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Government Service as a Profession, Brisbane, Queensland Regional Group of the Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1978 K. WINDOW, Local Government Reform, Brisbane, Queensland Group of the Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1978 JAMES M. BUCHANAN and RICHARD E. WAGNER, FiscalResponsibility in Constitutional Democracy, Leiden and Boston, Studies in Public Choice, No. I, Martinus Nijhoff, 1978 Y. FORTIN, Le Controle de I'Administration Economique en Grand-Bretagne, Paris, Editions du CNRS, 1978 Ethics in Public Administration: A Bibliography, Canberra, Public Service Board, 1979 R. N. SPANN, Government Administration in Australia, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1979 COLIN PRITCHARD and RICHARD TAYLOR, Social Work: Reform or Revolution? R. T. GOLEMBIEWSKI and M. COHEN, People in Public Service: A Reader in Public Personnel Administration, Illinois, Peacock Publishers Inc., 1976 CLAUDIA D. SCOTT, Local and Regional Government in New Zealand: Function and Finance R. M. BURNS, Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: Canadian and Australian Experiences, Canberra, The Australian National University Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations, Research Monograph No. 22 1977 ALBERT BRETON and ANTHONY SCOTT, The Economic Consrirurion of Federal Stares, Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1978 Bureau of Transport Economics, A Discussion Paper of Transport Planning in Sydney to 1975, Canberra, AGPS, 1978 RUSSELL MATHEWS, Australian Federalism 1977, Canberra, The Australian National University Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations, 1978 RICHARD L. DAFT and SELWYN W. BECKER, Innovarion in Organizations. Innovation Adoption in School Organizations, New York, Elsevier, 1978 RICHARD LEHNE, The Quest for Justice. The Politics of School Finance Reform, New York, Longmans, 1978 JEAN I. MARTIN, The Migrant Presence. Australian Responses 1947–1977, Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, Studies in Society series No. 2, 1978 H. WHITMORE and M. ARONSON, Review of Administrative Action, Sydney, The Law Book Co., 1978 R. A. WILD, Social Strarification in Ausrralia, Sydney, George Allen & Unwin Australia Ltd., Studies in Society series No. 3,1978 ADAM GRAYCAR, Social Policy: An Australian Inrroducrion, Melbourne, Macmillan, 1977 DAVID SOLOMON, Inside rhe Australian Parfiamenr, Sydney, George Allen and Unwin, 1978 J. R. HAY, The Development of rhe British Werfare Srare. 1880–1975, London, Edward Arnold, 1978 INA BERTRAND, Film Censorship in Australia, St. Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1978 BRUCE MUIRDEN, When Power Wenr Public: a Study in Expediency: the nationalisation of the Adelaide Electric Supply Co., Bedford Park, APSA, Politics, Flinders University, 1978 ANDREW LEMON (ed.), Archives Conference Proceedings, 1977, Australian Society of Archivists, P.O. Box 83, O'Connor 2601, 1978 H. C. COOMBS, Kulinma: Listening to Aboriginal Australians, Canberra, Australian National University Press, 1979 DIANA CLOSE, LOULA RODOPOULOS, JENNIE M. BRIGGS, and ELISABETH GAWITH, Interviewing Immigrants: Developing Research in the Australian Context, Melbourne, Clearing House on Migration Issues, 1978  相似文献   

《Political studies》1962,10(2):219-222

《Political studies》1961,9(1):99-103


《Political studies》1960,8(3):335-340

Book reviewed in this article: Guy Benveniste and Warren F. Ilchman (eds.). Agents of Change: Professionals in Developing Countries. Australian Academy of Science. Records. L. F. Crisp and B. C. Atkinson (compilers). Melbourne Punch Profiles, 1904–1929: A Chronological List.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: R. A. Chapman . Decision Making. H. Victor Wiseman . Local Government at Work. Brian C. Smith , Field Administration. R. K. Alderman and J. A. Cross . The Tactics of Resignation. K. B. Smellie . A History of Local Government. Samuel J. Eldersvelt et al. The Citizen and the Administrator in a Developing Democracy.  相似文献   

