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<正>Nations should step up cooperation on establishing an international nuclear security system under the UN framework  相似文献   

正The Fourth Nuclear Security Summit—to be held in Washington,D.C.from March31 to April 1—will be of particular importance with regards to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s recent announcement that it will conduct a nuclear warhead explosion test and the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in March.President Xi Jinping will attend the summit and elaborate on the global nuclear security situation and China’s nuclear security concept.  相似文献   

正Forum highlights importance of international cooperation in post-COVID-19 economic recovery ‘Competition, yes. Enemies, no." This was how Carlos Gutierrez, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, characterized relations between the world's two largest economies during the First Global Economic Development and Security Forum(GEDS) of the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA), which took place in Changsha, Hunan Province, on October 18-20.  相似文献   

The losses inflicted by cyber crimes have been mounting in the country. A spokesperson from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology told Xinhua that China is firmly against hacking. It has written specific laws to that effect and joined several international protocols in the fight against cyber attacks.  相似文献   

The Chinese public's domestic expectation is that its state will ensure a safe and affordable supply of food. However, in doing so, China has acquired large amounts of farmland abroad which has raised concerns among many developing countries. It has been argued that land grabbing in the developing world is a form of neo-colonialism. This role of a colonial power is in conflict with China's historical role, which presents China as a leader of the developing world. In order to bring these role expectations into conformity with each other, China has taken a more active role in global food security governance. It has brought food security to what is becoming the core of the global governance decision-making system, the G20. China's historical role, together with its growing economic power, has helped to push the G20 to understand the importance of food security. This has shifted the G20's understanding of economic global governance away from the traditional fields of banking and trade regulation toward understanding the developmental-oriented economic structure.  相似文献   

经济安全地位的上升与军事安全的核心地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战后 ,经济安全在国家安全体系中的地位上升 ,似乎已与军事安全“平起平坐”。但从国家安全的现状尤其是大国安全战略的理论和实践看 ,经济安全地位的上升并未否定军事安全的核心地位 ,军事安全仍然是国家安全的支柱。  相似文献   

President Obama, Dear Colleagues, Nuclear security concerns the sustainable development of nuclear energy and the wider economy.It bears on social stability and public safety,and affects international peace andtranquility.  相似文献   

This Work Plan supports the Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear Security Summit.It constitutes a political commitlnent bv the participating states to catty out,on a voluntary basis,applicable portions of this Work Plan,consistent with respective national laws and intemational obligations,in all aspects of the storage,use,transportation and disposal of uclear materials and in preventing non-state actors from obtaining the information required to use such materials for malicious purposes.  相似文献   

Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threats to international security,and strong nuclear security measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists,criminals,or ther unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials.  相似文献   

从资源总量供给的层面来讲,全球油气资源安全是能够得到保障的。同时,在经济全球化的大趋势下,全球油气市场正朝着油气市场一体化和地区化的方向发展,油气资源全球化成为现实。但在今后很长时期里,油气资源分布与消费不平衡、产需不平衡的格局依然存在,资源分配以及消费量的严重不平等是国际政治经济关系中的主要矛盾之一。未来全球油气资源安全总的来讲是有保证的,在反恐大背景下,各国之间可能将会出现“多赢”的局面,但也不能排除出现新的突变的可能。  相似文献   

回良玉 《北京周报(英文版)》2010,53(8):后插1-后插3
Mr.Chair, Dear colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, Let me stan by extending.on behalf of the Chinese Government,warm congratulations on the convocation of the World Food Summit and wishing the Summit acomplete success.  相似文献   

关于全球性问题与全球性意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球性问题是当代人类共同面临的、危及人类生存的重大问题.全球性意识是人类对这些问题共同的基本认识,最实质和价值取向都一致的人类新意识形式,是人类解决问题的行动指导.目前人类的认识存在很大分岐,离形成实质统一的人类意识有很大差距,还需要一个过程.  相似文献   

Nuclear Deadlock     
<正>How long until the North Korean nuclear issue is solved?The security situation in the Korean Peninsula is perpetually unstable.In August,a landmine blast on a military demarcation linebetween North Korea and South Korea triggered enormous stress before ending in an agreement between the two governments.  相似文献   

In President Barack Obama's State of the Union address in January 2009,he called for the building of "a new generation of safe,clean nuclear power plants" This was followed by his highprofile speech in Prague in April 2009,in which he noted the need "to harness the power of nuclear energy on behalf of our efforts to combat climate change."In December 2009 in Copenhagen,he pledged the United States will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.  相似文献   

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