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There are several systems of Forensic Laboratories and Institutions in the USSR. They are operated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Public Health, the Committee of State Security, and the Ministry of Defense. Each Forensic Laboratory or Institution is divided into specialized departments and units which provide different examinations. Modern techniques and methods are applied to the examination of physical evidence. A particular attention is given to the theoretical research and development of Forensic Sciences.  相似文献   

The construction and use of the apparatus required for an improved density gradient system is described. The system is a combination of existing procedures, resultin in a system more suited for forensic science soil studies. The advantages consist of rapid, simultaneous filling of several tubes with identical density gradients and of the capability to remove individual fractions from the tubes for further study. Disadvantages are that an extra quantity of liquids is required and only a preset number of tubes can be filled at one time.  相似文献   

Forensic science is a unique discipline of applied science. At its core it is a science, yet finds its use in the application to cases that often go to a court of law. Practicing at the intersection of science and law poses distinct challenges, but also holds incredible potential in its ability to serve as a vehicle for integrity. The practice of forensic science in Africa is at a tipping point. Unchartered waters lie ahead for the continent and its forensic scientists. Often working in inadequately resourced environments, obstacles may seem insurmountable. As African forensic scientists, we can overcome these obstacles as we accept that we are connected and united in our goal to allow science to serve justice.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):610-620
Document fraud is a transnational form of crime, and its serial character has already been highlighted. To combat this phenomenon, the Interstate Database of Fraudulent Identity Documents (BIDIF) has been created and implemented in Switzerland. It supports the comparison of documents and the detection of series, i.e., documents that share a common source. To efficiently use such a system, forensic document examiners would benefit from a harmonised and proven profiling method. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a method for comparing documents and establishing series. The method is meant to improve the detection capabilities of forensic document examiners operating BIDIF or engaged in the profiling of fraudulent documents. First, a method based on the visual characteristics of digitised images of fraudulent identity documents has been developed. Subsequently, the method was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated using four tests. The first test verified the ability of the method to detect pre-existing series. The second test checked the capability of the method to detect links amongst isolated documents. Finally, two further tests were carried out to compare the method impact on the successful detection of series. These tests were carried out by professional forensic document examiners and Master students in forensic science, respectively. This allowed a comparison of the method influence on series detection. The method allowed a significant increase in the number of series and links detected, while also decreasing the occurrence of false negatives and false positives. Furthermore, links were more rapidly detected.  相似文献   

Li YB  Wu J  Hou YP 《法医学杂志》2005,21(2):96-99
目的建立荧光标记复合扩增检测4个STR基因座的方法,应用于法医学亲权鉴定与个人识别。方法用6-FAM标记D3S1754引物,HEX标记D4S2366和D12S375引物,TMR标记D1S549引物,PCR复合扩增,310基因分析仪电泳自动收集电泳结果数据,GeneScanAnalysisSoftware3.7NT计算扩增产物片段相对大小,Genotyper誖3.7NT软件进行样本基因型分型。将该方法应用于法医学亲权鉴定与个人识别。结果建立了荧光标记复合扩增检测4个STR基因座基因型的方法,具有良好的稳定性和较好的灵敏度,分型结果准确。结论研究建立的方法操作简便,分型结果稳定可靠,可用于遗传多态性研究和法医学亲权鉴定与个人识别。  相似文献   

A high-density aqueous salt solution for the preparation of density gradients is presented. It has been used successfully by the authors in forensic soil analysis. It has a density range that allows for the separation of a soil specimen's heavy mineral components. It has no odor or toxic fumes, which eliminates the need to use a hood during preparation, and is far superior to the organic liquids normally used to prepare density gradients. This liquid should cause many forensic scientists to reexamine their attitudes towards using density gradients in forensic soil casework.  相似文献   

Sodium hypochlorite is an efficient reagent for removal of unwanted DNA from laboratory surfaces. Here, we tested two different chlorine wipes and compared their performance to a 0.9–1.8% hypochlorite solution. WipeClean Chlorine Disinfection wipes contain > 0.1 g sodium hypochlorite/kg, whereas WetWipe Chlorine Desinfection wipes contain > 1000 ppm active chlorine. Clean surfaces were contaminated with 10 µL 0.5 ng/µL of massively parallel sequencing libraries. The DNA was dried and left for 45 min before any treatment. The surfaces were cleaned using either 1) a 0.9–1.8% hypochlorite solution and clean wipes, 2) a WipeClean wipe, 3) a WetWipe, or 4) the surface was not cleaned. All experiments were repeated three times. Subsequently, the surfaces were swabbed using cotton swabs. DNA was extracted from the swabs and the DNA concentrations were determined in quadruplicates by real-time PCR. This protocol was repeated after the soft plastic wrapping around the wipes were left open or closed for several weeks. The results showed that the WipeClean wipes efficiently removed DNA for up to four weeks after the box with the wipes were opened, whereas the WetWipe wipes dried faster and gradually lost their cleaning effect.  相似文献   

