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The authors have conducted a statistical analysis of 340 court files investigated in the Forensic Medicine Department Medical University of Silesia, Katowice in the years 2003–2007 with regard to chances for as well as difficulties in giving medico-legal opinions on drivers’ alcohol intoxication levels, which would be valid for court purposes.  相似文献   

两轮摩托车道路交通事故驾驶员损伤特点的观察   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
目的 观察两轮摩托车驾驶员发生道路交通事故时的损伤形成规律,探讨此类事故确定驾驶人员的法医学依据。方法 对2000年至2002年北京地区408例2人同乘一辆两轮摩托车发生事故造成摩托车人员伤亡的损伤情况进行回顾性研究。结果 两轮摩托车发生道路交通事故时,在驾驶员腹部、会阴部、大腿内侧、胸部、面颈部、小腿胫前会形成能反应摩托车特定致伤部件的特征性损伤,而乘员在这些部位的损伤多为摔跌形成,难以反应摩托车特定部件的特征。结论 在两轮摩托车道路交通事故中,伤者身上反应的摩托车特定部件的特征性损伤,可作为判断两轮摩托车道路交通事故驾驶员的依据。  相似文献   

A case of fatal intoxication from metformin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of fatal intoxication from metformin is presented. The decedent was an obese 58-year-old-woman with type II diabetes, in whom severe lactic acidosis secondary to metformin accumulation was precipitated by acute renal failure. She had been on metformin 500 mg twice a day. Postmortem blood was deproteinated with acetonitrile, washed with dichloromethane, and the resulting supernatant injected into high-performance liquid chromatography system. Separation was performed on a analytical 125 x 4 mm i.d. RP-8 column. The wavelength was set at 235 nm. The mobile phase was acetonitrile (40%), sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium dihydrogen phosphate adjusted to pH 5.1 (60%) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The concentration of metformin in postmortem blood was 77.3 microg/mL. The qualitative result was also confirmed by LC/APCI/MS/MS analysis.  相似文献   

Patients suffering from psychiatric disorders have an excess mortality and a shorter life span expectancy compared to the general population. Furthermore, they are treated with multiple drugs and are known to have an increased risk of drug abuse. In this study, we aimed at investigating the pharmaceutical drug and drug of abuse profiles of the deceased included in the Danish prospective autopsy‐based forensic study on psychiatric patients, SURVIVE. Using the postmortem systematic toxicological analysis results, we identified 129 different consumed compounds in our population (n = 443). Polypharmacy (≥5 compounds) was detected in 39.5% of the deceased. Deceased with a psychiatric diagnosis or who died from a fatal intoxication had significantly more compounds at the time of their death compared to having either no psychiatric diagnosis or another cause of death, respectively. Evidence of drug abuse was present, as 29.8% of our total population had consumed either methadone or illicit drugs of abuse, excluding tetrahydrocannabinol. Of those deceased with a psychiatric diagnosis, 33.6% had either consumed methadone or illicit drugs of abuse, a greater number than those without a psychiatric diagnosis. Fatal intoxication was the most frequent cause of death (40.6%) with methadone as the major intoxicant. Here, we found that those without a psychiatric diagnosis had fewer fatal pharmaceutical drug intoxications compared to the psychiatric diagnosis groups. Our findings add further context to understanding the excess mortality of psychiatric patents, since there is an increased occurrence of fatal intoxication, polypharmacy, and drug abuse in this population.  相似文献   

交通事故颅脑损伤233例法医学鉴定分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Jin L 《法医学杂志》1998,14(3):151-152
通过对233例交通事故颅脑损伤案例的分析,对受伤者的性别、年龄及损伤程度进行了统计。并对其颅脑外伤后遗症和伤残等级的关系、评定时间及脑外伤后神经功能障碍的认定进行了探讨。  相似文献   

道路交通事故损伤中的损伤部位与伤残关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究道路交通事故中活体损伤案例 ,损伤部位、伤残率、伤残程度之间关系。收集 1997年~ 1999年间武汉地区道路交通事故中活体损伤案例 35 47例 ,对其进行统计和分析。 1792例损伤被评残 ( 5 0 5 2 % ) ,伤残评定率最高的部位为周围神经损伤和耳外伤 ,分别为 90 0 0 % ,83 30 %。最低为躯干及四肢软组织损伤 ( 17 5 2 % )。伤残程度评定中Ⅸ~Ⅹ级和Ⅰ~Ⅴ级伤残评定率分别为 78 74%和 4 41%。伤残评定率与损伤部位的发生并不一致 ,伤后治疗效果直接影响伤残评定。伤残程度以Ⅸ~Ⅹ级最多 ,各部位损伤均可见 ,Ⅰ~Ⅴ级伤残较少 ,Ⅰ级伤残仅见于颅脑和脊髓损伤  相似文献   

