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Guided by an integrated theory of parent participation, this study examines the role community characteristics play in influencing a parent's decision to use voluntary child abuse prevention programs. Multiple regression techniques were used to determine if different community characteristics, such as neighborhood distress and the community's ratio of caregivers to those in need of care, predict service utilization levels in a widely available home visiting program. Our findings suggest that certain community characteristics are significant predictors of the extent to which families utilize voluntary family supports over and above the proportion of variance explained by personal characteristics and program experiences. Contrary to our initial assumptions, however, new parents living in the most disorganized communities received more home visits than program participants living in more organized communities. The article concludes with recommendations on how community capacity building might be used to improve participant retention.  相似文献   

英语阅读理解着重考查考生对各种题材和体裁书面材料的理解能力,以及从各种材料中获取信息的能力。同样,对大多数将英语作为外语的学习者来说,一生中最常用的英语技能就是阅读了,因为阅读是语言积累和输入的主要途径,在听、说、读、写四项技能中占有很重要的地位。只要稍加留意就会发现,国内外各种语言测试中阅读理解占考试内容的很大比重,这说明阅读能力的高低是检验学习者水平的一个主要方面。培养学生阅读理解能力一直是英语教学的重点,对学生的阅读能力提出了更高的要求。阅读能力的提高离不开大量的阅读实践,更需要一定的理论作指导,由于阅读是从文字系统中提取信息的过程,读者要进行复杂的心理活动,如联想、预测、推理、评价等方面的信息加工,而考生却因为缺少语言基础,阅读技能和不好的阅读习惯而深感困惑。本文旨在表明今后英语教学活动中加强学生阅读策略和阅读习惯培养的教学发展趋势及其重要性。  相似文献   

On June 15, 2011, Washington became the first state in the United States to enact legislation aimed at preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACE), reducing their prevalence, and mitigating their effects. House Bill 1965 (HB 1965) was established on the understanding among legislators and Washington communities of the need for policies aimed at preventing child abuse, promoting healthy development of children, and building community capacity to improve public health. Empirical examples of integrating ACE-related research with public policy and programmatic design are chronicled. The legislators who developed HB 1965 lay out questions that, if answered, would further improve policymakers' ability to craft public policy and programs that prevent ACE, reduce their effects, and promote a healthier, safer future.  相似文献   

大学生村官现状调查研究——以浙江省长兴县为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选拔大学生到村和社区工作,是党中央作出的一项重大战略决策,具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的战略意义.长兴县的实践表明,大学生在村和社区的各项工作中发挥了积极的作用,但在管理、培养、使用、待遇等方面存在的问题,必须引起领导和相关部门的高度重视.要通过切实可行的手段,认真加以改进和解决.  相似文献   

Violence prevention programs are commonplace in today’s schools, though reviews of the literature reveal mixed empirical findings on their effectiveness. Often, these programs include a variety of components such as social skills training, student mentoring, and activities designed to build a sense of school community that have not been tested for individual effectiveness. To fill this gap, we wanted to determine the relationships between specific violence prevention program components and aggression and violence outcomes. Using the U.S. Department of Education’s School Survey on Crime and Safety, we estimated the effects of components of violence prevention programs through analyses with proportional odds logistic regression and Poisson regression models. We found significant relationships between three violence prevention program components (individual attention, mentoring, tutoring, and/or coaching; recreational, enrichment, or leisure activities; and involving students in resolving student conduct problems) and aggression and violence outcomes.  相似文献   

阅读是英语学习者必须掌握的四种基本技能之一,它能提高读者的认识能力,从而促进英语的听、说和写的能力的提高。随着市场人才需求的多样化,社会对中职毕业生的要求也在日益提高。中职生学习英语的主要目的是阅读英文资料、获取科学知识和与本专业相关的信息,因此如何提高中职生的阅读能力就成为中职英语教学的主要任务。  相似文献   

Witnessing violence is one adverse childhood experience (ACE) associated with living in impoverished Black urban communities. Youth with higher violence avoidance self-efficacy and positive coping are more likely to avoid violence. This study evaluates educational entertainment (edutainment) as an intervention with Black adolescents exposed to community violence. Edutainment has shown success in increasing self-efficacy and positive coping skills in other domains. Self-administered scales were used to measure stress, anxiety, violence avoidance self-efficacy, and coping strategies. Data were collected pre- and nine days post-interventions/no intervention from 20 subjects receiving the edutainment intervention, 19 subjects participating in a group discussion about violence, and 21 subjects receiving no intervention (N?=?60). Edutainment and no intervention were more effective than group discussion alone in increasing violence avoidance self-efficacy. Violence avoidance self-efficacy was found to have an intervening relationship between edutainment and the outcome of stress. This study indicates limited but positive effects for edutainment.  相似文献   

This introduction to the themed issue overviews of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and discusses prevention and intervention with ACE and their consequences in communities. A commentary by Dr. Robert Anda, an ACE Study Co-Principal Investigator, is incorporated within this introduction. Implications of articles within the issue are addressed, and next steps are explored.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of a school-based anxiety prevention program among urban children exposed to community violence. Students who attended Title 1 public elementary schools were screened. Ninety-eight 3rd-5th-grade students (ages 8-12; 48% female; 92% African American) were randomized into preventive intervention versus wait list comparison groups. Students attended 13 biweekly one-hour group sessions of a modified version of FRIENDS, a cognitive-behavioral anxiety intervention program. Results indicated that both intervention and control groups manifested significant reductions in anxiety symptomatology and total exposure to community violence, along with improved standardized reading achievement scores. Additional gains observed only in the intervention group were increased standardized mathematics achievement scores, decreased life stressors, and reduced victimization by community violence. The intervention was equally efficacious for both genders and for children exposed to higher, compared to lower, levels of community violence. Implications for comprehensive, culturally and contextually relevant prevention programs and research are discussed.  相似文献   


