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Most studies suggest that China's economy is gradually moving into the "middle income trap" due to the economic slowdown, the demographic dividend subsiding, economic imbalances and weak manufacturing. But to think about the source of the middle-income trap proposition, there is a big limitation of the scope of its application. There is obvious expansion even "dogmatic" tendency in the understanding of the middle-income trap. Mechanical imitation to guide China's development will inevitably mislead decision-makers in judging the real macroeconomic situation. Middle-income trap hypothesis can be applied to our country? Our government seems to prevent the distribution of income trap and welfare catching-up trap.  相似文献   

The theoretical core of all religions, including Eastern Orthodox, is human being. No matter what changes occurred in history, paradigm, method and vocabulary on Dostoyevsky’s research in the last one hundred years, the Russian Eastern orthodox influenced and disseminated Dostoyevsky through religious doctrine and religious atmosphere, his thinking on human being was completed in the context of Eastern orthodox culture. What Dostoyevsky concerned about was sin and salvation in his whole life. God/man should keep a harmonious binary relationship. Human being has free will, but evil and sin are caused by irrational use of free will. In order to obtain the re-harmonious binary relationship, human being must envisage sin and suffering, and give themselves inner self punishment. The Man of god, Jesus Christ, is the perfect one who could save human beings. Dostoevsky responded original sin and redemption in the orthodox view.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the Brundtland Report in 1987, governments at all levels have been struggling with the concept of sustainable development and its translation into public policy. In some federal countries, subnational governments have presented themselves as pioneers in sustainable development governance. This article critically analyses and compares the sustainable development policies in Quebec and Flanders – self‐declared leaders in the field – and seeks to identify lessons for the broader area of sustainable development governance. The analysis reveals some similarities in the policies and several problems. While certain investments are made at the administrative level, the policies are characterized by symbolic politics, devoid of political significance and not moving beyond cosmetic, rhetorical engagement. A renewed political commitment for sustainable development, as set out by the recent Rio+20 Summit, is urgently needed.  相似文献   

The “General Principles of Civil Law” of our country (article 110 and article 111) protects the privacy and information separately, the problem in theory and practice is that, in this two yuan protection mode, privacy and information can be clearly distinguished from or not? From the perspective of foreign legislation, majority legislation take the “one system” protection, which does not distinguish between information and privacy, which the reason is the privacy and the personal information are difficult to distinguish. I agree that the “General Principles of Civil Law” of China's “dual system” protection for privacy and information, and consider that the privacy and information can be distinguished, and we should apply the “Rule of Thirds” to distinguish between privacy and information, which is divided into purely personal privacy, privacy information, purely personal information.On the basis of the claim basis for the protection of privacy and information, the claim basis whose privacyand information is infringed exists in the eighth chapter of the “General Principles of Civil Law”, and several special laws such as “Tort Liability Law” and “Network Security Act”. Although the “General Principles of Civil Law”‘s Article 109-111 stipulated the provisions for the protection of right of privacy and information, but there is no effect of independent norms, because in these three articles, there is no protective measures to solve the problem that what is the civil juristic consequences when the privacy and information are violated.  相似文献   

"洛阳的5岁男孩鹏鹏,每天早上6点半钟起床,到幼儿园后学习算术、阅读、写字、英语等科目,下午4点半,幼儿园放学后继续参加一个小时的珠心算班。晚上6点,爷爷奶奶会把他送到国学班,学习国画、书法和"子曰"。到了周末,小鹏鹏也不能睡懒觉,一早要去上小提琴课。"这是新浪教育频道中的一段文字。我读过之后,竟有一种不寒而栗的感觉。这是一个五岁孩子弱小身躯和稚嫩心  相似文献   

正第一个问题讲农民工市民化的主体人群。2010年中央1号文件首次运用了新生代农民工的概念,指出采取针对性的措施,看力解决新生代农民工问题。自此,新生代农民工在成为学界热门研究话题的基础上又成为包括城市和农村在内的各级政府部门的政策热点问题。我这里所称的新生代农民工专指:1980年以后出生、现年35周岁以下,在城市地区主要从事第二、第三产业劳动,其户籍身  相似文献   