上海市道路交通事故受伤人员伤残分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Fan LH  Xia WT  Shen JJ  Chen X  Zhao ZQ  Hou XY 《法医学杂志》2008,24(5):344-348
目的分析道路交通事故伤残的特征,为制定和修改伤残鉴定标准和相关法规提供参考。方法对上海市因道路交通事故受伤,2005年经法医评定构成伤残的案例资料进行回顾性分析。结果伤残部位以肢体最多(53.3%),其次为头部(23.3%),脊柱(9.7%),胸部(5.8%)和腹部(4.4%)。2005年上海市交通事故年累积致残率为414.8/10万,男性(505.7/10万)高于女性(318.7/10万),以35~59岁的致残率最高(538.2/10万),60岁以上致残率呈现下降趋势(30.2/10万)。伤残者中交通方式以非机动车最多,其次为行人。结论2005年上海市道路交通伤致残率青壮年(35~59岁)最高,对社会经济和劳动力损失大。  相似文献   

The extent and nature of the use of medicinal drugs by drivers who had undergone a blood test on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol was ascertained by analysing some 40,000 case records in which the suspect had been questioned about the use of drugs. No chemical analyses were performed. 9.7% of the road users indicated that they used drugs in combination with alcohol, and more than 50% of the drugs used must be considered to have a negative impact on driving performance. The influence of the combined use of benzodiazepines and alcohol on behaviour was also investigated. The finding here was that drivers using these drugs should be warned against the consumption of alcohol.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that sleep deprivation (SD) produces cognitive impairment similar to that caused by alcohol intoxication. Individual studies suggest that SD also causes deficits in motor skills that could be mistaken for intoxication. Consequently, SD often is used as a defense when an impaired driver is charged with driving while intoxicated. Twenty-nine adult subjects participated in two test sessions each, one after a full night's rest and the other after wakefulness of at least 24 h. Subjects consumed prescribed amounts of alcohol during each session. Law enforcement officers conducted field sobriety tests identical to those with which a driver would be assessed at roadside. Researchers also measured clinical responses of visual function and vital signs. The presence and number of validated impairment clues increase with increasing blood alcohol concentration but not with SD. Thus, SD does not affect motor skills in a manner that would lead an officer to conclude that the suspect is intoxicated, unless intoxication also is present.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare injuries sustained by motorcycle drivers with those sustained by pillion passengers in fatal head-on motorcycle collision accidents. We examined 84 cases of fatal head-on motorcycle collision accidents, causing 79 deaths of drivers and 19 deaths of pillion passengers, using medical and medico-legal examination records. The distribution of superficial injuries, characteristic injuries, injury severity as well as fatal causes was evaluated and compared using χ(2) tests. The results revealed a significant difference in the distribution of superficial injuries between drivers and passengers. The proportions of injuries in the hand and perineum regions were significantly higher in drivers than passengers. Some characteristic superficial injuries on the palms, chest, abdomen as well as the perineum areas were observed in drivers, while none of these characteristic injuries were observed in pillion passengers. Drivers were found to have suffered more severe chest and abdomen injuries than passengers. In addition, there was a higher incidence of fatalities involving run-over injuries for drivers compared with pillion passengers. The proportion of fatal injuries related to tumbling was higher for passengers than for drivers. Overall, our results revealed a difference in injury severity, superficial injury distribution and characteristic injuries between drivers and passengers. Few characteristic injuries were found in pillion passengers. These findings could help to guide medico-legal examinations, particularly in identifying drivers among victims involved in traffic accidents.  相似文献   

Zhu XJ  Chen LP  Li K  Xu YC  Ke Y  Wang ZY 《法医学杂志》2007,23(1):23-25
目的研究钾中毒致死家兔的尸体组织形态学变化特征,为钾中毒致死的法医学鉴定提供客观依据。方法采用浓度为0.3%和1%的氯化钾溶液,分别以全速和100滴/min的速度静脉输注家兔至其死亡,肉眼、光镜及透射电镜下观察尸体心、脑、肾形态学变化,比较两种不同输液方式下形态学变化的差异。结果输钾致死的家兔心脏显著扩张淤血,心肌呈缺血缺氧改变,心肌肌节长短不一,Z线变宽、聚集或消失;肾小球毛细血管收缩,包曼氏囊扩张,足突绒毛化、融合;脑组织中可见凋亡及吞噬现象。上述改变均以1%组为著。结论心脏及肾脏的一些形态学改变可作为钾中毒死亡法医学鉴定的重要依据。  相似文献   

