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随着科学技术的发展, 特别是知识经济时代的到来, 发达国家图书馆事业在数字图书馆、图书馆联 盟、文献传递中心和数字参考咨询等方面都取得了长足发展。我国图书馆应借鉴发达国家现代图书馆建设的先进 经验, 大力发展数字图书馆, 努力实现资源共享, 加强文献传递, 推进数字参考咨询服务工作的研究和实践, 注意人 力资源管理。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的数字图书馆建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字图书馆是人类社会进入信息化时代的产物。在全球范围内,数字图书馆得到了各国政府的大力支持,美、英、法、德、日、俄等近二十个国家和地区相继投入巨资开展数字图书馆研究,其第一批规模型成果已在互联网上陆续出现。我国图书馆学的研究与建设曾深受苏联的影响,俄罗斯数字图书馆建设的时间又与我国大体相当,因此,了解俄罗斯数字图书馆的建设情况,对我国的数字图书馆建设有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

数字图书馆联盟是信息资源共享的新形式。印度UGC一仆删ET数字图书馆联盟以向读者提供电子资源服务为目标,以分层管理模式和自上而下的管理机构为基础,选择合理营销策略提高资源利用效率,成功构建了印度最大的数字图书馆联盟;借鉴其发展的经验与教训,对促进我国数字图书馆联盟发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

在发达国家,非营利组织能力建设是一项广为接受的活动,它主要是指在各种支持组织的帮助下非营利组织提升组织能力的活动,而兴起根源在于福利国家变革背景下非营利组织的发展困境、市场化的负面影响、"志愿失灵"与治理危机以及新自由主义话语的兴起等综合作用的结果。发达国家的非营利组织能力建设活动取得了一定的积极成效,但也面临着一些问题。在我国,社会组织能力建设要与制度建设的实践相结合。  相似文献   

每分钟全自动扫描录入图书资料高达 160页双面,而且采用了国际通用的先进图像压缩技术,加快图书信息的保存……北京数字方舟信息技术有限公司日前向社会公开推出了信息资源加工、存贮、检索、发布的全过程产品与方案,这意味着制约我国数字图书馆建设和电子商务信息数字化的“瓶颈”——应用技术难题已被有效攻克。   数字方舟数字图书馆系统,就是对有高度价值的图像、文本、语音、音响、影像、影视、软件和科学数据等多媒体信息进行收集,组织规范性加工,进行高质量保存和管理,实施知识增值,并提供在广域网上高速横向跨库连接的…  相似文献   

中美农村金融体制比较及其借鉴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业是国民经济的基础,农村金融在整个金融体系中具有举足轻重的作用。即使在发达国家,农村金融对于稳定经济、促进国民经济的发展,仍然起着不容忽视的重要作用。同样,我国要建设社会主义新农村也是离不开农村金融的支持。众所周知,美国能够成为世界上农业最发达的国家,与其有着完备的农村金融体制是密不可分的。“他山之石,可以攻玉。”比较我国与美国的农业金融体制,以期从中得到借鉴,扬长避短,对于深化当前我国农村金融体制改革,尤为必要。一、农村金融体制建设的理论基础20世纪90年代出现的不完全竞争市场理论认为,市场机制并非万能的,…  相似文献   

文化是国家的命脉和民族的灵魂。当今世界,无论是发达国家还是新兴工业国家,为在综合实力竞争中占有主动,都十分重视本国文化软实力的建设,并在实践中积累了许多宝贵经验。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着世界大势朝着和平建设的方向发展,以及我国经济建设进一步与世界接轨,我国外贸总额逐年增长,其中劳务输出占有的地位越来越重要,但在劳务输出过程中也暴露出一些问题。下面就此浅谈几点建议。一、加深认识,抓住机遇当今世界,劳务输出在各国外贸中的地位越来越重要。1991年,国际劳务贸易占世界贸易总额的比重已达30%左右,总额达1520亿美元。一些发达国家,劳务出口占商品出口的比例更大些。我国情况也同样如此。1991年劳务合同额达32亿美元,比上年增长23%,而且逐年呈大幅度增长趋势。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的信息化程度虽与西方发达国家相比还存在一定差距,但其在发展过程中积累了丰富的经验和教训,具有一定的启示与借鉴意义。一、信息化发展历程及其特点俄罗斯信息化建设的发展历程大体分为三个阶段:起步阶段(1990-1992年)、全面建设阶段  相似文献   

美、日、欧现代物流发展的比较与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代物流是系统管理的思想、理念和技术,集成系统化是现代物流发展的一个重要特征。美国、日本和欧洲现代物流发展各具特点,但对我国构建现代物流体系都具有启示作用。我国物流正处于由传统物流向现代物流转型的阶段,应当吸收西方发达国家现代物流发展的经验,建设与经济发展相适应、与人口资源环境相协调的现代物流网络体系,构建现代物流发展政策措施体系,加速物流现代化的我国现代物流的发展。  相似文献   

霸权是国际关系的伴生物。农业社会霸权国家具有明显的军事强权特性,工业社会霸权国家具有明显的工业强权特性,信息社会霸权国家初步显形知识霸权的特性。数字鸿沟的浮现使得国际关系中的知识霸权凸现,成为发达国家获利、强国和称霸的利器,科学的认识和探讨知识霸权对当代国际关系的影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

The digital economy and the subsequent changes in the international division of labor are reshaping the original global value chains and redefining the competitive advantages of countries. While strengthening its own digital technology research as well as digital economy construction, China should properly handle differences and competition with Western countries to facilitate sound development of the international digital economy.  相似文献   

