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Sophisticated technologies are finding applications in an ever-growing number of products, from medical devices to children's toys. As high-technology applications proliferate, their use and development is no longer associated only with large companies, universities, and national laboratories. Many small companies compete on the basis of high technology products, processes and materials. While small companies have long been recognized as fertile ground for developing new technologies, little recognition has been given to the important role they play in transferring technologies between industries. This article therefore describes the central role that technology played in the diversification efforts of nine New England defense contractors. One of the study';s key findings is that successful firms relied upon their existing technical and management capabilities to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage in their new civilian markets. The article also describes a number of other factors that contributed to the success of their diversification efforts.  相似文献   

Separating truth from lies has long been the goal of the legal system. Unfortunately, determining what is true is as difficult as it is important. Despite the view held by most people that they are able to tell when being lied to, the reality is that humans are very poor lie detectors. In an effort to overcome this fundamental flaw in human abilities, we have turned to technology to fill the gap. One of the many available technologies relies on the computer analysis of the voice of the statement maker. This technique is said by some to be able to highlight features in the voice of the speaker which indicate a high risk that they are not telling the truth. Whether or not the technology works, and the legal and ethical implications of such a finding, are beyond the scope of this paper. Rather, this paper assumes that the system achieves its stated aim, and examines the implications of the use of such devices on the public in terms of Human Rights and the provisions of the Equality Act 2010.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) cranio-facial reconstruction can be useful in the identification of an unknown body. The progress in computer science and the improvement of medical imaging technologies during recent years had significant repercussions on this domain. New facial soft tissue depth data for children and adults have been obtained using ultrasound, CT-scans and radiographies. New guidelines for facial feature properties such as nose projection, eye protrusion or mouth width, have been suggested, but also older theories and "rules of thumbs" have been critically evaluated based on digital technology. New fast, flexible and objective 3D reconstruction computer programs are in full development. The research on craniofacial reconstruction since the beginning of the 21st century is presented, highlighting computer-aided 3D facial reconstruction. Employing the newer technologies and permanently evaluating and (re)questioning the obtained results will hopefully lead to more accurate reconstructions.  相似文献   

File systems have always played a vital role in digital forensics and during the past 30–40 years many of these have been developed to suit different needs. Some file systems are more tightly connected to a specific Operating System (OS). For instance HFS and HFS+ have been the file systems of choice in Apple devices for over 30 years.Much has happened in the evolution of storage technologies, the capacity and speed of devices has increased and Solid State Drives (SSD) are replacing traditional drives. All of these present challenges for file systems. APFS is a file system developed from first principles and will, in 2017, become the new file system for Apple devices.To date there is no available technical information about APFS and this is the motivation for this article.  相似文献   

Use of DNA in forensic science will be significantly influenced by new technology in coming years. Massively parallel sequencing and forensic genomics will hasten the broadening of forensic DNA analysis beyond short tandem repeats for identity towards a wider array of genetic markers, in applications as diverse as predictive phenotyping, ancestry assignment, and full mitochondrial genome analysis. With these new applications come a range of legal and policy implications, as forensic science touches on areas as diverse as ‘big data’, privacy and protected health information. Although these applications have the potential to make a more immediate and decisive forensic intelligence contribution to criminal investigations, they raise policy issues that will require detailed consideration if this potential is to be realised. The purpose of this paper is to identify the scope of the issues that will confront forensic and user communities.  相似文献   

If 'computing and law' as a discipline is to push forward and develop, it will do so best within the context of the law school rather than as a joint enterprise between law and other disciplines. It is in the law school that the understanding of the nature of law is at its height. Yet there are problems here-law schools have a strained relationship with technology and their concept of the breadth of 'legal scholarship' can be limited by conventional (or ideologically-biased) views of law and an undergraduate-oriented view of the law school's purpose. There are also problems arising from the nature of communications between lawyers and computer scientists. In this article, I highlight these problems and also argue for a more developed and extended view of legal scholarship which will be able to incorporate study and research of the impact of the computer upon legal society as well as the legal control of the unwanted elements arising from these new technologies. Most writings on IT and the law school concentrate upon its use as an educational tool. My interest here is not so much in this side of things, but in the research culture of the law school. Whilst there is sometimes a view that the linkage of law school and IT is purely related to the use of technology in legal education, the remit is wider and includes the understanding of the link between substantive law and the context of the new computerized world and also the impact of the computer in the practice of law. This latter aspect is becoming increasingly important with the Woolf reforms and computerization of the procedural elements of law, but also in substantive law: for example, administrative systems are becoming more and more mediated by technology, and administrative law must be reviewed and re-worked in this context.  相似文献   

