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阳光透过玻璃窗,斜射在雪白的墙壁上,把"友好"商店照得温馨又亮堂.在商店一角里,黄淑英正在电脑前回复着顾客的提问,电脑里是她的网店"挑战雪山的过客".每天黄淑英都要在虚拟与现实间往返穿梭,而这线上与线下的两家小店也构筑起黄淑英的生活. 2002年是黄淑英来新疆的第七年.那年1月,在回四川老家探亲时,一场车祸降临到黄淑英身上.在那崎岖的绕山公路上,黄淑英所乘坐的车翻下几十米深的悬崖,黄淑英被生长在半山腰上的一棵大树挂住才得以保全生命,虽说与死神擦肩而过,可由于伤势过重,治疗不够及时,最终黄淑英不得不过上了以轮椅为伴的生活.  相似文献   

2006年7月23日8点40分,从北京开来的k263次列车缓缓驶入包头火车站。北京市政协暑期读书班的八十余位市政协委员走下列车,清新爽洁的空气扑面而来,身着鲜艳蒙古服装的男女青年将哈达、美酒献给远道而来的北京客人。今年的市政协委员暑期读书班举办地点选在了全国著名的宜居城市  相似文献   

王炜  阎虹 《北京观察》2006,(11):52-57
天坛天坛,是明清帝王祭天祈谷的场所,始建于明朝永乐十八年(1420)。这里有庄严华美的殿宇,苍古繁茂的林木,在京华诸多名胜中堪称翘楚。天坛作为皇家祭坛的历史有490年,一直是无上神圣的所在,民国肇始,它的地位骤然跌落,一度沦为林场、跑马场、战场,多次遭到驻军洗劫破坏。1918年1月1日,在民国政府内务部的主持下,天坛被辟为公园,正式向民众开放。皇家禁地与踏青去处明清时期,天坛属于皇家禁地,坛墙外设有保护地,平民不得进入。但制度上虽如此规定,实际执行并不总是严格。明朝后期,天坛神乐署那些奏乐、演舞的道士们为了谋求生财之道,在乐署…  相似文献   

汶川大地震给灾区人民造成无法估量的经济损失和精神创伤,举国悲恸.国人和海外人士纷纷通过各种途径和方式表达对灾区人民的问候和援助,除直接奔赴灾区参与救助外,更多的人以捐赠形式为灾区群众提供困难帮助,捐赠金额大,捐赠速度快,充分体现出中华民族"一方有难、八方支援"的传统美德,也是社会主义和谐大家庭的充分显现.  相似文献   

近日,浙江省委书记赵洪祝看望出席浙江省政协十届一次会议的部分委员并参加民革、民盟、民进和农工党的联组讨论.他强调,浙江省全面建设惠及全省人民的小康社会,深入实施"创业富民、创新强省"总战略,为民主党派、工商联和无党派人士参政议政、发挥作用开辟了广阔舞台.  相似文献   

今年是我们的父亲潘菽诞辰一百一十周年。"中央大学南京大学北京校友会"发起一个纪念活动,为他在南京大学校园里建立一尊铜像,并得到他家乡宜兴市人民政府的大力支持。我们作为家属感到无比欣慰  相似文献   

汪博 《今日浙江》2007,(11):46-47
从100万到17亿;从9人到6722人…… 几组简单的数据,见证了太湖南岸的浙江超威电源有限公司的发展速度.10年前,超威从仅9名工人、销售收入不足百万元的手工小作坊式企业,发展到去年年销售额突破17亿元、全国员工人数超过6722名,成为名副其实的蓄能电池全国龙头企业.  相似文献   

走进英国这个堪称西方最早迈入现代化的国家,你一口吸到的却是它通体散溢着的浓烈古旧气息。顶着烟囱的老房子、墙体斑驳的高大教堂、如绿毡般铺展在社区各处的林地、窄细如蛇的市区街道……处处让你如置身于幽远的莎士比亚时代。站在街头,放眼望去,似乎只有那24小时穿行不止的  相似文献   

主要内容:从3月1日起,本市单位所有用工帮必须按规定办理用工登记手续;单位因临时性、季节性任务需使用劳务工,可通过劳务型公司输入与劳务型公司签订劳务协议,也可直接使用持有《劳动手册》的协保人员,停薪留职或企业内部退养人员,签订劳务使用合同;劳务型公司必须到工商行政部门登记注册,按规定为所输出的劳务人员发放工资,缴纳社会保险费;安置下岗、失业人员比较多的劳务型公司,  相似文献   

丹桂飘香的金秋时季,我们沿着洞庭湖畔的岳阳楼向东南驱车70公里,便到了湖南岳阳县的张谷英镇张谷英村。这里青山环绕,树木葱笼,小桥流水,鸟语  相似文献   

正Internet financial products have enjoyed huge success,but will they change the landscape of China’s financial sector?Wang Kang,27,works for a Beijing branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC),a major state-owned commercial bank in China and the largest bank  相似文献   

正China Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi severely criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine,calling it a brazen affront to people of all countries that suffered from Japanese aggression and colonial rule.  相似文献   

正"Reading books gives you access to the knowledge and culture of the people of different countries.The main problem facing China and Turkey in the field of literature is the lack of translated books."Chinese writer and Nobel laureate Mo Yan,calling for more translated literature works at a news briefing in Istanbul on February 22  相似文献   

正58 Number of approval items that the State Council canceled or delegated to lowerlevel governments to streamline administration on November 24 $2.3 blnvalue of agreements signed between businesses from Singapore and east China’s Zhejiang Province at the 10th SingaporeZhejiang Economic and Trade Council meeting held in Singapore on November 24 4% Decrease in business revenues in China’s telecom sector in October  相似文献   

正~~  相似文献   

正Backing a price war between cab-booking apps serves the larger ambition of China’s Internet companies Han Yonghui is a cabbie in Beijing.After a taxi fare increase in 2013,he makes roughly 5,000 yuan($823)a month,just about enough to feed his family.Recently,Han started using cab-hailing mobile software to pick up customers who order taxis via smartphone.Benefiting from an increasingly fierce competition of rewards between two of the most popular apps for this purpose,he can receive up to 2,250 yuan($370)  相似文献   

正Japan’s leader hopes to salvage his power by way of an early election Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dissolved the House of Representatives,or the lower house in the country’s bicameral parliament,on November 21.A consequent snap election will be held on December 14,two years ahead of schedule.In recent months,the Japanese economy has continued to slide and entered a technical  相似文献   

正Barack obama strives for a sound legacy Predictably,the U.S.Republican Party(GOP)took back the Senate after eight years in a landslide victory during the mid-term congressional election in November.While the GOP is still in control of the House of Representatives,it also gained ground in state governor elections in Illinois,Maryland,Iowa and Colorado—the traditional spheres of influence of the Democrats.  相似文献   

正The 15th Russia International Show of Construction Equipment and Technologies(CTT)was held in Moscow from June 3 to 7.Liuzhou OvM Machinery Co.Ltd.attended the exhibition with its prestressed products."At the moment,infrastructure construction such as housing,elec-tric power and railway is continuing to expand in Russia,and given that the country’s import of machinery  相似文献   

正China has declared Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe an unwelcome visitor following his recent visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine.When asked whether Chinese leaders would listen to his explanations for the shrine visit in person,a Foreign Ministry spokesman ruled out the possibility by saying that Abe has"shut the door"on dialogue.China is not alone.The U.S.State Department also expressed disappointment at Abe’s visit  相似文献   

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