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<正>The 2017 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum is to take place from January 17 to 20 in the Swiss town of Davos with the theme of"Responsive and Responsible Leadership."A series of major changes such as Britain’s exit from the European Union,Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the next U.S.president and elections in France and Germany in the next few months make this year’s meeting par-  相似文献   

正Since the PRC was recognized by the UN,its role has continued to grow By Jia Lieying Forty-five years ago on October 25,the UN General Assembly passed Resolution2758,initiated by Albania,to recognize the People's Republic of China(PRO as the sole legal China.The resolution,by acknowledging China's representation,its sovereignty,and its rights,underpins the UN's legitimacy as a full representation of the international community.  相似文献   

<正>New report surveys Chinese companies operating overseas By Wang Jun Tanzania is one of the least developed countries in the world and its outdated infrastructure severely impedes its economic development,according to the United Nations.It had no national broadband network prior to 2009,until the China International  相似文献   

在现代法治时代,权力就是责任,行使权力就是履行义务。不依法行使权力或者懈怠执法,就是违法;权力不再是执法者寻租的资本,责任行政和责任政府成为现代民主政治的一种基本理念。责任行政是现代法治政府应当恪守的基本原则,根据权力与责任对等的原则,公安机关人民警察应当对自己的执法行为承担相应的责任,警察行政权力的运作应当始终置于法定责任的轨道。市场经济不需要似乎无所不能的权力型警察,而恰恰需要被严格限制权力的责任型警察。  相似文献   

产品质量和产品责任问题已成为非常突出的社会问题,有必要借鉴他国产品责任立法,扩大"产品"的范围,明确产品"缺陷"的定义,确立严格责任原则,增设惩罚性赔偿制度,扩大产品责任义务主体的范围,扩大保护对象的范围,不断完善我国产品责任立法。  相似文献   

三维经济学形态是指以经济系统、社会系统、生态系统为研究平台综合研究经济问题。马克思主义经济学面临全面建设富裕、文明、民主的社会主义社会的新使命,需要将经济学形态从一维转变成三维。科学发展观对此形态转换给出了理论指导与精神动力。文章提出的转换途径有:学科范畴上从一维转向三维;研究前提上构建跨越三个系统的广义社会人概念;透过三维系统中的事物来研究经济规律;理论应用上包含经济、社会、生态各领域的综合性措施;研究方法上三个系统的定性分析与定量分析混合使用。  相似文献   

CHINA National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC)acquired in November2014 the entire Peruvian assets of Petrobras,Brazil’s state-controlled oil company.The deal marked CNPC’s biggest ever acquisition in Peru.The world’s fourth largest petroleum company,CNPC has carried out oil and natural gas investment business in 38 countries.In Latin America,CNPC has launched oil and natural gas cooperation projects with such countries  相似文献   

刘旻 《桂海论丛》2011,27(2):104-106
随着经济社会全面发展,公民的民主意识和法律意识不断增强,要求参与政治和提高政府回应的呼声越来越高,提高政府的回应性已成为大势所趋。做好责任政府的回应性工作,就要在深刻了解责任政府的重要性的基础上,有针对性地积极采取务实的措施,改进政府工作,最大程度地发挥政府职能,唤起民众的参与意识。  相似文献   

"对上负责"与"对下负责"从本质上说是统一的,二者高度统一于立党为公、执政为民.只要坚持实事求是的思想路线,"对上负责"与"对下负责"就会在地方政府的工作、实践中得以高度统一.  相似文献   

责任政府是民主政治时代的产物,是目前世界各国普遍追求的行政目标,也是我国行政体制改革的主要目标之一。建立责任政府的宪政基础就意味着政府必须根据宪法、法律的规定通过行使公共权力以保障、发展公共利益和公民权利。构建责任政府,最重要的基础性工作就是建立健全责任政府的宪政基础,即政府应按照宪法法律的规定来确定政府的行政范围。同时,完善司法机关行政问责机制,积极引导社会公众广泛参与责任政府建设。最后还要建立最高国家权力机关追究政府宪法责任的相关制度,特别是违宪责任追究制度。  相似文献   

In late September, China's Ministry of Public Security expanded its nationwide campaign against drunk driving by releasing a document suggesting that passengers sharing a car with a drunk driver be punished together with the driver and that passengers who do not prevent drunk driving be fined.  相似文献   

经历了九十年的风雨激荡,中国共产党在时代的洪流中实践着自身的逐步转型.中国共产党从革命党到执政党的转型问题一直以来都是学界讨论的焦点问题.转型的逻辑、方式与表现都深刻地影响着中国政治道路的选择与国家的发展.从中共执政之后的历次党代会报告内容以及历届党章的文本分析中,找出中共转型的基本表征,理解中共转型的基本框架.  相似文献   

改革开放以来中国婚姻家庭制度的嬗变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从择偶条件、家庭成立的决定因素、结婚仪式、家庭类型、家庭成员关系、离婚率等方面分析了改革开放二十多年来中国的婚姻家庭制度的演化过程,并充分肯定了这个过程的进步性和历史必然性。  相似文献   

违约责任的归责原则体现了法律的价值判断。由于角度和倾向不同,我国学者对此多有分歧。倘若通过比较、学理、实证三个层面的分析,我国合同法在违约责任的归责原则上.应以严格责任为主要原则,以过错责任为补充原则。只有坚持二元的归责原则,才能实现违约责任的价值。  相似文献   


The era of change is now the rule rather than the exception. Organizations are adapting to environmental demands such as an expanding international market, individual work techniques in manufacturing are being replaced by work group techniques because of increasing competition, and the individual himself/herself is experiencing changes in values through the maturation process as well. At mid-career these transitions pose difficult questions for the individual; he/she is concerned with maintaining work competency and managing change related stress. A strategy involving the continuous scanning of organizational, work and individual issues may assist the mid-careerist in answering these questions. Learning, understanding, predicting and acting, and controlling are the elements required in the process of problem-solving and decision-making for the individual as he manages his/her mid-career transition through this myriad of organizational, work, and individual change.  相似文献   

正China remains a powerful driving force for the world economy despite a slowdown in growth Stock traders in New York, factory workers in Shenzhen, freight companies in Seoul, technology and retail companies in Hangzhou and luxury fashion executives in Paris all have one thing in common. The state of the Chinese economy matters to them.  相似文献   

责任政府:当代中国政府改革的目标选择   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
建构现代化责任政府是当代中国行政改革的目标选择 ,这不仅是实施宪法、建设社会主义政治文明、提升政府管理能力的必然要求 ,也是国际竞争和国外行政改革潮流影响的结果。树立责任行政理念、加强责任行政的立法、健全监督机制和责任追究制度、创新公民导向的管理方式等是建构责任政府的路径选择  相似文献   

转变职能建设诚信责任政府   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
责任、诚信是为政之枢要。建设诚信政府 ,维护国家利益和公共利益 ,维护市场经济和社会管理秩序 ,维护和实现社会主义正义 ,是责任政府的必然要求。建设责任、诚信政府应实现四个转变 ,一个突破 ,最重要的是必须有严格的政府责任制度作保障。  相似文献   

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