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This lecture was given at the Celebrating Ari Sitas: the World of Work and the Power of Poetics, Global Studies Programme (GSP) conference, September 4 & 5 2017, at the Centre for African Studies Gallery, University of Cape Town.  相似文献   

杨雷 《当代韩国》2011,(1):64-74
俄罗斯的韩国学研究经历帝俄、苏联和冷战后时期的发展演变,形成了当前较为完备的科研体系。当前俄罗斯的韩国学研究机构主要有:俄罗斯科学院东方学研究所、远东研究所、莫斯科大学亚非学院、莫斯科国际关系学院国际关系系和圣彼得堡大学东方系等。俄罗斯韩国学研究与外交政策的关系有如下特点:学术科研与外交战略趋向密切相关;苏联时期的韩国学研究受到意识形态和政治体制的影响较强;俄罗斯独立后,学术界观点对政府外交决策的影响力增强;俄罗斯现有的韩国学科研机构得到韩国的大力支持,这有可能影响俄罗斯对朝鲜半岛的政策。  相似文献   

Afrikanskiy Sbornik: istoriya (African Collection: History), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1963, 303 pp.

G. A. Nyersyesov on the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881 (pp. 170–230),

B. M. Dantsig et al., entitled Politika Frantsii v Azii i Afriki (French Policy in Asia and Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1965, 408 pp.

S. R. Smirnov et al., Novyeyshaya istoriya Afriki (The Recent History of Africa), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of African Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1964, 500 pp.

Ye. A. Lyebyedyev et al. and entitled Arabskiy Vostok i Magrib: sbornik statyey (The Arab East and the Maghrib: A Collection of Articles), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977, 232 pp.

N. A. Ivanov's Sovryemyenniy Tunis (Contemporary Tunisia), Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1959, 132 pp.

B. Ye. Kosolapov's Tunis: gyeografichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: A Geographical Essay), Moscow, Government Press for Geographical Literature, 1958, 46 pp.

V. P. Smirnov's Tunis: ekonomichyeskiy ochyerk (Tunisia: An Economic Essay), Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1962, 72 pp.,

V. Gusarov's Tunis (Tunisia), Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1974, 128 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has written a second work on another aspect of Tunisia, entitled Gosudarstvyenniy stroy Tunisa (Governmental Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Government Press for Juridical Literature, 1962, 64 pp.

N. A. Ivanov has also written a historical study, entitled Krizis Frantsuzkogo protyektorata v Tunisye, 1918–1939 gg. (The Crisis of the French Protectorate in Tunisia, 1918–1939), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1971, 400 pp.

Novoye litso: novyelli pisatyelyey Tunisa (A New Face: Stories by writers of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Governmental University of Leningrad, 1974, 78 pp.,

M. F. Vidyasova's Rabochiy klass v sotsiyal'noy strukturye Tunisa (The Working Class in the Social Structure of Tunisia), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and for the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow Governmental University, 1975, 232 pp.

Shabayev's Rabochiy klass stran Magriba (Moscow, 1968)

Werner Plum's Gewerkschaften im Maghreb (Hanover, 1962),

L. P. Zudina entitled Agrarniye otnoshyeniya v Tunisye, 1956–1971 (Agrarian Relations in Tunisia, 1956–1971), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 183 pp.  相似文献   

Richard Frye's The Heritage of Persia, translated as Naslyediye Irana, Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences’ History Section, 1972,468 pp.

Nicolas de Khanikoff's Mémoire sur la partie meridionale de I'Asie Centrale (originally published in Paris in 1862), translated as Ekspyeditisya v Khorasan, Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1973, 216 pp.

Sadeq Chubak, translated from the Persian as hbrannoye (Selections), Moscow, Khudodzhyestvynennaya Lityeratura Press, 1972,224 pp.

Lityeratura narodov Vostoka (The literature of the Peoples of the East), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1970, 190 pp.

Dzh. Dorri, Pyersidskaya satirichyeskaya proza: traditsiya i novatorstvo (Satirical Persian Prose: Tradition and Innovation), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977, 216 pp.

