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Since the reforms of 1979, the subjects of China's political science studies have seen remarkable development. The article attempts a qualitative analysis of the progress made in the main fields of China's political science studies during the last decade. It deals with theories of international relations, research into strategy and security, international political economics, theories of comparative politics, China's local governance etc. There is still a wide gap between the subjects of China's political science studies and those in the rest of the world. China's academic circles should do more to air domestic issues and questions in the international academic arena.  相似文献   

Two European Union (EU) directives on labour migration were adopted in 2009 and 2011. The EU scheme to attract highly qualified migrants, the so-called ‘Blue Card’ directive of 2009, allows member states broad flexibility in implementation. In contrast, the directive on a single permit for migrant workers and their rights of 2011 is far less flexible. It does significantly reduce the scope for derogations at a national level to a minimum. How can this variance in output be explained? Institutional rules are shown to be a key factor. The involvement of the European Parliament as co-legislator alongside the Council limited member states’ influence on legal outputs. The comparison of policy outputs between the two cases points to differences in actor orientations: rather than seeking to increase labour migration into the EU by defining expansive admission conditions, the common EU policy seeks to include migrant workers by defining their rights.  相似文献   

Governments have always been more reluctant to accept parliamentary oversight in foreign policy than in any other domestic policy field. This examination of the recent performance of the Italian Parliament in Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) scrutiny and control in the two case studies of the EU's arms embargo against China and negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program shows that institutional arrangements concerning parliamentary control in this field have significant shortcomings. Although limited, the reforms under discussion in the new intergovernmental conference could contribute to improving the performance of parliaments and to creating a common awareness of the problem of democratic deficit in CFSP among the parliamentarians of EU member states.  相似文献   

如何评估世界局势?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“9·11事件”是冷战结束后最具标志性的事件。值此“9·11”五周年之际,《现代国际关系》编辑部举办了“‘9·11’以来国际形势变化与中国外交”专题研讨会,邀请在京二十余位国际问题专家就五年来的国际形势变化、反恐形势、当前国际体系中的深层矛盾、大国关系的调整、国际格局的演变趋势、美国反恐的得与失、美国国际地位及实力的升与降、中国国际地位与国际战略等问题进行了深入分析和探讨。现将与会专家学者的主要观点辑录刊发,以期对读者把握国际战略形势及理解中国对外战略有所裨益。  相似文献   

已故法国战略家雷蒙·阿宏曾有一句名言 :我们已经给 2 0世纪忙得头昏脑胀 ,哪还有时间来考虑 2 1世纪。他说这句话的时候是上世纪 6 0年代 ,那时距离 2 1世纪还很遥远。但目前人类已经掀开新世纪的盖头 ,过去的遥远现在已变得很近 ,过去被认为不合时宜的事情 ,现在已变成热门话题。①“9·11事件”作为世纪开年的预警与报晓 ,只是揭开了世局的序幕而已。它对国际安全形势、国际关系造成了巨大冲击 ,同时也导致权力因素相对重要性的变化和支配世局演变的基本因素出现变化 ,未来的国际战略环境比之过去 ,将更复杂多变。总体形势 :稳而不定“9…  相似文献   

A Polycentric Post-Hegemonic World The world is becoming polycentric.The unipolar moment is fading,as the U.S.President himself has recognized.The relative decline of the U.S.and the EU is not the consequence of the current financial crisis but of the rise of China,India and Brazil and of a number of middle powers.As the EUISS ESPAS Report on Global Trends 2030 predicts,there will be a plurality of actors,and no single world power will play a hegemonic role.Polycentrism will be accompanied by an economic power shift toward Asia,where over half of the world's population will be concentrated by 2030.  相似文献   

With the end of the Cold War, the concept of the Third World has greatly changed, and the importance of the developing states in U. S. new global strategy, primacy with flexible reactions, has re-oriented. The U. S. policy toward these nations also has become more complicated than during the Cold War period.  相似文献   

一伊朗学是国际学术界的一门显学,根据第二届伊朗学全国代表大会(2004年12月20~23日在德黑兰由伊朗学基金会主办)上的学术会议分工,伊朗学应包括伊朗文学、伊朗经济、伊朗考古学、伊朗历史(含伊朗历史地理学和地方史)、伊朗科学和教育史、伊朗语言及语言学、伊朗民族文化及人类  相似文献   