王海燕 《国际问题研究》2020,(2):107-133,136
中国与中亚国家共建数字丝绸之路对“一带一路”建设和提升中亚国家现代化发展水平意义重大。中亚国家数字经济发展潜力巨大,各国纷纷出台数字经济发展战略,电子商务发展方兴未艾,电子政务能力不断提升,但各国数字经济发展差距较大。中国与中亚国家共建数字丝绸之路有着良好的基础,双方已建立起较为稳定持久的互信关系,都提出了数字经济发展战略,已有多层次合作机制,中亚国家对双方合作的内在动力较强。但双方合作也面临不少挑战,中亚国家数字基础设施建设较为薄弱、数字人才紧缺,网络安全和地缘政治风险亦不断增加。中国和中亚国家可从数字基础设施建设、数字治理、电子商务、数字人才培养等路径入手展开合作,因国施策,共建数字丝绸之路。  相似文献   

Measures of audience overlap between news sources give us information on the diversity of people’s media diets and the similarity of news outlets in terms of the audiences they share. This provides a way of addressing key questions like whether audiences are increasingly fragmented. In this article, we use audience overlap estimates to build networks that we then analyze to extract the backbone—that is, the overlapping ties that are statistically significant. We argue that the analysis of this backbone structure offers metrics that can be used to compare news consumption patterns across countries, between groups, and over time. Our analytical approach offers a new way of understanding audience structures that can enable more comparative research and, thus, more empirically grounded theoretical understandings of audience behavior in an increasingly digital media environment.  相似文献   

随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设和中国-东盟博览会每年在南宁举行,广西已经成为中国与东盟各国经济、政治、文化交流合作的平台,广西与东盟国家在高等教育方面的合作更是呈现出强劲的势头和蓬勃发展的局面。作为国际高等教育合作与交流的基础设施和重要支柱之一的高校图书馆在国际高等教育合作中的作用越来越凸显,在迎来发展机遇的同时也迎来了挑战。  相似文献   

Social media platforms are being considered new podiums for political transformation as political dictatorships supposedly convert to overnight democracies, and many more people are not only able to gain access to information, but also gather and disseminate news from their own perspective. When looking at the situation in several sub-Saharan African countries, it becomes clear there are various challenges restricting social media and its palpable yet considerably constrained ability to influence political and social changes. Access to the internet, or lack thereof, is a recognised social stratification causing a “digital divide” thanks to existing inequalities within African and several other societies throughout the world. This article reports on a study that analysed a popular Facebook page in Malawi using a discursive online ethnographic examination of interactions among social media participants seeking to determine the level of activism and democratic participation taking shape on the Malawian digital space. The study also examined potential bottlenecks restraining effective digital participation in Malawi. The article argues that while social media's potential to transform societies is palpable, keeping up with the pace of transformation is no easy task for both digital and non-digital citizens. The study demonstrated social media's potential but also highlighted the problems facing online activists in Malawi, including chief among them digital illiteracy. Therefore, the digital sphere is not a political podium for everyone in Malawi as shown by the analysis of digital narratives emerging from the country's online environment, which opens its doors to only a tiny fraction of the population.  相似文献   

The digital economy is the most promising new area for China-Central Asia cooperation on the Silk Road Economic Belt. Through country-specific policy support and strategic synergy, China can help promote the digital transformation and modernization of Central Asian countries, enhance the development level of Asia-Europe digital economy, and build a beautiful and win-win Digital Silk Road.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,非政府组织(NGO)在全球范围内迅速发展,泰国非政府组织也获得较大发展,并对泰国的政治、经济、社会的发展产生了较大的影响。多年来,国内外学者对其多有著述,分别从不同侧面、多个视角给予了较为详尽的论述和评价,形成了各种观点。本文在这些研究的基础上就国内外学界对泰国非政府组织的研究现状进行简要总结和概述。  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of Japan and the United States over the geographic distribution of Asian Development Bank funds. Estimation using panel data for less developed Asian countries from 1968 to 2002 suggests significant donor influence with inconsistent weight placed on humanitarian criteria given limited funding for the region's largest countries, China and India. Comparing the results with research on World Bank loan allocation suggests donor interests are relatively more important in the ADB. This finding justifies the existence of the ADB on political grounds but calls into question its relative merits on economic grounds. JEL codes F35 · O19  相似文献   

This document summarizes the activities of the American Public Health Association International Clearinghouse that operated with funding from the US Agency for International Development for 16 years beginning in 1979. The Clearinghouse was established to improve access to information on infant feeding and maternal nutrition for health practitioners and decision-makers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. By 1996, the Clearinghouse had created a substantial and accessible resource for USAID, and its activities included 1) developing an international center for information and materials on maternal and child nutrition and related issues in developing countries, 2) sharing lessons learned through a publication of a regular bulletin ("Mothers and Children"), 3) training staff from field-based organizations on information production and management, and 4) establishing a network of national and regional nutrition and health-related resource centers to increase access to locally published and unpublished information. Thus, the Clearinghouse was more than a library or distribution center; it identified key materials, repackaged information to increase accessibility, and monitored information use. Although the Clearinghouse project ended in 1996, the website on women's rights to maternity protection continues to provide access to information and to encourage dialogue and networking. The lessons learned from the project lead to the conclusions that users' needs must be the basis for increasing information access, that local capacity must be increased through new technologies and traditional methods, and that information resources must be used strategically to ensure equitable access.  相似文献   

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