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WTO与WIPO:TRIPS协议框架中的冲突性因素与合作契机之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过乌拉圭回合长达7年艰苦谈判而最终达成的TRIPS协议,是迄今为止知识产权国际保护中涵盖面最广,总体保护标准最高的知识产权条约.TRIPS协议是世界贸易组织(WTO)法律框架中最为重要的协议之一,是迄今为止知识产权国际保护体系中涵盖面最广,总体保护标准最高的知识产权条约.这也就意味着WTO必然在许多方面超越了世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的职能,并在WIPO之外形成了一个崭新的知识产权国际保护体制.  相似文献   

张丽娜 《当代法学》2012,(3):139-145
根据TRIPS协议的规定,WTO具有调整技术贸易与知识产权的功能,但该功能从其产生之初就存在先天缺陷,同时由于TRIPS协议本身的问题,WTO调整技术贸易与知识产权的功能又被进一步扭曲,并不断异化。这种功能错位的弊害不仅使WTO作为贸易管理法的身份备受质疑,同时由于其对知识产权的过分关注,又使其与WIPO的功能相冲突;另一方面,WTO的功能错位对国际技术贸易的发展十分不利,调整技术贸易的国际法规范长期空缺。因此WTO应放弃对知识产权的管理,不断向调整国际技术贸易的功能回归。  相似文献   

正动态WIPO起草有关遗传资源滥用的新文本2月3日至2月7日,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)知识产权与传统知识、遗传资源和民间文学艺术政府间委员会(IGC)第26次会议在日内瓦召开。WIPO成员国大使及高级官员经过探讨交流,最终达成了一份保护遗传资源免受生物剽窃的新协议。协议密切关注遗传资源滥用事宜,  相似文献   

国际组织WIPO制定新的知识产权路线图在刚刚结束的第50届WIPO成员国大会上,各方代表通过谈判的方式达成了《2013年度关于遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学知识产权的政府间合作规划协议》(IGC),IGC仍是接下来各国政府谈判的重要议题,如何有效地保护  相似文献   

李伟东  钟旭 《法制与社会》2012,(10):182-183
2003年,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)提出了建立知识产权文化的构想,并将之作为2004-2009年WIPO的一项重点工作。由此,世界各地的学者纷纷提出了知识产权文化的概念。本文认为,应当在各位学者认识的基础上,重新审视知识产权文化的定义,使之更为清晰易懂。因此,笔者将知识产权文化定义为:政府、企业、个人为了保护和享有知识产权的权益,由知识产权战略、知识产权制度和知识产权意识共同组成的社会文化氛围。  相似文献   

2012年6月20日到6月26日,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)外交会议在北京召开.这是我国第一次承办WIPO外交会议,于我国知识产权制度建设而言,这或许可以称得上是一个里程碑.或许WIPO外交会议本身并不会带给我国什么,但这个标志却不可小觑,它实实在在地标志着我国知识产权制度建设上取得的成绩正逐步受世界认可.我国知识产权制度建设三十年,从被动立法修法到主动制度建设,尽管问题依然很多,困难仍然存在,但我国知识产权制度的发展速度确实令人侧目.  相似文献   

中美贸易中知识产权摩擦的演变及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国对外贸易的迅速增长,中国与贸易伙伴国的摩擦也不断增加,其中最主要的贸易摩擦来自美国。因此,研究知识产权摩擦的发展及产生原因对于解决日益严峻的知识产权争端是必要的。本文通过从历史角度论述知识产权摩擦演变过程,运用博弈理论分析了知识产权摩擦产生的原因。  相似文献   

知识产权国际保护始于WIPO时代,而后跨过WTO门槛,而今,ACTA又拉开了新的序幕,知识产权国际保护新秩序的形成已初见端倪. 在WIPO时代, "一国一票"的表决模式和"跨部门交易"的禁止使得强国与弱国发言权趋于平等.正因为如此,WIPO时代维持了知识产权的弱保护状态.  相似文献   

张红 《法学杂志》2005,26(2):34-37
随着进出口货物中含知识产权货物比重的增加,侵犯知识产权导致的贸易秩序的损害日趋严重。TRIPS协议的签订和实施,为各国建立相应的对外贸易秩序,提供了一个基本标准。本文从知识产权立法的利益平衡理论、立法和执法现状,及其完善立法及其执法措施等方面,分析了我国如何实现与贸易有关的知识产权秩序的规范与调整问题。  相似文献   

关税法337条款与TRIPs协议既有条文表层一致性的一面,也存在本质上非一致性的一面.对二者关系得出一个国际社会普遍认同的定论尚需时日.二者一致和矛盾的不同观点,将会在很长一段时间并存.因此,探求我国知识产权保护的对策,首先可以从二者关系入手.此外,TRIPs协议的弹性条款也可以成为我国寻求知识产权保护对策的重要突破口.最后,从全面的角度而言,还可以将寻求知识产权保护途径的目光放眼于337条款与TRIPs协议视野之外.  相似文献   

It is often stated that the protection of names, brands and trade marks on the Internet is a critical issue for intellectual property (IP) owners. However, while tales of infringement abound, there have been few court cases. IP specialists looking to establish a policy for the protection of names on the Internet need to assess the scale of the problem. What evidence of infringement or abuse exists? How are trade marks at risk-just in the domain name system or on other parts of the Internet? Can the courts or registration authorities be relied upon to support intellectual property owners? Is affordable net protection a myth or a reality for trade mark owners? This article attempts to quantify the risk of infringement or abuse of intellectual property, to examine measures of control proposed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and to suggest policies that can be adopted to minimise the risk of infringement and to maximise the chance of successful action against infringers.  相似文献   

