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IT is almost impossible to find a bottle of men's deodorant in most Chinese cities. Chinese men are not renowned as Metrosexuals.But several publishinghouses are banking on their ability to turn local men into shopping and sex sophisticates. Publishers of men's magazines have identified Asia as the biggest market of the future, banking on the change in lifestyle and habits of local men. Up to 1995, post office sub-  相似文献   

IN feudal times, imperial exams were the main channel for men of letters to enter officialdom.Unfortunately only men were eligible to take these examinations. Su Xun, a great scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), had two sons, both of whom passed the highest imperial examination and went on to become  相似文献   

佟晓牧 《思想战线》2011,(Z2):276-277
Morrison’s novel Paradise begins and ends with the raid of men in Ruby on the women in the Convent. The contradictions and conflicts between the two communities are the major parts of this novel. Finally, the contradictions and conflicts are intensified, leading to the scapegoating of the women in the Convent by the men in Ruby. This paper just intends to analyze and discuss how the tragic scapegoating is caused.  相似文献   

SOME of the world's mostnotorious womanizers havebeen men of power,andChina has had its fair share.The emperors of old keptthousands of stunning sex slaves in ev-ery corner of the palace so their whimscould be gratified at a moment's notice.In fact it was only after the founding ofthe People's Republic of China in1949that women were acknowledged as be-ing equal to men in this country,butthat amounted to constitutional theoryrather than daily practice.In the mod-ern Chinese workplace,men con…  相似文献   

One of the things that makes living in Beijing enjoyable is being able to walk through a public park on the way to work.The park in the northwestern part of the cityisasanctuaryforseniorcitizens,who pour down from the surrounding high-rise apartment blocks that characterize Beijing,to go through their time-honored morning rituals.At the park entrance are the"bird men."Most people who imagine life in China will no doubt have an image somewhere in their minds of elderly,vest-wearing men  相似文献   

According to the latest statis-tics, China's HIV positive men and women are in the ratio of 5.2:1. This sharp increase in the number of HIV positive men can be attributed to intravenous drug use and unprotected sex. The survey reveals that youth between the ages of 20 and 29, some of whom are college and technical school students, account for as  相似文献   

<正>China now leads the world in sending students to the United States for education.Recent reporting on the experiences of those young men and women should cause us to question the value this has for the  相似文献   

Over thousands of years of feudal society, China was dominated by men while women were relegated to the bottom rung of the social ladder.  相似文献   

I n July 160 years ago, some small boats carrying oversixty yellow-skinned and black-haired men struggled to moveahead against the wind andwaves on the Indian Ocean nearsouthern Africa. When the Re-union Island covered with red-dish volcanic stones came intosight, the men who had alreadyforgotten how many days theyhad drifted on the sea burst outshouting and jumped for joy.They were the first batch of Chi-nese sugarcane farmers recruitedfrom faraway Singapore. In 1846, the second batch…  相似文献   

English "fever" started in the 1970s, and reached its climax in the new century, and the whole nation -- from children to the elderly, and from students to military men -- is now crazy for English.THE door to China that had been so firmly closed since 194…  相似文献   

正Medical workers win respect and love with their dedication to duty With the world's eye on the havoc caused by the novel coronavirus,there can never be too much space given to the ordinary men and women who have shown extraordinary courage and dedication to duty to keep life going for others.They range from people working in  相似文献   

With the worlcf s eye on the havoc caused by the novel coronavirus,there can never be too much space given to the ordinary men and women who have shown extraordinary courage and dedication to duty to keep life going for others.They range from people working in supermarkets and drugstores to security guards and transport workers who always turn up for work during the worst weather and crisis.  相似文献   

With more rural men migrating to work in cities, young women from the countryside are also seeking new chances to make the best of their abilities. A small school in a suburb of Beijing has helped thousands of rural women develop career potential since 1998.  相似文献   

正According to a recent survey on marriage by a research center under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Young League, those born between 1995 and 2009, known as Gen Z, aka the major group to walk down the aisle in the coming 10 years, displayed a decreasing interest in getting married. Further analysis revealed that female respondents were noticeably less willing to marry than men. Women reluctant to engage in marriage outnumber their male peers by 19.29 percent.  相似文献   

With only weeks to go till the opening of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 on February 4,short track speed skating veteran Wu Dajing is getting ready to defend his title in the men’s 500-meter event.Four years ago in Pyeongchang,the Republic of Korea,Wu not only took home gold in the event,but also rewrote the world record twice in the process.He is the first Chinese man to win an Olympic speed skating championship.  相似文献   

佟晓牧 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):468-469
Traditionally women’s primary role should be wives,mothers and homemakers,and today women are still mothers,but few of them stay home full time to take care of the house and children.They never cease their steps to gain equal rights with men.The paper will try to analyze the changes of women’s social status in the 20th century,exploring its reasons.  相似文献   

In human history, women have long been regarded as being inferior to men in many ways, which, as seen in law, manifests itself in the unequal position or even subordinate position. One of the major objectives of feminist movement is to win equality with man in the area of law. Gender fairness and women protection are also a major issue in the areas of legal theories. This paper tries to explore into the problem from the perspective of  相似文献   

On Guard     
Everywhere in Beijing there are uniformed men. Standing to attention on little boxes outside my office building,dozing in booths at the gates of apart-  相似文献   

The collective title of the four articles comprising this issue's Special Report is "Safeguarding 'Half of the Sky'." The women reporters that wrote these articles are all from Beijing - one of China's foremost metropolises. The education they received, which stressed that they were born equal to men, was of a standard that affords them the economic independence to decide whether to stay single or play the role of responsible householder.  相似文献   

How theChinese ChooseTheir MatesAt the beinning of this year,Beijing Youth Daily conducted asurvey among its readers todetermine how Chinese their mates. mates The men andwomen Surveyed generally camefrom high educational backgrounds and held office jobsThe survey revealed that upper-class Chinese men attached themost importance to women'slooks and then to age,educa- tional background,marital status and personality Some men'sonly requirement was that thewoman be beautiful. Mostwished that…  相似文献   

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