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罗燕 《刑警与科技》2005,(8A):115-118
法医物证检验是物证鉴定的一个重要组成部分,在法庭科学领域具有重要作用。通过法医物证检验鉴定,确定这些生物类物质的性质、种属、血型、DNA指纹、性别和年龄等,对其属主进行个别识别及亲权关系确认,从而证实这些生物类物质与其案件的关联,为证实和揭露犯罪,分析案情提供依据,为侦查破案和诉讼提供证据。  相似文献   

物证鉴定是犯罪侦查和法庭诉讼重建犯罪事实的重要手段,物证鉴定提供的时间信息是事实重建的核心要素。本文概述了现代物证时间信息检验的技术方法和结果应用,阐述了以“时点、时长和时序”为时间参数的物证时间信息检验技术和应用理论框架。  相似文献   

电子物证检验   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的阐述电子物证检验技术的专业内容和组成,以及开展电子物证检验的作用和重要意义;方法研究美国、欧洲和国内电子证据及其检验鉴定的数据资料,结合国内物证检验技术发展现状和需求,论证电子物证检验技术;结果提出了电子物证检验定义、检验对象、技术方法、特点作用以及尽快在国内建立电子物证检验专业等观点;结论电子物证检验是关于识别、发现、提取、保存、恢复、展示、分析和鉴定电子设备中存在的电子信息(电子证据)的科学技术,其检验结果可以作案件侦查线索或法庭证据。开展电子物证检验可以有效提高犯罪侦查效率。  相似文献   

刑事物证检验、鉴定又称犯罪鉴别,其性质是一种侦查犯罪的手段,其主要目的在于运用自然科学和社会科学的技术、方法和手段来发现和保全犯罪嫌疑人以及犯罪行为(包括犯罪结果)的证据资料。从事刑事侦查检验、鉴定的公安机关和检察机关的技术人员与一般司法鉴定的鉴定人并不一样,他们既是识别、发现和保全犯罪证据原始特征、向法院提供他们勘验、检查后作出判断意见的证人,也是依据自身的专业知识和技能检验犯罪证据、确定犯罪嫌疑人的专业技术人员,因而,对于从事刑事侦查检验鉴定的技术人员有着更加特殊的要求,他们具有不可取代的特点。1刑事…  相似文献   

王静 《法制与社会》2012,(14):263-264
生物物证技术是物证技术中的一门新技术,随着科学的进步和对物证技术的进一步研究.由于生物物证在自然界广泛的存在,其自身特征的特殊性决定了生物物证技术在侦查中的利用价值是很高的,本文就其在侦查涉嫌强奸致人死亡案件中的作用浅谈一下笔者自己的体会.  相似文献   

武帅 《警界科海》2003,(12):24-25
微量物证是能够揭示和证实犯罪、提供破案线索、缩小贞查范围的量小体徽的物质,它通常遗留在犯罪现场、犯罪工具、作案人身上或被害者身上。微量物证的检验鉴定通常要借助于现代化的仪器。因为这些仪器是科技研发的最新成果,具有更高的灵敏度、精确度和可靠性。  相似文献   

随着DNA分析技术在的法医领域的研究和广泛应用,DNA检验的对象已从常规检材拓展到不易被发现而常被忽略的微量检材,如作案工具把手上、衣帽鞋袜上粘附的上皮细胞等目前已成为重要的物证来源[1]。现场微量生物物证一旦获得有价值的DNA分型,在侦破、诉讼中就能发挥重大作用。如何提高微量生物物证的检出率、准确度、时效性,使得许多现场潜在的生物物证在侦查破案中能够发挥应有的价值,就显得愈来愈重要。  相似文献   

在中国,物证鉴定技术作为刑事科学技术工作的一项重要组成部分,是公安侦查机关不可缺少的基础性工作和重要的技术支撑,是实现和保障司法公正和社会稳定的重要工具.本文针对当前我国物证鉴定技术的发展现状及其发展过程中出现的诸多问题,讨论如何推动物证鉴定技术向更加专业化、规范化和现代化发展,加快提高我国物证检验鉴定技术水平.  相似文献   

