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制贩假火车票是指利用各种手段伪造或变造火车票进行贩卖的案件.伪造假火车票的手段主要有涂改、挖补和打印制版、印刷制版等方式.其中印刷假票危害最大,且每年都有新的印刷版本出现.打击制贩假火车票犯罪的对策:加强宣传、防范力度;把打击制贩假票犯罪与客票调查、打击炒票工作结合起来;建立统一的假火车票信息收集、反馈系统,并建立快速反应机制;加强对假票样本统一收集和检验工作;建立健全多警种联合侦查工作模式;加强与地方公安机关的合作和情报信息资料的积累工作.  相似文献   

制假窝点造了73家派出所公章。 2005年10月中旬,武汉警方在后湖乡淌湖村查获捣毁一制贩假证窝点。一对湖南娄底的中年男女,2005年初来到淌湖村,开始制贩假证、假户口等,  相似文献   

帅政 《瞭望》2008,(27)
6月14日,山西太原市公安局破获一起特大制贩假证团伙,3名湖南涟源籍团伙成员全部归案,收缴各种假证假公章多达一卡车。仅收缴的假公章就达4万余枚,上至国家各部委、下至各省市县的教育、公安、城建、房地、卫生、资源等行政机关,各类公章应有尽有。这是太原市公安局破获的近年来最大的一起制售假证案件。在这一案件背后,潜藏着的是当前犯罪地区专业化的严重问题。  相似文献   

正据《西安晚报》报道,"建造师证、军残证、身份证、资格证,只要是客户需求的,她就能伪造出来"。近日,兴庆路派出所根据小广告留下的电话线索,捣毁了一家伪造、买卖国家证件的窝点。这里几乎什么证件都可以做,造假的"能力"和"胆量"非同一般。公安部门虽然破获了这个制贩假证犯罪窝点,但不知已有多少假证流入了社会。由此联想到,其他城市还有多少制假证窝点未被"挖出"?不知还有多少制假证犯罪嫌疑人未被抓获归案,继续从事着犯罪勾当。伪造、买卖国家证件扰乱社会秩序,是犯罪行为,中国相关法律对  相似文献   

时间是犯罪的要素,也是智能犯罪者耍弄伎俩实施犯罪或蒙蔽侦查机关的重点.清醒地认识这些伎俩并在侦查时采取适当之对策非常必要.当前犯罪人在时间上的常见伎俩是:不仅指使他人犯罪避开直接犯罪时间而且指使他人当"替身";不仅存在时间上的假证,而且采用调改时间指示或假去外地返回犯罪等;不仅间隙短时作案,而且当面用极短时间实施犯罪而不使人发觉;采用一些智能性伎俩拖延犯罪被发现时间;分离犯罪和危害出现时间、犯罪时间无规律、共犯分割作案时间等.对此应采取反面设想、细化调查,侦查实验、验证时间,从其他作案条件着手,秘密侦查获取犯罪证据,对嫌疑人或证人测谎等侦查对策.  相似文献   

在现代知识密集的情况下 ,犯罪分子的智能化程度会越来越高 ,制贩假火车票的手段也在不断升级。这就要求我们研究、掌握制贩假火车票的特点 ,积极地寻找对策 ,始终保持打击制贩假火车票犯罪的凌厉攻势 ,维护铁路运输生产安全 ,维护社会主义市场秩序和广大旅客的根本利益。  相似文献   

大数据时代下的犯罪呈现出新趋势:非传统化、多元化威胁,犯罪活力、再生力明显增强,远程非接触式犯罪增大打击难度。这导致传统犯罪侦查模式受到冲击:滞后型打击模式亟需转换,经验型决策模式呼唤科学理性,孤岛型情报模式不利创新实践,科层制组织模式阻碍机制运转。为此,有必要从犯罪预测、侦查破案、侦查办案与侦查组织等方面对大数据视野下的侦查新思路着手,以期在理论上找到新时代下犯罪与侦查的制衡点,并对侦查工作的进一步完善起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

