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首都体制是保障首都职能有效运行的城市管理机构、制度、机制和习惯意识的总称。中国古代的首都体制,是以中央政府直接管理为主、地方政府民事管理为辅的体制。当代中国首都体制的进步体现在:地方政府具有完整的管理权,形成了相应的体制、机制与首都意识,但首都重大问题的决策常具有中庸特色。  相似文献   

作为保障机关有序运行的重要制度设定,机关事务管理面多事杂任重,创新机关事务管理是实现从“制度优势”转向“治理实效”的重要一环。实现机关事务管理现代化,其本质是从“广度”到“深度”的深刻转变:新时代下的机关事务不再仅仅强调业务广度方面上的面面俱到,更期望其能在强化政府自身建设、优化政府职能等更深层面扮演积极角色。改革开放以来,我国不断推进机关事务领域改革,不仅仅是对其职能的不断调整,其本质在于对宏观行政体制变革的主动回应与渐进调试,是国家治理体系建构中的重要一环,并在此过程中逐渐形成职能现代化、体制法治化、行为职业化、能力智慧化等制度优势。基于行政管理要素构成的分析视角,职能体系、职权范围、管理体制、人力资源都将是创新机关事务管理的必要路径。  相似文献   

段妍  刘俊霞 《理论探讨》2020,(2):144-149
政治纪律建设是新时代推进全面从严治党的关键举措,是提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位的有力保证。改革开放以来党的政治纪律建设历程表明,加强政治纪律建设要始终坚持问题导向、维护党中央权威与集中统一领导、完善党内法规制度体系、坚持严格执纪。深刻总结改革开放以来党的政治纪律建设的基本经验,为推进新时代党的政治纪律建设、解决党内政治生活中存在的突出问题、坚持"两个维护"、巩固党的团结统一提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

Little more than a decade ago the basic structure of the Canadian public service was radically reformed. In accordance with recommendations of the Glassco Royal Commission on Government Organisation the central agencies were restructured and their relations with departments reconstructed to shift as much as possible the location of responsibility for financial and personnel management to the departments. The Treasury Board, a statutory committee of Ministers, separated from the Department of Finance which handles economic and revenue policy, became the Government's management agency responsible for budgeting as well as financial and personnel administration. It was also cast in the role of "employer" for purposes of collective bargaining, which was introduced into the Service at the same time and thereby aligned labour relations in the Service with the system which had prevailed in the private sector since the Second World War. Responsibility for recruitment and promotion of staff according to "merit" was vested in the Public Service Commission, an independent agency reporting directly to Parliament, which also has some advisory functions in respect of training. These legislatively-based changes were accompanied, especially after Mr. Trudeau became Prime Minister in 1968, by construction of an elaborate Cabinet committee system and more policy coordination at the administrative level by an expanded Privy Council Office. Structural change was reinforced by changes in methods of operation. Over the next few years new techniques in budgeting, which was placed on a program basis, policy evaluation and performance measurement were introduced. Under the guiding hand of the Planning Branch in the Treasury Board Secretariat, increasing emphasis was given to planning and research in central agencies and departments.  相似文献   

MORTEN EGEBERG 《管理》1994,7(1):83-98
The discipline of public administration could play a more constructive role in the field of administrative policy if the gap between empirical-theoretical research and the professional role of political scientists in governments were bridged. This article outlines an instrumental or "action-oriented" model which provides a theoretical framework through which to focus on formal organizational, demographic and physical structures of institutions as the possible instruments, or "steering factors" in organizational design. The model emphasizes empirical observations of the relationships between the instrumental indendent) variables and actual decision behavior (dependent variables). The author draws on studies conducted in the central governments of several countries.  相似文献   

The position of Permanent Head of a ministerial department is a central feature of the Westminster system of government as it evolved in Britain during the nineteenth century. It has been adopted and applied in Australia with some variations. It is not surprising, therefore, that when debate takes place about the system of public administration the role and functions of Permanent Heads receive much attention.  相似文献   

This article reviews the major consequences for the evolutionof Nigeria's public administration of the process by which the"loose" model of federalism adopted in 1954 was transformedinto one in which the national government became dominant from1966 onwards. To illustrate how this development affected theemerging public administration system, two broad themes areexamined: (1) the structure, organization, and functioning ofthe federal and subnational units and (2) issues in intergovernmentalrelations, notably the allocation of jurisdictional powers,fiscal federalism, public personnel administration, and localgovernments. The conclusion points out some of the key issuesthat are likely to dominate the Nigerian federal system duringthe next decade.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has recently experienced a number of administrative, institutional, structural and policy reforms which have attempted to recast the modalities of the public delivery system and address the perennial issues of "efficiency, effectiveness and productivity" in the public administration system. A number of these reform packages have called for drastic changes in the mode of governmental operations/processes as well as in institutional arrangements.
In this article, the author has reviewed such reform efforts and their impact on the overall public administration training curriculum and academic programs of the training institutions as well as with the universities in Bangladesh. The entry–level training packages have not adequately covered the critical areas that have been highlighted by the different reforms. The article concludes with a suggestion to review all entry–level training programs and identify some thematic areas to make the training programs "practical, pro–active and action–oriented." A close collaboration between the universities and the public administration training institutions is also strongly recommended.  相似文献   

