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The modern political philosophy hasn’t recognized the limit of politics; it always easily falls into the trap of political romanticism and political nihilism. In contrast, Strauss adhering to the wisdom of classical political philosophy, tells us that the political life has some limits which human reason can’t exceed: the highest upper limit of political life is the rule of philosophy’s king, which is desirable, but not impossible; the lowest limit of political life is natural right principle, which is indispensable root of any political society. On the basis of this vision, the key of actual political practice is the balance of wisdom and agreement, and this is the fundamental spirit of classical political conservatism.  相似文献   

At present, Zhejiang merchants' political participation and enthusiasm have aroused wide attention both at home and abroad. Based on the data of the empirical survey in Zhejiang Province, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of various political participation motivation among different groups of Zhejiang merchants, and the method of statistical analysis is used to explore the external incentive factors affecting their political participation motivation. It is found that the political participation motivation of Zhejiang merchants is initially for their own enterprises' development, but later their political purpose, public welfare and social responsibility become strong and clear. Among the external incentive factors of the political participation motivation of Zhejiang merchants, the institutional encouragement affects most, followed by social encouragement and benefit encouragement. According to the characteristics of Zhejiang merchants' political participation, the following two suggestions for their orderly political participation are put forward: they should be guided to correctly treat the impacts of their gaining benefits on their political behavior and enterprise operation; the political participation mechanism of Zhejiang merchants should be improved, and the participation channel should be open with the institutional guarantee of the political participation.  相似文献   

Syozou Fujii and Tomio Yosida have made great contributions to the translation and introduction of Mo Yan's works in Japan.However, there are many differences in translation strategies, language styles and other details between the two versions.As far as "annotation" is concerned, Fujii has paid more attention to the explanation of Chinese historical and cultural phenomena, while Yosida has focused on the vocabulary itself. This difference in annotation strategies has also produced different reactions among Japanese readers, affecting the dissemination and acceptance of their respective translations.Therefore, from the perspective of communication, the translation of Chinese works should follow the principle of "reader first", balance the proportion of alienation and domestication, strengthen the communication and cooperation between Chinese and foreign translators, and adopt the expression close to the readers of the target country, so as to better promote the "going out" of Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Based on the case study of Yiwu as one of the 33 pilot projects cities of “Three Pieces of Land” in China, this article summarizes the risks and precautions of the reform of homestead system from the perspective of “the Three Rights Division of Homestead”. It also explores into the origin of “the Three Rights Division of Homestead” with the reform documents analysis and the discussion of the existing problems of the homestead system. Then we conduct a case study of the homestead reform in Yiwu, and finally put forward the precautions against the risks of the “Three Rights Division of Homestead”. The research methods used in this study are text analysis and case study. The following precautions are provided in the end of the article: 1) set up the implementation organization of homestead ownership; 2) standardize the conditions for obtaining qualifications for homesteads, and establish the paying system for the use of homesteads and achieve the right of qualification fairness through prices; 3) realize the right of qualification and the right of use, and clarify the power of the rights.  相似文献   

In the era to comprehensively advance the rule of law, the good law theory in Mao Zedong’s article How Shangyang Established Credit has important theoretical and practical significance. It is argued in Mao’s article that the law is a tool to seek happiness for the people. Good law is to punish the wicked and protect the people, reinforce the prosperity of the country, establish prestige and save resources. The standard of legislation is in that the public accept and abide by the law. However, a good law is not to be immediately accepted by people and the state power is usually necessary to work as the medium and function with critical force in which the breakthrough point is found and the critical point is set so that the people are enlightened to promote the establishing and realization of the good law.  相似文献   

As the major business group of China, Zhejiang Enterprises have undergone a marked promotion from tangible products advantages to intangible brand value. The brand resources have become the significant cultural asset for transformation and upgrading. Based on combing the symbolic advantages of Zhejiang Enterprises, this paper studies the symbolic connotation of Zhejiang Enterprises brand in different stages after the reform and opening from the brand semiotic theoretical view. The paper establishes four brand models: A, GB, DB and IB, which will be the important theoretical references for Zhejiang Enterprises in the development of cultural industry, improving the brand symbolic vitality and participating in the competition of the world brands.  相似文献   

To Simmel, art distance can be regarded as the art reaction or psychological strategy when artists face the reality, and also can be regarded as the inherent characteristics of the modernist art. The discussion about art distance of Simmel focuses on two aspects: the outer distance and the inner distance of art. The former emphasizes the relationship of art and reality, while the latter focuses on the distance experience derived from internal factors of art.  相似文献   