Xiao J  Zhang HX  Liu L 《法医学杂志》2005,21(2):146-148
对虚拟现实技术的概况及其在法医病理中的运用、发展前景进行了综述。文献资料表明:随着手术导航系统、虚拟尸检、显微影像技术等虚拟现实技术的产生发展,这必将对法医病理学的教学、实验、科研及其实际运用产生深远的影响,并将极大推动本学科的发展。但由于软硬条件、成本、费用等的限制,这一技术要真正进入实践运用还需要进一步改进、完善。  相似文献   

A DNA microarray system for forensic SNP analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Forensic DNA analysis is routinely performed using polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) markers. However, for degraded or minute DNA samples, analysis of autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in short fragments might be more successful. Furthermore, sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is often performed on highly degraded or scarce samples due to the high copy number of mtDNA in each cell. Due to the increasing number of complete mtDNA genome sequences available, the limited discrimination power of an mtDNA analysis, may be increased by analysis of coding region polymorphisms in addition to the non-coding variation. Since sequence analysis of the coding region would require more material than generally present in forensic samples, an alternative SNP analysis approach is required. We have developed a one-colour microarray-based SNP detection system for limited forensic materials. The method is based on minisequencing in solution prior to hybridisation to universal tag-arrays. In a first outline of a forensic chip, a combination of 12 nuclear and 21 mitochondrial SNP markers are analysed simultaneously. The mitochondrial markers on the chip are polymorphisms within the hypervariable region as well as in the coding region. Even though the number of markers in the current system is limited, it can easily be extended to yield a greater power of discrimination. When fully developed, microarray analysis provides a promising system for efficient sensitive SNP analysis of forensic samples in the future.  相似文献   

Memory forensics has gradually moved into the focus of researchers and practitioners alike in recent years. With an increasing effort to extract valuable information from a snapshot of a computer's RAM, the necessity to properly assess the respective solutions rises as well. In this paper, we present an evaluation platform for forensic memory acquisition software. The platform is capable of measuring distinct factors that determine the quality of a generated memory image, specifically its correctness, atomicity, and integrity. Tests are performed for three popular open source applications, win32dd, WinPMEM, and mdd, as well as for different memory sizes.  相似文献   

A forensic genotyping panel of 11 tetranucleotide STR loci from the domestic cat was characterized and evaluated for genetic individualization of cat tissues. We first examined 49 candidate STR loci and their frequency assessment in domestic cat populations. The STR loci (3-4 base pair repeat motifs), mapped in the cat genome relative to 579 coding loci and 255 STR loci, are well distributed across the 18 feline autosomes. All loci exhibit Mendelian inheritance in a multi-generation pedigree. Eleven loci that were unlinked and were highly heterozygous in cat breeds were selected for a forensic panel. Heterozygosity values obtained for the independent loci, ranged from 0.60-0.82, while the average cat breed heterozygosity obtained for the 11 locus panel was 0.71 (range of 0.57-0.83). A small sample set of outbred domestic cats displayed a heterozygosity of 0.86 for the 11 locus panel. The power of discrimination of the panel is moderate to high in the cat breeds examined, with an average P(m) of 3.7E-06. The panel shows good potential for genetic individualization within outbred domestic cats with a P(m) of 5.31E-08. A multiplex protocol, designed for the co-amplification of the 11 loci and a gender-identifying locus, is species specific and robust, generating a product profile with as little as 0.125 nanograms of genomic DNA.  相似文献   

The fast growth of the average size of digital forensic targets demands new automated means to quickly, accurately and reliably correlate digital artifacts. Such tools need to offer more flexibility than the routine known-file filtering based on crypto hashes. Currently, there are two tools for which NIST has produced reference hash sets–ssdeep and sdhash. The former provides a fixed-sized fuzzy hash based on random polynomials, whereas the latter produces a variable-length similarity digest based on statistically-identified features packed into Bloom filters.This study provides a baseline evaluation of the capabilities of these tools both in a controlled environment and on real-world data. The results show that the similarity digest approach significantly outperforms in terms of recall and precision in all tested scenarios and demonstrates robust and scalable behavior.  相似文献   

