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许昌巾位于河南省中部,辖鄢陵县、许昌县、襄县、禹州市、长葛市、魏都区三县两市一区,全境总面积4970平方公里,总人口426万人。全市现有各类医疗卫生机构301个,医疗卫生技术人员1.25万人,其中卫生防疫人员923人,全市共有各类卫生监督员630人,其中公共卫生监督员496人,药品监督员82人,碘盐监督员52人。近几年来,在市委、市政府的领导下,在国家卫生部、省卫生厅的关心支持和指导下,切实加强对卫生执法监督工作的领导,不断完善卫生监督执法体系,使卫生监督执法工作得到了进一步加强,各项卫生法规得到了贯彻落实,比较好的发挥了卫生监督工作在支持经济发展、保证人民健康方面的积极作用。下面我就许昌市的卫生监督执法工作向各位领导作一汇报。一、卫生监昔执法工作开展情况(一)、关于公共卫生执法工作1、强化行政执法意识,完善了卫生监督体制我们根据卫生部《关于进一步改革完善公共卫生监督执法体制的通知》精神,按照依法行政和强化执法服务的原则,市卫生局96年初成立了许昌市卫生行政监督执法队,主管局长任队长,卫生监督科长任副队长,执法队在市卫生局直接领导下,行使卫生行政执法职能,指导、监督、协调  相似文献   

交际与心理学是西方传来的名词,自十九世纪脱离哲学演变为独立的科学,在卫生监督管理工作不断向广度与深度发展的今天,交际与心理学更是为我们医疗卫生监督工作开创了一个广阔的应用领域。卫生监督员在执法过程中正确分析行政相对人的心理状态,运用一定的交际与心理学并以一种平和的心态面对形形色色的行政相对人,对取得良好执法效果有着重要意义。  相似文献   

一起职业卫生行政复议应诉案件的分析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对一起未建立职业病危害项目申报案的查处、行政复议、法院应诉进行分析,说明办理职业卫生案件不仅需要有一支过硬的监督队伍,还要求在执法过程中严格依法办事,掌握法律正确,取证充分,程序合法。也为职业卫生监督员在日常工作中做好职业病防治法法规宣传提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

卫生监督工作中的职业道德,是卫生监督的重要内容及首要任务。卫生监督员要具有做社会公仆和为人民服务的道德观念,有良好的职业道德素质。充分发挥道德在卫生监督工作中的综合作用,指导卫生监督工作中的行为准则,提高卫生监督工作的整体效能,是卫生监督员正确行使监督权力的首要条件。  相似文献   

卫生监督员是我国卫生执法的主要力量,但就这支队伍的人员结构、知识结构来说,与繁重的执法任务和实际工作需要,还不能很好的相适应。我国的卫生监督员同法宫、检察官、律师、公证人等不一样,他们主要不是来自于法律专业,而是来源于长期在卫生系统工作的行政管理人员、专业技术人员和医学院校新毕业的学生。这个特点虽然是由卫生监督范围、内容和方式所决定的,因为卫生监督离不开卫生专业技术。但我们也不能否认,目前卫生监督工作中存在的质量不高的现象,与我们卫生监督员队伍法律素质不高这个先天不足不无关系。所以,对卫生监督员必须提出高规格、高要求的培养目标,从高起点上培养卫生监督员,以造就出一支具有较高素质的卫生监督员队伍。  相似文献   

卫生监督文书是卫生监督机构在卫生监督执法中依法制作的具有法律效力的公文,是卫生监督机构运用法律、法规进行卫生监督执法及处理案件的有效文字凭证。卫生监督员制作监督文书的质量,不仅涉及到当事人的权利和义务,更关系到法律的尊严和国家的权威。1996年底,我们对62名食品卫生监督员进行监督文书制作能力的考核,旨在进一步掌握卫生监督员的监督文书制作能力,为加强卫生监督员管理和队伍建设、进一步提高卫生监督执法水平提供参考。1.材料和方法1.1.调查对象:上海市某区62名在职食品卫生监督员。1.2.调查内容:人员一般状况和监督文书制作能力。1.3.方法:组织62名某区在职食品卫生监督员进行卫生监督文书制作考核。考核时采用给予一案例,要求监督员当场书写现场笔录和行政处罚决定书。考卷使用统一标准评分,总分体现监督员制作监督文书的综合能力。检查笔录的  相似文献   

