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李银 《学理论》2009,(24):108-109
随着经济的发展,消费观念的转变,具有差异性、文化性、体验性等特征的主题酒店在中国应运而生,文章对主题酒店的主题定位以及主题酒店产品提升的策略等方面进行了相关探讨。  相似文献   

在辅导员队伍的职业化、专业化建设中,培养辅导员职业兴趣、提升辅导员职业能力、促进辅导员队伍专业化建设,是当前辅导员队伍发展的主要方向。开好主题班会,是辅导员职业能力水平的综合体现。主题班会促进辅导员职业能力提高的实现途径如下:将主题班会纳入辅导员的工作考核体系;以主题班会为形式开展辅导员职业能力训练;以主题班会为契机推动辅导员的科研能力的培养。  相似文献   

文章主要探讨小说《麦田里的守望者》的叙事特点、情节模式和意象特征与主题之间的关系.作者认为该书的主要魅力之一在于作家将小说的叙事、结构和意象等方面与小说的主题紧密结合,达到了完美的统一.  相似文献   

文章主要探讨小说《麦田里的守望者》的叙事特点、情节模式和意象特征与主题之间的关系。作者认为该书的主要魅力之一在于作家将小说的叙事、结构和意象等方面与小说的主题紧密结合 ,达到了完美的统一。  相似文献   

秦璐  邱尹 《学理论》2009,(28):191-193
随着网络的影响日益扩大,高校思想政治教育主题网站在网络思想政治教育中起到了重要作用,但是仍然存在网站资料不全、功能形同虚设、内容单一等不足,为此就需要从网络受众群体需要的角度来探索思想政治教育主题网站的建设。  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试的系统构建主要包括测试主题的确定、测试结构的构建、测试结论的综合推导等核心内容。这三个方面是犯罪心理测试的基本构架,确定测试主题、构建测试结构是综合测试结论的前提和基础,综合测试结论是确定测试主题、构建测试结构的目的和归宿。本文在汲取国外(如美国、日本)成熟犯罪心理测试理论和做法的基础上,对国内近20年犯罪心理测试的发展进行了概括,系统地阐述了犯罪心理测试的构建。  相似文献   

郭维峰  田云鹤 《学理论》2010,(19):18-19
每一个时代都有属于这个时代的主题和反映这个时代的基本特征。马克思主义在不同的国家、不同的时代主题、不同的时代特征下表现为不同的理论形态。毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛在中国革命和建设特别是改革开放的伟大实践中,准确把握了时代主题和正确认识了时代特征,不断开拓马克思主义中国化的新境界。马克思主义在中国的运用和发展必须以时代主题的转换为依据,并顺应时代的发展而与时俱进。  相似文献   

王秋石  张娟娟 《学理论》2011,(23):239-240
班会是运用班集体对学生进行教育和开展工作的有效形式,也是学生自我教育的有效方式。大学生世界观、人生观、价值观尚未完全成熟,进行主题班会教育有很大的必要。主题班会的实施要点有:选取恰当的时间;做好准备,利用好"桥梁";注意细枝末节;转换师生身份;互动拉近距离;主题新颖与时俱进。  相似文献   

中国现代化的主题和难题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
焦坤 《理论探讨》2003,(5):14-16
中国现代化的主题与难题是全面建设小康社会的实际问题。中国现代化的主题是以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,包括九大转变和四大文明建设;难题是指中国现代化的经济发展速度、失业与贫困分化、三农的历史转变能否解决,直接关系现代化的质量。实现主题与解决难题的新思路是,深化经济体制改革,走中国特色城镇化道路,建立新型工农联盟。  相似文献   

付强 《学理论》2012,(21):70-71
酒店基层员工是酒店的生命线,由于基层员工缺乏主人翁意识以及对酒店工作的认同感,加上酒店工作的辛苦与重复等因素,致使酒店员工陷入了"工作低潮"、"厌职情绪"等不良状态。在酒店基层员工工作现状和不满意原因分析的基础上,提出了提升酒店基层员工满意度的对策。  相似文献   

邓小平理论视阈的主题是探索建设中国特色的社会主义.在邓小平的语境中,其独具特色的创新观集中体现在对什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义这两大问题的一系列新识新论上.  相似文献   

讲座是应用广泛的一种宣传手段,影响讲座宣传效果的因素很多,了解并掌握其中的特点和规律,有利于扬长避短,最大限度地提高宣传效果,让宣传工作真正为弘扬时代主旋律而发挥作用.  相似文献   

Main Street is an indelible image in the American consciousness made hyperreal at Disneyland California in 1955. For subsequent parks in Tokyo and Paris, Disney recontextualized Main Street, but Hong Kong Disneyland’s version was formed as a copy of the California original. This copy demonstrates that transference of a structural form to a new cultural context is not a guarantee of the concomitant transmission of the originating culture’s sensory modality. The arising dissonant tension between the form (signifier) and substance (signified) of Hong Kong’s Main Street has led to its ongoing semiosis due to local cultural and corporate pressures. This paper presents a framework to analyze this dissonance and semiosis through comparison of external and internal photographs of the same eight landmarks at both parks. The problem of transferring meaning into a new cultural context for an international sign suggests Hong Kong’s Main Street could be the last that Disney constructs.  相似文献   

