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<正>The rapid development of the Internet in China in the past 30 years has seen technology inexorably alter people’s way of life Francisco Little enjoys a stable lifestyle in Beijing.Every workday,he rides a bicycle provided by Mobike,one of the shared bike brands,from his apartment to the subway station and takes the subway to his place of  相似文献   

<正>Nowadays,numerous orange bicycles can be seen on the streets and lanes of many Chinese cities.These are intelligent sharing bicycles made available by Mobike.The lock snaps open after a user scans the QR code affixed to the bike with a smartphone app.When the user has pedaled to their destination and locked the bicycle,payment is deducted automatically by the app.Of course,before scanning a QR code,users first  相似文献   

It is said that Wuzhen is a good place for one-day visit, and no more. I stayed over and regretted the decision. Getting there is easy, with regular buses from Shanghai. Although there are quite a number of places to see, the actual scenic area is quite small. A larger tourist facility to the west is still under development. The town's river is actually a canal, and the water is being pumped in and out twice a week.Located in Tongxiang City, in the north of Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen  相似文献   

THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is thethird largest country in the world in terms ofarea and the largest in terms of population. Itstotal area is 9.6 million square kilometers andits population is 1.3 billion. China is a country with long-standing his-tory and natural scenery that includes magnifi-cent mountains and rivers. With its thousands  相似文献   

Scarlet kafirlily (Clivia miniata) is a perennial plant. Its leaves are long, and flat, and are lus-trously green all year round. This plant is admired for its beautiful leaves and clusters of flowers atthe stem's apex. The plant originates in South Africa and was introduced into China in the mid-18thcentury. It is particularly popular in the northeast, and has been selected as the emblem flower ofChangchun City in Jinn Province. The blooms of this plant are yellow, red, pink and white.Wit…  相似文献   

Zhongshan,south China’s Guangdong Province,is the hometown of Dr.Sun Yat-sen,the man who initiated China’s democratic revolution in the early 20th century. Situated in the southern part of the Pearl River Delta and covering an area of 1,800 square km, Zhongshan is geographically connected with Guangzhou,the provincial capital,to the north, and is in the vicinity of Hong Kong and Macao. Zhongshan is famous for its large population of overseas returnees and is home to a natural environment conducive to living and working.  相似文献   

Drinking Tea is said to spread to Japan from China in the 6th century. Every step in Japanese tea ceremony is part of old and graceful ritual.Oolong tea is enjoying a favourable market in Japan and has become an indispensable soft drink for Japanese in pop-top cans. China's Oolong was first chipped to Japan in large volume in 1981. The 1980s witnessed an astonishing spread of Oolong tea in the market, partly stemming from the belief of Japanese women that Oolong tea is good for keeping fit and dieting.  相似文献   

Name and Specifications:Ming Dynasty Blue and White Porcelain Brushwasher in Dragon and Phoenix Design.This round bowl is 20.8cm in diameter.Its inside base is decorated in the auspicious dragon and phoenix motif,and on its outer base are printed two lines of six Chinese characters that mean“Made in the Xuande Reign of the Great Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   

The debate about what democracy is crosses political and academic boundaries,extending across certain contexts of society.The system,conceived to defend the people’s right to elect and supervise their rulers through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation,is adopted in many Western countries,and in Latin America in particular,the U.S.model is used.  相似文献   

TRADITION has beenenshrined by the Chinesepeople for quite a longtime. But in the past 20years of opening up and reform,the influence of Chinese tradi-tion may have waned.Westernization is the obvioustrend in China today, and thereare those who are glad, and takethis as a sign of progress andmodernization in this ancientcountry.However, the fact is,tradi-tion is inextricably rooted in theinnermost recesses of theChinese consciousness.Although Chinese costume,habits and lifestyle have und…  相似文献   

Many of my Cameroonianfriends often tell me notwithout pride that Cameroon isa miniature of Africa. That is true. Lying in the central Africa,Cameroon is the bridge linkingthe western Africa and easternAfrica. Its northern part is in theSahelienne area and its southernpart in the tropical primeval for-  相似文献   

RUN a search on the Inter-net and Faku County ofShenyang City appearsunder several catego-ries.It is an agriculturalcounty and an organic food base.It hasadvanced forestry,and is also a modelhigh-tech area.And.uncommonly for anortheastern city,Faku is a rapidly de-veloping ceramics town.It has long been held that the best ce-ramics in China come from the south,particularly from Jingdezhen in JiangxiProvince and Foshan City in Guang-dong Province.The former made itsname from delicate and…  相似文献   

Luxury Lifestyle     
Ascott International is the largest ser- viced residential operator in the world. Managing the Ascott,Somerset and Citadines brands in over 50 cities across 23 countries,Ascott International is re- nowned for its charming hospitality and luxurious residence.Each brand has its unique attributes to satisfy the needs of different guests. The Ascott Beijing is strategically located in the heart of the central business area in Chaoyang District.It is close to the China World Trade Center and set among thriving retail and business districts.The residence appeals to top executives ac-  相似文献   

<正>What is conveyed in Chen Lixin’s figure paintings is often the physicality of the farming lifestyle in north China.Perhaps it is a way to recreate one’s roots in the land.Or,perhaps it is his way of capturing in bold lines and uncomplicated colors the state of life lived in this specifi c time,this place and under these conditions.  相似文献   

The giant panda is one of the rarest animals in the world. Giant pandas live in remote high mountains in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, Northwest China's Shaanxi and Gansu provinces and feed on bamboo. It is a species surviving from the Fourth Ice Age and known as a "living fossil". The giant panda is regarded as China's "national treasure".It is universally loved, but this peaceful, bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces many threats. Its population is small and isolated  相似文献   

We Don't Hack     
Xinhua:What is your comment on accusations that the Chinese Government participated in cyber attacks? MIIT:Internet security is a global issue that requires cooperation and the work of all countries.The Chinese Government's opposition to Internet hacking is consistent and firm.Accusations that the Chinese Government participated in a cyber attack,either in an explicit or inexplicit way,is groundless and aims to denigrate China.  相似文献   

JEAN-HUGUES Depigny and his wife are from France. They have lived in China for 10 years and are known by the Chinese names Yang Peiyi and Yang An. Their home is resplendent in Chinese furnishings and ornaments. Jean-Hugues Depigny is vice president of Airbus China customer services in Beijing. Airbus and China have been in cooperation since 1985, when China Eastern Airlines, formerly the CAAC East Regional Administration, became its first client in China. Since then, Airbus and the China aviation manu-  相似文献   

ALTHOUGH some people may not know exactly where No.18 Huaweili,Panjiayuan Road,in the south part of Chaoyang District is,PanjiayuanFolk Culture Market is a huge draw.People are irresistibly drawn by itsantiquities,and it is mentioned in several travel books.More and moreforeigners in Beijing frequent this secondhand market.  相似文献   

Like a Fine Wine     
Puer tea, also called “puerh,” is a fermented tea named after the county in southwestern Yunnan Province in which it is grown. The tea is sold in two forms: raw and cooked. The leaves of old Puer tea trees are picked, dried and then usually processed in…  相似文献   

chinese and Western people do not communicate in the same way. Even if a foreigner is fluent in Chinese, or if a Chinese is fluent in English, miscommunication and misunder-standings  相似文献   

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