Iranskoye Yazikoznaniye: Istoriya, etimologiya, tipologiya (Iranian Linguistics: History, Etymology, Typology), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Linguistics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 224 pp.

M. D. Milanyan's Gosudarstvyenniy stroy sovryemyennogo Irana (The Governmental Structure of Contemporary Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Government and Law in the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1973,128 pp.

Ye. A. Doroshyenko's book, Shiitskoye dukhovyenstvo v sovryemyennom Irane (The Shiite Clergy in Contemporary Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1975,172 pp.

Sh. M. Badi's Gorodskiye sryedniye sloi Irana (The Urban Middle Classes of Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1977,232 pp.

A. Rasadi's Innostranniy kapital v Iraneposlye vtoroy mirovoy voyni (1945–1967 eg.) (Foreign Capital in Iran After the Second World War, 1945–1967), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, 1973,126 pp.

N. S. Tikhonov's Zapadnogyermanskiy kapital v Iranye (West‐German Capital in Iran), Baku, Elm Press for the Institute of the Peoples of the Near and Middle East of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, 1972, 100 pp.

U. Z. Sharipov's Byudzhyet i byudzhyetnaya sistyema Irana (The Budget and the Budgetary System of Iran), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 156 pp.

Istoriya Irana (The History of Iran) was prepared by the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad State University and published in Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1977, 488 pp.

Iran: ochyerki novyeyshyey istorii (Iran: Essays on Its Recent History), Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1976, 470 pp. Edited by A. Z. Arabadzhyan  相似文献   

The New Ghana     
Austin  Dennis 《African affairs》1960,59(234):20-25
Mr. Dennis Austin, of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies,London University, gave the address that follows at a jointmeeting of the Royal African Society and the Royal Common-wealthSociety on November 5, 1959. Mr. David Williams, editor of "WestAfrica‘, ’, took the chair.  相似文献   

V.I. Dyamlov, ’Natsional'niye myenshinstva i natsional'naya burdzhuaziya Yegipta (pyervaya polovina XXv.)‘

Arabskiye strani: istoriya i sovryemyennosC, Arab Countries: History and Present

(Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1981; 248 pp.).

M.A. Rodionov's book is Maroniti: Iz etnokonfyessional'noy istorii Vostochnogo Sryedizyemnomor'ya, The Maronites: APart of the Ethno‐Confessional History of the Eastern Mediterranean (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy

of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1982; 136 pp.).

Z.A. Myentyeshashvili's Byerbyeri v obshchyestvyenno‐politichyeskoy dzhizni Marokko (50–70‐ye godi XX v.), The Berbers in Morocco's Socio‐political Life, the 1950s to the 1970s

(Moscow: Nauka Press for the Tiflis State University, 1985; 152 pp.).

Kurdskoye dvidzhyeniye v novoye i novyeyshye vryemya, The Kurdish Movement in Modern and Contemporary Times (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Armenian Soviet Republic, 1987; 301 pp.)

Natsional'noye dvidzhyeniye Kurdov v Iranye (1918–1947 gg.), The National Movement of the Kurds in Iran, 1918–47 (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1988; 168 pp.), by O.I. Dzhigalina

Present‐Day Asia: Ethno‐Cultural and National‐Political Processes (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1989; 173 pp.).  相似文献   

G.A. Nyersyesov's Diplomatichyeskaya istoriya Yegipyetskogo krizisa 1881–1882 gg. (v svyetye Russkikh arkhivnikh materialov), Diplomatic History of the 1881–1882 Egyptian Crisis (In Light of Russian Archival Materials) (Moscow: Nauka Press for the African Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1979; 320 pp.)

V.S. Koshyelyev's Yegipyet do El‐Alameyna: iz istorii vmttripolitichyeskoy bor'bi (1939–1942), Egypt Before El‐Alamein: From the History of the Internal‐Political Struggle, 1939–42 (Minsk: The Belorussian State University Press, 1977; 176 pp.)