As one of approaches to invest, the legal and effective trademark use contributes and collects goodwill of trademark, which has a positive correlation between the zone of goodwill and trademark investment. The institution of prior use depends on substantial influence and is a system which has an inner logical structure comprised by positive right and negative right. Besides, the right of prior use is confined by substantial influence and relevant persons. Prior to trademark registration, the determination of right of trademark use should be made according to the facts, such as the status of the parties concerned, the length of time of trademark use and substantial influence etc., rather than solely to the time of trademark use and registration when disputing parties used trademarks. Even though ambit of effect is restricted within the original area, the prior user can still expand its making place and change the form of business.  相似文献   

Informal financing risk not only affects the development of the real economy, but also endangers the stability of the society. It is urgent to study the causes and risk management mode of informal financing. In Williamson's discriminating alignment hypothesis, this paper constructed an informal financing discriminating alignment model to assess Chinese informal financing governance reason and mode. We perform a Wenzhou case study and conclude that the governance model and transaction characteristics do not match, which is the governance reason for financing risk. Establish the third-party governance is the best solvency for this problem. Conclusion of this article provided a policy reference for controlling the risk of informal financing so as to provide financial support for entity and achieve steady economic development.  相似文献   

Based on the Market Process and the Individualism Methodology of the Austrian School of Economics,the article tries to introduce the concept of Market Public Interest and compares it with the Invisible Hand principle of Adam·Smith. The article points out that the concept of Externality should be re-understood against the background of Market Public Interest.In fact,the market is an ocean of externalities.In the free market,consumers and entrepreneurs will reflect to the externalities, so the market public interest increased during this process.Therefore,the Externality itself is not a problem and doesn’t mean Market Failure, and actually, the blocking of people’s reflection to the externalities by themselves is the real problem.The Property Right is a concept of status, and adjusting continuously with the individual action.Compared with the concept of Market Public Interest,the article argues that Ronald Coase’s concept of Aggregate Social Product is a static concept and lacks practical methodology foundation.  相似文献   

Yeats’On Baile’s Strand is an important work in the Irish Literary Revival. On Baile’s Strand is a thought-provoking ethical tragedy, and also a play that reflects the ideology of cultural nationalism of Yeats. In this play there is staged development from natural emotion, free emotion to ethical emotion and moral emotion. Cuchulain is motivated by his natural emotion and free emotion in most cases. He fails to take the ethical responsibility as a husband, father and little king, which aroused the jealousy, revenge and incrimination from Aoife and Conchubar. After killing his own son who he has never seen, Cuchulain regains his ration. His ethical emotion and moral emotion makes it impossible for him to withstand his guilt, even though he fights bravely in hundreds of wars and has killed numerous people. Finally, he goes to madness, and throws himself into the sea to fight against the waves. With Cuchulain’s tragedy of filicide and madness in On Baile’s Strand, Yeats warns Irish people of improving their morality and education, so as to promote the Irish national independence and national liberation.  相似文献   

There has been a debate about whether the Punishing Payment to Damage should be put into the Civil Law Code of China in the future, for the characteristic of the Punishing Payment to Damage conflicts to the Compensation Principles. From the angle of origin of the Compensation Principles, this paper demonstrate that it should be restricted in the field of private law. Thus we should break the monopoly of public law to punishment, and reserve the space to it in the field of private law. By increasing the amount of the Punishing Payment to Damage, the civil responsibility should be full of diversity and manifold, and the happen of damage could be decreased. Putting the Punishing Payment to Damage into the Civil Law Code of China in the future is not only legitimate but also significant.  相似文献   