手机物证检验及其在刑事侦查中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
随着移动通信技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,手机内部包含的信息已经成为犯罪侦查重要的线索和证据来源。采用专门的符合物证鉴定原理要求的技术方法检验手机的SIM卡存储器、主板存储器和闪存卡,可以获得大量的手机使用者个人信息、通信内容信息、通信发生信息、使用者写入存储信息和手机设置信息等大量信息资料。手机检验结果给出的这些信息具有非常高的侦查和证据价值的,手机也因此成为物证鉴定领域内一个新的检验对象。  相似文献   

刘浩  王民 《政府法制》2011,(23):38-39
现场勘查是刑事侦查机关对犯罪处所及其遗留痕迹和其他物证所进行的勘验和调查。目的是发现、收取犯罪痕迹和其他物证,了解和研究罪犯实施犯罪的情况和案件性质,确定侦查方向和范围,为侦查和审判案件提供线索和证据。  相似文献   

本文阐述了核酸分析技术中的VNTR/MLVA、PFGE、AFLP、SNP等方法和这些方法在生物犯罪中的实际应用;对这些方法的特点进行了总结归纳,并提出了我国公安机关在当前形势下发展核酸分析技术的一些建议。  相似文献   

Nordic police cooperation concerning cybercrimes has been developed during the last few years, e.g. through the Nordic Computer Forensics Investigators (NCFI) and Nordplus training programmes. More empirical research is needed in order to enhance cybercrime investigation and address the training needs of police officers. There is a knowledge gap concerning organizational models for the police’s cybercrime investigation: How the function is organized, what the professional characteristics of the staff are and how to combine computer forensics with crime investigation? The purpose of this paper was to study the organization of cybercrime investigation in Finland. Data were collected by a questionnaire from all 11 local police districts and the National Bureau of Investigation in July–August 2014. In addition, six thematic interviews of cybercrime investigators were conducted in 2014. Three investigation models of computer integrity crimes were found: (1) Computer forensic investigators conduct the entire pre-trial examination, (2) Computer forensic investigators conduct only the computer forensics, and tactical investigation is done by an occasional investigator, (3) Computer forensic investigators conduct only the computer forensics and tactical investigation is centralized to designated investigators. The recognition of various organizational models and educational backgrounds of investigators will help to develop cybercrime investigation training.  相似文献   

Network forensics is an investigation technique looking at the network traffic generated by a system. PyFlag is a general purpose, open source, forensic package which merges disk forensics, memory forensics and network forensics.This paper describes the PyFlag architecture and in particular how that is used in the network forensics context. The novel processing of HTML pages is described and the PyFlag page rendering is demonstrated. PyFlag's novel processing of complex web applications such as Gmail and other web applications is described. Finally PyFlag's report generation capabilities are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Network forensics is an investigation technique looking at the network traffic generated by a system. PyFlag is a general purpose, open source, forensic package which merges disk forensics, memory forensics and network forensics.This paper describes the PyFlag architecture and in particular how that is used in the network forensics context. The novel processing of HTML pages is described and the PyFlag page rendering is demonstrated. PyFlag's novel processing of complex web applications such as Gmail and other web applications is described. Finally PyFlag's report generation capabilities are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Recently, digital forensics has become increasingly important as it is used by investigation agencies, corporate, and private sector. To supplement the limitations of evidence capacity and be recognized in court, it is essential to establish an environment that ensures the integrity of the entire process ranging from collecting and analyzing to submitting digital evidence to court. In this study, common elements were extracted by comparing and analyzing ISO/IEC 17025, 27001 standards and Interpol and Council of Europe (CoE) guidelines to derive the necessary components for building a digital forensic laboratory. Subsequently, based on 21 digital forensic experts in the field, Delphi survey and verifications were conducted in three rounds. As a result, 40 components from seven areas were derived. The research results are based on the establishment, operation, management, and authentication of a digital forensics laboratory suitable for the domestic environment, with added credibility through collection of the opinions of 21 experts in the field of digital forensics in Korea. This study can be referred to in establishing digital forensic laboratories in national, public, and private digital forensic organizations as well as for employing as competency measurement criteria in courts to evaluate the reliability of the analysis results.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(3):175-178
A number of new entertainment systems have appeared on the market that have embedded computing capabilities. Smart Televisions have the ability to connect to networks, browse the web, purchase applications and play games. Early versions were based on proprietary operating systems; newer versions released from 2012 are based on existing operating systems such as Linux and Android. The question arises as to what sort of challenges and opportunities they present to the forensics examiner. Are these new platforms or simply new varieties of existing forms of devices? What data do they retain and how easy is it to access this data? This paper explores this as a future forensic need and asks if we are missing potential sources of forensic data and to what degree we are ready to process these systems as part of an investigation.  相似文献   

