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从《精神卫生法》看精神障碍患者的知情同意权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知情同意权是医患关系中的主要问题之一,新出台的《精神卫生法》在多个条文中明确规定了精神障碍患者的知情同意权,成为精神病患者知情同意权的基本法律依据。本文立足于知情同意权的一般法理,梳理《精神卫生法》中精神障碍患者知情同意权的法律规定,以此为基础探讨精神障碍患者知情同意权的基本内容。  相似文献   

高春明  徐利 《法制与经济》2008,(20):138-138,F0003
以法律理论和法律规定为基础,结合临床实践,对患者的知情同意权进行了分析,保护病患知情同意权的同时,确保其正确行使显得尤为重要,因此详细阐述了知情同意权的豁免情形。  相似文献   

知情同意权是病人在诊疗过程中享的有基本权利之一,尊重和理解病人的知情同意权是医务人员应尽的义务。本文从法律的角度对病人知情同意权的依据。主体、表现形式、适用和限制情形及相关的法律责任等问题进行了探讨,以达到改善医患关系,减少医疗纠纷的目的。  相似文献   

知情同意权是公民基本人权在医疗活动中的具体体现,保障患者知情同意权是解决医患矛盾的根本途径。本文就知情同意权的产生和作用及现实存在的问题、解决办法提出一些意见。  相似文献   

近年来,在法院审判涉及到的有关医疗损害赔偿的案件中。几乎所有的患方都提出了医院侵犯患者医疗知情同意权的诉讼请求,法院也作出了判决医院承担侵犯患者知情同意权责任的相关判例,医生在临床诊疗行为和告知的过程中,究竟哪些行为应承担相应的法律责任,哪些不用承担法律责任,一直是医疗机构和医务人员困惑的问题。  相似文献   

以法律理论和法律规定为基础,结合临床实践,对患者的知情同意权进行了分析,保护病患知情同意权的同时,确保其正确行使显得尤为重要,因此详细阐述了知情同意权的豁免情形。  相似文献   

随着病人权利意识的不断提高,病人知情同意权的维护问题被一再提出。知情同意也称知情许诺,指医务人员为病人提供作出医疗决定所必需的足够信息,并在此基础上由病人自主作出选择(同意抑或不同意)。知情同意是病人自主权的灵魂和核心。尊重病人的知情同意权具有重要的法律意义。  相似文献   

祝彬 《法制与社会》2012,(30):20-21
侵害患者知情同意权侵权责任的四个构成要件各有其自身特点。违法行为的判断应采"合理医生说"标准;损害事实既包括现实利益的损害也包括期待利益的损害;因果关系要件应采纳相当因果关系说;过错既包括过失,特定情形下也包括故意。为了准确适用相关法律规定,更好的保护患者知情同意权,有必要对侵害患者知情同意权侵权责任的构成要件予以分析和解读。  相似文献   

侵害患者知情同意权的损害赔偿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侵害患者知情同意权是一种独立的侵权行为。侵害患者知情同意权的法律责任有四个构成要件,侵害患者知情同意权的损害赔偿以《民法通则》和最高人民法院的相关司法解释为主,同时参照《条例》关于医疗事故损害赔偿的规定。  相似文献   

当前我国法律与医学界已经开始认识到患者知情同意权的重要意义,且立法上也有所体现,但不得不正视的现实是:因为某些制约,我国法律规定和实践操作中对患者知情同意权的保护范围还不够广,力度还不够强。本研究希望通过对患者、医务工作者、相关领域专家进行调查和访谈,获得他们对患者知情同意权的知晓情况和所持看法的客观资料,探究当前我国制约着对患者知情同意权给予完善保护的因素,并为法律的完善和制度的健全提出相关建议。  相似文献   

手术签字与患者的知情同意权   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
由于我国现今法律法规未能明确手术签字与患者知情同意之间的关系 ,使得医院和患者之间的权利义务关系不甚明确。随着医疗市场的进一步规范 ,我们有必要尽快地明确手术签字与患者知情同意权之间的关系。文章从手术签字与患者知情同意及医院免责之间的关系等五个关键性问题入手对两者的关系作了阐述。  相似文献   

This paper explores Canadian 'educational' categorical systems for special needs students and their relation to mental health diagnoses. Parents wishing to access special education services for their children are generally required to consent to their children being formally assessed. Frequently, the school board committee will require a psychological or psychiatric assessment which may lead to diagnosis of a mental health disorder that overlaps with the special needs category to which the child is assigned. This paper explores whether Canadian parents of exceptional students are in fact providing fully informed and voluntary consent given: (a) frequent parental lack of understanding of the overlap between the so-called 'educational' special needs category and a mental health diagnosis; and (b) the power of the school board to proceed with a special education placement based on a particular category even without parental agreement. The argument is made that making special education service eligibility contingent on meeting the criteria for one or more government approved categories of 'disorder' or 'impairments', some of which overlap mental health diagnoses, infringes Canadian Charter s.15 equality rights as well as s.7 liberty and security of the person rights.  相似文献   