Abstract. Surprisingly, little has been written in Canada about the Prime Minis-tership. Even less has been written about the Prime Minister's Office. This is not so surprising. A large and active Prime Minister's Office is a recent phenomenon having no precedent in British or Canadian political practice. Constitutionally, it might be argued that a Prime Minister's Office should not exist at all. The fact is, however, that it does exist in Canada, and that in recent years it has grown substantially in size and influence. This paper is in two parts. The first part outlines some of the key changes that have taken place in the Office since the election of Prime Minister Trudeau in 1968. The second part outlines some of the problems associated with this growth and suggests some ways in which the Office might be strengthened while ensuring that it respects the fundamental principles of parliamentary government. This paper concludes that the Prime Minister's Office, as it has developed in Canada during the past five years, performs a largely constructive role and that with certain adaptations and safeguards it will cmtinue to provide highly useful assistance to the Prime Minister in the execution of his increasingly varied and complex range of responsibilities. Sommaire. Il est surprenant de constater qu'il a été peu écrit au Canada sur le poste de Premier Ministre et encore moins sur le bureau du Premier Ministre. Ceci est moins étonnant. L'existence d'un bureau important et actif est un phénomène récent qui n'a pas de précédent dans la pratique politique britannique ou canadienne. Du point de vue constitutionnel, on pourrait soutenir que le bureau du Premier Ministre n'existe pas. Il n'en reste pas moins que son existence est un fait au Canada et qu'au cours des dernières années, ses proportions et son influence n'ont fait qu'augmenter. Cette communication est en deux parties. Dans la première, l'auteur expose les changements fondamentaux survenus dans le bureau depuis l'élection du Premier Ministre Trudeau en 1968. Dans la deuxième, il expose certains des problèmes qu'a suscité cette croissance et propose différents moyens de renforcer le bureau tout en s'assurant qu'il respecte les principes fondamentaux de gouvernement parlementaire. L'auteur conclut en déclarant que le bureau du Premier Ministre, tel qu'il s'est développé au Canada au cours des cinq dernières années joue un rôle surtout constructif et qu'avec certains ajustements et sauvegardes, il pourra continuer à fournir une aide extrêmement appréciable au Premier Ministre, dans l'exercice des fonctions de plus variées et complexes qui sont les siennes.  相似文献   

Embellish and vilify is a normal standard in the seventeen year's literature critic. Embellish often means mistakenly embellishing the figures of the bourgeoisie, petty bourgeois, the feudalism and the Kuomintang reactionaries and US imperialism in literary works. On the other hand, vilify indicates vilifying the figures of peasant mass, soldiers of PLA, the CPC members and the new society etc. Firstly, the distorted embellished and vilified criticism exerts important effect on literature itself and the certain scope of writing is disciplined; therefore literary narration becomes a type of “passive narration”. Although the embellished and vilified criticism is against the historical and art reality, from the logic of politics, its application has certain sense of inevitability and rationality. Secondly, there exists logic in aspect of national cultural psychology. Finally, there is logic of emotion. The criticism pattern of embellishing and vilifying still has real warning function in the existing literature criticism practices.  相似文献   

The “General Principles of Civil Law” of our country (article 110 and article 111) protects the privacy and information separately, the problem in theory and practice is that, in this two yuan protection mode, privacy and information can be clearly distinguished from or not? From the perspective of foreign legislation, majority legislation take the “one system” protection, which does not distinguish between information and privacy, which the reason is the privacy and the personal information are difficult to distinguish. I agree that the “General Principles of Civil Law” of China's “dual system” protection for privacy and information, and consider that the privacy and information can be distinguished, and we should apply the “Rule of Thirds” to distinguish between privacy and information, which is divided into purely personal privacy, privacy information, purely personal information.On the basis of the claim basis for the protection of privacy and information, the claim basis whose privacyand information is infringed exists in the eighth chapter of the “General Principles of Civil Law”, and several special laws such as “Tort Liability Law” and “Network Security Act”. Although the “General Principles of Civil Law”‘s Article 109-111 stipulated the provisions for the protection of right of privacy and information, but there is no effect of independent norms, because in these three articles, there is no protective measures to solve the problem that what is the civil juristic consequences when the privacy and information are violated.  相似文献   

This paper uses a simplified theoretical model to analyze how the credit rationing affects the firms' R&D investment, and empirically tests the spatial heterogeneity in which the credit rationing affects R&D investment based on the large sample data of industrial firms in China. The empirical research shows that, the firms that suffer the more serious the degree of credit rationing, spend less R&D investment in terms of the overall situation. Other conditions remaining unchanged, the effect of credit rationing to R&D investment has obvious spatial heterogeneity in the area, and the inhibitory effect of credit rationing is not established in all regions, which depends on the regional financial development and the regional institutional quality. All kinds of robustness tests show that this hypothesis has better robustness.  相似文献   

The rapid increase of migrant population provides sufficient labor resources to the economic and social development. At the same time, it brings the social management with a new topic. Zhejiang Yuyao city conducted an analysis on the path of service management of the floating population from the perspective of social integration, and formed some basic experience. These experiences can be summarized as: the construction of system security system, improve public services, strengthen the positive publicity, and establish the multiple social organizations. The experience of Yuyao and some institutional innovation not only has the enlightenment significance to the service management of the floating population, also produces beneficial enlightenment on the building of a harmonious society: take the specific work, adhere to the principle of justice concept, promote the construction management system, and strengthen the multiple governance subjects cooperation. It is the way to construct active governments.  相似文献   

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