目的急性酒精中毒对大鼠溺死后肺组织硅藻检出的影响。方法将40只大鼠随机分为5组,进行酒精灌胃,灌注量分别为:正常组(0m L/kg)、低剂量组(7m L/kg)、中剂量组(15m L/kg)、高剂量组(22m L/kg)、死后抛尸组(0m L/kg)。观察各组大鼠行为变化、溺水时生存能力及死后肺组织中硅藻检出量。结果高剂量组呼吸出现浅慢,呼吸停止时间减少(P0.05)。酒精灌注各组大鼠攀附时间均减少(P0.05),肺组织硅藻检出量均减少(P0.05)。结论急性酒精中毒可以导致大鼠溺死后肺组织硅藻检出量减少。  相似文献   

During a 1-year period all fatal road accidents in the police district of Aarhus, Denmark, were investigated regarding the presence of alcohol, medical drugs or narcotic substances, and the nature of the accident. Out of a total of 30 accidents 24 were investigated. Two thirds had been caused by the victim him- or herself. In one third of the accidents alcohol was present and considered an important contributory factor. Medical drugs and narcotic substances played a lesser role.  相似文献   

目的分析二轮摩托车交通事故的现场特点和驾乘人员的损伤特征,为甄别摩托车驾乘人员提供信息。方法收集本区2005年至2014年142例二轮摩托车交通事故人员伤亡资料,包括事故经过、事故类型、现场特点、车辆特点、驾乘人员情况、损伤情况及死亡原因等相关资料,进行分析总结。结果二轮摩托车驾乘人员在各类型事故中的损伤部位和特征、出现率及严重程度有明显的区别,事故现场有规律性。结论通过现场与人体损伤特征的分析,可以甄别摩托车驾乘人员。  相似文献   

Zhu XJ  Li XY  Li K  Chen LP  Ke Y  Wang ZY 《法医学杂志》2007,23(4):244-246,249
目的研究家兔钾中毒死亡后的尸体化学变化特征,为钾中毒的法医学鉴定提供参考。方法采用浓度为0.3%和1%的KCl葡萄糖溶液分别以全速和100滴/min的速度输给家兔,至其死亡,测定家兔输液前后血、尿电解质浓度,比较两种不同输液方式所致钾中毒死亡后尸体化学变化特征。结果输钾前后,家兔血清K (SK)浓度升高,血清Na 、Ca2 、Cl-及HCO3-浓度均降低,全血K (TK)及血清Mg2 浓度变化无显著性差异。0.3%KCl组致死输液时间长于1%组(P=0.006),致死输钾量无显著性差异(P=0.062);TK、血清Na 、Mg2 及Cl-浓度变化值具有显著差异,SK、Ca2 、HCO3-浓度变化值无显著差异;尿量和尿液各电解质浓度指标未见显著性差异。结论尸体SK、TK及血清Mg2 浓度升高,有助于钾中毒的法医学死后诊断。  相似文献   

自行车道路交通事故损伤特征研究与应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 研究自行车交通事故人体损份情况,以此推断自行车交通事故中当事人的交通方式。方法 对北京地区1997~2002年958例机动车与自行车相撞的交通事故伤亡者的损伤进行统计分析。结果 自行车骑行者与机动车发生交通事故可于会阴部、双下肢形成特征性损伤。结论 可以运用法医学鉴定方法推断自行车交通事故伤亡者的交通方式。  相似文献   

目的对家兔死后体表锐器损伤出血现象进行研究,以期能够贴近实际办案需要,找到一个更为实用的鉴别生前锐器伤和死后锐器伤的方法。方法家兔脱毛,制作锐器损伤模型,采用大体观察结合HE染色镜下组织病理学观察。结果死后锐器损伤出血量均较少,随着时间延长出血量减少,出血速度慢。死后30min的锐器损伤在形成过程与生前损伤有所区别,但在死后12h肉眼观察结果与生前损伤难以区别。死后1h以上的锐器损伤与生前损伤不同之处在于创缘不会被血染。结论位于尸体低下位置的死后30min内的锐器创与生前锐器创的区别是出血量相对较少。死后60min-90min的锐器伤出血量少,创缘皮肤不被血染,肌肉的出血较局限,与生前损伤相鉴别较容易。  相似文献   

交通事故伤者智残评定的方法学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨交通事故致颅脑外伤伤者智残评定的最佳方法。方法 采用4种智力评估方法对被鉴定人的智力和认知状况进行评估。结果 与智力迟滞诊断作为金标准相比较,事件相关电位P300评定结果呈显著正相关(125例,r(?)=0.952,P<0.01),成人智残评定量表结果呈显著正相关(129例,r(?)=0.963,P<0.01),韦氏成人智力测量总智商(IQ)评定结果呈无明显相关(4例,r(?)=0.099,P>0.05)。结论 根据智力迟滞诊断、事件相关电位测定P300、成人智残量表评定、韦氏成人智力测量等多种方法进行综合分析,可准确评定被鉴定者智残水平。如被评定者有伪装倾向,则不宜采用韦氏智力测量方法进行评估。  相似文献   

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