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Given recent advances in queer visibility and rights within Western countries and internationally, the assumption around sexual issues is one of progress. Conversely, resistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning (LGBTIQ) rights is understood as a lack of progress in the modernization of the relevant society or population. This article suggests that one must understand resistance in a more complex framework, focusing on the opposition between Muslim cultures and LGBTIQ politics to illustrate this argument. This article argues that one should understand the dialectic of Islam versus queer rights as a process of triangulation and should describe how the positioning of queer rights and Muslim homophobia within a triangulated model invokes a sense of Western exceptionalism. Consequently, this article argues that the deployment of queer rights both at “home” and “abroad” operates in a “homocolonialist” fashion that renders resistant populations inferior in relation to superior Western values, rather than as simply “lagging behind” the West.  相似文献   

周春波 《学理论》2010,(22):57-58
金融危机爆发后,经济学界开始寻找解释这个百年一遇经济大危机的理论妙方。在这一背景下,《资本论》开始重新受到热捧。我们知道在《资本论》第三卷中,马克思花了很大的篇幅对信用、虚拟资本和信用危机(主要是指货币危机)作了阐述。重温马克思货币危机思想,从货币这一经济的纽带出发解析本次金融危机,分析经济危机的制度成因,在今天看来仍具有很深刻的现实意义。  相似文献   

一、把“排列有序论”作为创建新民企业文化的核心内涵,实现企业文化与企业政治、经济三者的统一 企业文化是建设有中国特色社会主义文化的重要组成部分,同样也是建设社会主义精神文明的重要组成部分。众所周知,海尔集团企业文化的核心内涵是“斜坡球体论”;联想集团企业文化的核心内涵是“房屋结构论”;新民采油厂在多年的两个文明建设实践中,逐步探索、总结并形成了独具新民采油厂特色的企业文化,其核心内涵是“排列有序论”。 金刚石和石墨都是碳原子所组成的,但由于排列顺序不一样,一个成为无坚不摧的金刚石,一个成为不堪一击…  相似文献   


Participants in today's financial markets confront a sea of data. While the availability of market data has benefits it also creates problems, notably those relating to questions of meaning, judgement and intervention: how to make sense of these flows – how to see the ‘market’, its futures, and thus act pre-emptively. Over more recent years financial organizations have been turning to new technologies of representation, in particular the design and application of visualization software in an effort to enable better visual imagination of and interaction with markets as they unfold in real time. ‘What you see is what you risk’ in many respects captures the thinking or at least the desire underlying the employment of the latest visualization software. The more powerful one's vision the better able one is to participate in increasingly complex financial markets, at least in theory.

Based on recent interviews with those involved in developing and using the latest visualization software within some of the key markets of global finance, and developing the influential work of Daniel Beunza and David Stark, and Karin Knorr Cetina, in particular, this paper adopts a cultural-economy-of-finance perspective to examine the implications of these new techniques of representation. The paper argues that the latest visual turn within finance should be afforded a more central position in the study of contemporary financial market practices.  相似文献   

This essay argues that there is occurring in the United States something of a shift from identity to queer politics, which is paralleled by changes in the social patterns of normative heterosexuality. I consider some of the implications for thinking about sexual citizenship. In particular, I comment on the ambivalent relationship of a queer politics to a politics of citizenship.  相似文献   

新营养学是研究食品体系,食品、饮品和它们的营养成分及其他成分,它们在生物体内以及其他所有相关生物体、社会和环境系统之间的相互作用的一门学科。传统的营养学教学使学生所学内容主要局限在书本上传统的营养学知识,并没有真正掌握营养学的实践方法与应用技术,培养出的学生不能有效地解决许多人类在新世纪所面临的与营养健康有关的严峻问题。为此,我们进行了营养学教学改革,将新营养学理论渗透到传统的营养学教学中,包括一系列的教学和考核方法改革,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

高职"2 1"人才培养模式,是一种新型的人才培养模式,是对传统职业教育理念的创新,带来了传统教育模式和教学流程的"重新洗牌".本文通过提出问题,进而对高职"2 1"人才培养模式下思想政治理论课程改革的原因进行了探索,提出了高职"2 1"人才培养模式下思想政治理论课改革思路.  相似文献   

An examination of appellate cases—state and federal—where homosexual behavior is under judicial scrutiny suggests that gay litigants are frequently the targets of gratuitous asides. Such language takes various forms. It also occurs with varying frequency depending on the type of case (criminal, employment discrimination, immigration and naturalization, licensing and incorporation, marriage, or child custody) under examination. The incidence of such language also varies with the level of the court involved (state vs. federal), and it also varies temporally, showing a general decline with the advance of time. The presence of such language is employed as an indicator of the legitimacy accorded gay litigants in the courtroom. Within this context, the impact and efficacy of litigation on behalf of gay people is also assessed.  相似文献   