I.P. Byelyayev and Ye. M. Primakov, entitled Yegipyet: vryemya Pryezidyenta Nasyera, Egypt: The Era of President Nasir (Moscow: Misl’ Press 1974; 400 pp.)

V.I. Nagaychuk's Politika S. Sh. A. v otnoshyenii Yegipta (50–60ye godi), US Policy Towards Egypt: The 1950s and the 1960s (Kiev: Naukova Dumka for the Academy of Sciences of Soviet Ukraine, 1982; 208 pp.)

Olyeg Gyerasimov's Sumyerki Kaira, Cairo Twilight(Moscow: Sovyetskaya Rossiya Press, 1980; 96 pp.)

G.I. Sukharyev's Sadd‐El'‐Aali. Zapiski Stroityelya, The High Dam: Notes of A Builder (Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya Press, due in late 1983; about 160 pp.

L.A. Fridman's Yegipyet 1882–1952: Sotsial'no‐ekonomichyeskaya struktura dyeryevni, Egypt 1882–1952: The Socio‐Economic Structure of the Village (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1973; 425 pp.)

V. A.L. Lutskyevich's Yegipyet vbor'bye za ekoaomichyeskuyu nyezavisimost’ 1952–1971 (analiz roli vnyeshnyeekonomichyeskikh svyazyey), Egypt in the Struggle for Economic Independence, 1952–1971: An Analysis of the Role of External Economic Relations (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1976; 231 pp.)

A.G. Baklanov's Rabochiy klass sovryemyennogo Yegipta, The Working Class of Contemporary Egypt (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 216 pp.)

V.V. Chyernoskaya's Formirovaniye Yegipyetskoy intyelligyentsii v XIX — pyervoy polovinye XX v., The Formation of the Egyptian Intelligentsia in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Century (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of Moscow University, 1979; 163 pp.)  相似文献   


Thandika Mkandawire is a Malawian economist and public intellectual. He is currently Chair and Professor of African Development at the London School of Economics. He was formerly Director of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, and Director of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). In 2015, he published an influential critique of neopatrimonialism, ‘Neopatrimonialism and the Political Economy of Economic Performance in Africa: Critical Reflections’.

His empirical analysis demonstrates that neopatrimonialism can neither explain heterogeneity in political arrangements nor predict variability in economic outcomes. He argues that its dominance in scholarly and popular discourses of the continent derives from its appeal to crude ethnographic stereotypes. Yet such stereotypes are at odds with the idea that African citizens can be trusted to vote intelligently. As a result, the neopatrimonial school tends to seek political arrangements that can circumnavigate democratic politics, particularly in the form of bureaucratic authoritarianism or external agents of restraint. Against this, Mkandawire insists on an approach that recognises the importance of democratic politics, and the critical role that ideas, interests and structures play in shaping African societies. In this interview with the Journal of Contemporary African Studies (JCAS), Mkandawire reflects on the historical genesis of neopatrimonialism, the political economy factors that likely explain the ways in which it has taken hold in African scholarship and public discourse, and how to move forward.  相似文献   

Hugh Leach 《亚洲事务》2013,44(3):337-341
Jason Abbott is Lecturer in International Politics in the Department of Political, International and Policy Studies, the University of Surrey. Formerly a Teaching Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies and Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, he is the author of several publications on South East Asian politics.

Oliver Franks is a postgraduate student in Asian Politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies.  相似文献   

Afganistan, Part I (Moscow, All‐Russian Scholarly Association for Orientalism, 1923; 205 pp.)

D. Anuchina and others; I. M. Ryeysnyer,

Afganistan (Moscow, The Communist Academy Press; 267 pp.)

V. A. Gurko‐Kryadzhin, Sovryemyenniy Afganistan, Contemporary Afghanistan (Moscow, Museum of Eastern Cultures, 1929; 15 pp.)