陈雪娇  席从文 《学理论》2010,(10):232-233
高职院校应重视学生的思想政治教育,积极探索以主题教育活动为主要载体的有效途径,创新主题教育活动管理方式,利用主题教育活动形式探索高职院校学生的思想政治教育模式的创新,从而丰富校园文化生活,展现院系风采,进一步扩大主题教育影响,有力地推动高职院校学生的思想政治教育工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

Tony Blair's speech challenged the media over its standards in his valedictory lecture. Many of his charges about the absence of balance, attacks on motive and a pack mentality stand up, even if some are exaggerated and also applied well before his arrival in 10 Downing Street. Mr Blair's solutions did ot match his critique. What is required is a more self‐questioning media, being held to account on the internet and on specialist blogging sites. Vigorous criticism, requiring justification, is a more credible rout than tighter regulation. Tony Blair's speech on the changing pressures on the media is both interesting and convincing in its diagnosis (although generally reported in ways that did not reveal this). It is less convincing in suggestions for change: the fact that on‐line media will fall under Of‐com, and so under its minimal ‘content regulation’ will have little impact. Effective change could begin with other types of (self or other regulation). Some steps towards change might include minimal requirements for journalists and editors to accept elementary forms of accountability, such as disclosing conflicts of interest and payments made for ‘stories’. The scale of media coverage may be crucial in determining the allocation of aid, yet the attention the media pays to particular causes is arbitrary. Many serious disasters are not reported and as a consequence do not receive adequate aid, so that the victims of the crisis will lose out. Chronic long term problems, like famine, are ignored in favour of ‘sudden emergencies’. Reporting seeks sensation and simple stories which influences the way that aid agencies respond to the media. The complex background to a faraway disaster is often overlooked and not properly reported. Tony Blair's speech describing some of the news media as ‘feral beasts’ contained one paragraph which contained an insight into his views on new media. It was known that the outgoing Prime Minister was uncomfortable with some aspects of new technology but his remarks reveal a wider disappointment with how new media has failed to deliver changes which he had hoped for in political communications.This paper records Mr Blair's problems with new media and argues that by focusing on how the new technologies might provide a better way for politicians to by‐pass the traditional media he has missed the point of their wider benefits.  相似文献   

The 1991 Census form for households in Great Britain included, for the first time, a question about ethnic group. The question had nine boxes, eight for named ethnic groups and one for 'any other'. One box had to be ticked for each member of the household. Brian Klug discusses his own reaction to the (so-called) ethnic question, and explains why, as a Jew of European extraction, he did not tick the box marked White. He examines several issues raised by the ethnic question, including the following: why this question is different from other questions on the form; the definition and use of the words 'racial' and 'ethnic'; the vocabulary of colour ('black', 'white' etc.) in the language of race; the idea that 'white' is an ethnic category; the claim that the ethnic question is an instrument for combatting racism; one proposal for improving the question by removing the 'racial' components in the categories.  相似文献   

In 1933 the army of the nascent Iraqi state launched an exterminatory attack on members of the Assyrian community who had fled to Iraq during the First World War. 'The Assyrian affair' which at the time sent shock-waves around the world has now been largely forgotten. But an examination of its origins and causation reveals much about the nature and pattern of modern genocide. Levene argues that typecasting genocide as the outcome of prejudice, racism or even xenophobia, while these may be significant ingredients, proves to be insufficient as a comprehensive explanation. Rather, these factors need to be analysed within the context of an emerging international system of nation-states. This itself may be a factor in helping to catalyse the most extreme and radically ideological responses, especially from new and untried national elites seeking to overcome perceived obstacles to their state's development and genuine independence.  相似文献   

道德规范表现形式的历史演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王茝 《学理论》2010,(4):33-34
道德规范的产生和形成,有着深刻的社会经济根源,是由一定的社会物质生活条件和社会关系决定的。道德规范随着社会的发展而不断发展,具有历史性和继承性。在人类漫长的道德生活中,道德规范曾有过形态各异的表现形式,大体可以概括为图腾、禁忌、礼仪、风俗、箴言、准则、义务、责任等几种主要的表现形武。道德规范表现形式的历史演进,是一个由蒙昧到理性、由自发到自觉、由低级到高级的发展过程。  相似文献   

George Canguilhem's 1947 lecture,‘Machine and organism’,is a rich source of ideas for thinking about the relationships between living organisms and machines. He takes all tools and machines to be extensions of the bodymand part of life itself (which does not make machines any more good or bad than every living organism is good or bad). These insights are updated with a discussion of cyborgs. An account is given of the original idea of the cyborg (Clynes and Kline 1960), and of its transformations in science fiction and at the hands of Donna Haraway and Andrew Pickering. Canguilhem is profoundly anti-Cartesian, but on account oshis vision of life which breaks down the old barriers between natural and artificial, mind and body, manufactured and created.  相似文献   

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