近代以来直至当前的和谐社会之诉求,现代化始终是萦绕在中国人心目中的一个实质性问题.然而,现代化又是一个全方位、多层次的系统工程,公共行政现代化是其应然维度之一.现代化从"器物"到"政制"直至社会精神文化和伦理价值观念这一结构性的深化历程,更昭示了公共精神正是公共行政现代化须臾不可"缺场"的价值向度.实际上,从公共行政自身发展的认识论与方法论双重维度去探究和反思公共行政的现代化现象,我们也发现公共精神不断地从边缘向中心位移,从"遮蔽"状态走向"解蔽".其中,公共行政现代化所涵摄的民主理念、公正理念、契约精神、公共服务精神以及和谐、科学的发展理念等公共精神既是公共行政现代化本身,也是构建和谐社会的精神骨核与价值引擎.一种多元宽容、诚信友爱、公平正义、和谐有序的社会公共生活能够得以形成和延续必须以发育良好的公共精神为其基本精神质料和社会价值支撑.我们需要从不断健全和完善市场经济体制,开新传统公共精神资源,大力培育公民社会、拓展公共治理的实践参与,加强公共意识教育、提升公共理性水平等几个方面努力来促进公共精神的化育与养成.  相似文献   

The present government of Bangladesh has extensively reformed the administrative system and upgraded the previous thana to upazila (sub-district) to serve as the focal point of development administration. A new tier of local government called Upazila Parishad (UZP) has been created and a large number of functions have been devolved to this institution along with the placement of central government employees at its disposal. The reformers argue that the present system will remove the inadequacies of the previous administrative system and will bring about an improvement in the co-ordination of field services at the upazila level. However, the actual situation represents a totally different picture. The desired integration— both vertical and horizontal—and co-ordination in local level planning is non-existent due to the absence of any clear direction from the central government. Proper co-ordination among the field services in the upazila administration does not exist due to the anomalous relation between the upazila and the national government, including excessive central control; the involvement of multiple agencies of the central government in guiding and supervising; ambiguity in government thinking; the absence of clarification from the ministries concerned and agencies on the timing of different development programmes; and conflict over the allocation of resources. There is also conflict between the different tiers of local government in respect of authority and resources. Relations between public representatives and officials at the upazila level are strained because a clear allocation of authority to political executives is lacking; areas for co-operation among different agencies have not been clarified; and public representatives and government officials lack mutual respect.  相似文献   

The basic theme of this paper is to trace the pragmatic attempts of different governments in the Sudan to revive the system of native administration. The need for this revival became clear shortly before the overthrow of Nimeiry's government in April 1985. The approaches to this revival followed two main lines. The first approach adopted piecemeal reforms initiated by individual regional governments before 1986. In the second approach the central government adopted a comprehensive strategy to revive native administration. The implications of these attempts and their expected influence on the new multi-party system in the Sudan are briefly analysed in this paper. The data for this article was collected by the author while touring the Eastern and Western regions with an ILO project identification team between March and June 1986 as a consultant on local government and popular participation.  相似文献   

The administrative system of England after the Norman Conquest has been described as "the adaptation of the ancient customary institutions of a decentralized system to the uses of [the Norman and Angevin kings'] highly centralized administration".1 It was complex, adaptable, efficient to a high degree, and constantly changing. It had only a few of the features of a modern bureaucracy, as "government" to the medieval man did not imply anything resembling the modern state and its workings. It meant the practical expression of the rights owed to the king by his subjects and the duties of the king to his people. Its chief functions were the raising of finance and the administration of justice.  相似文献   

社会保障供款征缴体制国际比较与中国的抉择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对世界各国社会保障供款征缴的"分征""代征""混征"这三个模式进行了实证分析,并利用第一手资料对每个模式做了案例研究;在此基础上对社保部门、税务部门和私人部门三个不同征缴主体在三个不同征缴模式中的职能作用与协调配合问题做了考察;对中东欧转型国家征缴模式的改革取向及其原因做了分析.针对中国目前存在的社保部门和税务部门"双重征缴"体制的现状,认为,中国面临着二元化经济结构和统账结合制度特征的现实国情,由此决定了社保制度扩大覆盖面工作的长期性和艰巨性.中国国情的特殊性是任何发达国家和中东欧转型国家都不具有的,这就要求社保制度要不断进行自我完善,适应社会经济既定条件,以完成十六届六中全会提出的到2020年基本建立覆盖城乡社保制度的目标,否则,就难以实现这个目标,或即使实现了也是一个碎片化的社保制度,而不利于构建和谐社会.指出:中国选择征缴模式的替代方案应以分征模式为最优,代征模式不利于实现2020年的目标,目前存在的"双重征缴"体制不利于实现这个目标,并提出了征缴体制转型的"两步走"的改革设想.  相似文献   