Yevgyeniy Shuan, Dzhang. Vosstaniye v Afganistanye, Dzhang: Revolt in Afghanistan (Leningrad, Priboy, 1930; 248 pp.)

V. M. Masson and V. A. Romodin, Istoriya Afganistana, History of Afghanistan, 2 vols. (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1964–5).

M. A. Babakhdzhayev, is entitled Bor'ba Afganistana za nyezavisimost’ (1838–1842), Afghanistan's War for Independence, 1838–42 (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 107 pp.).

N. Khalfin's Proval Brhanskoy agressii v Afganistanye (19 v. — nachalo 20 v.), The Downfall of British Aggression in Afghanistan, 19th‐Early 20th Centuries (Moscow, Socio‐economic Literature Press, 1959; 211 pp.).

M. G. Pikulin, entitled Ochyerki po novoy istorii Afganistana, Essays about Afghanistan's Modern History (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1966; 143 pp.).

R. T. Akhramovich's Outline History of Afghanistan After the Second World War (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1966; 192 pp.)

Afganistan v 1961–1966 gg, Afghanistan in the Years 1961–66 (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 172 pp.).

E. Nukhovich's Vnyeshnaya politika Afganistana, The Foreign Policy of Afghanistan (Moscow, Institute of International Relations Press, 1962; 108 pp.).

A. Kh. Babakhodzhayev's Ochyerki po istorii Sovyetsko‐Afganskikh otnoshyeniy, Essays about the History of Soviet‐Afghan Relations (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1970; 92 pp.).

L. B. Tyeplinskiy's 50 lyet Sovyetsko‐Afganskikh otnoshyeniy, Fifty Years of Soviet‐Afghan Relations (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studie of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1971, 238 pp.).

Sovyetsko‐Afganskiye otnoshyeniya 1919–1960, Soviet‐Afghan Relations, 1919–1960 (Moscow, Socio‐Economic Literature Press, 1961, 215 pp.).

N. M. Guryevich, Ochyerki istorii torgovogo kapitala v Afganistanye, Essays on the History of Trade Capital in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 143 pp.).

Pikulin's Razvitiye naisional'noy ekonomiki i kulturi Afghanistana 1955–1960, Development of the National Economy and Culture of Afghanistan, 1955–60 (Tashkent, The Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Press, 1961; 152 pp.)

Voprosi ekonomiki Afganistana, Problems of Afghanistan's Economics (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1963; 248 pp.)

A. A. Polyak, Ekonomichyeskiy stroy Afganistana (ochyerki), The Economic System of Afghanistan: Essays (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1964; 164 pp.)

N.I. Chyernyakhovskaya, Razvitiye promishlyennosti I polodzhyeniye rabochyego klassa Afganistana, Development of Industry and Working Class Conditions in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1965; 171 pp.).

Guryevich, Ochyerki istorii torgovogo kapitala v Afganistanye, Essays on the History of Trade Capital in Afghanistan (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 143 pp.).

Yu. M. Golovin's Afganistan, ekonomika i vnyeshnyaya torgovlya, Afghanistan: Economics and Foreign Commerce (Moscow, Foreign Commerce Press, 1962; 168 pp.).

V. A. Pulyarkin's Afganistan, ekonomichyeskaya gyeografiya, Afghanistan: Economic Geography (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1964; 256 pp.).

Ryeysnyer, Razvitiye fyeodalizma i obrazovanye gosudarstva u Afgantsyev, The Development of Feudalism and Formation of Government by the Afghans (Moscow, The Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences Press, 1954; 416 pp.)

A. Davidov and the above N. Chyernyakhovskaya entitled Afganistan (Moscow, Misl’ Press, 1973; 168 pp.).

Agrarniy stroy Afganistana (osnovniye etapi razvitiya), The Agrarian System of Afghanistan: Basic Stages of Development (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1967; 183 pp.).

Afganskaya dyeryevnya (syel'skaya obshchina i rassloyeniye kryest'yanstva), The Afghan Village: Rural Society and the Stratification of the Peasantry (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1969; 263 pp.).