新型城镇化是中国在战略转型期做出的战略抉择。如何在改革开放以来城镇化的既有成就基础上,克服各种障碍,解决新老问题,从而提升城镇化的水平,并使新型城镇化产生最大的政治经济和社会文化效益,乃是城镇化的决策者、研究者都应思考的重要问题。中国公共经济研究会、国家行政学院学报和上海行政学院学报主办的中国城镇化的走向、问题和选择学术研讨会,就对相关问题进行了深入研讨。与会专家学者认为,中国城镇化应警惕短周期发展风险,并在符合现代化规律的前提下,提升人文追求的水平和能力;新型城镇化应与产业发展相契合,而产业发展则应以自主创新为核心途径,并加强要素市场化改革;新型城镇化是以人为核心的城镇化,在这一过程中,应以新生代农民工为主体,推动农民工的市民化;新型城镇化必然需要财政支持,这就要求建设公共财政配合高质量的城镇化的运行机制。  相似文献   

强镇扩权不仅是农村社会经济发展对改革乡镇政府体制的迫切要求,也是适应和促进城乡一体化的切入点,对新型城镇化、基本公共服务均等化和农村经济社会等方面问题的解决具有重要作用。强镇扩权的核心内容是对吸纳人口多、经济实力强的镇,赋予同人口和经济规模相适应的管理权,进而推动镇行政体制的改革创新。强镇扩权也有边界,需要科学的制度设计,处理好各方面的关系。  相似文献   

把国有银行对国有企业的不良债权转为股权,是当前帮助国有企业和银行摆脱困境的一项重要举措。据说,今后三年内,“债转股”的规模将高达1-1万亿元。“债转股”对当事的各方都有不少看得见的好处,有些甚至能够立竿见影。第一,国有企业将卸下沉重的债务包袱,大大减轻利息负担,降低资产负债率,增加资本金的比重,使企业得以扭亏为盈。最近全国第一家“债转股”的北京水泥厂,9亿多元贷款的大部分被“抹去”后,据称当年即可扭亏为盈。另外,“债转股”之后,不少原先的独资企业变为两个以至几个股东所有,如果相应的改革能够尽快跟…  相似文献   

随着改革实践的深入,我们对非公有制经济的认识由“对立论”到“补充论”,再到“共同发展论”,层层递进,终于登堂入室而为社会主义市场经济的重要一分子。这一定位是中国共产党人在重新认真研析马克思主义精髓,深刻总结国际共产主义运动包括我国成功的经验和失  相似文献   

正在两学一做学习教育中,井研县真学实做,主动加压,成立五大指挥部,推动重点突破。翻开井研的规划图,一幕幕美景呈现:交通方面,打造乐山东部连接天府新区的重要枢纽和经济走廊,融入乐山半小时经济圈、天府新区1小时时空圈;城市方面,一水穿城两面山、半城山水半城绿,打造宜居宜业的公园型生态城市;农业方面,建设全省现代农业示范县,加快脱贫奔康步伐;文旅方面,巩固中国民间文化艺术之乡成果,以现代服务业带动经济转型……如何将规划落地,成就愿景,赢取先机,比的是决心和行动。为此,井研县围绕区域经济发展突破的重大课题,因  相似文献   

“以时为宝”:中国哲学中的“时”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国哲学对“时”有着大量的、精辟的论述,如“以时为宝”、“动静有时”、“与时偕进”、“穷达以时”、“机不可失,时不再来”。“时”是中国哲学的一个重要范畴,但长期以来却被西方哲学的时间概念遮蔽了。发掘中国哲学中“时”的意义,不仅对丰富马克思主义哲学时间论有所裨益,而且对指导当代的实践以及引导人生也颇有启迪。  相似文献   

This study examines the agencies responsible for investigating when a member of the public is seriously injured, is killed or experiences other serious and potentially criminal actions at the hands of police officers in Canada. The article takes a comprehensive approach by examining all police oversight agencies that are responsible for responding to and investigating allegations of police criminality—eight organizations, across nine jurisdictions. The study integrates insights from public administration and police accountability literature and examines the structures and administration of the agencies. The study provides a critical assessment of the state of police oversight for serious incidents in Canada, it identifies agency outputs (including case substantiation), levels of independence, efforts at transparency, and considers the challenges in attempting to hold police accountable in Canada.  相似文献   

