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正While many countries around the world have struggled to contain and overcome COVID-19, often relying on the vaccines to come to their aid like magic bullets, several have demonstrated certain special, more befitting capacities for taking on the challenge and moving forward.In China, one such example, the interplay of governance capacity and cultural roots has proved conducive to fighting the pandemic and played a decisive role in its success.  相似文献   

A China-U.S. trade war looks imminent after the U.S. administration announced on June 15 plans to impose additional tariffs of 25 percent on $50 billion of Chinese goods, with the Chinese Government responding with reciprocal tariffs. In response on June 18, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to identify another $200 billion worth of Chinese products to be subject to 10-percent additional tariffs, with China vowing to take comprehensive qualitative and quantitative countermeasures if the new tariffs come into force.  相似文献   

Xiuying Cheng 《当代中国》2013,22(79):131-147
Why is there no large-scale labor movement out of intense labor conflicts in current China? Based on a comparative case study of two groups of workers—state workers vs. temporary workers—this paper is an attempt to explore the concrete processes and mechanisms of workers' struggles—how they navigated among street protests, office petitions and court prosecutions through their interaction with state agencies. The argument is that different workers obtained different symbolic rewards instead of material concessions, based on their different social positions and historical trajectories. Unlike the classical ‘fragmentation’ argument which attributes the working class's inaction to its internal divisions, this argument focuses on the interaction between the differentiated workers and the local state agents, during which the workers lost their radical momentum and became subjected to the state's peaceful taming based on the workers' differences. This is a process called ‘dispersive containment’, i.e. dissipating the labor conflicts through divergent symbolic treatment of working-class protest without granting material rewards to them.  相似文献   

非警务活动有积极和消极之分。消极非警务活动是指既超越职权界限 ,又给国家、社会 ,特别是群众带来危害的活动。消极非警务活动的表现形式多种多样 ,但都阻碍小康目标的实现。消极非警务活动产生的根本原因在于现行管理体制的缺陷、弊端 ,因此遏制它就必须改革现行管理体制 ,重新划分和设定管理指挥权限。  相似文献   

腐败生成、腐败传染与腐败遏制:一种博弈解释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
腐败问题一直是政治学、行政学研究的热点话题 ,本文力求用博弈论作为一种解释途径。文章认为 ,腐败实际上并不是孤立的、静止的单个权力拥有者的行为 ,而往往是公共权力的授予者 (以监督者为代表 )与权力执行者 (以官员为代表 )之间 ,以及权力执行者 (官员 )之间的一次或多次博弈的结果。要遏制腐败 ,一方面要强化对监督者的监督以免使监督者“打盹” ,另一方面从外部环境上加大对各博弈方的奖惩力度 ,改变官员策略选择的收益值 ,形成新的“纳什均衡”解 ,这样就从腐败生成与腐败传染两个源头上遏制了腐败的产生  相似文献   

何春宏 《桂海论丛》2003,19(5):32-34
要从长期稳定家庭承包经营制度 ,建立依法、自愿、有偿的土地使用权流转机制及创新农村土地使用权流转方式等三个方面来阐述如何切实维护好农民利益。  相似文献   

范美华 《桂海论丛》2003,19(5):29-31
高度重视并切实做好抓基层、打基础的工作 ,是我们党在革命建设和改革中加强与改进自身建设的一条成功经验。社区党组织是社区各种组织和各项工作中始终居于支配地位的、具有突出作用的一支中坚力量 ,它的状况如何 ,将直接影响整个社区建设。长期以来 ,党的社区基层组织建设不同程度存在拘泥于传统意义上的街道党建思路、方法 ,忽视随着经济社会的发展对党的基层组织建设提出的新要求和出现的新问题 ,必须在党的十六大精神指导下 ,认识规律 ,解决存在问题 ,探索新的党的社区基层组织建设新路子。  相似文献   