M. G. Pikulin, A. Sh. Shamansurova and R. T. Rashidov, is Ryemyeslo i myelkaya promishlyennost’ Afganistana, Artisanship and Small Industry of Afghanistan (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1976; 116 pp.).

M. A. Babakhodzhayev. The first is Ochyerki sotsial'no‐ekonomichyeskoy i politichyeskoy istorii Afganistana (konyets 19 v.), Essays About the Socio‐Economic and Political History of Afghanistan: The End of the 19th Century (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1975; 196 pp.).

Afganistan (voprosi istorii, ekonomiki i ftlologii), Afghanistan: Problems of History, Economics and Philology (Tashkent, Fan Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, 1978; 124 pp.).

T. I. Kukhtina's Prosvyeshchyeniye v nyezavisimom Afganistanye, Education in Independent Afghanistan (Moscow, Oriental Literature Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia in the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 140 pp.)

V. A. Yefimov's Yazik Afganskikh Khazara. Yakaulangskiy dialekt, The Language of the Afghan Kazars: The Yakaulanian Dialect (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1965; 99 pp.).

Afganskaya klassichyeskaya poeziya. Classical Afghan Poetry, translated from Pushtu by A. Gyerasimova, K. Lyebyedyev and L. Yatsyevich (Moscow, Artistic Literature Press, 1975; 224 pp.)

Afganskiye skazki, Afghan Tales, translated by the same K. Lyebyedyev (Moscow, Government Press for Artistic Literature, 1955; 160 pp.).

Skazki i stikhi Afganistana, Tales and Verses of Afghanistan (Moscow, Artistic Literature Press, 1958; 312 pp.).

Afganiskiye narodniye poslovitsi i pogovorki, Afghan Popular Proverbs and Sayings, translated from Pushtu by the above Lyebyedyev and Yatsyevich (Moscow, Foreign Literature Press, 1961; 67 pp.).

Afganskiye Skazki i lyegyendi, Afghan Tale and Legends, translated from Pushtu by various hands (Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972; 280 pp.).

G. P. Yedzhov's Nash sosyed Afganistan, Our Neighbour, Afghanistan (Znaniye Press, 1965; 32 pp.).

Afganistan (spravochnik), Afghanistan: A Reference Work (Moscow, Nauka Press for the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1964; 276 pp.).

Sovryemyenniy Afganistan, Contemporary Afghanistan (Moscow, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1960; 504 pp., maps).

Afghanistan: Past and Present (Moscow, Social Sciences Today Press for the Soviet Union's Academy of Sciences, 1981; 272 pp.)  相似文献   

O.V. Pavlochyenko's Rossiya i Syerbiya, 1888–1903: diplomatichyeskiye otnoshyeniya, obshchyestvyenniye svyazi, Russia and Serbia, 1888–1903: Diplomatic Relations, Social Ties (Kiev: Naukova Dumka for the Institute of History in the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, 1987; 131 pp.).

V.N. Vinogradov, entitled Myedzhdunarodniye otnoshyeniya na Balkanakh, 1856–1878 gg.,

International Relations in the Balkans, 1856–1878 (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1986:416 pp., 1 map),

Yu. A. Pisaryev's Vyelikiye dyerdzhavi i Balkani nakanunye pyervoy mirovoy voyni, The Great Powers and the Balkans on the Eve of the First World War (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1985; 286 pp.).

Osmanskaya Impyeriya i strani Tsyentral'noy, Vostochnoy i Yugo‐Vostochnoy Yevropi v XV‐XVI vv.: Glavniye tyendyentsii politichyeskikh vzaimootnoshyeniy, The Ottoman Empire and the Countries of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe in the 15th and 16th Centuries: The Main Trends of Mutual Political Relations (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1984; 302 pp.).

V.I. Shyeryemyet's Osmanskaya Impyeriya i Zapadnaya Yevropa: vtoraya tryet’ XIX v., The Ottoman Empire and Western Europe: Second Third of the Nineteenth Century (Moscow: Nauka Press for the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, 1986; 311 pp.).

