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《Global Crime》2013,14(4):287-310
This study estimates that the economic cost of crime in Chile, using the accountancy method, is $1.35 billion as at 2002; that is, this cost is equivalent to 2.06% of Chile's GDP. Crimes included in the estimation are murder, robbery, larceny–theft, burglary, wounding, rape and sexual assaults, domestic violence and economic felonies such as fraud, forgery and so on. Consequential costs are the most important, representing 68% of the total cost of crime. Government spending represents 23% of the total and anticipatory cost account for the remaining 9%. Chile presents higher level of crime than most developed countries—though less than most developing nations—but government's spending on citizen's security is considerably lower than that of the US and several other European countries.  相似文献   

目前在世界各国缉毒侦查工作中广泛使用的各种主动且秘密型的侦查方式主要包括:诱惑侦查、控制下交付、卧底侦查、监控侦查、特情侦查这五种具体的侦查方式和与其密不可分的搭梯子策略和金融调查策略这两项具体的侦查策略。  相似文献   

经济犯罪的成本分析与预防   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济犯罪很大程度上是通过行为人预先的利弊权衡与理性计算后付诸实施的。超额利润的吸引力与刑法的威慑力相比,作为市场主体的经济人往往会选择前者,这是资本的逐利性使然。因此,用经济学的观点研究经济犯罪,通过提高经济犯罪的成本,降低犯罪收益,从而治理经济犯罪,具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

魏勇 《政法学刊》2005,22(1):57-59
立体取证法是指在侦查员在侦查刑事案件的过程中,随着侦查工作的推进,对收集的各种证据从时间、空间多维度上进行同步位移、同步定位的取证方法。毒品犯罪过程具有较强的流动性,需要用时间和空间的定位。毒品犯罪手段的多样化,新型化更需要在在侦查原则中把握。方法的创新、制度的创新的推进力,制度创新是保持高效的重要动力。  相似文献   

谈互联网上毒品犯罪及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网因其现代化、科学化、高效率、高覆盖及无国界等优点,迅速走进人们的生活,同时也给不法之徒进行犯罪活动提供了契机。目前通过互联网订购、销售毒品、进行在线毒品交易、提供制毒配方等互联网上涉毒案件已出现,网上毒品犯罪已成为全球毒品犯罪的最新发展动向,引起各国政府及执法部门的高度关注。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):427-451
On May 1, 2002, the Philadelphia Police Department launched Operation Safe Streets, stationing officers at 214 of the highest drug activity locations in the city 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Interrupted time series (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) models on weekly data isolated citywide and local program impacts on all violent crimes, murder, and reported drug crimes. Results showed no significant impacts on citywide weekly counts for drug crimes, homicides, or all violent crimes. Geographically focused analyses showed significant localized intervention impacts for both violent and drug crimes. Analyses of high‐drug‐activity non‐intervention sites suggest: the program impacts seen were not an artifact of history or local history; significant spatial diffusion of preventive benefits for violent crime; and probably significant spatial displacement for drug crime. Stationary targeted drug‐enforcement interventions like Operation Safe Streets may differentially affect the locational selection processes behind violent crime versus drug crime.  相似文献   

新型毒品的使用以青少年为主体,由主城向郊县、郊区蔓延,并已在吸食者中形成新型毒品亚文化圈。新型毒品在生产方面以当地生产为主,向周边乡镇转移。制毒组织以多人入股为主。制毒方式以高技术性、规模化生产为主。因此,在新型毒品的禁毒斗争中需要调整过去针对传统毒品形成的思路和方法,改变以往的禁毒宣传模式,制定、完善相关法规和标准,明确相关单位职责,协调各单位职能,调整人员配置,加大力度强化易制毒化学品的控管工作。  相似文献   

丘志馨 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):75-77
由于国际毒潮的渗透、影响,国内毒品问题严重地区的辐射、互动和省内毒品消费市场的形成、拉动,目前广东是“金三角”海洛因向国内分销的中转集散地,是国内冰毒、摇头丸等新型毒品制造、贩卖、销售最活跃的地区之一,毒品违法犯罪活动呈全面扩散、多元发展态势,制贩毒品犯罪趋于集团化、武装化,藏毒手法和运毒方式日益智能化。对此,应从广泛深入发动群众,拓展禁毒宣传教育的深度和广度;依法从重从快严厉打击毒品犯罪;夯实禁毒工作基础,完善长效缉毒机制;严格落实吸毒人员全员收戒的措施等方面全力遏制毒品来源和吸毒人员的滋生,为构建和谐广东创造良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

