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In May 2005, the World Health Organization adopted the new InternationalHealth Regulations (IHR), which constitute one of the most radicaland far-reaching changes to international law on public healthsince the beginning of international health co-operation inthe mid-nineteenth century. This article comprehensively analysesthe new IHR by examining the history of international law oninfectious disease control, the IHR revision process, the substantivechanges contained in the new IHR and concerns regarding thefuture of the new IHR. The article demonstrates why the newIHR constitute a seminal event in the relationship between internationallaw and public health and send messages about how human societiesshould govern their vulnerabilities to serious, acute diseaseevents in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

The conflict in the former Yugoslavia set a precedent in modernhistory for having a multinational military force being empoweredand directed to execute arrest warrants issued by an internationalcriminal tribunal. On legal grounds, the International CriminalTribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) attained this resultby relying on the broad wording of its governing Statute coupledwith the ICTY's own rule-making powers. In contrast, the draftersof the International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute elaboratedon the nature of the cooperation from international forces insignificantly more details but at the same time opted for reducingthe ICC's powers vis-à-vis these forces. Therefore, theICC Statute now runs contrary to the ICTY's case law recognizinga judicial power to order an international force to executean ICTY arrest warrant. This deferential stance towards collectiveenterprises of states not only infringes upon the States Parties’general obligation to cooperate with the ICC, but, in the end,weakens the ICC's ability to enforce international criminaljustice.  相似文献   

在中国,国际私法是一个舶来品。它是随着20世纪初期中国维新倡法运动而传播到中国。中国国际私法不可避免地带有明显的“拿来主义”特征。然而,中国法制的现代化要求中国国际私法的发展必须实现从“拿来主义”到“本土化”的转变。  相似文献   

非常感谢中国社会科学院法学研究所夏勇所长和《环球法律评论》杂志 ,提供这个珍贵的机会 ,使中欧人权学术网络 ① 得以从其于 2 0 0 3年 3月在北京组织召开的“获得司法正义的权利”学术研讨会上发表的众多学术论文中精选出 7篇 ,以“主题研讨”的形式在《环球法律评论》上刊出。我打算就“获得司法正义的权利”运动的情况和国际标准进行简单的阐述 ,并对以此为专题的研讨会发表几点看法。1 概念。实际上 ,时至今日 ,“获得司法正义的权利”(accesstojustice)这一概念的涵义究竟为何 ,学界和法律界并未达成广泛的共识。② 长期以来 ,在最…  相似文献   

The article takes a pluralistic view of the 'trade-environment' conflict by exploring one of the settings of this conflict: the lex constructionis – international construction law. It seeks to unravel the way in which the unique structural-cultural attributes of this legal domain have affected its environmental (in)sensitivity. The article's main argument in that context is that the contractual tradition of the lex constructionis (as manifested in the standard contracts that dominate this field) and its unique institutional structure, have created a culture of ecological indifference. This culture has important practical consequences because of the deep ecological problematic of international construction projects. The article develops an alternative contractual model, which depicts the construction contract as a semi-political mechanism, rather than a private tool. This conceptual change seeks to break the public/private separation that characterizes the contractual discourse in the international construction market. The article explores, further, whether this alternative contractual vision could be realized in practice, and proposes several implementing modules which could further this goal. While the article explores a particular international regime, its methodology and conclusions – in particular, the political-constitutional interpretation of the contract and the critique of the public/private dichotomy (see sections III.3 and III.4) – should be relevant to the regulation of many other (national or international) environmental dilemmas.  相似文献   

国际环境损害责任的私法化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在国际环境损害问题上追究国家责任的不可行性 ,使国际环境损害责任制度呈现出越来越明显的私法化趋势已多年。但是 ,由于国际法学界在相当长的时期内囿于传统的法律模式和思维方法 ,对这一问题的法律阐释和编纂始终没有取得突破性进展。直到最近 ,联合国国际法委员会的报告才突破了这一问题。从理论上对国际环境损害责任私法化的内容和法学方法论问题进行系统的分析、探讨 ,对发展国际环境法具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论预先防范原则在国际环境法中的地位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
边永民 《河北法学》2006,24(7):60-64
预先防范原则是在20世纪80、90年代出现在国际环境法领域的一种新的处理缺少确切科学证据的环境风险的主张.迄今已有至少八个国际环境条约载入了与预先防范原则有关的内容,虽然具体用词不尽相同;与预先防范原则有关的案例也已经有数个.以这些为研究对象,探讨预先防范原则在国际环境法上的地位.现在预先防范原则还没有形成国际环境法领域的习惯法,但很多国家愿意在处理缺少确切科学证据的环境风险时,使用与其相关的方法或措施.  相似文献   

ACTA是由美、日等知识产权强国发起的旨在全面加强国际贸易中知识产权保护的诸边协议。ACTA内容广泛,主要包括知识产权保护的民事、行政、刑事、边境及数字环境执法等四类措施和保护手段,较之《TRIPS协议》,ACTA在知识产权执法水平上提出了更高的要求,进一步凸显了知识产权国际保护的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Carl Schmitt's notion of nomos is commonly regarded as the international equivalent to the national sovereign's decision on the exception. But can concrete spatial order alone turn a constellation of forces into an international order? This article looks at Schmitt's work The Nomos of the Earth and proposes that it is the process of bracketing war called Hegung which takes the place of the sovereign in the international order Schmitt describes. Beginning from an analysis of nomos, the ordering function of the presocratic concept moira is explored. It is argued that the process of Hegung, like moira, does not just achieve the containment of war, but constitutes the condition of possibility for plural order.  相似文献   

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