The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal, is consequential for Middle East regional security. It has raised a number of concerns for Arab Gulf states in relation to an emboldened Iran after sanction relief and the perceived shift of the US away from supporting its traditional allies in the Gulf. The international recognition and incorporation of Iran into regional power constellations resulting from the deal will intensify Saudi-Iranian rivalry to assert dominance. This rivalry and competition will increase in the short run, however, regional crises are expected to highlight the need for dialogue and engagement on regional affairs.  相似文献   


The European Union (EU) has led international politics on antipersonnel landmines (APLs) for a decade now, and its foreign policy in this domain is perceived as a success story. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the negotiations that led to the Ottawa Convention, the EU looked unable to play any relevant part. This article addresses the emergence of the EU's foreign policy on APLs by arguing, in a second image-reversed way, that the corresponding international regime has deeply influenced the EU. It has changed Member States' and EU institutions' preferences, and it has empowered pro-Ottawa and pro-integration actors. This article explores the intra-EU conditions that have facilitated this influence and the way in which the regime itself has shaped them.  相似文献   

At the closing of the 20th century, Europe decided the time was ripe to take bold steps towards the creation of a truly integrated European judicial space. Of its overall goals for the new millennium, judicial integration ranked at the top as this reflected shifting global challenges in an increasingly diversified world. After more than a decade, the reality is still that of a policy area in which multiple practices of cooperation coexist. Indeed, political and cultural factors matter in explaining how judicial decisions and practices are harmonised and integrated by EU member states. The article focuses on a number of socialisation mechanisms adopted by the EU to build mutual trust among national authorities and also looks at the European Arrest Warrant as an important test bed of the strengths and weaknesses of European judicial cooperation.  相似文献   

Since 2004, the EU has created 11 EU centers and two center-modeled programs in East Asia as an integral part of its public diplomacy in order to “promote the study, understanding, and support of the EU and its policies.” All of these centers were jointly established by the EU and local universities, and more than 50 % of their funding is offered by the EU institutions. Among these centers and programs, the EU Center in Taiwan (EUTW) distinguishes itself from the others in two ways. On one hand, similar to the EU Center in Singapore, it acts as a national center rather than a university center. On the other hand, it was jointly inaugurated by a consortium of seven universities rather than one or two universities across the island. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the EU public diplomacy in Asia with the help of soft power theory and an in-depth case study of the EUTW. I will firstly review the development of the EU Studies and EU-related communities in Taiwan before the EUTW was formally inaugurated in May 2009. In the second part, I will present an in-depth analysis of the structure and functioning of the EUTW in terms of EU public diplomacy on the island. In the third part, the work of EUTW in the promotion of study, understanding, and even support of the EU and its policies will be evaluated with help of an institutionalist framework. In the end, I will give a balance sheet of the EUTW in terms of EU public diplomacy before drawing into some conclusions.  相似文献   

欧盟安全和防务的不同概念辨析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文的主旨是针对欧盟安全和防务研究领域中一些未加明确区别、交错使用的概念进行探讨。通过阐述几个互有关联、内涵不同、层次各异的基本概念及其发展演变过程 ,提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

汪波 《国际观察》2005,9(3):60-65
美伊战争后,土耳其和欧盟之间的关系有了显著发展,土耳其加入欧盟问题也确定了明确的谈判日程。土欧关系明显改善和美伊战争后的国际局势变化之间,显然存在着某种逻辑上的密切联系。美伊战争后国际环境的改变,使土耳其进一步丧失了原有的地缘战略优势。土美关系的疏离,也迫使土耳其不得不加快融入欧洲的进程。而欧盟则不满于美国在全球反恐战略中一国独大的领导地位和过分采用暴力手段的做法,提出了一种新的多元文化相互协调的安全观念设想。为此,欧盟也急于通过成功接纳和重新塑造土耳其,来证明它提出的建立自由主义多元文化安全观念的合理性。  相似文献   

Terrorists trained on European soil, but originating from the Middle East, attacked the world's only superpower on September 11, 2001. Countering this terrorist threat has become an increasingly significant part of European Foreign Policy. At the same time, the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has become an increasingly important dimension of European Foreign Policy. This article examines the extent to which counterterrorism has occupied a prominent place in the ENP, with a particular focus on the Southern Mediterranean ENP partners. The findings of this article suggest that, despite the commonly held view in the literature that security issues, in particular terrorism, have dominated the ENP agenda, counterterrorism cooperation between the European Union (EU) and its Southern Mediterranean ENP partners has not advanced as much as might have been expected.  相似文献   

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