The big data era has a high impact on forensic data analysis. Work is done in speeding up the processing of large amounts of data and enriching this processing with new techniques. Doing forensics calls for specific design considerations, since the processed data is incredibly sensitive. In this paper we explore the impact of forensic drivers and major design principles like security, privacy and transparency on the design and implementation of a centralized digital forensics service.  相似文献   

Wildlife forensics has recently been recognized among the wide variety of forensic science disciplines. This review compares human and wildlife DNA forensics, which use the same genetic tools, but often for far different purposes. Human forensic genetics almost invariably attempts to identify individual perpetrators involved in a given crime. Wildlife forensics often determines whether a crime has occurred. In addition to techniques familiar in human laboratories, like individual matching with STRs, wildlife analysts may be asked to determine the taxonomic identity, geographic source, or sex of evidence items, or the familial relationships or minimum number of individuals among a group of samples. This review highlights the common questions, legal framework, databases, and similar validation requirements to foster understanding between disciplines. Based on this understanding, human and wildlife DNA practitioners may work together and learn from each other in order to elevate the discipline of forensic genetics.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in crime relating to the Internet and computers has caused a growing need for digital forensics. Digital forensic tools have been developed to assist investigators in conducting a proper investigation into digital crimes. In general, the bulk of the digital forensic tools available on the market permit investigators to analyse data that has been gathered from a computer system. However, current state-of-the-art digital forensic tools simply cannot handle large volumes of data in an efficient manner. With the advent of the Internet, many employees have been given access to new and more interesting possibilities via their desktop. Consequently, excessive Internet usage for non-job purposes and even blatant misuse of the Internet have become a problem in many organisations. Since storage media are steadily growing in size, the process of analysing multiple computer systems during a digital investigation can easily consume an enormous amount of time. Identifying a single suspicious computer from a set of candidates can therefore reduce human processing time and monetary costs involved in gathering evidence. The focus of this paper is to demonstrate how, in a digital investigation, digital forensic tools and the self-organising map (SOM)--an unsupervised neural network model--can aid investigators to determine anomalous behaviours (or activities) among employees (or computer systems) in a far more efficient manner. By analysing the different SOMs (one for each computer system), anomalous behaviours are identified and investigators are assisted to conduct the analysis more efficiently. The paper will demonstrate how the easy visualisation of the SOM enhances the ability of the investigators to interpret and explore the data generated by digital forensic tools so as to determine anomalous behaviours.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(3):187-200
A recent increase in the prevalence of embedded systems has led them to become a primary target of digital forensic investigations. Embedded systems with DVR (Digital Video Recorder) capabilities are able to generate multimedia (video/audio) data, and can act as vital pieces of evidence in the field of digital forensics.To counter anti-forensics, it is necessary to derive systematic forensic techniques that can be used on data fragments in unused (unallocated) areas of files or images. Specifically, the techniques should extract meaningful information from various types of data fragments, such as non-sequential fragmentation and missing fragments overwritten by other data.This paper proposes a new digital forensic system for use on video data fragments related to DVRs. We demonstrate in detail special techniques for the classification, reassembly, and extraction of video data fragments, and introduce an integrated framework for data fragment forensics based on techniques described in this paper.  相似文献   

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