Technology transfer is one manifestation of a corporate culture of innovation at 3M that includes elements of reward and recognition, emphasis on communication and a toleration of mistakes as learning experiences, not occasions for punishment. Within this context, the company's microreplication technology offers an example of what can be accomplished. The technology involves making microscopic changes to the surface of materials, which influence their behavior. It was developed in the 1960s to produce the lightweight and inexpensive plastic fresnel lenses that made possible the first economical overhead projectors for classroom and business use. Since then, many additional applications have been discovered. These include brightness-enhancement films for laptop computer screens, brighter reflective materials for highway safety, super-abrasives for microfinishing of precision metal parts and even a mechanical fastener for disposable diapers. Many additional applications are anticipated as the company's scientists continue to refine their understanding of the technology.  相似文献   

The Hutchins Commission was concerned that the small minority of the people controlling the press as an instrument of mass communication could misuse their gatekeeping power. Due to new communication technologies the abundance of media outlets has increased choices available to the public far beyond anything commission members could have envisioned. This, in turn, has led to the development of a second layer of electronic gatekeepers between information originators and the public. The effect these electronic gatekeepers will have on the evolution of the press will be as great as, if not greater than, that of the human gatekeepers who were the commission's focus. This article suggests there will be an increasing equation of the public interest with what the public is interested in, a reduction in people's knowledge of public affairs and a decrease in the exposure of individuals to new ideas or ideas that contradict their existing beliefs. The article concludes by questioning whether government regulation is capable of addressing these concerns.  相似文献   

围绕日趋激烈的中美科技竞争,本文使用WIPO专利申请数据,对美国在华专利布局的演进特征和优势领域进行了实证分析,并构造技术相似度指数衡量中美在我国市场的技术竞争程度。结果显示:美国在华专利申请保持年均10%的快速增长并呈现明显的阶段性攀升,形成了一批以生物技术和信息技术为代表的稳定优势技术领域。美国企业更加重视在科学密集型子领域的专利布局,通过这些领域的技术优势支撑了美国在高技术产业重点领域对我国的贸易顺差。以技术相似度指数测算,美国在华技术布局与中国自主技术布局的整体相似程度呈"V"型演化关系,从技术互补逐渐转向技术竞争,2010年后两国技术相似度维持高位,技术竞争呈常态化白热化局面。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(4):451-455
Forensic investigations require a vast variety of knowledge and expertise of each specialist involved. With the increase in digitization and advanced technical possibilities, the traditional use of a computer with a screen for visualization and a mouse and keyboard for interactions has limitations, especially when visualizing the content in relation to the real world. Augmented reality (AR) can be used in such instances to support investigators in various tasks at the scene as well as later in the investigation process. In this article, we present current applications of AR in forensics and forensic medicine, the technological basics of AR, and the advantages that AR brings for forensic investigations. Furthermore, we will have a brief look at other fields of application and at future developments of AR in forensics.  相似文献   

Developments in technology have created the possibility for law enforcement authorities to use for surveillance purposes devices that are in the hands or private premises of individuals (e.g. smart phones, GPS devices, smart meters, etc.). The extent to which these devices interfere with an individual's private sphere might differ. In the European Union, surveillance measures are considered lawful if they have been issued in conformity with the legal rules and the proportionality principle. Taking a fundamental rights approach, this paper focuses on the information needed for adopting proportionate decisions when authorizing the use for surveillance of devices that are not built for surveillance purposes. Since existing methods of privacy assessment of technologies do not offer the required information, this paper suggests the need for a new method of assessing privacy implications of technologies and devices which combines an assessment of privacy aspects with the different dimensions of surveillance.  相似文献   

