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正The Chinese men’s chess team appears poised to scale new heights following olympiad victory Compared to most of his peers,20-year-old yu yangyi leads a distinctly different life.Seven to eight hours of his day,every day,are spent playing,practicing and thinking chess.His efforts have finally paid off.This year,his team won first place at the  相似文献   

EACH of China’s ethnic minorities has a discrete building style that immortalizes its culture and anchors its esthetics. That of the Dong  相似文献   

PAN Aihua iswell knownand highlyrespectedwithin China's bioengineering industry,With doctorates in biochemistry and politicaleconomy, Pan runs several companies, includ-ing the ShenzhenKexing Bio-engineer-ing Co., Ltd., theWeiming Bio-engineering Groupof Peking University, and the U.S.Sinogen Co., Ltd. He also acts asconsultant at the Set & TechConsultation Commission ofShenzhen Municipality, as well assenior consultant at the HongKong Bio-Science Association. In1997 the U.S. Cel…  相似文献   

从事件到历史的生成过程中有一个“文本化”的过程,那是一个流动的、但又转而即逝的意义的固定程序。以观光开发为动因,将17世纪的赫图阿拉城“恢复重现”于当今,正是这样一个“文本化”的过程。观光开发使历史意识和文化在短时期内重构。这种历史意识与文化脱离了观光地这样一个个别场所而实现了它的普遍化。对民族旅游开发来说,重新构建并形成的历史中还包含着政治、权力以及历史形成主体等问题。  相似文献   

何春宏 《桂海论丛》2003,19(5):32-34
要从长期稳定家庭承包经营制度 ,建立依法、自愿、有偿的土地使用权流转机制及创新农村土地使用权流转方式等三个方面来阐述如何切实维护好农民利益。  相似文献   

Alarge quantity of well preserved fossils of pre-historic marine life have been found .in the strata of the mountainous region in Guanling National Geopark in Guizhou Province. "It looks like their cemetery," commented Zhang Dapeng, curator of the geopark museum, pointing to the staggered array of quiet mountains in the distance that houses their graves. But that's a gloomy view of a geopark that in fact sparks a lot of delight, pride, and some controversy as well.  相似文献   

本文简要阐述了三个方面的问题 :一、西部大开发对贫困县经济发展提出的具体机遇与挑战 ;二、面对机遇与挑战 ,贫困县经济发展思路创新应确立的具体思维方式、思想观念、决策分析方法、开发战略、产业组合方式和激励机制 ;三、遵循思路创新 ,贫困县经济发展战略调整应确立的具体发展战略 ,推展策略和方法措施。  相似文献   

范美华 《桂海论丛》2003,19(5):29-31
高度重视并切实做好抓基层、打基础的工作 ,是我们党在革命建设和改革中加强与改进自身建设的一条成功经验。社区党组织是社区各种组织和各项工作中始终居于支配地位的、具有突出作用的一支中坚力量 ,它的状况如何 ,将直接影响整个社区建设。长期以来 ,党的社区基层组织建设不同程度存在拘泥于传统意义上的街道党建思路、方法 ,忽视随着经济社会的发展对党的基层组织建设提出的新要求和出现的新问题 ,必须在党的十六大精神指导下 ,认识规律 ,解决存在问题 ,探索新的党的社区基层组织建设新路子。  相似文献   

腐败问题是世界性问题 ,任何阶级社会内部都不同程度地存在腐败现象。当前我国处在社会转型期 ,腐败现象具有高发性和多发性特点 ,必须认真研究。本文论述了腐败产生的社会原因 ,提出了治理和减少腐败的各种法律、制度措施。  相似文献   

在管理过程中,高层管理者们对重大决策问题的处理常常不喜欢基于理性分析,而是主要依赖于对需要决策的情境的直觉性判断。即"隐性知识"和直觉在战略决策制定中的价值极其重要。本文从哲学的角度分析了"隐性知识"与"明确知识"的区别及其相互转化,特别强调了"隐性知识"管理中的作用。  相似文献   

报告文学带有新闻与文学的双重特质,它是把新闻性与文学性合而为一的新闻文学与艺术报告。报告文学最初脱胎于新闻报道,比较注重新闻报告性。伴随着时代的发展,其文学性进一步加强。  相似文献   

西北民族地区法制现代化的障碍性因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西北民族地区要在西部大开发中实现经济和社会的协调发展 ,必须实现法制现代化 ,但其法制现代化的历史进程面临政治、经济、文化、地理环境四大障碍性因素。西部大开发战略的实施 ,将有力地推动西北民族地区的法制现代化。  相似文献   

正Slow trains connecting towns in China's remote areas are more than a means of transportation Convenient, cheap, many stops—slow trains, with these merits, still chug their way across China in the era of the highspeed railway. The train is like a small society. Many locals take it to attend regular fairs in nearby towns.  相似文献   

正A new type of computing service has taken off in China,showing enormous growth potential In China cloud computing technology is becoming a larger and larger part of people’s lives, often without the knowledge of their users.Cloud computing enables people to access systems using a Web browser regardless of their location or the devices they use. Meanwhile,  相似文献   

略论清代前期西北边疆的"因俗而治"政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清代前期在西北边疆地区所实行的"因俗而治"政策,实际上是根据少数民族的历史传统、社会情况、风俗习惯等所制定的、目的在于加强对西北边疆民族地区的有效管理,实现西北边疆地区社会稳定的治边政策.  相似文献   

正Liu Lili,7,and Liu Tingting,5,who hail from Qixingguan District in Bijie,Guizhou Province,have rarely seen smiles on the faces of their family members,many of whom have either physical or mental disabilities.This family environment had slowed down many aspects of the sisters' development,including their language skills.  相似文献   

To achieve "the future we want," developed and developing nations must embrace common but differentiated responsibilities Twenty years ago, history was made in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the June 1992 Earth Summit, a landmarkglobal meeting that adopted Agenda 21,  相似文献   

正China brings its yuan one step closer to be a global currency by allowing direct trade with the Japanese yen Shanghai Hyron Software Co., having business relations with the Japanese market, started receiving favor from investors recently thanks to the June 1 official start of direct yen-yuan trading in the  相似文献   

王兴伟 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):502-504
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a difficult novella.The last cry of Kurtz,"The horror! The horror!",is ambiguous,complex,and metaphorical in meaning.This paper tries to make a thorough analysis of all the possible meanings of the words,hoping to reveal its relation with the themes and facilitate a better understanding of the story.  相似文献   

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