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The top developed and emerging countries vowed coordinated efforts to revitalize the global economy As they join hands on the macroeconomic front,the G20countries are trying to brush  相似文献   

正Innovation-driven growth and structural reform are sure to take the spotlight during this year’s G20 Summit,as well as China’s backing for the world’s major economies to form a consensus and work together to pull the world economy back on track.Foreign Minister Wang Yi made these remarks at a press conference in Beijing on March8 in response to a question on how China will play a leading role while hosting the G20 Summit in Hangzhou on September 4-5.  相似文献   

From G8 to G20     
The Toronto summit underlines the importance of the G20 as a new trendsetter for the world economy Leaders of the Group of 20(G20) major economies held their fourth  相似文献   

A world economy facing long-term and sluggish growth causes concern The 620 Summit will be held from September 5-6 in St.Petersburg Russia.The G20,which became the top international economic governance platform in2009,has made significant progress in fostering global economic recovery,financial supervision and reform,The current economic situation features complicated changes in developed countries and emerging markets’growth and recovery.These changes demand that G20members make greater efforts,especially in policy coordination.  相似文献   

Gaining From G20     
正Preparations for the summit benefit Hangzhou residentsThe Hangzhou G20(Group of 20)Summit on September 4-5 is not just an occasion for world leaders and top entrepreneurs to come together and discuss the trends and solutions for global economic development.The residents of the Mantoushan Community in the Shangcheng District,Hangzhou,have  相似文献   

正The world’s major economies need to establish a permanent organ for macroeconomic policy coordination By Xu HongcaiChina should seize the moment at the Group of 20(G20)Summit in Hangzhou,capital of Zhejiang Province,in September to inject vitality into the organization and stimulate global governance.The G20,as an important platform for  相似文献   

G20 Summit offers encouraging signs for the world economy Though it was not officially in cluded inthe agenda, the euro-zone crisis was the hottest topic during the two-day Group of 20 (G20)  相似文献   

正Hangzhou Summit pledges to work for all The huge mirror entirely taking up one side of the room reflected lines of women gracefully swaying to Wuzhen Opera music.Hu Hui stood behind them,watching their movements with a hawk eye,ready to correct any misstep.A former opera singer,she teaches younger women the lat-  相似文献   

After the financial crisis broke out,China was quick to put in place a decisive plan to boost domestic demand,advance eco-nomic restructuring and improve people's well being.These mea-sures have started to produce results.At present,the Chinese economy still faces severe challenges.  相似文献   

正G20 encompasses nearly 85 percent of global GDP and two thirds of the world’s population.Its members’economic performance has been essential to the global economic recovery and people’s wellbeing.However,development is not balanced,as each member carries its own burdens accumulated over decades.  相似文献   

正World leaders and business people rally against global trade protectionism As the world comes to grips with a languishing economic environment,leaders of some economies around the globe have pointed their fingers in blame at each other while pushing forward protectionist policies.What can government and business  相似文献   

Some nine months have elapsed since the last G20 meeting. What has changed? What has stayed the same? The temptation would be to emphasize the things that have happened and to understate the issues that have remained the same.  相似文献   

前所未有的新冠肺炎大流行深刻表明全球的紧密联系及脆弱性。病毒无国界,需要本着团结精神,采取透明、有力、协调、大规模、基于科学的全球行动以抗击疫情。我们坚定承诺建立统一战线应对这一共同威胁。我们对逝者以及全球人民面临的苦难深感悲痛。当前最紧迫的任务是应对疫情及其对健康、社会和经济等带来的复杂影响。在继续抗击新冠肺炎的同时,我们向所有一线医务工作者表示感谢与支持。  相似文献   

<正>U.S. firms see their persistence pay off as Shanghai begins to rebound from the pandemic Huntsman Polyurethanes,a U.S. manufacturer of chemical products,has been gradually ramping up its production capacity in Shanghai since early May as the city has largely contained the latest resurgence of COVID-19.As of May 16,our production has returned to nearly 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels,  相似文献   

正From Beijing to Naypyitaw and then Brisbane,world leaders had a tight schedule from November 7 to 16 that entailed attending several major international conferences in the Asia-Pacific region.On the global stage,Chinese leaders announced the country’s new proposals on international governance.  相似文献   

正An exploration of this ancient yet modern city Summer in Hangzhou,the capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,is exceptionally hot and humid,owing to its geographical location and many crisscrossing lakes and rivers.The city feels even hotter this year due to the comprehensive preparation for the upcoming  相似文献   

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