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Nyborg  Karine  Rege  Mari 《Public Choice》2003,115(3-4):397-418
It is sometimes claimed that individuals' contributions topublic goods are not motivated by economic costs and benefitsalone, but that people also have a moral or norm-basedmotivation. A number of studies indicate that such moral ornorm-based motivation might be crowded out, or crowded in, bypublic policy. This paper discusses some models that can yieldinsight into the interplay between economic and moral ornorm-based motivation for voluntary contributions to publicgoods, and compares their policy implications. We distinguishbetween five types of models: Altruism models, social normmodels, fairness models, models of commitment and thecognitive evaluation theory.  相似文献   

Among the most contentious questions in public administration is how the performance of public organizations should be evaluated, and nowhere is this issue more salient than in urban public schools. While significant attention has been devoted to studying administrative measures of public organizations, the views of citizens concerning performance have been widely criticized and are not frequently gathered by schools. How these assessments relate to each other is central to many questions in education policy (e.g., choice, equity) and has important implications for democracy, bureaucratic professionalism, and public performance. This debate can be viewed as focusing on the distinction between convergent validity and discriminant validity. Using data from New York City's public school system with a cross‐sectional time‐series approach, parent and teacher evaluations are compared to government records of schools’ characteristics and performance. The findings suggest that parents and teachers are able to conduct intelligent, meaningful evaluations of school quality.  相似文献   

李军鹏 《行政论坛》2011,18(3):86-91
我国一些地方政府不断完善公众诉求回应体系,建设回应型政府,大体形成了以电话热线为主的民声快递模式、以民众参与为主的开放式决策模式和建立在网络平台之上的网络问政模式等三种模式。江西省九江市政府以完善民声直通车为抓手,形成了一整套高效的公众诉求回应体系,在打造回应型政府方面进行了有益的探索。十二五期间,我国地方政府应贯彻公民导向、顾客导向、结果导向的原则,在突出特色、解决问题、体现实效、赢得民心上狠下工夫,建立电话热线、网上问政双平台,融合民声快递、参与式决策、网络问政三种模式,打造全国一流的公众诉求回应体系。  相似文献   

政府绩效评估中公众参与的限度及超越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府绩效评估中公众参与开始兴起,并取得一定的成效,但另一方面其有效性受到了一些质疑。运用政府绩效评估的政治和经济双重逻辑评估了这些质疑,阐明公众在政府绩效评估中扮演消费者、监督者和生产者三种角色,公众参与有助于维护政府绩效评估的公平价值和责任导向。通过介绍美国政府管理中形成的参与式评估和专家型评估两种政府绩效评估模式,并在总结美国成功经验的基础上,得出超越我国政府绩效评估中公众参与限度的若干启示。  相似文献   

where he teaches ethics and public policy in addition to American government. He is the co-editor (with Leslie G. Rubin) of The Quest for Justice.  相似文献   

A recurring problem in political analysis is to link public opinion to public policy. Public opinion has often come to mean the replies to structured questions in representative surveys. The task of connecting opinion and policy is complicated by the difficulty in interpreting replies to these surveys. The burgeoning literature on public opinion and the crisis of the welfare state has failed to provide a consistent account of what aspects of policy might be driven by public demand or vice versa. The interpretations of survey data are either misleading or highly selective. This applies to two crucial areas, attitudes towards poor minorities and opinions about state and private welfare. In order to provide a better understanding of the problems of linking policy and opinion and to offer some guiding principles for research in this area, this paper attempts to clarify some of these difficulties.  相似文献   

Public radio in the United States receives both direct and indirect government funding. Direct subsidies come in the form of lump-sum and matching grants, while indirect subsidies proceed from tax revenues forgone on tax-deductible private donations. Each of these sources of government money affects charitable giving to public radio. This article estimates both of these effects, using data on 91 public radio stations in the United States during 1995. Data analysis shows that public funding to stations has a positive impact on private giving, but this impact rapidly decreases as the level of government subsidies increases. The analysis also indicates that increases in state tax rates correspond with significantly higher donation levels. This article explores the implications of these and other findings for policy makers, public administrators, and nonprofit managers.  相似文献   

论政府公共管理责任的承担   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政府公共管理责任具有民主政治性、义务性和制度性三个特点.政府在公共管理过程中承担责任具有重要的意义,政府公共管理责任的确立是民主政治的体现,是依法治国的体现,是政府廉洁的体现,也是政府能力的体现.政府在公共管理过程中承担责任的方式包括让公众来评议政府、让政府回应公众及让公众追究政府责任三个方面.  相似文献   

论政府回应的公众环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑文静 《理论探索》2001,3(2):55-58
从系统论、行政生态学的角度分析,政府行政效率的高低、回应性的强弱深受其环境的影响,提出期待并接受回应的公众就是行政环境中的一个重要因素。从这个意义上讲,有什么素质的公众,就造就什么素质的政府。因而提高全社会公民的素质,加快社会主义民主政治的建设步伐便成为题中应有之义。  相似文献   

