的不是法,而是中国特有的“礼”。1840年以前,中国无西方意义上的法学教育;1840年至 1949年,中国法学教育进入近代时期,从无到有,出现了一个极为兴盛的局面;1949年以后,中国现代法学教育从头开始,经历了曲折的发展过程,为适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,完善我国法学教育事业还任重而道远。  相似文献   

平行进口与我国知识产权保护问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
董石  张莉军 《河北法学》2004,22(8):87-90
平行进口问题是国际贸易领域经常发生的问题。产生"平行进口"的直接原因是由于某项知识产权产品的本国价格与外国价格之间存在较大的差价,其本质是个体利益与公众利益、贸易自由主义与非关税壁垒之间的矛盾,反映了国际贸易行为与知识产权法律保护制度的冲突。在我国,平行进口的现象虽然为数不少,但除了专利法有明确的规定之外,在商标及版权领域却无相关的法律规定,我国加入世界贸易组织后,两者之间的矛盾就更加突出了。旨在对平行进口问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

谈互联网上毒品犯罪及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网因其现代化、科学化、高效率、高覆盖及无国界等优点,迅速走进人们的生活,同时也给不法之徒进行犯罪活动提供了契机。目前通过互联网订购、销售毒品、进行在线毒品交易、提供制毒配方等互联网上涉毒案件已出现,网上毒品犯罪已成为全球毒品犯罪的最新发展动向,引起各国政府及执法部门的高度关注。  相似文献   

Despite the important role which the police play in the reproduction of social order, there is a lacuna in critical criminological literature on the policing of democratic societies. As a consequence, the mistaken impression is fostered that policing in Canada is not problematic. This paper challenges this view, documenting the extent of police malpractice and raising the question of the need for police accountability. Within this context the authors discuss three forms which police accountability has historically taken: judicial inquiry, community police monitoring groups, and consultative liaison panels. One problem which the authors note is the way in which all three models depend upon the police for information about the nature of crime and policing, making them susceptible to dominant discourses about policing. Thus they continue by discussing the left realist model as potentially a fourth model. This form of police accountability emerged in Britain during the 1980s and is characterized by the production of an alternative discourse on crime and police practices based on locally conducted and controlled victimization surveys. The extent to which this practice of police accountability might be relevant to the Canadian context remains yet to be explored. The authors note in closing, however, that this is an empirical and not a theoretical question, meaning that Canadian criminologists must become more practical and less academic in their discourses of social control. “A riot is at bottom the language of the unheard” (Revd. Martin Luther King, 1967)  相似文献   

神圣的法律似乎因为背后的人民因之是神圣的,似乎天然神圣的人民因为法律的保护而更加神圣。如非要追问二者究竟谁因谁而神圣,问题就有点复杂。因此,探讨人民的至高无上与至高无上的人民不惟有理论与事实的分野,还关涉对当下中国相关法律的追问与考虑。  相似文献   

Technology, Criminology and Crime Science   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Developments in technology have changed the environment of crime, which, in some of its new forms, poses a serious threat to society. At the same time the technologies of crime control are being transformed. If criminology is to respond adequately to this changed environment, it must make radical changes in its mission, its theories and its methodologies, the collective result of which would be to make the discipline more directly relevant to crime control and prevention. This would enhance the effectiveness of these activities and would also open up new and exciting career opportunities for criminologists. If criminology does not change, it will become eclipsed by crime science and will find it increasingly hard to survive – even in the protected environment of universities.  相似文献   

A reliable determination of the post mortem interval (PMI) in human bones has neither been found by morphological nor by intensive analyses of other kinds. In most cases of legal medicine practice the question of PMI is restricted to a forensically relevant resting period. In a survey based upon literature, all osteological signs of decomposition, which have not been described for a soil embedded resting period of under 50 years, were collected. 21 research reports could be found, describing macroscopic findings on soil-embedded human bones with known PMI. All in all, 1295 individuals were examined in these investigations. A censorious review of the summarized results found in literature reveals that the following findings have never been seen in a PMI of 50 years or less. Outer appearance: macroscopically no adipocere, deep incisions of the outer compact layer, extensive defects of the bone surface, intense brownish-black lawn of microorganisms, fraying of the outer lamellar system, lifting of the cortical area, torsion of the tissue, attached brushit, bone manually breakable. On freshly sawn cross sections: lack of adipocere, brushit in the marrow area, reduced or lack of UV-fluorescence.  相似文献   

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