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Sexual and reproductive violence (SRV) perpetrated against womenduring war or under authoritarian regimes is one of the mostsevere manifestations of gender-based violence. The authorsask how governments in new or reforming democracies hope torepair SRV and how state programs for reparation might be conceptualizedand delivered. By examining the cases of Guatemala and Peru,they explore the problematic of repairing damage caused by SRVand comment on prospects for redress to victims in each country.  相似文献   

The coalition's programme for government promises to fund 200 open postal primaries during the current Parliament, targeted at seats which have not changed hands for many years. The lessons from the two open postal primaries used in 2009 are that they will change the numbers and characteristics of those involved in choosing candidates, the criteria for selection and the type of candidates chosen. Much will remain unchanged. Primaries are unlikely to affect the controlling influence of party in the House. The limits to their number and duration will leave most safe seats unaffected and prevent the development of any new form of accountability. Primaries will provide some voters with intra‐party competition but inter‐party uncompetitiveness will remain the norm.  相似文献   


As the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development refines the new Consolidated Plans, which replace the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategies, it should examine Britain's experience with local housing plans. Case studies of four best‐practice cities—Glasgow, Dundee, Birmingham, and York—highlight the value of these plans in assessing the success of cities in their new “enabler” role.

Five key lessons for American cities emerge from this article. First, these plans can serve multiple roles beyond bids to central government. Second, local housing plans should address market‐rate as well as below‐market‐rate housing issues. Third, American housing plans should use a wider range of data sources than census information alone and should incorporate housing market analyses dealing with specific areas and population groups. Fourth, the stress on implementation and strategy in British plans should be emulated. Finally, aspects of Britain's competitive bidding system should be considered for implementation.  相似文献   

Decent labour standards are a prerequisite for perceived justice and social cohesion. Insofar as they have been achieved in Britain in the past, it has been the result of collective bargaining between employers and trade unions. This has all but vanished in the private sector and, it is argued, there is no chance of its being revived. Upholding labour standards now lies in the provision of statutory individual employment rights. Experience with minimum wages provides some guidance on how these might be developed through social partnership arrangements. Once achieved, such rights amount to little without effective enforcement. Increasingly important for this is the use of the law and consumer campaigns to expose poor employment practices and complex supply chains so that offending employers can be held to account. If Britain is to avoid falling into a competitive ‘race to the bottom’ with Brexit, it must institute a robust means of implementing and enforcing decent labour standards.  相似文献   

What Happened to the Women? Gender and Reparations for HumanRights Violations, edited by Ruth Rubio-Marin, represents asignificant contribution to the literature on transitional justice.Most writings regarding the aftermath of widespread human rightsviolations focus on prosecutions and truth-telling. Relativelyfew works discuss reparations. Fewer still explore what reparations,if any, are specific to female  相似文献   

COLIN CAMPBELL 《管理》1995,8(4):479-504
Since the 1970s, reformers have pressed innovation in Whitehall management. However, the reinvention efforts by both the Thatcher and Major governments under the banners of public choice and managerialism have led the reform movement to a dead end. Using interviews ranging from 1978 to 1993 and drawing upon the works of public management theorists, this article analyzes the obstacles to reinventing government in the UK. Namely, the politicization of the process coupled with HM Treasuy's stronghold on expenditures has limited managerial discretion and built mistrust of veforms among civil servants. Rather than creating an environment conducive to innovations in public management, the UKs efforts have deepened the divide between policymakers and administrators.  相似文献   

Party Policy in Britain 1997: Results from an Expert Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

毒品犯罪已成为当今世界危害人类社会的白色瘟疫。毒资清洗为毒品犯罪源源不断地提供资金支持,使得对毒品犯罪的打击一直处于治标难治本的状态,且目前毒品犯罪的交易金额不断攀升,为有效遏制毒品犯罪的蔓延,加大对涉毒洗钱活动的打击力度势在必行。  相似文献   