Regional prosperity increasingly depends on a region’s capacity to have command over the production of ideas. Measuring the production of ideas with patents, the objective of this paper is to analyze how the number of utility patents granted to inventors in U.S. States in different technologies changed between 1997 and 2007 and how States took advantage of the new opportunities and adapted to the changing technology landscape. The paper uses shift-share analysis, traditionally used in employment studies, for analyzing change in patents by technology categories developed by the NBER. The shift-share results show that only a few states were able to take advantage of the information technology driven increases in patents. California dominates in patent production and may be providing spillover benefits to neighboring states. The shift-share decompositions are used as variables in a fixed-effect panel-regression model of state economic growth. The regression results show that the shift-share decompositions provide statistically significant information in explaining growth after accounting for a State’s stock of patents, suggesting that States should concentrate on effective ways to boost their stock of knowledge in rapidly growing technologies to improve state economic growth.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(3):365-376
Forensic recovery from fired ammunition casings remains one of the most challenging tasks during high-profile investigations. Often, the decision must be made between screening for DNA or fingerprints, and, in doing so, the impact these processes will have on the examination of ballistic markings imparted on the ammunition from the firearm itself. Traditionally, fingermark enhancement processes have yielded low success rates in their efforts to identify suspects by enhancing friction ridge detail left on the cartridge casings. Moreover, the enhancement methods utilised may often induce detrimental physical changes to the casing(s), rendering them unsuitable for subsequent ballistics (marking) examination. Recently, new technology has been shown to increase the success rate of fingermark recovery from fired ammunition, and the growing adoption of such innovation means that new challenges are encountered to maximise evidence recovery and streamline forensic workflows. One such example arises from the potential obscuration of the ammunition headstamp area during such treatments. Accordingly, this study outlines the preliminary investigations and developments of a polymer mask substrate that serves to protect the headstamp of fired ammunition casings during relevant fingermark enhancement processes. The technique also has the capacity to be used as a surface protection device to eliminate unwanted chemical deposition across other areas of interest and evidence types.  相似文献   

施凤芹  张文录 《河北法学》2005,23(3):150-152
当今世界已进入信息社会,随着计算机、通信技术的迅猛发展,计算机系统的广泛应用,促使它渗透到社会各个行 业和部门,人们对它的依赖性越来越大,也突显出了计算机犯罪问题。主要从计算机犯罪的特点、新动向、立法需 要完善及预防几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), U.S. Department of Education, is the only federal agency mandated to improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. The application of technology is one means for addressing this mandate, so NIDRR operates programs that research, develop and commercialize assistive technology devices and services. To support this activity, the NIDRR collaborates with other federal agencies, and supports a national technology transfer center focused on bringing new or improved products to the marketplace.  相似文献   

Traditionally, new technology has been slow to enter the paper industry, which turns over its capital stock in about 40 years. In this paper, we will examine some of the reasons for this long transition period and the implications of such a transition period for government policy. If the turnover time could be cut in half, the potential energy savings could be 4 quadrillion Btu (Quads) in 20 years. Examples of new technologies that will become prominent throughout the paper industry by the year 2000 include vapor recompression evaporation, oxygen bleaching, twin-wire forming and extended nip pressing. We present explicit projections of production shares (based on a computer model) for selected new technologies. New technology blends into an industry over a period of years. This paper examines some of the factors that accelerate or retard this transition in the capital-intensive (“heavy”) industries. For purposes of this article, our example is the paper industry, and so the examples of new innovations are drawn from pulp and paper-making processes. (Incidentally, we use the term “paper” throughout as a shorthand for SIC 26, Pulp, Paper and Paperboard.) The examination of paper-industry technology reported here is based to a great extent on a study of industrial energy use [1] conducted by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) for the U.S. Congress. The OTA study examined the four most energy-intensive American industries (paper, steel, chemicals and petroleum refining), to identify technologies to improve energy efficiency, to project industrial energy use in each industry between now and the end of the century, and to assess the impact of various policies on energy use and energy efficiency. The study found remarkable similarities between the four industries. One notable commonality is the attitude of management towards introduction of new technology.  相似文献   