Pierre Lemieux 《Society》2014,51(3):247-252
Public health has moved from the public good component of health to everything related to health and, then, to everything related to society. If we take public health in its wide, total, social sense, it presumably explains or justifies much of the regulatory state. Virtually all state activities contribute directly or indirectly to some citizens’ “physical, mental and social well-being” (as the World Health Organization’s definition says). Public health requires social engineering, which cannot be achieved without controlling the lifestyles that the Philosopher King doesn’t like. Controlling lifestyles cannot be done without regulating the businesses that would allow people to satisfy their sinful preferences, and without preventing these people from circumventing the controls through black markets or other violations of government regulation.  相似文献   

Employee recalcitrance and employer reprisal are ever-present conditions in public service. Yet we have limited knowledge of the forces that move administrators away from acquiescence and toward antagonism. The authors follow the theoretical thrust of behavioral public administration to better understand administrative behavior by targeting the determinants of guerrilla government actions. They do so by presenting the results of a conjoint experiment embedded in a survey of federal bureaucrats. Findings show that decisions to pursue guerrilla activities are conditional on a multitude of factors—namely, the bureaucrat's personal views of the directive as a policy solution, the compatibility of the directive with the bureaucrat's ethical framework, the status of the person issuing the directive, and the probability that the directive might cause harm to others. Notably, these decisions generally are not affected by the probability of retribution or the expected type thereof. However, they are affected by the magnitude of harm that may ensue if orders are obeyed and not resisted.  相似文献   

In late 1996 the Queensland government introduced new legislation to govern its public sector, the Public Service Act 1996. For a few short weeks the supposedly draconian legislation was front-page news, as the government was forced to defend its changes to standards of accountability in public sector employment. Was the fuss a storm in a teacup? Were the changes really so significant? In this article the impact of the legislation upon the central core of public sector employment, the public trust, is considered, and the legislation's interrelationship with the Queensland public sector ethics regime is analysed. These unhappy people were proposing schemes for persuading monarchs to choose favourites upon the score of their wisdom, capacity and virtue; of teaching ministers to consult the public good; of rewarding merit, great abilities and eminent services; of instructing princes to know their true interest by placing it on the same foundation with that of their people: of choosing for employment persons qualified to exercise them; with many other wild chimeras, that never entered before into the heart of man to conceive, and confirmed in me the old observation, that there is nothing so extravagant and irrational which some philosophers have not maintained for truth (Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels).  相似文献   

政府在农村公共物品供给中的理念创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝德 《行政论坛》2007,(4):78-81
农村公共物品的有效供给是确保社会主义新农村建设进程和质量的决定性因素,政府作为推动新农村建设的主导力量,在农村公共物品供给中应该打破固有的观念束缚,用先进的理念来指导农村公共物品的有效供给,通过树立公共性理念、服务多元化理念、社会公正理念、民主正义理念、法治理念和追求效能理念,把政府对农村公共物品的供给提高到体现政府责任、实现社会公正和凸现价值正义上来。  相似文献   

王强 《行政论坛》2005,(6):21-23
公共危机直接威胁到公民生命和财产的安全,是人类面临的灾难,从组织的角度而言,构建以政府为核心、社会组织和公众为基础、国际组织为策应的全方位的应对网络,可以有效地预防危机和救治危机,减少危机带来的损失。  相似文献   

政府公共服务输出的市场化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府公共服务输出的市场化是世界各国行政改革的共同趋向.它是在政府公共服务输出领域引进市场机制,将政府权威与市场交换的功能优势有机组合,提高政府功能输出的能力.西方工业化国家的成功经验对我们不仅具有具体改革对策上的借鉴意义,更具有理念上的启示.  相似文献   

Budget redirection in Georgia state government represents a change from the expectation of continuous budget growth to an expectation that budget expansion will be accompanied by compensating budget reductions through an ongoing process of priority assessment. Its essential features are: the requirement that state agencies identify a minimum of 5 percent of their current year's budget which becomes the primary means for funding new programs and services in the coming fiscal year; and a limit, based upon revenue projections, on the amount an agency may request above the current year's budget. Like budget reforms in any era, it emanated from a combination of fiscal, managerial, and political objectives.  相似文献   

政府限度与国家权威   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈毅 《行政论坛》2006,(5):15-17
主要论证“有限的政府,绝对的国家”这一观点。首先,从政府为恶可能性的原因来分析政府限度的必要性;接着,从“国家乌托邦框架”的视角来理解国家权威的积极意义和价值,并从自然法传统来论证这一视角的合理性;最后,界分政府与国家的关系,从职位和机构的权威来体现国家权威,界定政府权责和边界,既强化市场型的强政府模式,又强调维护国家权威的时代意义和永恒价值。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后 ,随着经济发展趋势的进一步市场化和国际化 ,政府行政行为必须更加规范和透明 ,在这种新的客观大环境下 ,尤其需要适时调整政府间的事权范围和事权容量 ,以应对形势变化的需要。  相似文献   

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