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20世纪90年代以来,美国经济出现了二战后罕见的持续非线性的高速度增长.其主要表现为高增长率、高就业、高规模、高扩张,人们将这种经济现象定义为-新经济.新经济出现在美国绝非偶然,本文旨在探讨新经济现象背后的制度因素--科技创新、制度创新、政策性保障及对中国知识经济发展的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, concepts have appeared that have influenced and even defined entire science and technology policies in Western countries: high technology, national system of innovation, information economy, knowledge-based economy, and the new economy. In all these policy developments, the OECD, acting as a think tank for its member countries, has been an important promoter of these concepts, turning them into buzzwords. This article looks at the concept of knowledge-based economy in order to explore the crucial role of the OECD in its dissemination and, above all, the role statistics have played in shaping policy discourses.  相似文献   

New products, new services and new approaches to doing business may be essential in order to return to a period of long term economic propsperity. A particularly powerful approach to innovation is the technique called “morphology”. Kondratieff’s use of the morphology technique to analyze business cycles, and also an original use of morphology to analyze the categories of existence, are here applied to deduce office worker archetypes and significant business management issues, as a function of economic phase. The economic phases of prosperity, recession, depression and recovery are realted to the following business management issues: Productivity, time management, innovation and management by objectives. These issues correspond, respectively, to the following office worker archetypes: Information worker, skill worker, knowledge worker and decision maker.  相似文献   

赵海军 《行政与法》2007,(10):19-22
两地之间技术水平差距越大,技术转移的动因就越强。而现实中,技术又总是首先沿梯度最小的方向转移。技术转移和创新区域发展,客观上要求政府提供必要的服务,创造条件减小技术转移的梯度,促进技术转移的顺利进行。在当前实施创新型国家发展战略的背景下,政府更应以"仆人"的角色来履行其公共服务职能,不但要当创新的排头兵,还要做创新的导航员,更要做创新环境的营造者。  相似文献   

Although worker injury and fatalities have decreased since adoption of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970, it remains an important safety issue. This article describes a 27‐year‐old white male who died from occupational exposure to airborne chemicals. Several trends in the last several decades, both in the types of injuries and the occupations associated with fatalities, are noted. Additionally, individual risk factors such as age, gender, chronic disease, smoking, and alcohol and drug use are implicated in worker health and safety. The role of the forensic pathologist in the investigation of workplace deaths is highlighted, in addition to the future of occupational safety and current improvements brought about by such incidents.  相似文献   

Recent policy initiatives in occupational safety and health have emphasized strategies that provide workers with information about workplace exposures. It is not clear, however, what effect this new information has had or will have on worker self-help initiatives. This paper analyzes individual and collective worker responses to information on job hazards using five sources of data on workers and industries in the United States. Levels of expressed dissatisfaction, discharges for cause, and strike frequencies are found to be significantly higher in hazardous jobs than in safe jobs. Individual quit strategies are not consistently found to be associated with higher hazard levels. These findings have potentially important implications for the design of future information-oriented health and safety policies.  相似文献   

随着我国社区矫正试点工作的不断深入,整合和利用各种社会力量参与社区矫正已经成为我国社区矫正工作进一步发展的基本趋势。对法学学生以志愿者身份融入社区矫正工作的参与模式、法学学生参与社区矫正工作的积极效用、法学应用性培养与社区矫正工作的衔接机制进行探索,既有利于促进我国社区矫正工作的长效发展,又有利于法学教育专业优势、人才优势的发挥,真正实现学用结合。  相似文献   