毒品犯罪日益猖獗,并逐步向有组织犯罪的方向发展。在重刑治毒的政策下,有组织毒品犯罪陷入越打击越多的困境。从经济学的角度看,有组织毒品犯罪的猖獗是毒品供给市场与需求市场共同作用的结果——低成本、高利润促使毒品制贩严重,供给市场毒源充足;吸毒群体日益庞大,需求市场持续存在。有效治理有组织毒品犯罪应从"供""需"两个方面入手,解决"供"的问题就要"堵源截流",打击毒品制贩;解决"需"的问题就要"禁吸戒毒",压缩毒品市场。  相似文献   

近年来毒品犯罪呈现多发态势,有力打击毒品犯罪、遏制毒品犯罪案件的再发展是当前公安工作的一项重要内容。毒品犯罪案件具有的团伙性、跨区域性、手段隐蔽、智能化对抗性明显和犯罪证据收集困难等特点。毒品犯罪案件的侦查需要注意选择恰当的时机,正确使用技术侦查和诱惑侦查手段,并加强视听资料的运用。  相似文献   

新时期的涉烟经济犯罪呈现出网络化、专业化、跨区域等显著特征,公安机关运用传统的打击方式难以彻底瓦解整个犯罪组织。针对这一现象,公安机关可探索集群战役的新型作战模式,充分发挥通力合作的优势,深入研判犯罪线索,统一进行侦查和打击,以达到取缔犯罪的目标。  相似文献   

对于民间私募证券投资基金运作中的危害行为,刑法既要积极干预又要慎重适度。民间私募证券投资基金募集中可能构成的罪名有:非法吸收公众存款罪,集资诈骗罪,组织、领导传销活动罪,擅自设立金融机构罪,伪造、变造、转让金融机构经营许可证、批准文件罪,非法经营罪,虚假广告罪,擅自发行股票、公司企业债券罪,欺诈发行股票、债券罪,虚报注册资本罪,虚假出资、抽逃出资罪;民间私募证券投资基金运作中可能构成的罪名有:内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪,利用未公开信息交易罪,操纵证券、期货市场罪,编造并传播证券、期货交易虚假信息罪,违规披露、不披露重要信息罪,隐匿、故意销毁会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会计报告罪;民间私募证券投资基金清算中可能构成的罪名是妨害清算罪。  相似文献   

再论犯罪现场的概念——兼与尤小文博士商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪现场的概念有狭义和广义之分,狭义的犯罪现场概念是指发生犯罪行为的空间场所;广义的犯罪现场概念是指与犯罪行为有关的人、物、时、空存在及其内在联系的总和,其中,与犯罪有关的人、物、时、空要素是犯罪现场的四个维度,犯罪行为是联系各个犯罪要素的函数方程,犯罪现场的内在结构模型就是犯罪现场构成要素的立体图形.犯罪现场概念的研究应包括各种学科与层次的方法.犯罪现场学是专门研究犯罪现场的理论和知识体系的总和,是犯罪现场概念等理论发展到高级阶段的产物.犯罪现场概念与刑事侦查学理论体系有内在联系.犯罪现场的本质是犯罪活动的社会存在,其应用价值体现主要是解析犯罪线索和搜集犯罪证据.犯罪现场的概念是反映和联系犯罪存在和犯罪证据的桥梁.  相似文献   

Calaresu  Marco  Triventi  Moris 《Policy Sciences》2019,52(2):255-279
Policy Sciences - In the last decades, governing by contracts, and in particular security contracts and pacts, has been increasingly promoted as a principal means of advancing crime prevention and...  相似文献   

As performance management systems gain popularity in police agencies, they are increasingly being criticized for their ineffectiveness at reducing crime and for encouraging abuse of authority. Scholars and practitioners, however, argue that these systems can be effective if they are implemented properly with the use of best practices. This article contributes to this debate by evaluating the impact of performance management systems and associated best practices on improving police performance. An analysis of primary survey data of 308 U.S. police agencies shows that performance management systems are effective tools in helping reduce crime across almost all crime categories. However, the best practices of performance reporting to citizens and providing discretion to officers have no significant impact on crime reduction, while consulting officers in the target‐setting process has a negative impact on police performance.  相似文献   

