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疲劳审讯是一种变相的刑讯逼供手段,主要表现为办案人员擅自延长讯问时间,剥夺犯罪嫌疑人必要的休息时间,使其在肉体和精神上遭受双重的痛苦,从而迫使其做出有罪供述.疲劳审讯在刑事诉讼中的频频出现,严重侵犯了嫌疑人的人权.本文指出为有效防范疲劳审讯,立法应明确疲劳审讯的法律界定,及时填补相关法律漏洞,从而避免因疲劳审讯导致的冤假错案.  相似文献   

李其忠 《检察风云》2011,(20):94-95
亚健康的一种主要标志和典型表现,称为疲劳。人们处于亚健康状态时的表现通常多种多样,五花八门,但无论怎样复杂,都逃不过“疲劳”这一关,从身体到内心的疲劳,医学上叫做身心疲劳。在亚健康的所有具体表现中,“疲劳”出现频次最高,是躯体、心理疾病的征兆。属中医学虚症范畴。  相似文献   

执飞伊春空难航班的齐全军,成为中国首位被以重大飞行事故安全罪追究刑事责任的飞行员。空难曾经沸沸扬扬的伊春空难机长案,终于有了下文——2014年12月19日,机长齐全军被法院一审判处有期徒刑三年,成为中国首位因犯有重大飞行事故罪被判刑的飞行员。这在国际航空史上也颇为罕见。  相似文献   

《关于建立健全防范刑事冤假错案工作机制的意见》明确疲劳审讯所获供述应当排除,但认定疲劳审讯成为司法难题,大部分学者主张明确疲劳审讯的时间界限并提出了不同方案。比较法的经验表明,损害了被讯问人的自由意志而非造成剧烈疼痛或痛苦,被作为非法口供排除的重要标准,涉及疲劳审讯时也没有例外。刑事司法高度依赖口供、犯罪嫌疑人权利保障不足、审判中立性有待加强,以及侦查人员在看守所内外都可以不同程度地控制犯罪嫌疑人的睡眠和休息,都是明确疲劳审讯时应当考虑的因素。犯罪嫌疑人到案后,连续讯问超过12小时,24小时期间内不能保证6小时的连续休息的,可以视为疲劳审讯,同时需要加强配套措施建设。  相似文献   

解飞 《法制与社会》2014,(7):250-251
休息休假权是一种基本人权。总的来说,劳动者享有休息权,是为了保证劳动者消除身体与精神上的疲劳,及时恢复体力和精力,维持健康的身体,从而更加以充沛的体力投入工作,贡献社会,创造财富。尤其是餐饮业长时间加班或不能按时下班的情况时有发生,而餐饮业员工由于学历等条件限制,本身就业较为困难,为了生计等各方面考虑默默忍耐,通常这些休息休假权都变成了"纸上权利"。  相似文献   

本文研究了高速公路疲劳驾驶的特点及形成原因,并对如何预防高速公路疲劳驾驶提出了对策。  相似文献   

利用板材标准M(T)试样研究了4种不同氢含量(0,200,450,730 (g/g) NZ2锆合金的疲劳裂纹扩展行为.发现不论含氢量的高低,裂纹稳态扩展区的裂纹扩展行为均符合Paris幂律关系,即 da/dN=C((K)n,但随着氢含量的增加,n值不断减小;含氢量增加导致NZ2合金塑性变形能力降低,疲劳裂纹扩展速率增加,尤其是氢含量较高时表现更为明显.  相似文献   

疲劳审讯不仅会对被讯问人的身体造成伤害,还可能催生虚假口供,诱发错案,因此,对疲劳审讯应当明确禁止,排除由此所获证据。世界其他国家和地区对于疲劳审讯的认定可归结为三种模式:强制性认定模式、裁量性认定模式和原则加例外的认定模式。基于当前的刑事诉讼结构、辩护制度的发展以及既有的侦讯环境,我国对疲劳审讯的认定应采原则加例外的模式,规定除法律设定的特殊情形外,连续讯问超过24小时应被认定为疲劳审讯,所获供述亦应排除。另外,要准确认定疲劳审讯,还需厘清"必要的休息时间"和两次讯问间隔时长的关系,对剥夺饮食和夜间讯问能否归入疲劳审讯也需做出明确回答。  相似文献   

利用金属疲劳断口痕迹查明误报盗割案件1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金属材料在交变循环应力或应变的循环加载下,在某些点会产生局部的永久性损伤,并在一定循环次数后形成裂纹或使裂纹进一步扩展直到完全断裂的现象叫做金属疲劳。疲劳断裂具有在时问上的突发性,在位置上的局部性及对环境和缺陷的敏感性等特点,故疲劳破坏常不易被及时发现且易造成事故。疲劳断口保留了整个断裂过程的很多信息,具有明显区别于其他任何性质断裂的断口形貌特征,研究和应用金属疲劳断口的痕迹特征可以帮助我们甄别案件的性质。笔者曾遇到一起误报盗割铁路器材案件,后运用金属疲劳的相关理论澄清了案件性质,报道分析如下。  相似文献   