Policy Issues for R&D Investment in a Knowledge-Based Economy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Internet Revolution induced an unbalanced perspective on future economic growth strategies. Because information technology (IT) largely constitutes an infrastructure upon which other economic activity is based, its economic role is to facilitate the productivity of investment in a wide range of products and services that meet final demand. Other economies around the world can and are investing in the same infrastructure, so the efficiency advantages now being realized by the U.S. economy will be fleeting unless U.S. R&D efforts produce a new and broad range of innovative products and services that take advantage of this infrastructure. A deep and diverse technology-based manufacturing sector must be a core objective of a national R&D strategy. United States manufacturing contributes $1.5 trillion to GDP, employs 20 million workers, accounts for more than 70% of industrial R&D, and constitutes the main source of technology for the larger service sector. While knowledge-based services are the largest source of economic growth for the U.S. economy, their long-term performance is highly dependent on synergies with a domestic manufacturing sector. These synergies will be even more important in the future because services are increasingly exposed to foreign competition. Knowledge-based services can be supplied from anywhere in the world—as long as these foreign sources can rapidly access and assimilate the necessary technology components. This caveat is the critical point for economic growth policy. Considerable research supports the argument that hardware and software components are most efficiently supplied to services by a manufacturing sector that is geographically close and institutionally integrated with the service applications. Policy debates have raged for decades over the nature and magnitude of underinvestment in manufacturing R&D. The need to resolve the relevant policy issues has increased, as industry is funding less of the long-term, high-risk research that creates the technology platforms supporting new industries and future economic growth. Unfortunately, only about a third of U.S. manufacturing is high-tech by conventional definitions. Some of the remaining industries develop technologies internally, but most purchase a large proportion of their technology from the high-tech sector. Because a technology acquisition strategy can be more easily imitated by foreign competitors, traditional industries are much more susceptible to exchange rate variations, global economic cycles, and secular shifts in foreign competition. Thus, with global technological capabilities relentlessly increasing, the long-term prospects for the moderate and low R&D-intensive portions of U.S. manufacturing are not good. This paper presents a conceptual framework and available data as inputs for the analysis of Federal R&D investment strategies. Such strategies must recognize the full range of public and private technology assets constituting a national innovation system. A developed and efficient innovation system has characteristics making imitation by foreign competitors difficult and thereby enables sustained competitive advantage.  相似文献   

While there has been much emphasis over the last decade on the science of nanotechnology and on the implications and risks of potential applications, it is now timely to increase attention to the emerging dynamics of nanotechnology commercialization. This paper examines, from a global perspective, where and how corporations are entering into nanotechnology innovation. The paper tests the proposition that a significant shift has occurred in recent years in the orientation of corporate nanotechnology activities—from research discovery to patented applications. It also examines the extent to which the character and structure of corporate nanotechnology activity by country initially reflects national innovation system characteristics and prior public research funding inputs in the stage when discovery is most emphasized. The results indicate that national innovation systems characteristics are significant factors in the commercialization shift of nanotechnology and highlight the importance of innovation system policy factors. We also observe the influence of cross-border international invention linkages, suggesting that national innovation policies also need to be open and international in orientation.  相似文献   

Transferring research results from federal laboratories to small, local industries poses major conceptual as well as practical difficulties. To address the problem, this paper provides a model of a technology-transfer system in which a federal laboratory—the National Bureau of Standards's Automated Manufacturing Research Facility—is linked to small manufacturers through state-and community-based technology centers, where the various instituions in the system are matched along dimensions of (a) level of government, (b) stage in cycle of innovation, (C) education of prototypical worker, and (d) nature of capital-revenue base.  相似文献   

US universities are leading the way in technology commercialization, while universities in Russia lag far behind. This paper discusses the best American practices, as well as the main issues of technology commercialization at the US universities. As an example, we consider the experience of the University of Maryland, College Park. In the next section, we turn to technology commercialization in Russia, where it struggles for several reasons. In this paper, we propose that Russia can improve its technology commercialization by studying the example of the leading US entrepreneurial universities and implementing proper procedures. And the important overarching point is that Russian universities need to improve their collaboration with industry, and they need to develop new standards of administrative, research, and business activity that will promote innovation and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

由于对发达国家的市场、资金和技术的依赖,同时还面临着民族问题的困扰、社会结构变革中的调控失衡、引进技术受限和人才外流严重等方面的难题,发展中国家的国家经济安全问题十分严峻,发民肿国家在当今的经济全球化浪潮中,要努力发展经济,壮大国家的经济力量和综合实力,积极而稳定进行社会制度变革,尽量减少国外经济波动的不良影响,提高参与国际经济竞争的能力,才能行之有效地保障其国家经济安全。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the concept of public values can be operationalized in an ongoing public initiative to stimulate innovation in an emerging technology. Our study focuses on Innovation Corps (I-Corps)—a program initiated in 2011 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to accelerate the process of commercializing science-driven discoveries. The I-Corps method has since spread rapidly across multiple US agencies. Separately, there has also been heightened attention to the early anticipation and mitigation of the implications of emerging science and technology. Drawing on the case of nanotechnology, the paper considers how public values related to nanotechnology commercialization can be integrated alongside the fast start-up procedures embedded in I-Corps. We use a public values framework to pose societal impact questions that can be probed in parallel with the current I-Corps process, highlighting values such as identification of societal problems that the technology might potentially address; types of potential customers likely to be overlooked; groups who might oppose the application as well as those who might support it; and potential environmental, health, and safety risks. The paper discusses the challenges of adding specifications related to equity as well as safety in efforts to foster rapid commercialization and considers how these can be integrated within the I-Corps approach.  相似文献   