“卫生行政执法责任制是卫生行政部门根据依法行政的要求,以落实行政执法责任为核心,以卫生行政执法行为合法、规范、高效为基本要求,以卫生行政执法监督和过错责任追究为保障的行政执法工作制度”。卫生行政执法责任制评议考核是指卫生行政机关对其执法人员实施卫生行政执法责任制的具体表现,  相似文献   

一、现行药品监督管理体制不适应市场经济的客观要求《药品管理法》第二条规定:"国务院卫生行政部门主管全国药品监督管理工作",《实施办法》第四条规定:"县以上地方各级卫生行政部门的药政机构主管所辖行政区的药品监督管理工作。"从而以法律形式确定了由国家各级卫生行政部门对药品实行监督管理的体制,从某种意义上讲,药品监督体制主要由各级卫生行政部门的药政机构、药检机构和药品监督员组成。"药政——药检——药品监督员"构成我国药品监督体制的执法主体。但近10年的执法实践表明:(中)医药、工商行下政、技术监督等行政管理部门都不同程度地参与了药品的监督管理。这迫使药品执法主体在依法行施药品监督管理职责的同时,还须花很大力气去处理协调与其他行政部门之间的关系,其结果是削弱药品执法主体  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,对卫生执法的要求会愈来愈高。特别是《行政诉讼法》的实施,给卫生执法工作提出了很多新的要求。建立健全卫生执法机构系统内的监督约束机制,是保证正确实施卫生法律,提高执法水平和防止发生行政诉讼败诉案的重要措施,现就这个问题谈几点意见:一、建立卫生执法的稽查组织目前,卫生法规规定的监督执法机构主要是县以上卫生行政部门和卫生防疫机构,在这些机构中都依法设立了执法组织和人员,但没有设置对执法本身进行监督和稽查的专门机构或配备专门人员。机构中的行政领导主要是通过听汇报和进行社会调查来了解执法中存在的问题,纠正执法者的错误。这对提高执法机构自身管理是不利的。因此,建立卫生执法内部稽  相似文献   

卫生监督机构是依法履行政府职能的卫生专业执法机构,其职能履行直接关系到人们的健康以及合法的卫生权益。卫生监督人力资源配置的公平性很大程度上决定了卫生监督执法工作的成效。本文通过描述分析2011年北京市基层卫生监督人力资源配置状况;运用基尼系数、集中指数测量、比较北京市基层卫生监督人力资源公平性,系统评价北京市基层卫生监督人力资源配置公平性,为政府科学、有效配置卫生监督人力资源提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This study examined individual and work-level factors that impact job stress and satisfaction for correctional officers. Existing research has explored officer job stress and satisfaction, but very few studies have focused specifically on fear of contracting an infectious disease while at work (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and tuberculosis), and the impact fear of and exposure to infectious disease have on correctional officer job stress and satisfaction. Random sample data were collected from 2,999 male and female officers from across the state of Texas to assess job stress, satisfaction, personal safety, and exposure to infectious disease. Ordinary Least Squares analyses indicated that fear of disease was positively correlated with job stress, and inversely correlated with job satisfaction. Exposure to disease however, failed to yield any significant effects on job stress or satisfaction. Officers who felt that their supervisors were supportive of them on the job reported less stress and higher satisfaction levels, while perceived dangerousness of the job was positively correlated with job stress. These findings highlight the importance of supervisory support as well as continuous, in-depth education and training on infectious diseases for officers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which work-life conflict and organizational support for work-life balance are related to job satisfaction and turnover intentions for military law enforcement personnel. More specifically, 1203 members of the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations completed a survey that measured family-to-work conflict, work-to-family conflict, perceptions of work-life support from the organization, support from immediate supervisors, and support from peers. Work-to-family and family-to-work conflict were related to job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Perceived social support, especially at the organizational level, was negatively correlated with work-to-family and family-to-work conflict. Agents within the OSI were experiencing more work-to-family and family-to-work conflict than OSI support staff although the relationships among support, conflict and satisfaction were the same for the two groups.  相似文献   

Research has primarily examined supervisors and coworkers as sources of unfair interpersonal treatment (i.e., interactional injustice) in the workplace. Unfair treatment, however, can also originate with customers. Using a cross-sectional, correlational research design (= 172), we examined the associations among customer injustice, employee job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. Drawing on relational theories of fairness, we also examined whether employees who more strongly define themselves through their interpersonal relationships (i.e., those with stronger interdependent self-construals) would exhibit stronger injustice-attitudes associations. Results showed that, overall, greater injustice was associated with lower job satisfaction but not greater turnover intentions. Moreover, as expected, the strength of employees’ interdependent self-construals moderated the injustice-attitudes relations: Relationship-oriented employees showed significant associations between injustice and both job satisfaction and turnover intentions, whereas those with weaker relationship orientations did not. Implications and future research directions are discussed.
Camilla M. HolmvallEmail:

