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ZHANG Zhaobin is renowned in his Hubei Province hometown of Baokang as the best shadow play performer of all time. Now 75 years old, he was originally apprenticed at the age of 12 to shadow play singers in his village. Adept at storytelling, ballad-singing, dancing, and also at playing musical instruments, Zhang is the acknowledged master of his trade throughout the whole of northwestern Hubei Province.  相似文献   

Solar Shadow     
The bankruptcy of Wuxi Suntech brings uncertainty to China’s solar panel industry The Intermediate People’s Court in Wuxi,east China’s Jiangsu Province declared on March 20 that the largest subsidiary of Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd.,  相似文献   

<正>2015 sees a surge of several new nuclear power projects in China By Wang JunTwo generating units—titled No.5 and6—of Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant in northeast China's Liaoning Province were approved for construction in March,resuming China's nuclear power program after Japan's nuclear crisis in 2011.On April 15,the State Council executive meeting approved the construction of a pilot unit by Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant in southeast China's Fujian Province,using the Hualong One reactor design,a domestically developed thirdgeneration nuclear reactor design.This year will see the beginning of the greatest number of nuclear power projects in a single year in China since the 2011 crisis,with six to eight units being approved and eight units going online,said Zhang Huazhu,Chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Association(CNEA),at the annual conference of the association on April 22.According to CNEA figures,China ranks  相似文献   

Fang Shaolan,from Huangshan City of central Anhui Province,arrived in northeast China's coastal Dalian City on July 27 for a vacation with seven family members.Before coming to Dalian,Fang heard from media reports that the spilled oil more than a week ago had been almost cleaned up and much of the sea near Dalian hadn't been polluted.  相似文献   

THE art of cinemati- cally conveying light and images emerged in China just one century ago. But the Chinese fascination with light and shadow began much earlier. Chinese ancients regarded anything illuminant - either on terra firma or in the heavens - as sacred, and its image and shadow as mystical. Great Tang Dy- nasty poet Li Bai's famous verse, "My glass upheld, I invite the Moon/And three of us with my shadow we form," reflects his romantic style, and also the ancient belief that for…  相似文献   

<正>A flawed education system and changes to families are pushing young people over the precipice of sanity Jun Cai from a village in central China’s Hunan Province was a model student.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese shadow puppetry,or shadow play,is one of the most ancient art forms to make use of light and shadow,originating thousands of years before its much more popular successor,film.On January 1,the China National Arts and Crafts Museum,also known as the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum,raised the curtain on an exhibition of shadow puppetry from the northwestern province of Shaanxi,showcasing more than 200 exhibits and artifacts on this longstanding art.  相似文献   

I was born in April,when Springis in the air,the sun shines,thesky is blue,and the fragranceof lilacs is everywhere.Thisyear’s birthday was unforgettable.As the SARS epidemic had brokenout in Beijing.it was spent underthe threat of this killer disease.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观的伦理底蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自由是人的本质特征之一,也是社会主义的最高追求;与自由一样,道德也是人的本质存在,道德不仅关乎自身,更关乎他人、社会。自由与道德在人与人之间的和谐中印证着核心价值观;在个人与社会的和谐中实践着核心价值观;在社会各阶层的和谐中外化着核心价值观。就此而言,自由与道德构成了社会主义核心价值观的伦理底蕴。  相似文献   

<正>Will the United States recalibrate its policy toward Iran? While the former U.S.administration was perceived by its Arab allies in the Gulf as prioritizing an appeasement deal with Iran,the new administration is coming back to the old neoconservative stance,antagonizing Iran.Tehran has denied that its recent missile test launch,which some claimed violates  相似文献   

日本福岛电站核泄露事件不仅触发了全球范围内对核电安全性能的反思,也凸显了海峡两岸之间加强核电安全合作的必要性.为此,两岸两会及时签署了《海峡两岸核电安全合作协议》,标志着海峡两岸在核电安全领域双向合作的正式起步,也为未来两岸核电合作奠定了良好的制度框架和组织支撑.鉴于核电议题的敏感性,当前两岸核电产业的进一步合作不但缺少充裕的外部环境,也缺乏必要的内部法律与政策空间.面对有识之士在两岸核电合作问题上更高的期待,应秉持循序渐进的原则,在民间层面技术先行,逐步突破两岸政治乃至民众互信的瓶颈,从而为未来两岸核电合作的深化提供原动力.  相似文献   

女孩勤奋进取的背后 晓洁本是乡下女孩,父母是普通的农民.也许正是这样的家庭,让晓洁在同学中一直是读书最勤奋的.那些上进的同学都拿她当榜样.真应了那句话,天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水.晓洁的勤奋收获了成功,在学习上总是一路领先.小升初考试,中考,高考,都以优异成绩升人高一级学校.在晓洁心里,大学怎能是发展的终极目标?于是,刚走进大学的校门,她就暗下决心,一定要考研.结果是毕业当年考研一举成功.在家乡,在学校,不知让多少人羡慕.可是晓洁总是说,我们的学校就那么回事,研究生就那么回事.话里话外,对自己一点也不满意.于是,考博便成了晓洁心中又一个梦.  相似文献   

正Born into a family of Shadow Play performers,Wei Jinquan has made and performed with shadow puppets since boyhood.His works,which features quality craftsmanship and traditional techniques,are now sold around the world.He has performed many times,both inside and outside China,including three events in France.Wei was named an inheritor of China’s intangible cultural heritage in 2008.  相似文献   

Born into a Family of Shadow Play performers, WeiJinquan has made and performed with shadow puppets since boyhood. His works, which features quality craftsmanship and traditional techniques, are now sold around the world. He has performed many times, both inside and outside China, including three events in France. Wei was named an inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage in 2008.  相似文献   

赵必珊 《理论月刊》2009,(5):162-164
美利坚民族在相对较短的历史中形成了自己的民族文化.它在潜意识里规定着美国核战略制定者的思维方式和价值取向.从表象上看,在不同的历史时期,美国核威慑战略因时因势作出了相应的调整,表现出动态的一面;但从精神实质上来看,美国的核战略一直保持着信仰实力、主动强势和务实的观念,表现出稳定性的一面.因变性反映了美利坚民族文化注重现实的特点;稳定性体现了美利坚民族文化的价值观念.  相似文献   

Nuclear Deadlock     
<正>How long until the North Korean nuclear issue is solved?The security situation in the Korean Peninsula is perpetually unstable.In August,a landmine blast on a military demarcation linebetween North Korea and South Korea triggered enormous stress before ending in an agreement between the two governments.  相似文献   

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