刘瑾  刘辉 《行政与法》2010,(11):80-83
随着经济的知识化与全球化,企业竞争的核心已围绕着技术创新展开。民营企业进一步生存和发展的根本出路在于通过技术创新拥有和行使知识产权。本文通过对"正泰诉施奈德"案例的思考,分析了知识产权对民营企业技术创新的价值,知识产权与技术创新的结合,探讨了技术创新导向下民营企业如何制定和应用知识产权战略,分析了浙江省地方立法对民营企业技术创新的知识产权保护措施。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology offers a rare opportunity to study the early evolution of a new generic technology in real time. This paper suggests focusing more on the market formation side, rather than technology generation, when seeking to explain technology evolution. Applying an evolutionary capabilities perspective, the paper examines how firms organize innovation in the early embryonic stages of a technology and how the market as a selective device undergoes qualitative change as part of economic evolution. The traditional Danish window chain is used as a case. A model of nanotechnology evolution is proposed which suggests that nanotechnology commercialization is significantly driven by small and medium-sized firms based on their internal knowhow, with larger firms as important suppliers of know how. These smaller firms are adept at addressing social needs which appear to be key factors in the nano-commercialization process. A taxonomy of nine enterprise strategies for entry into nanotechnology is suggested. The paper identifies a marked shift in marketing strategizing among the nanotechnology innovative companies, from being “loud” around the turn of the millennium to becoming increasingly “silent” at the present time, illustrating the unconsolidated stage of the current nanotechnology market.  相似文献   

党的十八大报告指出:科技创新是提高社会生产力和综合国力的战略支撑,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置.同样,提高科技创新能力也是促进区域经济可持续发展的重要动力源泉.目前,吉林省正处经济转型发展的关键时期,因此,加大政府对科技创新的支持力度、充分发挥企业自主创新的主体作用、建立产学研合作体系等是提升吉林省科技创新能力的重要途径.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to outline how the General Data Protection Regulation might be positive not only for consumers and societal well-being but also for innovation in the digital age. Situated within the highly charged debate regarding the impact of regulations on innovation, this paper examines the General Data Protection Regulation in light of the theoretical facets underpinning the contexts in which regulation has a positive effect on innovation. These are in relation to firstly, tackling concentrated market power where too much concentration leads to the hampering of competitiveness and innovation. Secondly, structural features outlined in the Porter hypothesis that a regulation should have to promote innovation and thirdly, whether the General Data Protection Regulation falls within the scope of the Brussels effect and hence, levels the competitive playing field as well as helps shape the future of the digital economy. The General Data Protection Regulation's alignment with these three dimensions is outlined with certain deviations being noted.  相似文献   

张柏英 《行政与法》2010,(12):29-31
本文围绕加快转变经济发展方式是我国当前经济工作的紧迫任务、科技进步促进经济发展方式转变的历史回顾、科技创新优化经济发展方式的现实比较、经济发展方式转变的数理逻辑与阶段特征和加快我国区域经济发展方式转变的路径选择等方面对转变经济发展方式问题进行了分析,并探讨了我国当前区域经济发展的阶段性特征及其发展规律。  相似文献   

人脸识别技术在现有应用场景中已经被证明了其便捷性和高效性,但是,围绕该技术自身准确性、安全性、伦理性和合法性等问题的争议也从未停息。2020年我国"人脸识别第一案"引发公众及学界关注与讨论,急需在快速扩散的技术应用中,寻找信息法益保护模式。完善人脸识别技术中个人信息保护模式的可能性如下:第一,坚持"合法、正当、必要"原...  相似文献   

The combination of knowledge and innovation has become a cornerstone among knowledge and labour intensive enterprises. A growing number of enterprises are defined as knowledge intensive entrepreneurship ventures that have been widely studied in relation to their eco-system. However only few research have addressed this phenomenon to enterprises digital eco-system by adopting mainly a qualitatively approach. We point out that the relevance of the digital eco-system focusing on the role of social networking sites in relationship to innovation and knowledge. The use of social networking sites can provide a wealth of information about individuals and their networks, which can be utilised for various business purposes. It enables enterprises to create online communities and share user-created content. Within this context, enterprises actively interact with external actors such as customers, public institutions, and other businesses to acquire and absorb external knowledge, and then generate innovation. To gain insights from the global economy, 215 small to medium enterprises from different sets of global enterprises, both knowledge-intensive (e.g. management consulting, marketing and advertising, ICT and related services, legal and technical services) and labour-intensive (such as high tech and electronics, food and beverage, and consumer durables), were analysed. Via the Partial Least Square-Path Modelling the relationships between social networking sites, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance were measured. Therefore, recommendations are proffered as to what small-medium enterprises should do in order to enhance their innovativeness. The research ends with conclusions and implications to both scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

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