Many communities offer programs aimed at improving teen dating skills and knowledge about violence and sexual behavior. This research study evaluates one such program, operated by an interagency collaborative. Each of four participating community agencies provided one hour of curriculum during one week of health class. Lecture, group activities, and films were used in the intervention. A 0 X 0 design was used to examine changes in knowledge and attitudes among 74 students. Results indicate that most students began with fairly high knowledge levels and appropriate attitudes. Nevertheless, the program did appear to have a positive impact on those who exhibited less knowledge about and more tolerant attitudes toward exploitive dating behaviors at pre-test. Implications of results for the school context are discussed.  相似文献   

正As off-campus academic tutoring has been reined in,art education gets a leg up Absorbed by the appreciation of illustration,11-year-old Zhang Duoduo is one of the children joining their parents at the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition China Tour,which was launched in Beijing in mid-August.  相似文献   

Study Burden Cut     
正Primary and junior-high school students and their parents across the country have seen some changes since the new school year started on September 1. Students have less homework, and their parents no longer need to correct the homework of their children. At the same time, the number of after-school tutoring institutions for primary and junior-high school students is reducing.  相似文献   

本科生导师制起源于英国牛津大学,2002年起我国高等院校开始引进本科生导师制。本科生导师应从德才兼备的专业课教师中遴选。导师应为本科生教育教师系统中极为重要的不可替代、不可或缺的组成部分,他们应当成为本科生做人、做学问的引路人。导师应当与辅导员等各种类型的教师团结协作,各司其职,共担人才培养大任。导师的基本职责有二:一是导师应当注重"育人",通过与本科生的思想交流,培养具有健全和高尚人格的人才;二是导师应当充分发挥其独特的专业优势,"传道、授业、解惑",培养出优秀的专业人才。  相似文献   

A New Craze     
In July the central authorities issued new guide-lines to reduce the excessive burden of homework and after-school tutoring on students. The guide-lines, also known as the "double reduction" policy, apply to all students in the compulsory education stage. According to the policy, curriculum-based after-school training institutions are not allowed to teach during national holidays, weekends or winter and summer vacations. As a result, students have more time to participate in sports, and sports training institutions are gaining momentum.  相似文献   

何军 《青年论坛》2008,(2):69-71
在高校和谐校园建设中,具有学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务功能的学生社团发挥着重要的载体作用:为加强大学生思想政治教育提供了教育新载体,为校园文化建设提供了活动新载体,为和谐教学关系与师生关系的建立提供了沟通新载体,为大学生个性的全面和谐发展提供了锻炼新载体。  相似文献   

正Chinese online education platform 51 Talk has occupied a large share in the domestic market with its online courses provided by Philippine English-speaking teachers.After the Chinese authorities issued a guideline in July on regulating the tutoring market to ease the burden on students in compulsory education,the company issued a statement on August 9 that it would stop selling courses by foreign teachers to domestic teenage students from that day onward,and shift its focus toward adult English teaching-also a key component of its business.  相似文献   

外国留学生住宿社会化背景下,留学生聚居区逐渐形成。北京市海淀区五道口留学生聚居区是北京市管辖外国留学生数量最多,处理留学生事务最多,留学生管理服务最先进的社区之一。通过研究在京留学生居留现状,分析留学生社会化管理中存在的问题,对完善公安机关外国留学生管理提出建议和意见。  相似文献   

张鸽 《青年论坛》2010,(4):143-148
在学习英语语言“听、说、读、写”四项技能中,听力理解是英语学习中一门重要的专业主干课程,它对整个英语学习具有促进作用。然而在每年入学的大一新生中,总有一部分英语听力困难学生。从观察、分析听力困难学生所存在问题及形成的原因着手,并通过测试的实证研究,找出问题的症结所在。针对这些问题与困难,在教学实践中采取一系列具体的相应对策,从而使英语听力困难学生的转变取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   


Guided by an integrated theory of parent participation, this study examines the role community characteristics play in influencing a parent's decision to use voluntary child abuse prevention programs. Multiple regression techniques were used to determine if different community characteristics, such as neighborhood distress and the community's ratio of caregivers to those in need of care, predict service utilization levels in a widely available home visiting program. Our findings suggest that certain community characteristics are significant predictors of the extent to which families utilize voluntary family supports over and above the proportion of variance explained by personal characteristics and program experiences. Contrary to our initial assumptions, however, new parents living in the most disorganized communities received more home visits than program participants living in more organized communities. The article concludes with recommendations on how community capacity building might be used to improve participant retention.  相似文献   

Research shows that male peer influence is a significant predictor of violent sexual behavior. However, men challenging sexual violence within their male peer communities may exert a counter-influence, shifting community norms and behaviors. Using the Fraternity Peer Rape Education Program as a case study, this article examines the ways that fraternity men in a peer rape education program make sense of and interact within their communities. Through coded interviews, this article examines participants' perceptions of change within themselves, within their interactions with fraternity brothers, and within their fraternities. Learning about sexual violence altered participants' worldview and created a communal sense of partnership and responsibility, while simultaneously limiting the traditional ways that fraternal communities are maintained. This experience provides lessons for how we may begin creating communities of men against sexual violence, as well as what support may be required for such messy, nonlinear change processes.  相似文献   

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