Angliya, Rossiya i Tanzimat (vtoraya chyetvyert’ XIX v.), England, Russia and the Tanzimat (Second Quarter of the Nineteenth Century) (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 184 pp.).

V.A. Zolotaryev, entitled Rossiya i Turtsiya: voyna 1877–1878 g., Russia and Turkey: The 1877–1878 War (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 232 pp.).  相似文献   

Based in Tucson, Arizona, Dr J. E. Peterson is a historian and political scientist specializing in the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf. He received his PhD from the Johns Hopkins University and has taught at several academic institutions in the USA and worked for the US government and various research institutes. Until 1999, he served as the Historian of the Sultan's Armed Forces in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Security and Defence in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, and he spent 2000–2001 at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. His books include The Arab Gulf States: Steps Toward Political Participation (Praeger, for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1988), Historical Dictionary of Saudi Arabia (Scarecrow Press, 1993; 2nd ed. Scarecrow Press, 2003) and Defending Oman: A History of the Sultan's Armed Forces (forthcoming). He has written an Adelphi Paper, Saudi Arabia and the Illusion of Security (2002). His articles on ‘Saudi-American Relations after September 11’ and ‘Bahrain's First Steps Towards Reform Under Amir Hamad’ appeared in recent issues of Asian Affairs. Dr Peterson's website is www.JEPeterson.net  相似文献   


The Centre for African Renaissance Studies (CARS) at the University of South Africa was born in a political and social environment in which there is a new groundswell for a rebirth, where there are calls for ownership, accountability, excellence, responsiveness and substantive democracy on new terms. Surrounding the centre are the state, the academy and civil society, each with its limitations as well as possibilities for an institution that is established to foster, nourish and effect change in the context of the African Renaissance. The challenge before CARS is therefore one that involves the creation of new knowledge, analyses and interpretations of social reality on an ongoing basis. In working out its linkages and its strategies for dialogue, engagement and co‐determination around the past, present and future of Africa, with players such as the state, the academy and civil society in general, therefore, the centre needs of necessity to clarify its position, role and vision in the field of knowledge production. It is here that transdisciplinarity signifies a distinct methodology in knowledge generation, development and utilisation. This article argues that the nature of the crisis we face today is definitely no longer that of ‘economics’, ‘politics’ or ‘culture’ per se; neither is it, for that matter, a crisis of the humanities versus the natural sciences; but rather it is one in which there is a peculiar convergence of all these factors and which, together, form an entirety exceeding the sum of its parts.  相似文献   

The Georgians     
Matthew Edwards gained his BA (Hons) in History from the University of York and his MA in War Studies from King's College, London. He currently works at the UK Ministry of Defence. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and not necessarily those of the UK Ministry of Defence.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: IDEALISM, POLITICS AND HISTORY: Sources of Hegelian Thought. By George Armstrong Kelly. SEEKING WORLD ORDER: The United States and International Organization. By Warren F. Kuchl, Nashville, Tennessee CHARACTER AND STYLE IN ENGLISH POLITICS. By J. H. Grainger. TOWN, COUNTRY AND PEOPLE. Edited by G. V. Osipov. THE ADMINISTRATION OF IMPERIALISM; Joseph Chamberlain at the Colonial Office. By Robert V. Kubicek. Durham, POLITICS AND CHANGE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Development. Edited by Colin Leys COLONIALISM IN AFRICA, 1870–1960: Volume I, The History and Politics of Colonialism 1870–1914. Edited by L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan. COLONIAL CADET IN NIGERIA. By John Smith. THE WORK OF ADMINISTRATION IN NIGERIA: Case Studies. By D. J. Murray. WESTERN INDIA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: A Study in the Social History of the Maharashtra. By Ravinder Kumar THE FRENCH PRESENCE IN COCHINCHINA AND CAMBODIA: Rule and Response (1859–1905). By Milton E. Osborne. POLITICS AND PEOPLE IN NEW ZEALAND. By Austin Mitchell CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIA: Studies in History, Politics and Economics. Edited by Richard Preston. BRITAIN AND THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES, 1818–1831: The Technique of Government. By J. J. Eddy. SETTLEMENT AND ENCOUNTER: Geographical Studies Presented to Sir Grenfell Price. Edited by Fay Gale and Graham H. Lawton. Melbourne BLOOD AND GOLD: Hungarians in Australia. By Egon F. Kunz. Melbourne, F. W. Cheshire, IMAGES AND ISSUES: The Queensland State Elections of 1963 and 1966. By Colin A. Hughes. THE POLICE AND THE PUBLIC IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. By D. Chappell and P. R. Wilson. A HISTORY OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES BAR. Edited by J. M. Bennett for the New South Wales Bar Association.  相似文献   