知情同意是患者最基本的权利。知情同意一般分为四个环节:告知、知情、同意、签字。其中,"签字"是知情同意的最终行为方式。由于其在具体实践中常受到告知方式、理解能力、意识状态、法理缺陷等诸多因素的影响而突显出它的复杂性。我国于20世纪70年代后期开始将知情同意引入,并逐渐由医师执业道德范畴过渡到了法律规范的范畴。知情同意在我国发展的几十年中,最为典型的形式就是术前签字制度。文章将集中对患者不予签字同意进行分析和阐述,并从一般状态、患者或近亲属无明确意思表示以及紧急情况三个方面提出笔者的几点设想。  相似文献   

This article explores how the concept of consent to medical treatment applies in the veterinary context, and aims to evaluate normative justifications for owner consent to treatment of animal patients. We trace the evolution of the test for valid consent in human health decision-making, against a backdrop of increased recognition of the importance of patient rights and a gradual judicial espousal of a doctrine of informed consent grounded in a particular understanding of autonomy. We argue that, notwithstanding the adoption of a similar discourse of informed consent in professional veterinary codes, notions of autonomy and informed consent are not easily transferrable to the veterinary medicine context, given inter alia the tripartite relationship between veterinary professional, owner and animal patient. We suggest that a more appropriate, albeit inexact, analogy may be drawn with paediatric practice which is premised on a similarly tripartite relationship and where decisions must be reached in the best interests of the child. However, acknowledging the legal status of animals as property and how consent to veterinary treatment is predicated on the animal owner’s willingness and ability to pay, we propose that the appropriate response is for veterinary professionals generally to accept the client’s choice, provided this is informed. Yet such client autonomy must be limited where animal welfare concerns exist, so that beneficence continues to play an important role in the veterinary context. We suggest that this ‘middle road’ should be reflected in professional veterinary guidance.  相似文献   

论医疗知情同意理论   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
知情同意作为一项有利于实现医疗目的的私法原则,具有其独立的利益设计和价值取向。告知说明义务的履行是实现知情同意原则的前提,而知情同意理论的要件是具体落实知情同意原则的关键,其中判断患者是否具备同意能力是知情同意的重要因素。但在适用知情同意原则时应注意识别几种例外情势。为了切实保障知情同意原则的实现,减少和防范医疗纠纷的发生,构建和谐的医患关系,有必要进一步完善我国知情同意理论体系。  相似文献   

The right to refuse treatment is the most controversial of the rights of mental patients, and usually polarizes the movement for mental health reform between providers of care and external activist reformers. A broad alliance supported earlier struggles for recognition of patients' rights, but most professionals oppose recognizing this most extreme right of treatment refusal. Professional opposition to treatment refusal is not based on a wide extent of actual refusal; rather it derives from a defense against challenges to professional and institutional autonomy, an opposition to legal interference, and a belief that the community as well as the patient must be protected. These three reasons for opposition are examined by reviewing studies of attitudes toward patients' rights, knowledge about patients' rights, and implementation of patients' rights. Finally, the implications of these studies for future directions in the movement for patients' rights are examined.  相似文献   

从肖志军拒签事件切入,在社会科学的背景下,本文具体分析了医疗法律中的知情同意、紧急情况、强制救治、亲属签字等某些微观制度的安排,力求在患者权利的法律保护以及相关社会和制度背景下展示这些制度的实践意义和可能后果;分析了患者无法回避的责任;并针对中国相关法律制度,提出了一些完善相关法律的建议。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(201):53960-53963
This document amends VA medical regulations concerning informed consent for patient care. It describes the requirements for obtaining and documenting informed consent. It also describes the types of treatments or procedures for which the patient's or surrogate's signature on a VA-authorized form is required and establishes a list and priority of surrogates authorized to act on behalf of patients who lack decision-making capacity. Further, it establishes an internal decision-making process for patients who lack decision-making capacity and who have no authorized surrogate. This is intended to protect patient rights and ensure that the patient (or the patient's surrogate or representative) receives sufficient information to make an informed health-care decision. authorized form is required and establishes a list and priority of surrogates authorized to act on behalf of patients who lack decision-making capacity. Further, it establishes an internal decision-making process for patients who lack decision-making capacity and who have no authorized surrogate. This is intended to protect patients rights and ensure that the patient (or the patient's surrogate or representative) receives sufficient information to make an informed health-care decision.  相似文献   

Enduring and workable legislative schemes typically include (a) a balanced approach to the rights and duties of all parties under their purview; and (b) consideration of all major consequences that may flow from the codification of underpinning doctrines. This column examines the 1999 amendments to the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986 (Vic) regulating patients' consent to medical treatment focusing on their application in modern emergency departments. The legislation needs to reconcile the human rights principle that humane and appropriate treatment is a fundamental right of all those who suffer from ill health and disease, with the principle that all patients (including those with impaired, but not totally absent, decisional capacity) have an absolute right to refuse life-saving treatment. Consent and refusal of treatment provisions should be based on the notion of reasonableness, including recognition that the mental and emotional states experienced by physically ill people may, in the short-term, adversely affect their decision-making capacity. Unless the consent legislation factors in the realities of modern emergency practice and resources, statutory thresholds for decisional competence, instead of affording protection, may result in much worse outcomes for vulnerable patients.  相似文献   

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