This article describes barriers to technology transfer and changes that occurred when a technology—artificial intelligence—was introduced in an applied high-technology setting at the Deputate of Communications-Computers. Electronic Security Command, US Air Force, San Antonio, TX. The authors, who were responsible for transferring the technology, based their method on an accepted model that focuses on the ability of individuals to bring about change. They regard technology transfer as the introduction and communication of a technology for practical application. Transfer into an organization entails an appreciation by the transfer agent and the recipient of how the technology will be received, used, and applied; how it will affect the recipient's management style; and how the transfer process is designed to meet the needs of the organization. Identifying, infusing, and marketing technologies often causes hostile reactions by the targeted receiver, partly because it is a challenge to the status quo and partly because the organization's technical and non-technical people don't see eye-to-eye. This has been true in our setting. Specialists have been too adamant to accept contrary views and management has not taken the need for specialists and their new technologies seriously enough. He is Chief, Rapid Prototyping Section, and he heads artificial-intelligence development.  相似文献   

In this article, the role of consent is discussed in the framework of fundamental rights and in the context of mobile health technologies (mHealth), such as smart phones, mobile phones or tablet/palm-held computing devices to provide healthcare. The authors surmise how, in practice, although there will be more emphasis on informed consent formally, there will be less space for genuine individual consent. This betrays a focus more on the letter of consent rules in data protection than their spirit. This risks reducing consent to a tick box operation in a manner analogous to consumer transactions, something manifestly unsuitable for consent, even if only in informational terms, during medical procedures.  相似文献   

Japanese corporations are undergoing radical transition: they have begun to reassess the role, organization, and management of their internal R&D and technology commercialization activities in response to changing market, business, and technical conditions. From large consumer electronics firms such as Matsushita and Sony to the semiconductor and computing conglomerates such as Fujitsu and NEC, these organizations are under considerable pressure to both invent and innovate more rapidly and cheaply than ever before. As technologies become more complex and integrated—such as the convergence of electronics, computing, video, and broadcast television—it is no longer practical to assume that all of a firm's R&D needs can be met internally. This paper looks first at how major Japanese corporations have embraced technology transfer mechanisms such as licensing, joint collaboration, and the outsourcing of R&D to manage these changes dynamically and effectively. Secondly, this paper looks at why Japanese firms' record of managing collaboration and licensing, particularly on an international basis, has been disappointing because of a number of problems and barriers. These difficulties, which are compounded by the further externalization of research and technology and by increased licensing activity, have given rise to a need for new technology transfer services which, until recently, have not been available either within the organization or through local consulting firms in Japan. This paper concludes by outlining strategic and operational guidelines for managing licensing and collaboration arrangements between U.S. and Japanese firms which are also applicable in the general case. These insights are based on the experiences of managing licensing and collaboration programs between Japanese and U.S. organizations from the dual perspectives of two licensing firms—Innovation Partners, kk. in Japan and Competitive Technologies, Inc. of the United States.  相似文献   

The considerable amount of piracy of computer programs which has taken place recently has shaken the software industry's confidence in legal methods of protecting their products. If nothing more, the new Act should restore some of this confidence, but the industry must be prepared to take the legal measures now available. The stronger criminal sanctions provided for by section 3 of the Act emphasise the criminality of software piracy and it is hoped that the police will also begin to take software theft seriously. But there are some grey areas in copyright law as amended by the new Act; the precise scope of ‘material form’ and ‘adaptation’ are unclear - will the making of a duplicate of a program stored on magnetic cassette tape infringe copyright? A wide definition of ‘material form’ could have put protection beyond doubt whilst allowing for future developments in computer storage media. The new Act is seen as an interim measure pending a comprehensive review of copyright law (per Lord) Lucas of Chilworth, Hansard House of Lords, 10 May 1985 p. 873; he said that the Government hoped to bring forward a comprehensive Copyright Bill no later than the 1986/7 session). Furthermore, the whole area of computer storage of more traditional works of copyright such as literary and musical works, is not specifically mentioned in the new Act. Other questions such as the ownership of works including computer programs produced by or with the aid of a programmed grammed computer (first identified as being a likely problem as early as 1977 by the Whitford Committee) are not dealt with all by the Act. Lord Macmilland of Ovenden recently called for new legislation to deal with the copyright problems caused by new technology (The Times 18th September 1985 p.3), and it is hoped that full consideration will be given to the effect of computers on all forms of intellectual property when copyright law is rationalised and re-codified.  相似文献   

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