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The global economic downturn is exposing some serious cracks in the Asian financial landscape. A batch of crisis-stricken Asian countries from Cambodia to Malaysia are feeling the pain  相似文献   

Asia's Voice     
It is an accepted fact that the emerging Asian economies are reeling from the swirling global financial storm, although their woes remain relatively shallow. From a long-term perspective, the stagnation in the Western world raises questions about Asia's future. So what are the biggest challenges facing Asia in response to the crisis? How can the region seek a return to fast-track growth? Fidel Valdez Ramos, Chairman of Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia and former President of Philippines, dis...  相似文献   

Asia's Platform     
Ten years have passed since the Boao Forum for Asia was created in 2001.Bringing Asian countries closer together,the forum has become a major event in the region.In an exclusive interview with Beijing Review reporter Yu Shujun,Chi Fulin,President of the China Institute for Reform and Development(CIRD),discussed the forum’s increasing global reputation and what makes it unique from other international forums.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

After several months of unease,economies across Asia are breathing a sigh of relief as recovery hopes become realities.But even with noticeable improvements being made,Asian nations still face the challenge of moving away from a dependence on exports and maintaining growth momentum.These issues were hot topics at this year's Boao Forum for Asia,with Asia's green recovery as its theme.More than2,000 economists and businesspeople from home and abroad attended the forum held in Boao of south China's Hainan Province from April9 to 11.  相似文献   

January 1, 2006 saw landmark legislation - that of abolishing agricultural tax, levied for the past 2,600 years in China. As the country's economy had been agrarian throughout its 5,000-year history, agricultural tax was the main source of its national revenue. Repeal of this tax is firm indication of the cen- tral government's resolve to improve the lot of agricultural workers. Development imbalances between cities and villages constitute a major obstacle to China's goal of a harmonious soci…  相似文献   

New circumstances enrich China’s foreign policy while major principles remainconstant In the global village of today’s world, the prosperity of a few countries cannot rest upon other nations’ poverty. Not even themost powerful country can ensure its security without respecting and accommodating other  相似文献   

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Asia on her first overseas trip, showing Asia's growing importance in American foreign policy Traditionally, the U.S. secretary of state heads to Europe first, but on her first foreign trip Hillary Clinton flew across the Pacific to visit four Asian countries: Japan, Indonesia, South  相似文献   

For budget travelers,low cost carriers (LCCs)are the best choice.But to the budget travelers in China,there are not many LCC options.According to APGDAT,a data portal for accessing key aviation planning data,from 2006-11,despite a 57-percent growth  相似文献   

Tell us about Maxwell Chambers and its expansion plans. The year ahead will be exciting for us as we are expanding our premises to occupy the adjacent conserved build-ing at 28 Maxwell Road, now named Maxwell Chambers Suites.  相似文献   

正Many people say the 21st century is the Asian Century.During this year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference in Boao,Hainan Province,in April,Zhang Yunling,chair professor and Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Shandong University,spoke to Beijing Review reporters Tao Xing and Wen Qing,sharing his opinions on the future development of Asia and China's role in the process.This is an edited excerpt of his views:  相似文献   

正In coping with the disruptions from the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-1 9) epidemic and global economic slowdown,China's leadership has emphasized the need to steer the world's second-largest economy.It has called for quicker establishment of a new development pattern which gives full play to the advantages of a huge domestic market,so that domestic and foreign markets can reinforce each other.It also said the domestic market should be the mainstay,emphasizing  相似文献   

在邓小平理论中 ,实现共同富裕与实现现代化是同步的 ,从达到小康水平的时候起 ,我们就要把实现共同富裕的问题作为“中心课题”“突出地提出和解决”。实现共同富裕不但是一个长期性的历史过程 ,而且也是一个阶段性的有层次的历史过程。在新世纪之初 ,重新深入领会邓小平同志关于实现现代化与实现共同富裕的重要思想具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

农村共同富裕问题刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加快农村共同富裕进程不仅是社会主义本质的必然要求 ,也影响到我国现代化的进程 ,关系到国民经济可持续发展战略的顺利实施及一系列社会问题是否能够真正彻底解决 ,而缩短农村地域差距的关键因素取决于当地各级党政干部的综合素质和工作力度 ,同时也需要广泛的社会关注。  相似文献   

正Jiangxi pulls revolutionary bases out of povertySet foot in Jieyuan Village and you will be greeted by majestic rural scenery with rows of new buildings surrounded by lush trees. But it wasn’t like this several years ago.Thanks to its remoteness,Jieyuan Village in Ruijin City of south China’s Jiangxi Province was chosen as a revolutionary base for the  相似文献   

Lin Shunsheng,a farmer from Sichuan Province who owns the use right to his land,likes to think of himself as his own boss.But Lin is no longer the highest authority entitled to the land use,despite the fact that he has owned the use right for his plot of land since 1978when the household contract responsibility system was implemented.  相似文献   

正Pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation will give a further leg up to the increasingly close ties between China and ASEAN countries By Deng Yaqing As the only region sharing both maritime and land borders with Southeast Asian countries,south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has come to the forefront  相似文献   

LIJIANG in southwest China's Yunnan Province is a land bursting with exotic ethnic cultures and stunning natural scenery. It is located on the upper reaches of the Jinsha River, near the borders of Yun-  相似文献   

<正>China and its Southeast Asian neighbors need to enhance industrial cooperation In 2019,TCL,a Chinese consumer electronics company,began to build its new manufacturing base in Viet Nam and brought its suppliers with it to the country.The new base has improved TCL’s production capacity with its products selling not only in Viet Nam but also to other markets in Southeast Asia and beyond.  相似文献   

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