《Political studies》1958,6(1):97-100

Book reviewed in this article: official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No. Business and Procedures of the House of Representatives. H. J. Hofstra . New Techniques of Budget Preparation and Management. C. E. Hawley and R. G. Weintraub (eds). Administrative Questions and Political Answers. R. A. Irish . A Businessman's Views of the Administration H. G. Gelber . Australia, Britain and the E.E.C., 1961 to 1963. M. W. Raffel . Planning by the North Canterbury Hospital Board. J. William Fulbright . Prospects for the West. E. M. Kassalow . National Labor Movements in the Postwar World. Bruce H. Millen . The Political Role of Labor in Developing Countries. J. Edward Gerald . The Social Responsibility of the Press. Sanford A. Lakoff . Equality in Political Philosophy. hilip Mullenbach . Civilian Nuclear Power. H. V. Livermore . A New History of Portugal. Nikola Balog . Administrative Management of Public Enterprises. Mumtaz Soysal . Public Relations in Administration: II. The Influence of the Public on the Operation of Public Administration, Excluding Electoral Rights.  相似文献   

《Political studies》1956,4(2):221-224

《Political studies》1956,4(3):332-336

Raymond J. O'DEA. A Guide to Industrial Relations in Australia. West Publishing Corporation, Sydney, 1967 Michael Baume . The Sydney Opera House Affair. Nelson, Melbourne, 1967 John A. Salmond . The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933–1942. Duke University Press, Durham, N.C. 1967 Eugene B. Skolnikoff . Science, Technology, and American Foreign Policy. M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967 A. F. Davies . Images of Class. Sydney Studies in Politics No. 6. Sydney University W. Haus and A. Krebsbach . Local Government Laws in Europe. Kohl-hammer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1967  相似文献   

C.P. H arris , The Classification of Australian Local Authorities.
K.N. T oms , Urban Government Politics and Planning: A Study of the Administration of the Brisbane Town Plan
J ack B rand , Local Government Reform in England 1888–1974
B ruce M itchell , Teachers, Education and Politics: A History of Organisations of Public School Teachers in New South Wales
G rant H arman and R oger S cott (eds), Teaching Politics in Colleges of Advanced Education
Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration, (Compiler), Directory of Universities and Other Institutions of Higher Education in the Commonwealth of Nations Offering Qualifications and Courses in Educational Administration
J ohn D. M illett , Politics and Higher Education
R.G.S. B rown , The Management of Welfare: a Study of British Social Service Administration.
R oy B ailey and M ike B rake (eds), Radical Social Work
A lan M aynard , Health Care in the European Community
R aymond N ottage , Financing Public Sector Pensions
F.G. D avidson and B.R. S tewardson , Economics and Australian Industry
D.H. W hitehead , Stagflation and Wages Policy in Australia
L ord D iamond , Public Expenditure in Practice
J.W. L angford (ed.), Administration of Transport Policy: Emerging Problems and Patterns
D.H. B orchardt , (Compiler) with the assistance of J. M onie , Checklist of Royal Commissions, Select Committees of Parliament and Boards of Inquiry: Part IV, New South Wales, 1855–1960  相似文献   

J. H. Portus . Australian Compulsory Arbitration 1900–1970. (W. E. A. Monograph No. l), Hicks Smith, Sydney, 1971. Ruth J. Inall . State Health Services in Victoria. Occasional Monograph No. 4, Department of Government and Public Administration, University of Sydney, 1971.  相似文献   

《Political studies》1961,9(3):333-338

Book reviewed in this article: Edward Ames . Income and Wealth. Douglas Needham . Economic Analysis and Industrial Structure. Glen A. Murney . Theory of Financial Structure. Rudolph Gomez . The Peruvian Administrative System. R. N. Thakur . The All-India Services. Bharati Bhawan, Patna, 1969.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Geoffrey Sawer . Australian Government Today David Coombes . Politics and Bureaucracy in the European Community. Giovanni Napione . L'Ombudsman: Il controllore della pubblica amministrazione. Akio Watanabe . The Okinawa Problem: A Chapter in Japan—U.S. Relations. V. Subramaniam . The Managerial Class of India.  相似文献   

IAN FINLAY, The Civil Service. Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 1966 H. Roberts and P. Brissenden (eds.). The Challenge of Industrial Relations in the Pacific-Asian Countries.  相似文献   

《Political studies》1958,6(3):291-296

J. M. P ower , The National Sewerage Program in Victoria .
D. L. O verheu et al., Computer Technology and Employment , (No. 1, 1979)
M eryl S tanton (ed.).
J ohn D ixon (ed.).
J ohn G oldring (ed.).
J ohn D ixon and G arry F erris .
P atricia H yndman , Constitutional Law and Government .
B ob H inings , R oyston G reenwood , S tewart R anson and K ieron W alsh .
M ichael P oulsen and P eter S pearritt .
C. D. F oster , R. J ackman and M. P erlman .
P.M. J ackson (ed.).
R. L. M athews (ed.).
Newsletter of the Australian Institute of Public Administration (ACT Group).  相似文献   

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