我国立法规定了劳动者享有辞职权,但劳动者辞职是否需要征得用人单位的同意,辞职权行使后劳动者应当承担何种责任等成为困扰劳动者辞职的问题。飞行员作为劳动者,其劳动关系具有特殊性,飞行员辞职、罢飞事件一度成为热点、难点问题。本文指出完善辞职权的相关理论,明晰赔偿数额的计算方法将有助于解决飞行员流动之困。  相似文献   

An investigation of a traffic accident involving a tractor-trailer and a passenger car that were traveling at high speed is presented. The cause was the fracture of a trailer axle. The investigation showed that the fracture was because of the fatigue failure. In addition, cracks were found in the remaining three trailer wheels. Hardness measurements showed that, because of inadequate heat treatment of the metal, they were prone to failure.  相似文献   

Little research has focused on the risk factors, effects, and experiences of compassion fatigue among gerontological social workers. This qualitative study explores the experiences and perspectives of nine Adult Protective Services (APS) social workers in relation to compassion fatigue. Results show that the APS social workers combined personal characteristics and professional factors to develop boundary-setting mechanisms that protected them from experiencing the deleterious symptoms and effects of compassion fatigue. Implications center around the elements needed to implement boundaries in order to maintain a separation between the work and home environment. Suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

目的探讨膈肌在固定双上肢悬挂致死中的作用。方法将家兔固定双上肢悬挂,并监测家兔膈肌肌电图(EMGdi)的变化。结果在连续记录的EMGdi中早期的EMGdi与晚期的EMGdi比较高频与低频(H/L)的比值显著降低,提示膈肌疲劳确实存在。结论膈肌疲劳在固定双上肢悬挂致死中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to determine the support among criminal justice professionals for a law that defines the critical limit of driver fatigue in terms of 24 consecutive hours of wakefulness; and to determine how many drivers causing fatal accidents would be potentially covered by such a law. The data included an online questionnaire data collected from 325 criminal justice professionals (96 prosecutors, 129 traffic police officers, and 100 local police officers with experience in traffic surveillance and accident investigations) and the national database of fatal road accidents studied in depth (N = 1871; 2002–2008). The support for such a law was quite low among prosecutors while police officers were more in favor than against it. Only a handful of the (survived) drivers who caused a fatal accident were awake for more than 24 consecutive hours. We discuss several challenges and considerations associated with such a law.  相似文献   


Police personnel are likely to be affected by stress and compassion fatigue, which may have important consequences for health, well-being and job performance. There are certain individual differences which may protect against compassion fatigue, for example mental toughness, personality and self-care behaviours. However, there is little research examining all of these constructs in combination with policing. The current study aimed to gather information regarding the prevalence of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and perceived stress within a large UK police force, and their relationships with personality, mental toughness and self-care activities. A questionnaire was completed by 605 police employees within a UK police force. The results demonstrated that 20% of personnel suffered from negative psychological outcomes and that these outcomes were predicted by individual differences and self-care activities. The requirement for shift work, and mental toughness scores, significantly predicted compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and perceived stress. The analyses also revealed a role for gender, tenure, personality and self-care in several aspects of well-being. The implications of these findings are discussed, considering the current contexts in which policing operates, with the aim of improving the psychological well-being of police officers and staff.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(83):23380-23384
In accordance with 20 CFR 402.35(b)(1), the Commissioner of Social Security gives notice of Social Security Ruling, SSR 99-2p. This Ruling clarifies disability policy for the evaluation and adjudication of disability claims involving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This Ruling explains that, when it is accompanied by appropriate medical signs or laboratory findings, CFS is a medically determinable impairment that can be the basis for a finding of "disability." This Ruling ensures that all adjudicators will use the same policies and procedures in evaluating disability claims involving CFS, and provides a consolidated statement of these policies and procedures.  相似文献   

程燎原 《法学研究》2011,(5):143-163
法治政体理论在根本上把法治理解为,只有立宪政体才会要求并实现法律统治的一个政体问题。建立民主立宪的法治政体是辛亥政治革命的目标。为达成这一目标,民国初年的《临时约法》等法律初步构建了中华民国法治政体的雏形,但这一政体也陷入多重困厄之中。孙中山等人对这一政体及其困厄进行了富有价值的探索与反思。从法治政体理论及民初缔造法治政体的实践出发,可以对治法型法治的思想观念进行比较性的检视。  相似文献   

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