Agrarniye strukturi stran Vostoka, Agrarian Structure of the Countries of the East (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1977; 280 pp.)

Idiyolojiyat al‐Dimuqratiyya al‐Thawriyya al‐Ifriqiyya, The Ideology of African Revolutionary Democracy (Moscow: The Soviet Academy of Science, 1983; 144 pp.)

Partii v riyevolyutsionniy protsyess b stranakh Azii i Afriki, sbornik statyey, Parties in the Revolutionary Processes in the Countries of Asia and Africa: A collection of articles (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 254 pp.)

Kharaktyerniye chyerti sotzial'no‐politichyeskogo razvitiya Arabskikh stran v 1950–1970ye godi, Characteristic Traits of the Socio‐Political Development of the Arab Countries from the 1950s to the 1970s (Erevan: The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Soviet Armenia, 1980; 208 pp.)

Arabskiye strani, istoriya i sovryemyennost, The Arab Countries: History and Contemporary Affairs (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 248 pp.)

Contemporary Development of the Arab Countries (Oriental Studies in the USSR, No. 8 – Moscow: ‘Social Sciences Today’ Editorial Board for the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1984; 236 pp.)

V.L. Fatis's Liviya (Moscow: Misl’ Press, 1982; 160 pp.)

N.I. Proshin's Istoriya Livii v novoye vryemya (syeryedina XVI – nachala XXv.), The History of Libya in Modern Times: The Mid‐Sixteenth Century to the Beginning of the Twentieth (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 288 pp.)

Aldzhirskaya narodnaya dyemokratichyeskaya ryespublika, konstitutsiya i zakonodatyel'nye akti, The Algerian Popular Democratic Republic: The Constitution and Legislative Documents (Moscow: Progress Press, 1983; 414 pp.)

Istoriya Aldzhirskoy ryevolyutsii, 1954–1962, History of the Algerian Revolution, 1954–62 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 287 pp.) by R. G. Landa

Sturm und Drang years, V.S. Svyetlov's Aldzhir syegodnya, Algeria Today (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981: 222 pp.)

Ochyerki Marokkanskoy istorii (Moscow: Progress Press, 1982; 384 pp.)

V.G. Rasnitsin's Marokko na rubyedzhye dvukh epokh, 1956–1960 g., Morocco Between Two Epochs, 1956–60 (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1983; 144 pp.)

Anna Kowalska‐Lewicka's Mavritaniya, Mauritania (Moscow: Nauka Press, 1981; 304 pp.)  相似文献   

African Music     
JONES  A. M. 《African affairs》1949,48(193):290-297
The writer, of St. Mark's College, Mapanza, Northern Rhodesia,is the author of an essay on African music published by theRhodes-Livingstone Institute at Livingstone. He is a keen supporterof the African Music Society recently founded at Johannesburgby Mr. Hugh Tracey. Although he deals specifically with musicin Northern Rhodesia, he suggests there is evidence to showthat his statements apply in principle also to South and toWest Africa.  相似文献   

The Great Church in Captivity: A Study of the Patriarchate of Constantinople from the Eve of the Turkish Conquest to the Greek War of Independence. By Steven Runciman. Pp. x, 455. London: Cambridge University Press, £3.