Lawyer Satisfaction in the Process of Structuring Legal Careers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article proposes a new approach to the study of job satisfaction in the legal profession. Drawing on a Bourdieusian understanding of the relationship between social class and dispositions, we argue that job satisfaction depends in part on social origins and the credentials related to these origins, with social hierarchies helping to define the expectations and possibilities that produce professional careers. Through this lens, job satisfaction is understood as a mechanism through which social and professional hierarchies are produced and reproduced. Relying on the first national data set on lawyer careers (including both survey data and in-depth interviews), we find that lawyers' social background, as reflected in the ranking of their law school, decreases career satisfaction and increases the odds of a job search for the most successful new lawyers. When combined with the interview data, we find that social class is an important component of a stratification system that tends to lead individuals into hierarchically arranged positions.  相似文献   

Two major police reforms were introduced in South Korea in 1991 and 1999 to help bring about a shift from a colonial style of policing to a form more prevalent in developed economies pursuing the rule of law, observance of human rights, and the practice of democratic policing. We conclude that the findings from the present study, drawing on a survey of a national sample of 406 South Korean police officers, offer modest support for the efforts of the Grand Reform in its impact on police officers?? satisfaction with promotion and salary and benefits. While few demographic characteristics, with the exception of age and years of experience, were associated with job satisfaction, there is strong evidence for the relationship between organizational characteristics and job satisfaction. Management support and perceived citizen support of police are associated with both measures of satisfaction, promotion and salary/benefits, while the police officers?? relationship with their supervisors is less than stellar. Finally, officers who believe that the primary operating philosophy of the police is to serve the government appear to be satisfied with their jobs relative to their opportunity for promotion, which is perhaps a more critical measure for them than salary and benefits, reflecting the presence of a police organizational climate that is still rooted in the historical military culture of Korean police. The findings from this study suggest that more efforts are warranted in improving organizational climate if officers are to believe their primary goal is to serve the citizen, a fundamental element of democratic policing.  相似文献   

Using nationally representative data, we test three theories about distributive and procedural justice and their relation to job satisfaction. Our results support the group-value model more than the personal outcomes model by showing that procedural justice is a more important predictor of job satisfaction than is distributive justice. Furthermore, although other research has supported the psychological contract model by showing that experiences with downsizing alter how procedural justice and distributive justice are related to organizational commitment, we find that downsizing does not alter their relationship with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Abstract: The literature analyzing the effects of job satisfaction on congressional retirement has been inconclusive. The problem with this literature is its reliance on indirect measures of job satisfaction. We use a direct measure of job satisfaction to demonstrate that job satisfaction does have a significant independent effect on congressional retirement. The findings imply that the indirect measures of job satisfaction measure frustration as opposed to job dissatisfaction, a conceptually different variable. The fact that members' job satisfaction affects their career length suggests that a Congress that keeps its members happy will have greater retention and will, presumably, keep its best members.  相似文献   

Health care staff are instrumental in prisons given their roles in aiding security and the growing demand for medical services among prisoners. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to this prison staff subpopulation. This study examined perceptions of supervision among 424 prison health care staff in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Participants felt that prison supervisors were most effective in clarifying expectations and least effective in giving feedback for performance, involving staff in planning, and extending job autonomy. Using hierarchical linear models (HLM), some unique findings emerged. Efficacy in dealing with inmates was the strongest predictor variable: health care staff who felt more positive and effective with inmates had more favorable feelings toward supervision. Staff working in high- and medium-security prisons had more positive feelings toward supervision than those in minimum security, and younger staff had more favorable attitudes toward supervisors than older staff. The implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Jails are important, yet understudied, components of the American criminal justice system. While most research on correctional personnel has focused on prisons, a growing body of work is beginning to emerge on jails. This is encouraging given the unique circumstances that occur within jail environments (e.g., diversity and mobility of offenders, health issues among detainees, overcrowding, lack of training among staff, etc.). Given these conditions, the staff members who run jails become the glue that holds them together. The following study contributes to this burgeoning area of empirical inquiry by examining a variety of antecedents of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among jail personnel. Using survey data collected from a large county correctional system in Orlando, Florida, the findings indicate that staff perceptions of professionalism, detainee control, and administrative support all significantly impact degrees of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.  相似文献   

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