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欧共体条约中有关环境的一章 (第 1 74- 1 76条 )是 1 987年才增加进去的。然而 ,这些条款并不从属于关于商品自由流通的条款。它们强调了环境问题的特殊意义。条约第 1 74条指出 ,欧共体环境政策旨在实现高层次的环境保护 ,这样 ,根据第 95条第 3款的要求 ,欧共体委员会将以此为依据提出环境立法动议。条约第 1 75条和第 1 76条允许成员国在欧共体采取措施之后实施更严格的环境保护措施。条约第六条也具有特殊的意义 ,它规定 ,环境保护要求必须纳入到共同体政策和活动的制定与实施中 ,尤其为促进可持续发展。所有这些条款都表明 ,欧共体条…  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of whether the modernisation and decentralisation of EC competition law will affect the integration of environmental protection requirements into the framework of Article 81 EC. First, the interface between competition policy and environmental protection at both the constitutional level and operational level is investigated. Following this, the Commission's assessment of environmental benefits under Article 81(3) EC prior to decentralisation and modernisation is explored. It is submitted that the Commission's expansion of its interpretation of the first two positive criteria of Article 81(3) EC allowed environmental objectives and competition goals to be balanced within the framework of Article 81 EC. Finally, this article examines the extent to which the decentralisation and modernisation of Community competition law may impede the integration of environmental protection into the definition and implementation of Article 81 EC.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Envisaging anticipatory preventive action in response to uncertainty, the precautionary principle represents an important milestone in risk reduction. The question is no longer merely how to prevent assessable risks, but rather how to anticipate risks pervaded by uncertainty. By leaving behind the realm of 'sound science', precaution necessarily gives rise to conflict. As regards the status and the implementation of that principle, the aim of this article is to explore some of the key issues arising in environmental and food safety cases brought before the Tribunal of First Instance, the European Court of Justice and the EFTA Court.  相似文献   

Given that the precautionary principle has never been defined in the EC Treaty, the EC jurisdictions have been playing a key role in determining the status as well as the scope of that principle. Although scholars have hitherto been paying heed to the case law on food safety, the literature has become a little thinner when one considers environmental case law. This article attempts to set the scene to explain how the precautionary principle can be invoked in different judiciary procedures at the EU level.  相似文献   

修订后的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》将于2015年1月1日开始实施,这部法律的前身是1979年《环境保护法(试行)》,基础是1989年颁行的《环境保护法》。1979年的《环境保护法(试行)》虽然不是此次修法的直接文本,但其作为中国第一部环境保护领域的综合性法律,在奠定中国环境保护法律制度体系基础的同时,也为后来留下了一些隐患,成为此次修法的争论的起因。1989年的《环境保护法》是此次修改的直接文本,这部法律的存废之争一直持续了20多年;在2011年年初人大常委会正式启动修法程序后,经历全国人大常委会四次审议、修改草案两次面向社会公开征求意见、从"修正案"到"修订案",创造了中国立法史上几个"第一"。最终通过的《环境保护法修订案》体现了十八届三中全会提出的建设生态文明,建立最严格制度的要求,确立了其在环境保护领域的基础性、综合性法律的地位,在建立生态环境保护法律机制方面实现了重大突破。  相似文献   

我国矿区环境保护的法律思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任凤珍  蒋北辰 《河北法学》2007,25(2):116-120
环境保护是矿区生态协调稳定和资源可持续利用的重要保证.但是由于现行的矿区环境法律体制不健全,法律制度不完善,法律难以得到有效的实施,矿区环境问题十分严重.为此,应通过建立严格的矿区环境准入机制,严格的矿业权许可制度,建立矿区环境恢复治理保证金制度,完善矿区环境立法及明确行政执法主体,强化市场在环境保护中的作用,加强行政引导和调控机制,重视闭矿后环境保护等相关制度来解决矿山环境问题突出的矛盾.  相似文献   

A major advance in trust law reform has been achieved by theLaw Commission's recommendation that there should be no radicallegislative change but a substantial shift in practice associatedwith exemptions of clauses in trust instruments. The advance is as much in the way the changes are to be achievedas in the actual proposals (Law Com No 301) that the law Commissionhave put to the government. These were presented with prideto interested parties in the House of Lords late in July. The shift in practice has not been arrived  相似文献   

政府环境保护责任与《环境保护法》的修改   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蓉 《行政与法》2008,(6):31-34
近年来,《环境保护法》的修改已引起越来越多学者的关注。该法中对政府环境保护责任的原则性规定,已明显不能适应经济社会发展和环境保护的需要。应通过确立政府各部门的内部协调机制和司法机构的监督机制,吸借鉴实践中已行之有效的环境管理政策和制度,以全面强化政府的环境保护责任。  相似文献   

Amidst the debate on risks to human beings and the environment resulting from chemicals being used on an increasingly large scale, the European Community's proposed Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation presents a new approach. However, under this new legislation it cannot be guaranteed that all problems that have been experienced under the existing EC chemicals legislation will be addressed satisfactorily. One of the problematic aspects is the question of how chemicals legislation, on the one hand, and sectoral environmental legislation, on the other hand (i.e. specific legislation referring to specific environmental media such as water, air, soil, etc.), complement one another. This article outlines these interface problems against the background of existing legislation and REACH.  相似文献   

陈海嵩 《时代法学》2008,6(4):19-26
频发的自然灾害对各个部门法都提出了诸多急需解决的法律问题,环境法自不例外。自然灾害法和环境法是两个相对独立的法律领域,但两者都涉及到特定社会关系的法律调整,这正是目前在自然灾害防治中所出现的、急需研究和解决的环境法律问题,具体包括:次生环境灾害的防治、紧急行政权力对原法律秩序的改变、不可抗力对法律责任的免除。解决前述问题,需对相关法律和《汶川地震灾后恢复重建条例》进行必要的修改完善。  相似文献   

崔冬  胡敏 《行政与法》2010,(3):25-28
我国的环境保护工作起步于环境政策,在建设法治国家进程中环境政策与环境法律的并存是客观实际的需要。环境政策和环境法律是我国保护环境的两种有效手段,二者有着共同的利益基础,二者并不矛盾,应当协调配合,共同发挥环境保护的合力作用。本文分析了环境政策与环境法律协调发展的理论基础,提出在现阶段环境政策和环境法律应当并存,进而提出正确处理环境政策与环境法律的协调配合关系。  相似文献   

范明志 《法学论坛》2003,18(6):86-90
WTO协定在欧共体被视为法律渊源之一,但是在欧共体并不具有直接效力;欧共体法被假定为与WTO协定相一致,但是欧盟法院在具体案件中不以WTO协定作为评价欧共体法合法性的依据。欧盟法院在其判决中对二者之间关系之精心设计,对于刚加入世贸组织的我国来说,不乏借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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