Rising inequality and pro-affluent housing policy have led affluent Americans to become increasingly isolated into neighborhoods that only they are able to afford. I use an under-utilized and unusually large dataset to measure the effects of this isolation on affluent Americans’ perception of social conditions, including crime, healthcare accessibility, joblessness, and public school quality. I find that the affluent form perceptions of such social conditions by extrapolating from the conditions that exist in their own neighborhoods. When these neighborhoods are predominately affluent, offering little hint of the problems faced by the lower classes, the affluent take on perceptions of social conditions that are significantly more positive than the perceptions of everyone else in society. By leading politically and economically powerful affluent Americans to develop the false sense that others’ lives are as problem-free as their own, class isolation may imperil the prospects for improving social conditions in the United States.  相似文献   

The Indian space program is increasingly militarized. A clear policy shift in this direction has taken place. The transformation is happening because of international cooperation, especially in the civilian domain. In order to get foreign support, India projects the civilian image of its space program by arguing that there are bureaucratic and organizational barriers between civil and military programs that control internal diversion. At the same time, there exists evidence of civilian technology acquired through foreign sources being diverted for military use.  相似文献   

Ning Ye  Yun Zhao 《社会征候学》2019,29(3):319-335

As a new kind of contactless crime, the telecom and internet fraud has become a public hazard, with criminals targeting massive numbers of innocent victims. It is a prominent criminal problem that currently affects social stability and the sense of security of the public. Since the six Ministries and Commissions jointly cracked down the crime in 2016, the number of cases and the number of people deceived have decreased, but the occurrence and frequency has still been at a high rate, and the situation is deteriorating. Regardless of the scientific and technological means used by fraudsters, the main medium is language. From a sociosemiotic perspective, this study identifies that the criminal suspects use the discourse resources to fabricate false information and construct false identities through discursive practice, with the aim of achieving the communicative purpose of obtaining victims’ trust, tricking, deceiving and manipulating their victims into giving out confidential information and funds. This study, taking telecom fraud discourse as one type of genre, examines the dynamic process of selecting and constructing identities by manipulating related discourse resources and strategies in the social-cultural context. This study further provides a sociosemiotic solution to telecom fraud prevention.  相似文献   

Public concerns about the costs of immigration and crime are high, and sometimes overlapping. This article investigates the relationship between immigration into a metropolitan area and that area's crime rate during the 1980s. Using data from the Uniform Crime Reports and the Current Population Surveys, we find, in the cross section, that cities with high crime rates tend to have large numbers of immigrants. However, controlling for the demographic characteristics of the cities, recent immigrants appear to have no effect on crime rates. In explaining changes in a city's crime rate over time, the flow of immigrants again has no effect, whether or not we control for other city-level characteristics. In a secondary analysis of individual data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), we find that youth born abroad are statistically significantly less likely than native-born youth to be criminally active.  相似文献   

Youth crime is a serious social problem, as is the high proportion of young offenders in the juvenile justice system who have mental disorders. A recent policy innovation applies the theory of therapeutic jurisprudence and diverts youth with mental disorders to treatment in lieu of further court processing. The expansion of mental health diversion programs reflects an increasingly popular view that there is a causal relationship between youth mental disorders and crime. Policymakers who share this view place greater emphasis on rehabilitation and treatment as a way to reduce crime, rather than on stricter punishment. This paper considers the policy issues around youth mental health diversion programs. In addition, it evaluates the effect of a mental health diversion program for youth that was implemented in Texas. The paper finds that mental health diversion can be used effectively to delay or prevent youth recidivism.  相似文献   

Political Behavior - Social media has increasingly enabled “fake news” to circulate widely, most notably during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. These intentionally false...  相似文献   

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