当前“政府权力部门化,部门权力利益化”的现象,以部门利益冲突加大了政府机构运行的经济成本,同时加大了我国的社会和政治风险,公权力和经济利益挂钩与政府职能划分不清及其行政监督不力是其重要原因。只有建立公共财政制度和加快大部制改革同时转变政府职能,实现政、企、事相分离,开才能切断利益与权力的关系,只有加强公共行政立法和行政监督来消除本门利益冲突,才能防止政府的公共权力被具有私利的主体所分解,所以,“发展和谐服务型政府”,为社会公正提供有效保障,是以实现政府从“部门行政”向“公共行政”转变的必由之路。  相似文献   

"市管县"的悖论与"省管县"的可行性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着经济和社会的发展,"市管县"体制已越来越明显地呈现出其各种弊端,与此同时,一种全新的"省管县"模式已越来越受到社会各界的关注,并在不少地方开始试行。本文在对"市管县"体制的悖论进行分析的基础上,论证了"省管县"的现实和理论可行性以及可能衍生的问题,从而为我国地方行政体制改革理清思路。  相似文献   

Do decentralization arguments extend to administration of subnational taxes? While centralized administration promises quality service at reasonable cost, it may dull accountability and slow the revenue flow. Also, central administration may devote less attention to collecting these taxes than for its own. Self‐administration brings administration closer to taxpayers and assures representation of jurisdictional interests in revenue apportionment disputes. However, subnational governments may lack technical capacity. That is the dilemma: while the central administration may be indifferent to rigorous collection of subnational taxes, subnational governments may lack capacity for self‐administration. In practice, nations use many different alternatives for administering subnational taxes.  相似文献   

Boundaries have long played a central role in American public administration. In part, this is because boundaries are central to the administrative process, as they define what organizations are responsible for doing and what powers and functions lie elsewhere. It is also because of the nation's political culture and unusual system of federalism, in which boundaries have always been the focus of conflict. Five boundaries have historically been important in the American administrative system: mission, resources, capacity, responsibility, and accountability. New forces make managing these boundaries increasingly difficult: political processes that complicate administrative responses, indirect administrative tactics, and wicked problems that levy enormous costs when solutions fail. Working effectively at these boundaries requires new strategies of collaboration and new skills for public managers. Failure to develop these strategies—or an instinct to approach boundaries primarily as political symbolism—worsens the performance of the administrative system.  相似文献   

日本作为单一制的中央集权国家,为了适应分权改革,平衡集权、分权、治理三者间的关系,设置了形式各异、数量众多的中央政府行政派出组织进行地方治理。日本中央政府的派出治理按照职能可分为技术性、管理性与制度性三类,同时,利用其多样性、法定性及相对稳定性等组织特点,塑造了融合型的中央集权体制,奠定了宽幅度、少层级的行政区划基础,精简了政府规模,实现了广域行政下的跨域治理。  相似文献   

The authors develop a new multi-level streams model in order to explain the Chinese decision-making process with regards to the top-down allocation of resources and administrative reforms. Using this policy model, the 2005 decision to upgrade the Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) to the national level can be regarded as a relatively rational choice with a series of interaction of political processes among the elites at the central and local levels such as the local officials and social elites, and central leaders. However, in the administrative system of economic development, there are disagreements and conflicts among different parts within and outside the TBNA. The central and the Tianjin governments are now trying to coordinate the relationship among local governments within the Circum-Bohai Region and within the TBNA through structural reform and personnel reshuffling.
Xufeng ZhuEmail:

Xufeng Zhu   is an associate professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, and a Yenching Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Yenching Institute, Harvard University. His current research interests involve the study of the Chinese policy process, China’s think tanks, policy analyses, and social stratification in transitional China. His recent publications appear in Social Sciences in China (in Chinese), Policy Sciences, Public Administration and Development, and Asian Survey, to name a few. He is also the author of a forthcoming book entitled Chinas Think Tanks: The Research on Their Influences in the Policy Process (in Chinese). Bing Sun   is an assistant professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University. His current research interests involve the study of China urban and regional public administration. His recent publication is Regional Coordination Organization and Regional Governance (in Chinese).  相似文献   

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