First Nations are important regional development actors, and yet their development ambitions and goals have often been ignored or poorly understood by settler governments. Since 2004, the Canadian federal government has supported First Nations governments and Tribal Councils to develop Comprehensive Community Plans (CCPs)—community planning documents that are meant to set priorities and guide development in the medium to long term. This study employs a quantitative content analysis of all publicly available CCPs and related strategic planning documents in British Columbia in order to understand development priorities and in doing so, reveals a mismatch between the interests of First Nations and settler governments.  相似文献   

在过去十年里,城镇化是中国一项影响深远的公共政策,不仅塑造了新型的城乡关系,也极大地塑造了基层政府行为。乡镇政府在执行城镇化政策的时候,会呈现极端行为,即汲取的和包容的。县乡财政关系以及县级政府对土地财政依赖度是造成两种极端行为模式的关键原因。两种不同的城镇化模式在农民中间带来了相似的后果,农民对集中居住表现出不同程度的不满。因此,在推行农民集中居住的政策过程中,抑制基层政府非理性行为的有效措施是调整政绩激励机制的指标与结构,同时,用制度化的方式确保农民参与此项政策的基本权利,建立农民与政府之间的合作关系。  相似文献   

<正>全省党建人才培训班2014年12月8日在湖北红安干部学院开班,省委常委、省委组织部部长贺家铁主持报告会并讲话。贺家铁指出,习近平总书记党建思想是坚持从严管党治党的行动指南,是做好新形势下党建工作的根本遵循,是一个理论宝库。磨刀不误砍柴工,党建工作者要原原本本学、系统深入学、联系实际学,用科学理论武装头脑,指导实践,推动工作。推进党的建设新的伟大工程,需要一支党性强、素质高、业务精、作风好的施工队。广大党建工作者要勤于学习、勤于思考、勤于实践,  相似文献   

长期以来,威斯特伐利亚体系所确立的主权原则为国家行为与国际关系提供了基本规范。随着现代性思潮的扩张,其所塑造的全球生活模式在一定程度上弱化了主权国家在经济、政治和文化上的绝对统治力。从国际政治实践来看,主权国家在国内与国际政治生活中仍起着关键性作用,全球化所弱化的主要是国家主权的身份属性,但若能积极探求国家主权的权能在全球治理中的作用空间,将有利于突破既有国家主权理论的边界与变革传统国际法的价值观念。  相似文献   

人民公安为人民是公安机关的庄严承诺,保障人民安居乐业是公安机关的社会责任,人民群众满意是公安工作的出发点和落脚点。抚州市公安局推出六小警务,即排除小隐患,促进大稳定;调处小纠纷,构建大和谐;查处小案件,累积大平安;平息小信访,营造大氛围;解决小困难,赢得大民心;处理小事件,推进大服务。六小警务的实施使抚州市的公安工作创造出新的局面,社会大局平和稳定,治安秩序强势向好,公众安全感和群众满意度持续上升,公安工作亮点纷呈,队伍形象焕然一新。实践证明,六小警务是坚持群众路线,转变警务工作方式,推动公安工作和队伍建设科学发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

<正>人物档案:1946年6月,中原突围后,奉党组织指示,江汉军区城工部特派员蔡国栋从战场上转移到武汉,投入第二战线从事地下斗争。到汉后,他利用社会关系将妻子和孩子安顿下来,自己则义无反顾地投入到隐蔽战场的斗争中;解放后,在武汉工作,1987年离休。  相似文献   

尽管医改的目标和方向都值得肯定,而其实现逻辑也貌似合理,然而从实践情况来看,十二五医改目标不仅没有实现,而且在某些方面甚至存在倒退。其根本原因在于改革之初在缓解看病贵和看病难的两项改革思路上,均开错了基本处方。即基层医疗机构改革和基本药物制度是目前改革陷入困境的基础性原因。  相似文献   

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