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The recent publication of the government's Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Walesin March 2004 heralds a new era regarding the way in which legal services are to be delivered to the public. In the wake of the Enron-Arthur Andersen debacle, and growing disenchantment amongst policy-makers and market players with the involvement of 'elite' accountancy firms in the provision of legal services, interest and attention has now shifted away from the formation of Multi-Disciplinary Practices towards a new model of legal services provider– Legal Disciplinary Practices (LDPs), where the focus is at all times on the provision of legal services, albeit widely defined. The purpose of this article is to explore, and subsequently critique, the rationales behind the formation of LDPs and to outline the dangers which the provision of legal services through such business structures is likely to pose not only for the legal profession, but also for society more generally.  相似文献   

Corporate crime and organisational deviance raise complex legal issues. An initial problem lies simply in identifying when such wrongdoing has occurred. Here, whistleblowers can perform a valuable service. However, publicized cases suggest that they often pay dearly for their candour, encountering unfair sanctions at work. In Britain, the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 seeks to protect good-faith whistleblowers from employer reprisals. In the wake of this legislation, the authors examine whistleblowing from a socio-legal perspective, asking what motivates whistleblowers, how do institutions respond to them, can legislation adequately protect them, and what effects will PIDA have on whistleblowing, employment practices, the culture of the workplace and, ultimately, society.  相似文献   

论环境公益与环境公诉   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
别涛 《科技与法律》2004,(3):107-110
自 2 0 0 4年第 1期《科技与法律》编辑部与中国人民大学环境资源法研究所合作开办“环境法论坛”专栏以来 ,得到了广大的热爱环境资源保护事业的作者和读者的支持 ,使本专栏得以继存。再次重申 ,“环境法论坛”专栏的办刊宗旨是“专业、务实、新颖、活泼”。基于编辑对环境法学术期刊并非一定死气沉沉、拘泥形式的办刊理念的理解 ,目前我们已开设“理论推陈出新”、“立法释法之我见”、“由案说法”、“异域风景线”、“你争我鸣”和“环境法沙拉”等隐性栏目 ,期盼学界同仁恩赐如下大作 :能自圆其说的理论创新者 ;独到的建设性的立法建议和学理性释法者 ;结合新近案例的法治实践 ,并有所理论提升者 ;介绍国内外的各种新近、先进环境法制 ,开阔国人视野 ,并能启迪心智 ,而绝非仅为走马观花者 ;无论旧论新说 ,展开针锋相对的学术争鸣与回应答辩者 ;符合本栏目宗旨 ,不限篇幅与形式的书评、法制信息、学术活动综述、国外学术机构及其成果介绍等。欢迎作者赐稿、赐题。来稿请遵循本刊自 2 0 0 4年以来的以往各期的版式 ,以WORD文档附件的形式发至 :enblaw @yahoo .com .cn专用电子信箱 ,电子邮件“主题”请务必注明“环境法论坛投稿”字样。《科技与法律》编辑部“环境法论坛”专栏编辑  相似文献   

Together with the increase in the number of public‐private contracts, recent years have seen a marked proliferation in public‐private arbitrations. This article explores the public interest implications which may arise in such arbitrations and examines how public‐private arbitration is treated under English law. We argue that, due to the lack of a developed administrative law sphere in England and the historical development of arbitration as an exclusively private mode of dispute resolution, the current legal framework of arbitration in England has developed around the private law paradigm of a commercial dispute involving private actors. This private law paradigm results in a conceptual and legal void in respect of how public interest is accounted for, and protected, in arbitrations involving public bodies under English law. Therefore, we suggest that English arbitration law needs to be amended to adequately protect the private interest in public‐private arbitration.  相似文献   

论著作权法与公共利益   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
冯晓青 《法学论坛》2004,19(3):43-46
著作权法与公共利益存在着密切的关系 ,这是因为著作权法具有重要的公共利益目标。著作权法需要确保公共利益 ,这在长期的著作权立法和司法实践中已经被不断地得到确认。总体上 ,著作权法中的公共利益表现为确保社会公众对智力作品的必要接近与分享。著作权法通过对公共利益的确保 ,在保护著作权人专有权利的基础之上更好地实现了其立法宗旨。  相似文献   

新《民事诉讼法》第55条将侵害公共利益作为判断案件类型并决定诉讼形式的逻辑起点,其目的本在于公益救济,但却因公共利益的不确定性导致了法律适用的困境,反而妨碍了对公益的有效救济。去除第55条中的公共利益,通过在团体诉讼框架内案件类型的分化,却能够从结果意义上达成对公益的救济。因为无论是不作为之诉还是小额多数的损害赔偿之诉,均从保护个人利益迈向了保护一般权益,发挥着制止和威慑不法侵害的功能,在客观上发挥着救济公益的作用。  相似文献   