L'Islam dans le Miroir de l'Occident. By Jean‐Jacques Waardenburg. Third edition, revised; pp. xi, 381. The Hague: Mouton. 45 Guilders.

Idéologie et Renaissance Nationale: l'Egypte Moderne. By Anouar Abdel‐Malek. Paris: Editions Anthropos.

Egypt and Cromer: A Study in Anglo‐Egyptian Relations. By Afaf Lutfi al Sayyid. Pp. 256. London: John Murray. £2.25.

The Modern History of Egypt .By P. J. Vatikiotis. Pp. 528. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. £3.15.

Jewish Population Studies, 1961–1968. Edited by U. O. Schmelz and P. Glikson. Pp. 174. Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry; London: Institute of Jewish Affairs, £1·05.

Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 1820–1914: A Study in Trade and Development. By E. R. J. Owen. Pp. xxvi, 416, appendices, bibliography, glossary, index. London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, £4.20.

David's Sling: The Arming of Israel. By Simon Peres. Pp. 320. London: Weiden‐feld &; Nicolson, £3.

Asian and African Studies. Vol. 3. Edited by Gabriel Baer. Pp. 166. The Israel Oriental Society.  相似文献   

Culture in Africa: An Appeal for Pluralism edited by Raoul Granqvist. Seminar Proceedings No.29. The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala. 1993. 204 pp. illustrated.

Social Change And Economic Reform in Africa edited by Peter Gibbon. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala. 1993. 379 pp. including references and notes on contributors.

The Idea of Africa by V.Y.Mudimbe. Indiana University Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis, and James Currey, London. 1994. xvii plus 234 pp. including illustrations, bibliography and index.

Can National Dialogue Break the Power of Terror in Burundi? Report on the Impact of the International Conference National Dialogue Held in Bujumbura, May 15–18, on Burundian Efforts to Restore Domestic Process in the Country by Zdenek Cervenka and Colin Legum. Current African Issues 17. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, Sweden. 1994. 29 pp.

Ethnicity in Focus: The South African Case by Simon Bekker. Indicator SA Issue Focus, Centre for Social and Development Studies, University of Natal. 1993. iii plus 117pp. including notes, bibliography and index.

Liquor and Labour in Southern Africa edited by Jonathan Crush and Charles Ambler. Athens and Pietermaritzburg: Ohio University Press and University of Natal Press. 1992. 412 pp. including figures, tables and index.

Chelewa, Chelewa, The Dilemma of Teenage Girls edited by Zubeida Tumbo‐Masabo and Rita Liljestrom. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. 1994. 218 pp.

Towards More Appropriate Technologies? Experiences from the Water and Sanitation Sector by Mariken Vaa. Report No. 94, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala. 1993. 91 pp. including references.

From the Mountains to the Plains. The Integration of the Lafofa Nuba into Sudanese Society by L.O. Manger. Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala. 1994. 175 pp.

The New Local Level Politics in East Africa. Studies on Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya edited by Peter Gibbon. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala. 1994. Research Report No. 95. 118 pp. including figures, notes and references. Paperback. US$9.95.

Tanzania: The Limits to Development from Above by Kjell J. Havnevik. The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, Sweden. 1993. 343 pp. including tables, bibliography and appendices.

A Blighted Harvest: The World Bank and African Agriculture in the 1980s by Peter Gibbon, Kjell J. Havnevik and Kenneth Hermele. James Currey, London and Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey. 1993.  相似文献   

Michael Denison read Modern History at Keble College, Oxford University, where he was the Royal Historical Society's Frampton Prize scholar. He completed an MA at the University of Leeds in European Security Studies and is now writing his PhD at Leeds on the domestic and international dynamics of personal rule. He spent the summers of 2001 and 2002 in Central Asia conducting fieldwork. He has recently returned from Turkmenistan where he participated in a conference hosted by the Turkmen Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  相似文献   

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