死刑是我国遏制毒品犯罪的一项重要刑罚措施,然而,由于司法实践中对毒品犯罪死刑适用标准的理解存在偏差,如机械理解《刑法》第347条的规定,导致毒品犯罪死刑适用标准过低,对毒品犯罪中不应当判处死刑与判处死刑“不是必须立即执行”的界限把握不当等。虽然毒品犯罪死刑适用情形较多,但控制毒品犯罪的效果并不明显。为充分保障人权及有效发挥死刑在预防毒品犯罪中的作用,必须在以人为本的理念下,坚持等价性、必要性和不得已性三个原则,根据《刑法》第48条之规定所体现的严格限制死刑的精神,正确理解《刑法》第347条第2款关于毒品犯罪死刑适用条件的规定,合理确立毒品犯罪死刑适用标准。  相似文献   

祖国大陆与我国台湾地区的毒品犯罪立法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学而严密的刑法规范是有效打击毒品犯罪的重要手段。通过比较分析,借鉴我国台湾地区的经验之所长,是进一步完善祖国大陆地区法律规范的重要途径。我国台湾地区在防制毒品犯罪方面有着比祖国大陆地区更长的历史,其立法经验也显得更为成熟。我国台湾地区将毒品依其成瘾性、滥用性及对社会危害性的不同予以分级,对不同级别的毒品所涉及的犯罪行为分别设置轻重不同的刑罚,将制造、贩卖、运输、持有专供制造或施用毒品器具的行为、转让毒品行为、服毒驾驶行为等予以犯罪化,其刑罚规范具有明确化特点。这些立法经验,都是值得祖国大陆借鉴的。  相似文献   

涉毒案件中毒品的数量和含量是决定犯罪行为社会危害性大小的一个十分重要的因素,也是司法机关对犯罪分子课以刑罚的重要依据。毒品数量和含量认定的正确与否,关系到犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪的主观故意与案件量刑。当前,司法机关在办理的许多毒品犯罪(特别是可能判处15年以上刑罚)案件缺乏毒品定量鉴定结论,影响案件审理。笔者从法律和公平公正等方面探讨毒品含量分析的重要性。  相似文献   

广东制造新型毒品犯罪及其侦查对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐媛媛 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):59-62
广东省目前成为制造新型毒品犯罪案件的高发地区。应根据广东制造新型毒品犯罪的发展变迁和特点,采取以下举措:重视禁毒工作,进一步强化情报在侦破制造毒品犯罪案件中的主导和核心作用;强化手段建设和业务培训,提高缉毒民警的执法能力和执法水平;严格管制易制毒化学品,防止流入非法渠道;夯实禁毒基础性工作,掌握本地人口和外来人口活动情况,及时发现可疑情况;扩大禁毒宣传的深广度,降低毒品需求。从而减少制毒案件的发生。  相似文献   


This paper employs 1994-1996 California Drug Use Forecasting (CALDUF) and 1994 Los Angeles County Mexican Immigrant Residency Status Survey (LAC-MIRSS) data to estimate the level and determinants of drug-related and economic crime among unauthorized Latino immigrant and other arrestees in California. Controlling for various potential individual, contextual and geographic determinants, logistic regression results suggest the use of illicit drugs, having entered the United States more recently and residing in a home without paying any rent or mortgage positively-and residing in a home where another is dependent on an illegal substance negatively-influenced being apprehended for a drug-related crime. Although being an unauthorized Latino resident also had no effect on having been arrested for an economic crime, U.S.-born blacks and Latinos as well as non-Latino immigrants were each more likely than non-Latino U.S.-born whites to be arrested, as were younger females. Working full time and depending on another for a place to live diminished the probability. In sum, although illicit drug use augmented the probability of having been arrested for a drug-related crime, neither this nor unauthorized residency status among Latinos increased the likelihood of being arrested for an economic crime. A concluding section discusses several policy implications.  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市毒品犯罪案件总数有下降趋势,但大要案件突出,犯罪特点及犯罪人员出现一些新的变化。重庆特殊的地缘因素、庞大的毒品消费市场以及打击毒品犯罪的难度较大使禁毒的形势更加严峻。要通过构筑毒品流入流出防线,斩断毒品流通网络,迫使毒品消费市场萎缩,有效遏制重庆市毒品犯罪态势的恶化。  相似文献   