对于民间私募证券投资基金运作中的危害行为,刑法既要积极干预又要慎重适度。民间私募证券投资基金募集中可能构成的罪名有:非法吸收公众存款罪,集资诈骗罪,组织、领导传销活动罪,擅自设立金融机构罪,伪造、变造、转让金融机构经营许可证、批准文件罪,非法经营罪,虚假广告罪,擅自发行股票、公司企业债券罪,欺诈发行股票、债券罪,虚报注册资本罪,虚假出资、抽逃出资罪;民间私募证券投资基金运作中可能构成的罪名有:内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪,利用未公开信息交易罪,操纵证券、期货市场罪,编造并传播证券、期货交易虚假信息罪,违规披露、不披露重要信息罪,隐匿、故意销毁会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会计报告罪;民间私募证券投资基金清算中可能构成的罪名是妨害清算罪。  相似文献   

吴强 《理论导刊》2004,(1):24-25
从宏观税负的国际比较中可以看出我国税负的确偏高。随着世界经济一体化的加快,通过减税以增加本国企业国际竞争力已成为世界性的趋势。为适应国内外的形势,我国应加快税制改革,实施适度减税政策,增加城乡居民的收入以扩大内需,降低企业的成本以增强其竞争力,使国民经济持续快速发展。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4):61-66
In his rejoinder to Dan Stone, Cesarani attempts to answer the objections raised by the latter against the establishment of a Holocaust memorial day in Britain. Using the public response (so far) to the recent opening of the Imperial War Museum's permanent Holocaust exhibition as a test case, he argues that, contrary to Stone's worry that no one would register the existence of a memorial day, the British public shows every sign of being far from indifferent to the events being 'commemorated'. Cesarani characterizes Stone's other concerns as a counsel of despair. It is up to those who dissent from a safely distanced, homogenized or reductive view of the Jewish tragedy-or from a view of the British government as being anything but blameless in the commission of international human rights abuses and genocides, both historical and contemporary-to make sure that the 'plurality of memory' that Stone advocates is not traduced by the events of the day.  相似文献   

As nationalist sentiments gain traction globally, the attitudinal and institutional foundations of the international liberal order face new challenges. One manifestation of this trend is the growing backlash against international courts. Defenders of the liberal order struggle to articulate compelling reasons for why states, and their citizens, should continue delegating authority to international institutions. This article probes the effectiveness of arguments that emphasise the appropriateness and benefits of cooperation in containing preferences for backlash among the mass public. We rely on IR theories that explain why elites create international institutions to derive three sets of arguments that could be deployed to boost support for international courts. We then use experimental methods to test their impact on support for backlash against the European Court of Human Rights in Britain (ECtHR). First, in line with principal-agent models of delegation, we find that information about the court's reliability as an ‘agent’ boosts support for the ECtHR, but less so information that signals Britain's status as a principal. Second, in line with constructivist approaches, associating support for the court with the position of an in-group state like Denmark, and opposition with an out-group state like Russia, also elicits more positive attitudes. This finding points to the importance of ‘blame by association’ and cues of in/out-group identity in building support for cooperation. The effect is stronger when we increase social pressure by providing information about social attitudes towards Denmark and Russia in Britain, where the public overwhelmingly trusts the Danes and distrusts the Russians. Finally, in contrast to Liberal explanations for the creation of the ECtHR, the study finds no evidence that highlighting the court's mission to promote democracy and international peace contains backlash. We show that the positive effects of the first two arguments are not driven by pre-treatment attitudes such as political sophistication, patriotism, internationalism, institutional trust or political preferences.  相似文献   

市场经济是以需求约束为特征的,这一点近两年来在我国经济发展中表现得越来越明显。当前,总量需求不足是我国经济发展中的主要矛盾。努力扩大内需,以拉动经济增长的三大需求:投资、消费、出口,是保持国民经济持续快速发展的关键环节。一、走内需主导型增长之路是保持经济持续快速健康发展的可靠保障美国是当今世界最大的经济体,据美国商务部统计,2000年其国内生产总值(GDP)已达9.3204万亿美元,比上一年增长了4446亿美元(其中最主要是民间消费增长了3158亿美元),经济增长率为5%(其中3.57个百分点的增长率来自民间消费)。显然,美…  相似文献   

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