In all the various debates around Anthony Giddens's Third Way sequence, few attempts have been made to characterize its logic and impact as a type of discourse, a certain mode of ideas-work. The first dimension of this paper involves deploying Thomas Osborne's categories to depict the Third Way as a ‘vehicular’ idea, with the intellectual style of Giddens himself correlatively framed as that of a new sort of ‘mediator’. In these terms, the essential inclusiveness and indeterminacy of the Third Way series of texts is illustrated, and the issue of what counts as ideas ‘success’ in the vehicular mode is broached. Second, in line with the inherent mobility of vehicular ideas, I identify the keynote shifts in Third Way thinking over time, including the sociological register that it occupies, its pragmatism and its relationship to New Labour politics. In a third phase, the article takes up questions about the role of the critical intellectual today and the practical, though not theoretical, recovery of ‘ideology-critique’ in appraising ideas like the Third Way. The scope and limits of the very notion of ‘vehicularity’ itself are central to this discussion.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the recent changes in naturalization policies in three Nordic countries, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Considering the homogeneity of the region in terms of culture, social structure and polity, the discrepancy in current citizenship regulation is remarkable. Similar problem definitions have generated diametrical opposite solutions. This is even more striking as the three countries, hailing on perceived ideas of common interests and various experiences of shared rule in different political constellations for the best part of the last 500 years, also cooperated closely in forging their national citizenship legislation from the 1880s up till 1979. The article gives perspective to this novel variation, analyzing the interplay between aims and means in the naturalization policies. Basic questions like citizenship rights, the social and cultural cohesion of the nation state, national ideology and questions of identity will be addressed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide some broad outlines of a model of intellectual practice that is arguably gaining increasing salience today: the model of the intellectual as mediator. The paper begins by drawing briefly upon some empirical data from a recent study in order to suggest that, although institutions such as universities and think tanks do seem to be embracing practices of intellectual production that are at some remove from ‘traditional’ models of knowledge, the shift is not absolute – not least because the idea of the ‘traditional’ intellectual as a basic norm is itself no doubt somewhat problematic. In seeking to address precisely this question as to how to think about norms of intellectual practice, the main body of the paper is more theoretical in its orientation. It seeks to adapt and extend some features of the work of Michel Foucault and Zygmunt Bauman in attempting to theorize a fourfold typology of intellectual style on the basis of the concepts of legislation, expertise, interpretation and finally mediation itself. Lastly, the paper considers the status of the intellectual as mediator in today's ‘knowledge society’, considering whether the so-called ‘end of ideology’ has led to the demise of the intellectual who generates ‘big ideas’.  相似文献   


Over the past 15–20 years, the margins of industrial classifications, corporate balance sheets and GDP have been altered to capture knowledge as a new category of value. This has resulted in the institutionalization of categories such as an information economy (1997), intangible assets (2001) and, most recently, a knowledge-adjusted GDP (2013) in these calculating technologies. By harnessing knowledge as a manageable and valuable object, these shifts are responding but also contributing to the concept of a knowledge economy. This paper investigates the conditions necessary to anchor these new categories of value. The analysis attends not only to the changing rules and regulations, but also to the rhetorics of visibility/invisibility, materiality/immateriality, and measurability/immeasurability used to make a case for these transformations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Northern Ireland has suffered consistently from the effects of political violence since the late 1960s. This article argues that anyone who engages in political violence seeks legitimation for his acts and it assesses the attempts by Republicans and Loyalists in Northern Ireland to legitimate their violence. The legitimation of both Loyalist and Republican violence is shown to consist of arguments drawn from a wide range of theoretical traditions by no means confined to Northern Ireland. Republicans draw upon nationalism, Catholicism and Marxism whilst Loyalists make use of contractarian ideas and Protestant theology. Both sides have been relatively successful in persuading potential supporters of the legitimacy of their activities. The article concludes by analysing weaknesses in each attempt at legitimation and by indicating how the diversity of the rival packages may prove counterproductive in the long run. The capacity of each group to generate the additional support needed to achieve its ends is seriously doubted.  相似文献   

文雪玲  廖尉  罗敏 《学理论》2015,(2):49-51,56
亲人离去,健在者内心痛苦,如何完善生者与死者的精神告别机理,结合中国文化背景和民族特点,采用适合中国国情的理念和方法来安慰失亲者是一个很值得探讨的课题。在新时期,思想工作者应把握理念的科学性和时代性,方法的科学性和灵活性,引导人"求真""向善""粹美"。  相似文献   

李秋风 《学理论》2020,(1):28-30
统筹发展和安全,增强忧患意识,做到居安思危,是我们党治国理政的一个重大原则。保密工作作为维护和保障国家安全的重要一环,与国家安全息息相关。新时代保密工作要发展,必须加强对总体国家安全观思想的研究,要善于发现二者的融合,要着重思考总体安全观背景下保密工作如何把握机遇、调整思路、转型升级的问题。  相似文献   


In recent years political parties advocating animal rights and animal interests have sprang up in several countries and seem to constitute a new party family. At first sight, they appear to be single-issue parties, but a closer look at their party programmes suggests that they are developing a new ideology based on the core concept of compassion and adjacent concepts of equality, intrinsic value and interdependence.  相似文献   

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