论刑事被害人的心理损害及其援助   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刑事被害人的心理损害是被害人心理学的一个重要研究课题,但由于受到当前以预防犯罪为主的刑事政策的影响,这一课题一直没有得到应有的重视。刑事被害人心理损害有明确的范围,分析研究其产生形成的原因和表现症状,在此基础上,提出制定相应的被害人援助方案。  相似文献   

跨境毒品犯罪区际刑事警务合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丘志馨 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):37-41
跨境毒品犯罪的区际刑事警务合作表现为跨区域性,是各法域在享有独立司法权的基础上所开展的一种互助行为。面对新时期跨境毒品犯罪的发展趋势,需要从规范跨境毒品刑事警务合作的程序、健全毒品犯罪情报共享机制、严密对洗钱行为的规控、建立与台湾的缉毒协作机制、强化人员培训和技术合作等方面加以完善,有效地控制跨境毒品犯罪的发展和蔓延。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of low-level police enforcement on two British drug markets, and the adaptations to enforcement made by sellers and buyers. The two markets took very different forms. One was tightly controlled by a small number of middle-level dealers, and highly structured. The structure and control worked effectively to minimise risks posed by law enforcement. The other market was very loosely structured, with little control exercised on retail sellers by middle-level dealers. This lack of organisation posed different sets of problems for law enforcement. The article examines the potential for developing the role of police sources (informants) in disrupting drug markets of both sorts. It also argues the need for provision in parallel of local treatment facilities for drug users.  相似文献   

云南边疆民族地区毒品犯罪猖獗,农民(包括少数民族)是贩毒的高发群体。这除了跟特殊的地缘位置有紧密联系之外,还与他们自身的弱势地位有关。各种能力的弱势和地理、文化的边缘性在一定程度上推动他们参与贩毒,从而在贩毒方面表现为多体能型、马仔型的特点。要想遏制毒品犯罪,就必须加强边疆地区经济的快速发展,为弱势群体赋权,加强其各方面能力建设。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse how social workers in the social services describe crime victims and their role in supporting these victims. Based on focus groups with social workers in the social services, it is established that social workers discriminate between a categorical understanding of crime victims and an assessment of individuals in need. The categorical understanding of crime victims is connected to weakness and innocence, and the discussions are constructed with a focus on women and children. However, when the social workers move beyond this idea and describe individual victims of crime they have met, they attribute a more complicated picture and acknowledge the complexity of crime and victimization. The social workers give themselves a vague role regarding support to victims of crime. They consider themselves as able to connect individuals in need with helping resources, but they do not regard themselves as resources in this area. According to the social workers, an individual should not receive support from the social services just because he or she is categorized by them as a victim of crime. One conclusion is that the category ‘crime victims’ has not gained acceptance among the social workers.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined the social consequences and costs of criminal activity. The most popular approach for estimating the costs of crime focuses on easily measurable factors such as incarceration costs, victims' out-of-pocket expenses, medical costs, and lost earnings. However, the intangible losses incurred by victims of crime have rarely been considered. These losses include pain and suffering, as well as loss of the enjoyment of living. Based on recent developments by Cohen and colleagues, we adopt a more comprehensive method for estimating the dollar value of avoided criminal activity, taking into account these intangible losses. We demonstrate the feasibility of this method by estimating the pre- and posttreatment costs of criminal activity for a sample of 2420 drug abusers. The estimated crime-related costs incurred during the period prior to treatment admission and the period after treatment discharge are significantly higher when calculated using the proposed method compared to methods that only consider tangible costs. Furthermore, a simple benefit-cost comparison of criminal activity outcomes indicates that drug abuse treatment has the potential to return net benefits to society through crime reduction. Although the treatment outcomes are not based on an experimental design, this study presents quantitative evidence that including victims' intangible losses can substantially raise the estimated dollar benefits of avoided criminal activity due to drug abuse interventions.This paper was prepared while the authors were employed by Research Triangle Institute.  相似文献   

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