正Slow trains connecting towns in China's remote areas are more than a means of transportation Convenient, cheap, many stops—slow trains, with these merits, still chug their way across China in the era of the highspeed railway. The train is like a small society. Many locals take it to attend regular fairs in nearby towns.  相似文献   

To achieve "the future we want," developed and developing nations must embrace common but differentiated responsibilities Twenty years ago, history was made in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the June 1992 Earth Summit, a landmarkglobal meeting that adopted Agenda 21,  相似文献   

正A new type of computing service has taken off in China,showing enormous growth potential In China cloud computing technology is becoming a larger and larger part of people’s lives, often without the knowledge of their users.Cloud computing enables people to access systems using a Web browser regardless of their location or the devices they use. Meanwhile,  相似文献   

民生政治:民生问题的政治学诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民生问题是一个经济、社会问题,但也是一个政治问题.从政治角度来思考民生问题,这个意义上的政治就既不是权利政治和利益政治,更不是斗争政治,而是一种民生政治.把民众生活质量指数和满意指数作为政治合法性的支撑来源是民生政治的时代特征;以民生为本位的民生型政府理念和价值取向是民生政治的内在要求.  相似文献   

论犯罪现场的构成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犯罪现场构成 ,是指在动态过程和静态结构上组成犯罪现场的实质性内容要素和形式性外在要素的总和。犯罪现场构成与犯罪案件构成 ,是明显不同的两个事物 ,但它们之间有双重联系。犯罪现场的动态构成 ,是指犯罪现场随犯罪活动的发展和勘查活动的进展 ,而在不同阶段上呈现出的不同样态的总和 ;犯罪现场的静态构成 ,是指构成特定状态下的犯罪现场的实质性内容要素和形式性外在要素的总和。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic,lasting for about two years,has undeniably presented one of the greatest protracted challenges to humanity.Now it is surging with more variants that spread even faster.It has exerted a profound impact on a world doused in turbulence and transformation and poses a serious threat to our safety and health.All of us have seen the well-established rhythms of our personal lives abruptly altered.COVID-19 is a huge stressor shaking up our psyche and triggering our fears and uncertainties.  相似文献   

正China's baby boom fuels demand for a new class of mother and childcare workers By Xia YuanyuanMa Wenxia has many roles:babysitter,maternal nurse,dietitian and even yoga instructor.But she prefers to be called a yuesao—literally meaning"maternity matron"in Chinese.A typically Chinese tradition,a yuesao is a childcare expert who looks after newborn babies,living with the family usually for a month  相似文献   

Before 2002, Liu Fenghai often struggled to squeeze enough sustenance from his farm in Talahao, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to feed himself and the other three members  相似文献   

王兴伟 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):502-504
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a difficult novella.The last cry of Kurtz,"The horror! The horror!",is ambiguous,complex,and metaphorical in meaning.This paper tries to make a thorough analysis of all the possible meanings of the words,hoping to reveal its relation with the themes and facilitate a better understanding of the story.  相似文献   

隋成竹 《理论月刊》2004,(3):117-119
经济全球化已经成为一股不可逆转的历史潮流,对发展中国家带来挑战的同时,也伴随着机遇。对此,发展中国家应该从新的视角分析这一现象的本质及发展趋势,在此基础上抓住机遇,迎接挑战,在提高自身竞争力的过程中,成为经济全球化的积极参与者和受益者。  相似文献   

论我国商誉权法律保护的立法完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈发桂 《桂海论丛》2003,19(5):89-91
我国目前商誉权法律保护的立法存在重大缺陷。为了完善我国商誉权法律保护的立法 ,文章提出 :整合我国目前商誉权的法律保护方式 ,即不再适用名誉权条款对一部分商誉利益进行保护 ,以突破反不正当竞争法在不正当竞争行为上设置的竞争关系为前提 ,将侵害商誉权行为作为具有一般侵权行为性质的不正当竞争行为 ,统一适用反不正当竞争法中的商誉权条款 ,规制各种侵害商誉利益的行为。  相似文献   

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