This article addresses the development of the World Health Organisation's (WHO) arrangements for accessing viruses and the development of vaccines to respond to potential pandemics (and other lesser outbreaks). It examines the ongoing "conflict" between the United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the World Trade Organisation's Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in the context of the debates about the paramountcy of intellectual property, and the potential for other (equity and development) imperatives to over-ride respect for intellectual property and TRIPS. The article concludes that the same intellectual property fault lines are evident in the WHO forum as those apparent at the CBD and the WTO fora, and an ongoing failure to properly address questions of equity and development. This poses a challenge for the Australian Government in guaranteeing a satisfactory pandemic influenza preparation and response.  相似文献   

After the Agreement on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) came into operation in 1995 developing countries have found themselves in a process of continual negotiation over intellectual property rights and access to medicines. These negotiations have taken place in the World Trade Organization and in the context of free trade agreements. The paper suggests that the only real win for developing countries has been the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health in 2001. What have been the lessons for developing countries in a decade of negotiations over access to medicines? Drawing on themes of rule complexity and regulatory ritualism the paper discusses four key lessons for developing countries. It concludes by arguing that developing countries will do better if they adopt a networked governance approach to negotiation rather than continuing to rely on traditional coalition formation.  相似文献   

“TRIPS-递增”协定是后TRIPS时代发达国家向发展中国家输送其知识产权保护标准的主要法律形态。此类协定可能影响发展中国家公共政策目标的实现,缩减这些国家利用WTO/TRIPS框架下的变通性规定促进其发展的自由选择空间。但是,在WIPO公约体系和WTO法律框架下,“TRIPS-递增”协定具有其存在的制度空间和正当理由。因此,发展中国家一方面要根据一般国际法的相关规定,认识和处理“TRIPS-递增”协定与WTO框架公约和WTO/TRIPS协议的关系,另一方面要通过联合抵制或“体制转向”阻止“TRIPS-递增”知识产权保护标准的扩张。  相似文献   

TRIPS协定与国际贸易中的知识产权壁垒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辛柏春 《北方法学》2009,3(1):80-86
TRIPS协定为世界范围内的知识产权保护建立了统一可执行的最低标准,打破了知识产权所固有的地域性的限制,在很大程度上促进了国际贸易的自由化进程。但是,由于TRIPS协定规定的统一标准过于维护权利人利益,部分超出了发展中国家的能力范围,给国际贸易造成了新的障碍和壁垒。新的知识产权壁垒的产生,又在一定程度上限制了国际贸易的自由化。因此,TRIPS协定对于国际贸易来说无疑是一把“双刃剑”。  相似文献   

On 12 September 2002, the UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, an independent body established in May 2001 by the British government, released its report analyzing the impact of international agreements on patents. The report, Integrating Intellectual Property Rights and Developmental Policy, makes 55 recommendations "aimed at aligning [intellectual property] protection with the goal of reducing poverty".  相似文献   

Even though China’s first Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) was effective on August 1, 2008, the implementation of Article 55 has been delayed until 2014 when several actions were taken. For examples, several foreign giant intellectual property holders were investigated for possible abuse of their intellectual property rights and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce released the Rules on Prohibiting Conducts of Abusing Intellectual Property Rights by Excluding or Restricting. The underlying message is obvious: China starts to pay more and more attention to the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights on the one hand, she decides to seriously deal with the abuse of intellectual property rights by intellectual property owners, especially those giant international companies. Because the issue of how to balance the tension between IP law and the AML is a new topic in China, this paper intends to outline the prevailing experiences from foreign jurisdictions especially from the United States and European Union and to propose some useful strategies and approaches, which are fit into China’s reality.  相似文献   

Trade Marks at the Limit is a volume edited by Jeremy Phillips,intellectual property consultant (Slaughter and May) and ProfessorialFellow (Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute). The core theme of the book is the balancing exercise betweenthe interests of trade mark proprietors and the interests ofcompetitors, business partners, like retailers, consumers, andthe  相似文献   

Many scholars in political science and international relationshave discussed the obvious shift in world politics from theCold War period to the post-9/11 era. Nation-states now sharethe turbulent global stage with other important actors (eg non-governmentalorganizations and multinational corporations). The field ofUS intellectual property (IP) law is no different. The presentforces of globalization and technology have shaped the developmentand direction of IP policy. In a collection of six essays, ProfessorHugh Hansen, as editor of US Intellectual Property Law and Policy,invites readers to explore the trends of American IP law. Thesesix essays, as Professor Hansen rightly  相似文献   

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has sometimes been portrayedas being at odds with the protection of human rights. This articletakes issue with this perception, both generally and with specificreference to WTO agreements/activities in the areas of intellectualproperty (IP) and competition policy. The rules and proceduresof the WTO are directly supportive of civil rights in the senseof freedom to participate in markets and freedom from arbitrarygovernmental procedures. In addition, the system contributesto development and to the realization of broader economic, social,and cultural rights, by stimulating economic growth and therebyhelping to generate the resources that are needed for the fulfilmentof such rights. The article examines various human rights andpublic interest rationales for the protection of intellectualproperty rights (IPRs). The recent amendment to the Agreementon Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)to facilitate access to medicines in the event of public healthemergencies is outlined. With respect to competition policy,such policy constitutes an important aspect of governance insuccessful market-based economies. There is a clear need forcooperative approaches to the implementation of national competitionpolicies. The appropriate scope and venue for such cooperationare a matter for further deliberation.  相似文献   

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