On January 1st, 2006, the Swedish legislation on obtaining DNA reference samples from suspects and the recording of DNA profiles in databases was changed. As a result the number of samples analysed at the Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science (SKL) increased from about 4500 in 2005 to more than 25,000 in 2006. To meet this challenge, SKL launched a new analysis system to create an unbroken chain, from sampling to incorporation of a profile in the national DNA database and subsequent automatic generation of digitally signed hit reports. The system integrates logistics, digital data transfer, new functions in LIMS (ForumDNA Version 4, Ida Infront AB) and laboratory automation. Buccal swab samples are secured on a FTA® card attached to an identity form, which is barcoded with a unique sample ID. After sampling, the police officer sends a digital request to SKL. The sample is automatically registered in LIMS and processed on delivery. The resulting DNA profiles are automatically classified according to quality using a custom-made expert system. Building the evaluation around mathematical rules makes it reproducible, standardised and minimises manual work and clerk errors. All samples are run in duplicate and the two profiles are compared within LIMS before incorporation in the database. In the first year of operation, the median time for completion of an analysis was 3 days, measured from delivery of the sample to incorporation of the profile in the national DNA database. In spite of the dramatic increase in the number of reference samples there was no backlog.  相似文献   

There are a number of forensic cases in which the identification of the epithelial cell type from which DNA originated would provide important probative evidence. This study aimed to develop a technique using histological staining of fixed cells to distinguish between skin, buccal and vaginal epithelium. First, 11 different stains were screened on formalin-fixed, wax-embedded cells from five women. Samples were analysed qualitatively by examining staining patterns (colour) and morphology (absence or presence of nuclei). Three of the staining methods – Dane's, Csaba's and Ayoub-Shklar – were successful in distinguishing skin epithelial cells from buccal and vaginal. Second, cells were smeared directly onto slides, fixed with one of five fixatives and stained with one of the three stains mentioned above. Methanol fixation, coupled with the Dane's staining method, specific to keratin, was the only technique that distinguished between all three cell types. Skin cells stained magenta, red and orange and lacked nuclei; buccal cells stained predominantly orange–pink with red nuclei; while vaginal cells stained bright orange with orange nuclei and a blue extracellular hue. This staining pattern in vaginal cells was consistent in samples collected from 50 women aged between 18 and 67. Identification of cell type from unlabelled micrographs by 10 trained observers showed a mean success rate of 95%. The results of this study demonstrate that histological staining may provide forensic scientists with a technique for distinguishing between skin, buccal and vaginal epithelial cells and thus would enable more conclusive analyses when investigating sexual assault cases.  相似文献   

Existing work on digital forensics timeline generation focuses on extracting times from a disk image into a timeline. Such an approach can produce several million ‘low-level’ events (e.g. a file modification or a Registry key update) for a single disk. This paper proposes a technique that can automatically reconstruct high-level events (e.g. connection of a USB stick) from this set of low-level events. The paper describes a framework that extracts low-level events to a SQLite backing store which is automatically analysed for patterns. The provenance of any high-level events is also preserved, meaning that from a high-level event it is possible to determine the low-level events that caused its inference, and from those, the raw data that caused the low-level event to be initially created can also be viewed. The paper also shows how such high-level events can be visualised using existing tools.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):602-609
For the past 7 years, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (MALDI MS) based methods have been developed and published for the forensic detection of blood in stains and fingermarks. However, in the view of adoption in an operational context, further investigation into the capabilities and limitations of this approach must be conducted. The refinement and testing of this approach must also be tailored to the requirements of the end users, enabling them to address the specific circumstances most encountered in a forensic scenario. The present study delves deeper into the assessment of the applicability of MALDI MS based strategy for the reliable and robust detection of human blood through: (i) a semi-qualitative assessment of the sensitivity of the method, (ii) a wider investigation of the compatibility of the method with the prior application of commonly used presumptive tests and (iii) assessment of the specificity of the method (when blood is present in mixture with other biofluids) and of its robustness, by assessing blood detection from a range of porous materials. The findings strengthen the evidence supporting the adoption of MALDI MS based approaches as a confirmatory test for the forensic detection of human blood in an operational context.  相似文献   

The State of Michigan uses the Datamaster as an evidential breath testing device. The newest version, the DMT, will replace current instruments in the field as they are retired from service. The Michigan State Police conducted comparison studies to test the analytical properties of the new instrument and to evaluate its response to conditions commonly cited in court defenses. The effects of mouth alcohol, objects in the mouth, and radiofrequency interference on paired samples from drinking subjects were assessed on the DMT. The effects of sample duration and chemical interferents were assessed on both instruments, using drinking subjects and wet-bath simulators, respectively. Our testing shows that Datamaster and DMT results are essentially identical; the DMT gave accurate readings as compared with measurements made using simulators containing standard ethanol solutions and that the DMT did not give falsely elevated breath alcohol results from any of the influences tested.  相似文献   

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