In response to the Federal Communications Commission's proposed changes to its electronic media ownership rules, thousands of concerned citizens filed e-mail comments to express their opinions. The chairman of the FCC at that time, Michael Powell, opined that such comments were too general to be seriously considered by the agency in making its decisions. Several indicia of effective participation in such proceedings have been established in the literature, including whether the comments provide specific information relevant to the issues being considered. This article analyses the e-mail comments filed in the FCC's ownership proceedings to determine whether they contain the kind of information that is considered necessary for meaningful public participation. While the comments generally addressed relevant topics in sometimes sophisticated ways, they did not present the kinds of specific information that the Commission uses to justify its expert opinions.  相似文献   

Much of the discussion of the bar's "public interest" effort has centered on the apparent unwillingness of lawyers, including young lawyers, to pursue public interest rather than traditional careers. To the extent that it is agreed that public interest work should be increased, the problem has been viewed as one of supply of lawyers rather than one of demand for their services. In this paper, just the opposite is argued; a variety of evidence is brought forth to suggest that the current public interest effort is limited mainly by the number of jobs available in that sector. In this light, various methods of increasing the funding of the public interest sector, and hence the number of jobs, are reviewed.  相似文献   

李玉萍 《政法论丛》2005,3(1):92-96
公诉的性质、检察机关的职能决定了公共利益衡量是现代各国检察机关进行公诉裁量时应遵守的一项基本原则。公共利益衡量的适用必须具备一定的前提条件。刑事诉讼中的公共利益包括社会利益、国家利益以及被害人和被告人利益等因素 ,在进行公诉裁量时应根据具体案件的情况对各种利益进行衡量。我国的公诉裁量应体现和遵守公共利益原则。  相似文献   

许尚豪 《河北法学》2007,25(6):140-143
在民事诉讼程序中,只要公共利益的主张会引起对私人利益的限制与克减,就必须存在一定的程序系统来保证这种限制与克减的正当性与合法性,因此,公共利益的正当性只有通过对程序的约束方能实现,非优先性和法定性就成为程序对公共利益的自然要求.法院作为民事诉讼程序中的公益代表,同样也具有自利性,但其自利性在程序中应当处于辅助地位,为公益性服务.  相似文献   

2011年《民事诉讼法(修改稿)》草案审议时,许多学者提出了食品公益诉讼的概念,使公益诉讼再次成为热议的焦点。就司法实务而言,重要的不是讨论食品公益诉讼的必要性和可行性,而是探究食品安全公共利益在法律上的具体诉求,以及如何满足其诉求。本文以检察机关提起食品公益诉讼为例,借用经济学上外部性理论,从公益诉讼的保护对象入手,分析食品公益诉讼的客体及其请求权基础,并结合诉讼法的基本命题,论证食品公益诉讼的诉讼请求、损失的计算以及举证责任等问题,进而划分公益诉讼与行政权、私权在诉讼法上的衔接界线。  相似文献   

重新认识法律职业:律师与社会公益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐卉 《中国司法》2008,(3):43-46
经过20多年的恢复与重建,我国的律师事业获得了重大发展,各项制度得以确立并逐步走向完善,律师从业人数也初具规模,律师行业的整体素质也有了较大的提高。但是长久以来在中国,作为维护私权、旨在实现其所代理的客户利益的律师,似乎与社会公共利益之间并无关联且相去甚远。然而,这一现象究竟是法律职业的共性还是中国转型期的特性?律师与社会公共利益之间究竟有无联系?从国家与社会公益的视角看,究竟应当怎样看待法律职业?本文拟就这些问题,作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

公共利益的界定与识别   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
公共利益是一个歧义丛生的概念,具有很强的抽象性和不确定性。本文试图从公共利益与国家利益、集体利益的区分和公共利益与公众利益、共同利益的区分中厘清其涵义,并提出,为防止公共利益名义被滥用,应该以宪法统领公益,由立法规范公益,由程序形成公益,仰司法救济公益。  相似文献   

公共利益的法律解读与界定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
公共利益是一个使用频繁而意义重大的法律概念,其作用和意义在不同的法律中不完全相同,其内涵的不确定性给人们在实践中准确把握其范围带来了困难。国内外学者对如何界定公共利益的讨论,揭示了公共利益是不特定多数人的利益这一基本含义和内容的不确定性这一基本特征,并为合理界定公共利益指明了方向。在现代法治社会,公共利益在法律中的形成和界定,更多地应通过立法、行政、司法等法律程序确定。  相似文献   

赵冰  王群 《行政与法》2013,(7):80-84
公益诉讼于上世纪90年代从西方引入我国,其在维护市场经济秩序、保障环境可持续发展、保护国有资产、拓展公民权利等方面都具有较高的价值潜力.目前,我国新民诉法已将公益诉讼制度纳入其中.本文也尝试着从案件受理、诉讼主体、管辖权等方面对该制度的具体适用进行量化和细化,以期对公益诉讼的完善和发展提供些许的帮助.  相似文献   

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